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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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A grossly oversimplified explaination of the paths of how to aquire "true magic".

(Disclaimer: The knowledge of this thread requires that you are not a complete novice to the topics of /fringe/ or its literature, but of course are also not so advanced that you already knew all this. If I were to explain all terminology and technique in detail here this thread would become even more of a mess than it already will. I don't consider myself an expert thread-weaver, anyway. And I certainly am no book author, I am far too lazy for that. So I try not to put too much on my plate here - or yours. At which I will probably fail spectacularly, anyway. Grab some popcorn. Or hotpockets.)

First of all

>What does "true" even magic mean to you, OP?

Many here on this board have praciticed magic that, for example, transfers a part of your soul into another "realm", allows them to communicate with spirit(s) from other realms, allows them to manipulate probability or alters their own soul. While I respect all those feats, what I claim to be "true" magic is a concept a bit less subtle: Physical manifestation of magic in force and/or matter. Classic examples: Telekinesis, Pyromancy, physical appearance of the energy of your soul.

If you research the everliving fuck out of magic (or magick, majick… or whatever you call it to make it is not confused with pulling bunnies out of a hat) you will notice that the "learning curve" suddenly becomes a brick wall when it comes to that shit. If you are intelligent enough but not too mad you will come to the logical conclusion that it is very likely because that shit ain't real. Yet just because the probability hints at this it doesn't mean that that is the truth - for the evidence is out there. Countless reports and some hard to debunk videos of levitating monks. Disturbing evidence of (possibly jew-related…?) dark rituals being conducted by a government-linked cult that sacrifices childen and babies being discovered by /pol/ and its allies. Heck, even CERN seems to be up to shady cult-shit and you'd think scientists would be the last people to devote their little free time to such things. If you are a bit of a conspiracy-theorist OR well versed with spiritual literature - both of which is very likely since you browse here - chances are you know that SOMETHING seems to be up with that.

>Get to the fucking point, nigger.

To speed this shit up, I'll just go ahead and try my best to explain how these forces of magic even can exist and how to achieve them. However, it goes without saying that I cannot create a replacement here for hard work like boring shit like reading books and working on yourself and whatnot. Sorry, I wish I could and I wish I could have found such a thing myself. I love cheating my way out of hard work. Cheating is what all the cool kids do (except for in love). But we will have to earn our coolkid badge in a different way today.

As a metaphore that comes dangerously close to the truth I shall use physics as, at the end of the day, what we are talking about here is the use of physical energy within our physical realm. The reality of physical magic comes very close to how humanity usually likes to aquire its energy. For which I will talk about three seperate paths:


A: Fission - [Path of the Higher Self]

Both the most commonly known in both spirit and generators of physical energy is the fission, the decomposition, of soul / matter. Through said fission of the soul or the matter, energy released by it can be controlled and directed to where it is needed. In the buisness of generating electricity we love to burn things or split atoms. In spirituality, the ressource we like to use is the Ego, as it is the matter of the soul. It is, at best, an open secret in spirituality that in order to aquire enlightenment one has to first let go of the ego. And if you really know what you are going you outright destroy it. Of course this is a very advanced and risky thing to do, as the internal structure of the psyche has to be rebalanced from trinity into duality - the higher self taking the place of the ego. But even though you sacrifice a part of you, this cost is repaid twofold. If your ego was sick or corrupted, your problem is now solved. (Unless you fuck up and instead of destroying it accidentally just shove it into the subconciousness that is your shadow.) Not only that but the ego holds a lot of energy which is now released. After all, the ego is so powerful it literally rules the world, right? So it comes with no surprise that those who truly sacrifice it discover newfound power. Although it usually takes a lot of time - especially if attempted after maturing - it rewards you with the power to infuse the energy from your ego into your surroundings and - easier, at first - your body, thus controlling its gravitation. Aka: Telekinesis. Monks who destroy rocks which should be physically unbreakable by use of muscle and bone alone do so by reinforcing their body with said power. They can also direct that energy into other objects they touch. And a few masters can even lift or reinforce them without touch. It is no coincidence that such power is often shown in art by a flame surrounding the spiritualist. They are not literally burning, they are burning their ego as fuel for said tasks.

