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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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How did you find yours? Did he find you? Are you one? How has he/she helped you on the spiritual quest?

I'm currently in need of one. Should I seek them out or will they appear to me? General spiritual guide / mentor thread.


What are your ultimate goals.


Maybe /fringe/ is your guide. I have what I consider a guide/mentor, and aside from giving me a starting place in the occult, removing an entity from me and being someone to talk to about this kind of thing, I'd say I've learned more from reading these books than I have from things we've talked about/done so far.



A guide/mentor should be an adept. Since there are probably no more than a few tens of thousands in the world though Almost all adepts have recycled essences aka "souls" by some people so their number is relatively the same even as it lessens by proportion you are somewhat unlikely to meet an adept. I guess you could create a group study for neophytes like many have done for thousands of years but then that's basically what /fringe/ is


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Urantia papers is my spiritual guide..

also pic related



First off a guide is merely there to help you think for yourself so that you become you own guide. I have a "guide" myself but he is connected with a Rosicrucian group I belong to. He is there more or less for me to write periodically if I come across problems in practice. Finding a guide outside of an order, or community following a specific tradition, would entail coming across someone who you are able to vouch has greater experience than you. A guide is not truly necessary if you have discipline in practice. A place such as this can act as a partial guide if you are able to extract valid answers from it.



Considering this website is owned by Jim Watkins the Freemason, I wouldn't come here if I was an adept. But who knows, maybe there is an adept out there who likes the idea of risking their neck by potentially exposing themselves here


I wouldn't teach anyone anything for two reasons:

One, no two people have the same aims or goals. There is always a potential for a student to do evil with what they learn or be turned to evil later, even if their teacher does whatever they can to prevent it (as I would). In the end, I feel like it would be better not to enable such a possibility or at least not be personally responsible for it.

Two, if I were to enter such a capacity for someone I would be making myself useful to them. If I am useful to someone in this way, there would come a time when I would no longer be useful to them, leading them to inevitably use what they've learned to destroy me. If they had learned everything I had to teach, making them a potential equal, such a situation would be disadvantageous for me.


I have a sentient thoughtform, who is honestly pretty useless as far as guidance goes but makes for a good cheerleader and friend.


That sounds like a good plan to avoid a Darth Plagueis the Wise kind of scenario. I've heard of people writing books that can only be found in the astral plane, therefore only studied by those with a decent amount of experience and ability. Would you ever write books if you reached the point where your knowledge was great enough to merit doing so?



Aligning my will with God's will, Eternal Life.





guru seeking is only mid-level consciousnss when the higher self is what determines all




You are a fucking faggot. There are billions of people busting their ass off in this gay retarded system so you have nice things to play with. The world taught you everything you know. You are using a language built by someone else. This person put thousands of fucking hours into building a system that would let you subtly brag about how fucking great you are. They didn't do that so gatekeeper cia faggits like you could hoard knowledge. You are going to be taught a real nice lesson. Your ivory tower is coming down little guy. Deal with it. You look down on every soul in the universe like they are rats who exist to do your bidding. Me and those billions of fucks are going to combine forces and get you deleted from existence. Listen to your faggot Bill Gates shit "Hurrr durrr I have a trillion dollars and thats just how its gonna be! Nobody else will ever get to experience this because I say so! And they will never form a better system which trumps mine, and if they do, they will definitely want me to be part of it."

Reevaluate your fucking life Aleister Crowshit.

Since you are so easy to read, I'm guessing this is your way of saying "Please! Somebody! Connect with me! But do it under my terms! And I am always master! And if you say otherwise I'm telling my mommy!"

Go fuck yourself dumb bitch. Michael Jordan is the best at basketball. I'm the best at putting people in their place. You are the best at ….. wait, what are you the best at? Oh yeah, probably nothing because you have such low confidence that you can't deal with some competition. You think you'll get better at chess by sitting in a cave playing yourself faggot?

I'm gonna start stealing every bit of knowledge you think you have encrypted in your brain right now. Thanks.

"OmG I wannA stOp eVil pEoPle TheY scAre mE and tO dO tHat I wAnT a wOrld whEre evEryoNe is IgnorAnt anD I hAve thE kEy tO eVerYthIng. THis wIll deFiniTelY worK out reAl well Just liKe it diD the LasT 6 MilliOn tiMes soMe faGgOt diCtator waS likE loL iVe Only BeEn eXposeD to 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of evErYtHing so EveRyOnE shOuld JusT SurRenDer caUse I goT thIs yO!" - Dweebus Maximus

Protip: To be a nonfaggot, kill your ego. Taoist fucks have some great guides on how to do this, and you can rule your world while letting everyone else rule their world. Stop being the reason we can't have nice things.

P.S. - You said you would never teach anyone anything. Well, you taught me how much you suck. Holy fuck you suck.



