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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I absolutely can't modify by physical means the appearance of my hair.

I started with stuff like lemon juice and vinegar and other lighter stuff to try to lighten my hair, being on the cautious side.

It never ever worked though.

So one day I decided, fuck it, I will just start using bleach. I read up some guides on the internet and I decided to use a bottle half-full with distilled water and half with bleach and to spray it on for less than the recommended time.

After doing that several times, it never worked, and so I increased the length. I went from like 15 minutes to an hour which was the time recommended in the guide I found online. The woman even had a vid of her bleaching her hair and she succeeded in 1 hour.

So I went past that time to about 2 hours of diluted bleach sitting on my head.

It STILL did not work at all. I read that I should be experiencing my skin turning red, some burning sensations, etc.

So I stopped using coconut oil and other stuff in my hair and instead used soap to strip all the oils I could from it and hopefully make my hair more vulnerable.

Well, guess what happened then? Fucking nothing.

So I started using just fully concentrated undiluted bleach. This stuff is hardcore. It drips on my towels and instantly discolours them. It did the same to one of my pants, just seconds of exposure and it went from black to a red rusty colour.

Again, starting with less time, and then increasing.

Still — nothing. So I started wearing a latex cap over it, hoping that would help.

After hours of sitting around with bleach on my hair and a latex cap, the only thing that got bleached was the latex cap. So I repeated again immediately, thinking maybe the issue was spacing things out every couple days or weeks, and just rebleached my hair again on the same way.


Bleach doesn't do anything to me. It can't burn my skin. It can't even SLIGHTLY lighten ANY of my hairs. The fumes as well do nothing to me.

I want to lighten my hair damn it!!!!! Why is the bleaching not working at all? Why am I invulnerable to bleach?

I can still cut my hair with titanium scissors btw. So my hair hasn't become invulnerable to that kind of modification. Bleach and any other chemicals I might try can't do a single thing to my hair or scalp though, besides clean it I guess. No pigment comes out of my hair and my skin doesn't burn.

Any chemical means of modifying my hair color completely fail always.


If you can magically make your hair invincible, surely you can magically make it a color to fit your personality.


sell it to the military.



Have you tried drinking the bleach?


Go to a hairdresser and report back with before/after pics.

My hair is resistant to lightening with bleach, took six hours at a hair salon to lighten it 3 shades or so using 40% stuff. She was impressed with the time it took to lift, if anything.


Leave some coconut oil in your hair and get some sun. Also never go anywhere near anyone with blonde hair unless you want fucking rabies.

There is not one problem that can't be solved. You are dreaming, idiot. If you can't h*ck the world you are a llshit occuist.



Maybe we are supposed to be ugly so people fuck off? Imagine if you got some faggot appearence set like Bustin Jeaver. Millions of girls who autistically scream when they see a guy who looks like a girl would never leave you alone. You'd get a record deal and be set for life. That's not what you want. That shit's for bullshit occultists.



In that case I'm going to go at it 6 hours before I decide my hair really can't change colour.


Bleached for 8 hours straight. Hair still didn't change. Retrying again today except this time every 2 hours I'm going to put more pure concentrated bleach in my hair. Currently on round II of the bleachenings.


Also I got pure concentrated bleach in my left eye and it stung a little and I tried to wash it all out. I seem to be totally unaffected by that.


Also, all my coloured towels now look crazy, thanks to all the bleach fucking them up.


Out of curiosity OP, why do you want to bleach your hair so badly?



nazi fetishism


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But Hitler had black hair…



and his depiction of the mustard race was fair skinned light eyed blonde nordics



Oh, fair enough.




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must just be having your schizophrenic delusions again heh


Hey guys OP here. I found some deck cleaner shit and right now as I type it's in my hair. This stuff is really fucking hardcore, cuts through concrete and rotting wooden decks, kills all the mould, etc. with no scrubbing. I got some of it on my pants and it didn't just turn it from black to orange like the 100% pure cocentrated laundry bleach did. No, it turned it fucking white. So anyways, I got this shit in my hair right now, it says on the label to wear safety glasses and special gloves and never let it come in contact with the body, and to call emergency blah blah if you do. Well, I've got it on my hands, all rubbed into my hair right now, and obviously against my scalp. So far it doesn't seem to be doing fuck all but in maybe a half hour I'll wash it out. I'm supposed to wait like 30 seconds to at most 5 minutes with this stuff, but knowing me, I'm fucking invulnerable. Anyways, if I don't make another post in a couple hours, I'm dead lol. May my hair finally change a shade lighter.