(For each of these methods I shall state the obvious pros and cons of specializing in them:)

Pro: Accessible to everyone who is willing to invest time and hard work on themselves and a truly respectable feat. (Bonus points if you are still very young.)

Con: You need to let go of yourself and your desires. You will lose purpose - however, you will also realize that you don't really need it. Still, those who think the Ego holds no worth at all have not yet understood what it means to really let go of it. (Don't let them tell you otherwise.)


B: Fusion - [Path of the Ego]

(I will say more about this, because it is lesser known as the first concept, literature and useful discussion are harder to find.)

With fission mentioned, the intelligent readers probably saw this one coming right away. Of course, you don't have to split atoms open to generate energy - you can also fuse them. Or, the metaphore of nuclear power is not of your taste, think of chemical reactions which generate heat but do not involve burning. Though of course this is entirely different from nuclear fusion! But you still mix two substances. You get it. Let's move on. So, some of you who researched our first method will probably think about the fusion of ego, shadow and higher self at this point. Indeed, the further you advance on said path the thinner grows the line between the trinity. Personally though, I choose not to believe that this is what happens, I believe the shadow and HS live on and the ego is deconstructed - not what I wish to discuss here, though. Just trying to (barely) save my poor metaphore. No, no, I aim to talk about something different.

A soul - like everything else in this universe - is created in pairs. Every soul has a male and a female version of it. Just as some physicians theorize that all matter has some anti-matter counterparts? Maybe not the best example but damn it, physics-metaphore, you and I, we will make it through this mess together! These souls are basically twins of a different gender. And as this concept involves the hot topic of romantical, flushed love the name fittingly given to those pairs of souls is often called "Twin Flames". Please note that personally, I try to not confuse this term with "Soul Mates" of which you might have heard. Those are two "unrelated" souls bound together by fate and purpose for one incarnation - a topic for another thread someone else should make. At this point we all know the soul itself holds the potential to its own power. But if this power was just given to everyone without condition the world would be a mess. Thus the fairest system in the world was invented: You are, literally, your own judge. If your soul can love itself - both within your own body and that of your twinflame - unconditionally, you can allow both halves to become one and thus unleash the potential in the same way it is unleashed through fission. That is why sex magic is considered one of the most potent forms of magic - pun shamelessly intended - yet the oversexualization of society is an active attack on our spirituality as a species. Sex can - and should - be sacred, as it is a key to power. So if you don't want someone to use that power you better hide their goddamn key among countless wrong ones or make sure so many wrong keys get slammed into the wrong lock so that it bends and twists and becomes incapable of fitting in the right one… uh, fuck, you get what I mean, sorry, I simply want some of you to draw the connection between current developments and my topic here.

(tbc., too much text for one post.)


Anyway, some of you might at this point think "Well shit, aquiring TF-GF sounds a lot easier than all this psychology shit with my ego!". But anyone who has been wandering on this board long enough will tell you: Loving yourself can be very hard. And believe me, this is not getting easier if that other self of yours has its seperate body, gender and has been raised in a different family, maybe country, maybe even culture. And the typical left-brainer will already have done the calculations and the numbers are in: We are 7 billion people. But you only have one other you. Now hold on lad, before you skip to the next part, I'd like to remind you that - in this case - luckily fate is a thing and it will help you find her if you look at the right places. Like magnets, opposite halves attract each other (there is the comback of the metaphore!) so your odds of finding her - we both know most people here are guys - are not as bad as it seems. Yet your odds are still not in your favor: You still have to not fuck up. With a girl. As an 8channer. Oh boy. And it gets worse: Since she is you, she knows you better than anyone ever will. Not only that, but twinflames have the habit of mirroring each other even in individual development to some extend. If you don't love yourself, she doesn't love herself. If she doesn't love her you, she won't love your you. But of course on the other hand, this opens amazing possibilities for working with each other for working on each other. If you take your time (and trust me, it will need some) and stay loyal to each other even if very heartbreaking shit happens for probably many years. The paradox of you being two people at once creates many fascinating but sometimes terrifying causes and effects. You thought this alternative will let you get away with not working on yourself, huh, lad? Well, obviously life ain't that easy. But it gives you an alternative interface to work with - one that might be far more suited to you. Or not, in which case you certainly are not alone in this world. Especially since you only get one chance per incarnation, since there is only one twinflame for you. But if you can do it, your reward will be something far greater than some stuipid superpower. I don't have to spell it out to you.