Based god


Serious answer.

Try Initiation into Hermetics, physical step V - contact with invisible spirits via levitation of the fingers. Take your time to practice.

When ready, call your guide as best as you can and see if you can get an answer to a question. It may take several attempts.



will do



not all spirits are of a positive or non-dualitarian nature.



If more people on /fringe/ had this attitude and less like the pompous pseudo-fag above, it'd be the online equivalent of the garden of Eden.


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Some people, myself included, seem naturally inclined to hold up certain figures as presenting and/or embodying some deep, abiding personal truths. We all have our models. The Chinese aren't just whistling Dixie when they venerate their ancestors; hero worship can be an excellent vehicle to mystic insight! Alternatively, it can be the unmarked white van with which you drive your mind into an early grave. Its use depends entirely upon how self-aware you are of what you're doing.

I personally have three guides, two of whom were dead before they became my guides, one of whom was in my immediate family and whose main lesson seems to have been that men like him could exist at all.

If you're going to go in for hero worship, make sure that your heroes are:

1. Dead, so they don't become worse with time, or, barring that, wise enough not to spill the beans about how they aren't the idealized versions of themselves you've constructed.

2. Well-recorded if they were dead when you found out about them, or else close to you when they were alive. The more material they left behind, the better. This is why men who have that extremely rare combination of being both well-spoken and also chatterboxes tend to fit well into the guru role.

3. Personally relevant to you. If you are a devoted optimist, Schopenhauer is not the man to be your guide. Guides ought to really speak to something deep in you that makes you feel pumped to listen to more of their material. The closer they are to you personally, the better, and in shamanic and post-shamanic societies, this means quite literally the spirits of your dead family members, or mythic figures whose lives are so detailed that they are as real as anyone else who's lived and died. Often it is impossible to tell the difference if the subject led a sufficiently noteworthy life, or if the cultist (that's you) is particularly adept at mythopoesis.

4. Not in the habit of making overly-specific predictions or prophesies. Your breathless (and, let's face it, often naive) reverence depends upon your subject's life and/or works (both if possible) being useful models for you to pattern your own life after, and any glaring errors are apt to throw you off. It is possible to overcome a hero's incorrect pronouncements and continue to find him useful as a guide, but the less you have to try and force a guide's teachings into your model of reality, the easier it will be to fit novel information into the scheme you're constructing.

4. Not given to stylizing themselves as heroes at all. The cult of their worship must be, in the end, your personal vanity project, not theirs, because let's face it, they're already dead, this isn't their journey any more, it's yours. The closest they can come to claiming themselves to be heroic or in positions to be listened to is if they are your parent, grandparent, godparent, older sibling, etc. Once they slip into calling themselves the ascended master, etc (outside of ritual, I mean), then you're truly fucked.

Remember that these are people onto whom you have grafted archetypes. If they are public or semi-public figures, others may feel the way you do, and that's great, but the second this becomes about some form of community is the second that you inject social dynamics and politics into something you've developed into a personal religious framework, and that's a good way to really fuck with your own head. If there's a prevailing cultural model for how to go about doing this, you can use that, but otherwise, just remember that you'll be happier if the messages from your particular god-on-earth are meant for you, and not for someone else.


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*5, fuck me, I can't even count right. Shows what I know.



Oh alright



I second this. Elitist cunts should neck themselves. Especially those that think they can eliminate one side or the other.


Choosing one side of duality is a fucking joke invented to make it as easy as possible to divide and conquer people. Also for the keks obviously.

Also, if you aren't willing to teach, you aren't worthy to learn.



Why did you bump 15 threads with meaningless replies?



I'm glad he did. It's good to shuffle the board around.



This is an old post of mine. I now reject some of my old claims.

Specifically, one should ideally cultivate heroes in one's own mind that then proceed to be met with and interacted with. The more built up the master is in the student's head beforehand, and especially, the more disappointed the student is upon the discovery that his ascended master is human and subject to what is human, the better the revelation as to the nature of mastery and the source of valuable lessons (value itself, too). After that point, the student, if the student is sharp, can be instructed solely by their [insert whatever term you use for HGA].



5 star post on a four star scale.



Ah, a very important PS! It is crucial that the student see that the master is still masterful! It should be that one's definition of what mastery is and what defines mastery is shifted, *not* that the student stupidly rejects their seemingly imperfect master for the high crime of existing on this plane and being subject to it. The student should see it as an opening, not a closing, of possibility. A great number of failures come from having inverted this lesson.



The Guru is archetypal, and thus can be found both within and without. Search inside for your answers. If they do not manifest then Fate will guide you.


These modern Rosicrucian groups are utterly Masonic. But I am hard pressed to believe that they do not understand the importance of initiation by the Master.

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