This is what I got in my hair right now.


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This shit right here.

If this doesn't fucking work, I don't know what will.


hahaha I just noticed something else, it's not only turning my black pants white, it's burning holes through the pants


Back. I have rinsed the acid out of my hair. Right now I should look like one of those Muslim women after an acid attack but so far I see nothing different.



It has however peeled off a layer of the skin and made my hair look shinier and my skin feel smoother. No change of colour so far though.


OP here. My hair color definitely didn't change. I don't fucking get it. What am I doing wrong? It's as if my hair got darker in fact.



Don't take advice from the Internet. Anything to do with bleach, crystals, ammonia and chemical advice online is to be taken with a sea of salt.

Bleach will kill your hair fungus and will fall off like a second layer of skin. Nevermind that your hair will get 2% brighter, the new layer of skin under will make sure it looks darker.

You're looking at 6 months of restore time before your scalp skin heals from this damage. I'd suggest that you don't use shampoo until Winter.

Also, try Aloe Vera shampoo.

What a waste of thread. So much learned but so much burned.




*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh…not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank…I can tell it's got some thought behind it…lots of quotable material…

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards.



Intention and Will. you are a Divine Sovereign and Free being. you construct and make your very own reality, which you are experiencing right here, in the Eternal Now.

intention for your hair to be lighter. if you say "i try everything to lighten my hair but it does not work????" it won't because you are intentioning that it won't: you are sabotaging yourself, so to say.



So you're saying that by having a negative mentality you are jewing your own reality?



basically. with a negative mentality your frequency is lower, and thus you may be unconsciously attracting and bringing near you negative entities which will latch onto you and difficult the healing process, as they will begin or speed up a downward spiral.

it costs nothing to be happy. studies of the (((physical science))) have determined that by forcing a smile, you trick your brain and it makes you really happy.



He's absolutely right about that. You get what you say your world is, you author your narrative. If you write yourself as a miserable piece of shit, wish granted. If you can write yourself as a hero, wish granted. A hero can and will face tough shit, but the hero always wins in the end. You don't have to be the hero, you can be a villain, but villains have a very strong tendency to lose.

You might say that in the real world, this isn't true, but there is not even close to a consensus on what the real world even is. I work in a laboratory requiring advanced degrees from everyone, and you would think that this would mean the lot of us are materialist, but among our ranks are a seventh-day adventist, a baha'i woman who doesn't know if evolution is real, a Swiss communist with a southern accent, and, I'm quite certain, a wizard other than myself. Obviously, even among those who represent hard materialism in the minds of the public, there's not necessarily any consensus about the nature of the world.

These are stories we tell ourselves about what is real and important. Tell yourself a story in which you are a successful hero and watch it come true, albeit in ways you don't necesarily expect. That is the nature of magic.



I wish I could stop my hair from receding and grow it full :(

I'm only 21 and I have to deal with this fucking shite already.

Stop ruining your hair, asshole. Be glad you have hair. I may not in a few years and it's eating me up inside.


Do you idiots not know how to read the date of a post? OP hasn't been here for at least 8 months. You're bumping this thread for no good reason.


OP I demand that through your life you collect all of your hair and build an indestructable armor. Well, indestructable by anything but scissors. In fact find a way through genetic science to replicate your hair so you can build more armor. Then use your power of invincibility to reshape socienty!



Fuck you shitposting is an amazing reason.



to be fair, there's some asshole reviving dead threads w/ utter shitposts


Reminder that OP is retarded

Bleach is not used to "bleach" ones hair, nor is any of the other substances he mentioned.

Do your research before using chemicals to try shit.


God controls everything, even free will- but there is no reason to jew yourself by being negative. basically, let God take control and be positive.



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