Pro: "Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable." - Mahatma Gandhi, spiritual leader.

Con: "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow - this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo." - Marshall Bruce Mathers III, famous modern vocalist.


C: Transfer - [Path of the Shadow]

Remember this whole part about no way to cheat? Well, I cheated. I only told you this to set the tone for the first two paths. We both know there is ALWAYS a way to cheat. You'd have to be blind to not see that this is true all around you in the modern world. And you are in luck - for humans are cheating experts when it comes to avoiding having to work on themselves. For as a species, at least lately, we did not evolve. In fact we involved the world around us to continue being apes. And with that we have conjured up enough edge-mana to cast a solid Level 3 "Thoughtcurse". Hope you skilled some SDEF, boy. It's usually not my style, but you gotta fit the tone of the board somehow, as an second-rate OP like myself I must cater to all audiences. And since hopefully all the hippies are off searching for themselves at this point, be it within or without, it's now just you and me. Welcome to the coolkid train. Destination: Hell.

Ok, alright, enough shitposting but seriously, we all know what's the third, missing link here. It's also the most known way to aquire energy: You simply transfer it from somewhere else. Somewhat present in our other physical metaphores already, as you still have to transfer the energy you "created" in order to make use of it, you can think of it as a geothermal reactor, for example - you take energy that already exists. But for this part we need a different metaphore - this example is too clean, too economically sensible. The best I can come up with is the fictional idea of the good old movie-triology "The Matrix", as it is also often used as a metaphore for many other spiritual topics and the inventer of the original red pill, which I am somewhat dealing out here, though these days it is green. In the movie, humans are being treated as cattle, the electricity and heat of their body used as batteries. And while yeah, I know, "Wouldn't pretty much anything make a better battery than a human body, like, for example, a battery?", in our case we have already established that the SOUL of the human actually makes a pretty good battery. And so, on this part, we think of it as such: A ressource.

Souls can be taken and given. Energy can be taken and given. The occultists of this board and their thoughtform-friends know this too well. So does history. So does its artwork. So do (((they))). So do you. The easiest and, in fictional works, most famous way to aquire power that somehow - unlike other ways which require montages to make them palateable - ages well well like an old wine. I am talking about the good old "Deal with the devil". While you might not be able to take you own energy and turn it into something else, some advanced spirit - maybe even with a physical body? - might. But if that spirit had aquired such abilities through path A or path B it would certainly prefer to help you aquire your own enlightenment, rather than helping you cheat and hinder your progress. So it is most likely they, just like you, used path C. It is not doing this for you, but for itself. Still, if win-win situations were impossible, capitalism would not work as well as it does. Though I am not naive enough to claim that it only and exclusively consists of such deals, optimism still is required, along caution, to strike those deals. All you need is to find a trade partner who has the same interests as you. Are you a scientist who ventured too deep down the rabbit hole, at the limits of your human brain at understanding the world clearly not made by such an organism? Call Bill, friendly neighborhood demon of knowledge ("and fear"? Pah, just rumors! Don't be so paranoid, what are you, some conspiracy-nutjob?!). He'll help you build a spherical science-thing that takes the world apart for you to check out whats within! Completely without rifts in the time-space continuum! Awesome. Oh, more hungry for practical power? Send an SMS with the keyword "Moloch" and a dead baby to 000-666-٦٦٦ in the next 10 minutes and you will not just recieve mind-control powers, but also two years additional lifespan-time! Or, you know, if you are low on dead babies you could always just take the soul of someone else, possibly also drink their blood if that is your thing.

Yeah, I won't go into details because certainly, I am no expert on the methods at all but you can find this method everywhere, be it in /fringe/-literature, fiction or conspiracies. So without doubt it deserves its fair share of mention. Though obviously personally I am not the biggest fan - I'm only human, after all - by no means do I want to imply that this path is not valid, or always "bad". "Good" and morally neutral spirits are out there, just be careful.

Pro: It doesn't take a fucking life-effort.

Con: Dangerous risk. (At becoming an Edgelord.


>…holy shit, are we fucking done?! Finally.

Yeah. Wew, lad. Welp, that's a couple hours wasted at a piece of text noone will ever read. Either because it is too long or because my style of writing is probably cancerous as fuck, despite me trying hard. (Please only ban me softly, modbro.) I am also fully aware that without any primary sources given, this is nothing but a work of fiction. As far as I am concerned, that is fine. As a reader, the only source I would accept here would be solid primary proof, meaning, for example, flawless documentation of attempting those paths successfully. In Path A that would mean a video of telekinesis or even some advanced shit that couldn't POSSIBLY be technically fake (nigga all I have is windows movie maker), in case B it would be the same but also involve a far too long amateur porn video. And in case C… well, actually, if you go down the rabbit hole deep enough you might find some undeniable proof, but I would not want to be the author / whistleblower of such a thing. So I'm not gonna waste my time on these.

Plus, one last quote straight from what has become hell:

''"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."''

Thank you for your attention.

Sorry in advance for any format-fuckups. I don't OP too often. Oh shit, nigger, what am I doing?


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That cancerquote was meant to be cursive.



>You will lose purpose - however, you will also realize that you don't really need it.

doesn't make me any happier guy

>Still, those who think the Ego holds no worth at all have not yet understood what it means to really let go of it.

This I can agree with



>you thought this alternative will let you get away with not working on yourself, huh, lad?

no, also shouldn't she also be working on herself? your post is not very useful if you haven't found her already.


and what if I'm already an edge lord?



Agreed on the first part. Also, yeah, duh, she also has to work on herself, but she will automatically do so as you start to do so, and vice versa. That's why I forgot mentioning it, I guess, but you're right. You're also right about my knowledge not being too useful if you have not found her yet, but you eventually will and just maybe, because of my post, you might realize that she is your twinflame before it's too late?

Also, isn't almost everyone on this board an edgelord?



nope just me but then again I didn't get a shitty musical festival where I did massive drugs and got to make out with some berk.


just to get diolage started I want to first ask

how does one differentiate between my ego higher self, shadow. just so i know before I start



The higher self, aka. the "superego", is what you would believe your ideal self to be like. This is, of course, formed by your morals, interest and will. In psychology, you see the higher self as the version of you that you "should" be. However, this leads to the question where this idea of what an ideal self looks like comes from. For your personality, be it ideal or real, is not just the product of environment or culture, but of course mostly of your soul itself - meaning its past incarnations, but also it's elemental aspects and its gender. To make things less complicated you might want to think of your higher self as a future-version of your soul that communicates with current you in order to guide you on the "right" path.

This is balanced out by the shadow (in psychology often called the "it"), the subconcious part of your soul, the lower conciousness opposing the higher. It is your inner animal, your instinct, your primitive desires. The shadows job is to keep you happy in the moment, to keep you alive and to tell you what a faggot you are if you fuck up again. As it is your subconciousness, it also absorbs what you suppress. It represents all the truths about you you wish were not true. It is illogical and maybe a bit crazy sometimes, but without it you would not be able to feel pleasure.

The Ego is the product of these two forces and the environment. It is the shoulder on which the little angel and the little devil sit. It mediates between the two and the outside world. I'd say it is the "real" you, but not the "true" you, if you get what I mean. It also seeks pleasure, but seeks a realistic way to obtain it that doesn't bite it in the ass later. It is the "realist", the robot-part of us. That analogy works well when you think about how an AI works, for it needs constant feedback in order to grow. Thus it seeks validation. And, like every good villian-AI in movies it can also become arrogant, for the Ego contains your self-esteem - and also your pride.

Another fun way to see it all:

It: Lust, Greed, Gluttony (desire)

Ego: Pride, Sloth

Superego: Wrath, Envy (judgement)

Though thats just a personal, silly idea, probably not perfectly thought through.



>Of course this is a very advanced and risky thing to do, as the internal structure of the psyche has to be rebalanced from trinity into duality - the higher self taking the place of the ego. But even though you sacrifice a part of you, this cost is repaid twofold. If your ego was sick or corrupted, your problem is now solved. (Unless you fuck up and instead of destroying it accidentally just shove it into the subconciousness that is your shadow.

what did you mean by this. and also, how would the process start, sustain and end properly



The ego is the mediator between the "it", the inner monster, so to speak, and the "higher self", the inner angel. With it gone these two have to manage by themself, which doesn't always end well. Again, this is oversimplified and anyone advanced on this path would probably shake his head at me. As for the part of the "ego shoved into the shadow": I have met many advanced spiritualists who claimed they "have no ego", yet are completely consumed by it. They don't question themself anymore because they think if they have no ego there is no need to check it. The ego, for them, has become a subconcious thing, which corrupted them. It happens more often then you'd think. Some mentors at spiritual institutions like, I dunno, shaolin temples or something probably have lots of stories about this sort of thing.

As for how to initiate this "ego death": I don't know. It's not my path, I have not done it. I know of people who have done it accidentally through taking way too much LSD and were changed men afterwards, so thats, uh, one way about it I wouldn't really recommend unless you're crazy enough. Another way to get started would be to get into contact with the admin of fringechan.org. He walks on this path and actually does discord sessions for meditations which work towards ego death. He's probably the least crazy /fringe/fag I have ever met, by far. His name is Mossa. Problem is the site is down right now.

You can find lots of info about this online though, just google "ego death".


So, OP (or anyone else), I have a couple of questions here.

We all already know that the soul has great power, and that this power can be harnessed for use.

But how to actually transmute physical materials, or accomplish telekinesis, etc.?

What are the explanations of the physical principles behind this? What practical information?

I've accomplished minor telekinesis myself and seen much bigger things happen, but.



>I've accomplished minor telekinesis myself

I just want you to know, you're cool, and you're getting results



Are you being sarcastic?

The success I've had in the past is using a sudden burst of electricity from the heart and/or solar plexus chakras to momentarily hold something in place (like a sticker on a slightly damp piece of glass) or slightly alter the trajectory of a falling object so that I can more easily catch it.

I get the basic idea, but I need to get better and more advanced results…



I do not know about transmutation, though I do know that the soul, if fully awakened or "ascended", can temporary create its own physical "fundamental" force equal to, example, gravity. I know too little about physics to explain how such a force exactly is created anew, though. Sorry.



>I know too little about physics to explain how such a force exactly is created

I am pretty sure that physicists themselves would have no idea how such a force could be created. All the time they keep finding new particles inside already know particles that have properties which were thought to be impossible. Take gluons for example.




I've been told by 1 psychic that twin flames are merely people who decide to match your energy to whatever extent, romantically.

And another psychic told me essentially the same thing, that's what that is for me.

In any case, I'm mostly sure that unless people decided beforehand to do that stuff, there's more than 1 twin flame. That said, I've met a couple of mine and the first one was INTENSE and the other I didn't really do much with because she wasn't as interested/I didn't put as much effort into it.

But a lot of the stuff you wrote still applies.



I bet even if I ever succeed at my path and create such a force I will have no idea HOW exactly I did it. Lel.


The problem is that, of course, many people would decide that there has got to be more than one twinflame after they fuck up with the first once since, you know, not having any hope sucks. If I were not such an stubborn fuck loyal to his believes I'd probably end up doing the same. And very, very few people actually end up with their twinflame as their partners so it's not exactly something you can see all around you to research it.

It's ok if you don't want to believe in it though. Personally I can just say that when you find her, you will have no doubt. Not because of "matching energy" but because of the goddamn paradox stuff that happens because of the mirroring effect.

But yeah, don't worry about it, bro.



>in case B it would be the same but also involve a far too long amateur porn video.

too long? no way. I'd probably watch an amateur twinflame video


>she also has to work on herself, but she will automatically do so as you start to do so, and vice versa



>(in psychology often called the "it")



> Personally I can just say that when you find her, you will have no doubt. Not because of "matching energy" but because of the goddamn paradox stuff that happens because of the mirroring effect.

I mean, I've had that stuff happen when I met my first 'twinflame'.

We lived on a farm/retreat center thingie.

Our souls merged, I could sense her when she'd come back from her other job, one time I sensed when she woke up (I woke up randomly and was like "she just woke up" and she confirmed later), my senses would sharpen/awaken when I was near her, I drew the twin flame card out of my oracle deck pretty much every time I'd ask about her, we'd encounter some of the same stuff separately (like I was alone and was gonna pick up a free artsticker thingie that was a penguin and she drew a penguin out of an animal oracle deck later that day) and we later found out that we had family that happened to live in the same place (where she lived was 10 minute drive from me, where my sister lived was her hometown)

I did meditations to attract a twinflame too. I'd find her pretty quickly after doing those and she'd be glowing more than usual.

So I've definitely had reality-altering shit happen around my first Twin. I was torn up about it 'cause she wasn't too interested in me. I don't think she's my "one-and-only" twin though, and maybe that exists for some people, but I still think that's more of an "if you decided beforehand" kind of thing, and that anyone can be Twins if they want to be.



tbh I think yeah, originally it was called "id", but "it" just makes a whole lot more sense to me seeing as it is the inner animal and instincts and whatnot. Heard it being called that most of the time.

Also, just because someone you love isn't your twinflame doesn't mean she's worth less. Since the twinflame is you, thinking she is "better" would be like thinking you yourself are better than all the filthy non-yous, know what I mean?

It's probably by far the least used path anyway. (Though lets be honest that's not exactly a surprise seeing as the other paths have entire cults and temples and whatnot, but still.)



>Also, just because someone you love isn't your twinflame doesn't mean she's worth less. Since the twinflame is you, thinking she is "better" would be like thinking you yourself are better than all the filthy non-yous, know what I mean?


the whole thing I had was amazing and yet a hassle. I'd never had more magic in my life as then, and before it I wasn't even sure magic was a thing.



"Amazing yet a hassle" describes it perfectly. Facing yourself might be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life, if you do it. Like, in general. And now imagine it with that you having it's own body and it's an emotional woman. Welp. Guess that's why the demon deals are trending on this planet. :^)



According to the Seth material, they're just going to keep finding new particles within new particles within new particles because that's what they're looking for.

Also, can we not turn this into another thread about sexless neckbeards and their relationship problems/stories? Because, no offense, but this site has more than enough of that, and there are other boards for it.

I wish there were some practical information available on physical transmutation and energetic forces?



I agree, no relationship drama bullshit in this thread.

I have yet to find any wyrd as fuck majick book to tell me about physical transmutation, old magic alchemy style. As for energetic forces, working with your spiritual energy is pretty much part of any book about meditation techniques and whatnot. But you probably mean physical energy. And I have yet to see physical majick that is not the result of one of those three paths I mentioned.

I didn't read as many books as it may sound like, though. In fact I'd probably be a crappy adviser. With this thread I just wanted to give people some semi-basic orientation for their spiritual paths.



Concerning the path of Fusion, isn't there another way this could be done that does not require a second person? Let me explain.

Say we got the trinity of the soul going on, with the shadow being the Jungian archetype, higher self being the ideal, and ego being the mediator and simply…you, like the more immediate you. In respect to you in the physical world, isn't it the Ego that is manifest and the HS and Shadow located more or less on planes above? Could we not then use the principles of gender and polarity here?

The trinity on the planes above where the correspondence of your ego mediates the HS and shadow (as I think happens) could be seen as a division of male and female, ego female and both HS and shadow being male (I fancy, probably wrongfully, to think both HS and shadow are really the same thing but different aspects of it, but not in the same way as they the same thing but different aspects of the soul relative to ego) and the higher-plane correspondent of ego is female. Find a way through practice to entice stronger relations (fuse) them within this higher plane, and then use the fused higher plane's soul (which is more like the ego's absorption of HS and shadow by which it can mediate to assume the HS) as a male principle correspondent to the physical you (where the trinity exists but is mainly ego) as the female end. Fuse that, higher and lower with higher male and lower female, and wouldn't you have 4D presence?

I know I am oversimplifying hard here and I know I am very ignorant of spiritual matters relative to others, but thoughts?



In fact I have this alternative theory about the fission part that the ego is not erased at all, ever, but fused with the other parts. So, in fact, fusion might be happening there again, and thus - like you said - the higher self, as a 4D entity, takes the place of the ego. Of course the same could be possible with the shadow. Though certainly the people I had met who fed their ego to their shadow were not capable of real majick either…

Though personally I just don't really see the shadow and the higher self being one and the same entity. They are just too polar opposite. Also I used to think that the higher self is an entity that exists with its own astral body on the 4th dimension, guiding you from there, but over the years I have gathered my doubts about this. It didn't help that I saw a lot of higher self "LARPing" back in the day where people were summoning / channeling their higher self. Needless to say they did not aquire superpowers, sadly.



eh, the elites seem to have fed their ego to their shadow. The jews and their dark rituals, how most of these fucks have unhealthy/viceful physical bodies and constitutions to correspond with their lavish shadows and what it vibrates with.

I never really bought the whole HS is its own being thing honestly, it is just irrational to come up with an explanation as to the "how" part of why it is that way without relegating it to a product of the self, in my opinion. But everything is the same thing on some level, what is often polarized is of the same phenomenon like hot and cold. I was just thinking that this may be true for HS and shadow before that phenomenon becomes true for them + ego to form the soul. It makes more sense of how a mediation and "choosing" takes place as well, any choice along that HS-shadow polarity requiring a different kind of approach to manifest/utilize as what is deemed for the higher needs its own practice to reconcile it with the lower to manifest through relevant vibrations and energetic work. So what I mean is that they are of the same thing in respect to a particular perspective relative to the point of view of the ego and yourself but not actually the same thing.

I think your alternative take on fission has merit for the reasons stated previously, though I wouldn't say the HS takes the place of the ego but rather the ego (lower manifested part) assumes the HS via the ego's higher component mediating towards that vibration and then carrying down that towards the female component of the ego to manifest. In an analogy, I am thinking it is more like the ego deciding what to wear and putting a dress on rather than the dress putting on the person.

Just throwing around some theories and also kind of what I have been trying to practice. Still new so it isn't like I have gotten any results in the "true magick" territory.



Are you

>devoid of lust


>filled with love for all men and beasts while attached to none

If the answer to any of the above is no, you need a woman.


In regards to Fission and burning the ego, would this mean I could potently completely use up my ego and run out of energy?



>Pro: Accessible to everyone who is willing to invest time and hard work on themselves and a truly respectable feat. (Bonus points if you are still very young.)

>very young

you mean in the terms of child (3-12) to teenager (13-19)?



The earlier you start and the less the ego has grown the easier it should be, I think.



your brain doesn't stop developing until your mid-twenties


So, the idea is that you''ll automatically run into your 'twinflame' one day? Or can certain actions be undertaken to expedite the process?



I'd say actively searching for her can't hurt, though try not to become so obsessed with the idea to end up thinking a girl that isn't her might be her.


Woah, hold up. I'm the only official Daoist flag poster on this board and I had that first pic as my phone background like 8 years ago, chump.

No one wants to hear you ramble incoherent nigger speak esoterically.





Can I just make an A.I. waifu-bot for my twinflame? Could that work? Would be a really simple, easy fix.

Though I think there might be something to marrying your inferior bride, probably using that phrase wrong, but I am referring to do something like that except a bit grander.



If you yourself are such an AI, which is likely if you believe those who claim the universe is a computer-simulation, then… maybe?

I'd say having to program your TF yourself counts as "working on yourself" as much as the other paths.



Mossa? I always thought the admin was Alpam.

Mossa is a cool guy, although I have seen him sometimes get near that "I have no ego" delusion.

I don't know how to contact him either. I used to be in the Discord group, but I eventually got tired of all of Alpam and Sophia's bullshit.




You are less than nothing.



Mossa is a mod / administrator, not the BO though, AFAIK. Though maybe that changed, I am not in contact with any of these people so I wouldn't know. I'm not saying he is completely without faggottory but yeah, at least that nigga tries to work hard on himself and help others with his sessions.


Shoo shoo alacrity demon

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