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I have been trapped with my parents for a long fucking time. As a child growing up I always looked forward to the day I'd hit 18 and "be out of here" and it never happened. It's been 6 years since then and I'm still fucking stuck in this shitty situation. These people are complete subhuman that make lots of noise, are very unclean, hoard junk, etc. and my life is drastically negatively impacted. I am used as a slave by them and I can't seem to escape. I want to get the fuck away but they basically own and control me. If I were to get a car, they could just claim it. They control all my fucking money. They can take away my computer. I have never been able to gain independence from them. They can use the police to return me home. I have been planning for years to escape, I have printed out maps before, tried to find people online who'd take me in, thought about leaving on foot, or on my bike… my latest plan is to get a car though and to get away. I am afraid if I do that though, they'll just tell the police the license plate of the car, and send them to get me. If I stay here, I will continue to be abused like has been going on for years and years, and I will one day succeed in committing suicide or homicide when I snap again (which keeps happening). I can't get sleep here. I have one friend that helps me but he's an illegal. He's concerned about me and knows everything is shit here. My parents dominate my life and I am fucking miserable all the time. I don't want to stay in this rotting house and have to live with their hoarding problem.


>keep televisions on constantly and fucking loud

>never flush the fucking toilets

>don't prepare meals most of the time and leave me to starve or to subsist off of stuff like biscuits

>never let me clean up all the fucking trash they've accumulated because it's full of there stuff and they never let go of anything

>are tremendously obese and insanely lazy

I have one sibling that is functional and she left today and is never coming back. She, like me, always was planning an escape. She has all this really fucking awesome outdoors stuff and has become a park ranger out west and is going to get paid lots and housed and everything. Me though, my parents have a bigger grip on me, and also abused me worse; so I have been suffering with lots of isolation problems and other issues from the constant stress and instability and not properly eating and so on. I am always fucked up looking, like some tired meth zombie with sunken in eyes and really pale skin, even though I don't do drugs at all.

I need spiritual and practical help getting out of here. I have a fairly large quantity of money but they control all of it. It took me years just to get some of my legal documents from them, as they hid it all from me, and would never let me have it. Now I keep it on me all the fucking time, I always am armed and have my documents on me. I have slaved away for many years, which even fucked over my education because I was working as a child and as a teen instead of studying (on top of being sleep deprived, isolated, stressed, and so on).


How do I do it though? I was in the psych ward before and am regarded as some crazy schizophrenic person. I do not believe myself at all to be crazy, it's my fucking disgusting subhuman parents that are all fucked in the head. I don't want to die slaving away for my parents who'll spend my own wealth and leave me fucking nothing. This place is a ticking time bomb, a huge disaster, and I want to get as far the fuck away from it all as possible. If I just decided years ago to simply fuck off and leave I'd probably have been better than sticking it out here trying to work out a way to fix things in this shithole.

I need to find a way to stop my parents from being able to control and do what they want with my money and I need to be able to actually OWN things, instead of them being able to take absolutely everything away from me (from legal documents to a car [if I were to have one] to my computer). I'm going to die a premature death as a friendless isolated fucking virgin staying here. They were so fucking mad about my sister getting away, screamed about it for hundreds of hours, just total freak out. Now it's going to be extra difficult for myself to escape.

I owe them nothing. Just because they produced me doesn't mean they get to abuse me and exploit me to my death. I am a conscious being and I want to live a meaningful life not be a slave.

Will I have to change my name? Are there programs that can help me (even though I'm an adult) and that won't just replace my parents abuse with a new kind of abuse (e.g. being forced to take drugs and regularly get put through all kinds of bullshit by the government)? Is there a way I can maybe make a new separate bank account that they don't know about, with a different password, that only I myself control and then I can get a new job somewhere else and the money from said job will be transferred into this bank account and not the one my parents dip into? Will I have to just abandon everything since it seems to be an impossible struggle to win and start over? What can I do?

What entity from PME could I contact for help, and what magickal rituals and so on do you guys suggest so that I can gain my freedom and start to live a life worth living and not as a slave to disgusting degenerates? I'm not a neophyte btw so don't think you have to explain the basics to me, I'm looking for more advanced and specific ideas on how I might attain my freedom, as well as any workings any of you might want to do on my behalf of your own volition if you feel it's worthwhile for you (obviously, in helping others, you get to practice and test and gain feedback on your own stuff).


Sometimes you just gotta role the dice dude, learn how to live homeless and hitchhike, and find some source of income far away from your parents. You may have to start over fresh and make a new bank account, go incognito, whatever, but whatever you do, realize that even being homeless or in jail is better than that shit. Take a risk, or play it safe



I'm going to keep working on upgrading the shit out of my bike as it might be all I have and lately I've been really tired of getting rained on, I need something like my sister has that is waterproof, my current clothing is great with all the pockets and concealing my weapon and so on, but I need a pants and jacket that work for the rain. I can't even use or control any of my money, the only money I have is some cash I get doing random shit for people when I leave the house for a day and don't explain why I was gone, and go help people with random shit and get paid in cash for it. Something else I need for my bike is something to keep the mud spraying on me from the wheels, IDK what it's called.

The whole reason I'm even up right now is because a television is blaring and I've been awake now for a couple days and night because I can't sleep here. I am trying to figure out some way for me to be able to sleep away from the house. It just keeps fucking raining every day a ton right now where I am and it's literally destroying all the crops in the fields and we are on the verge of flooding. The basement right now is starting to flood a bit with water and the intercom system keeps going off as I guess water started getting into it today so that's even more disruptive shit. The worst thing is that these noises aren't constant, it's not like having a fan on, it's random and jolting noises that keep me up forever.

The subhumans can sleep through this but I can't.



ever heard of disposable ear plugs?



Sounds like a gimmick that probably wouldn't work.



Sounds like a gimmick that probably wouldn't work.




Sounds like a gimmick that probably wouldn't work.







Ever heard of build up of ear wax and other issues, especially from prolonged and constant use?

They probably won't even work either. Those things are to dampen very loud noises like gunshots but I doubt it would block out the television noise, just muffle is slightly, but it would still be interrupting me.

Anyways, finally managed to turn it down, it's way late and he hasn't woken up. I'm going to sneak upstairs again and attempt to try and sleep. Most nights I completely fail.

Please focus on actually useful suggestions, both magickal and otherwise, to getting out of here. I've been trying to fix this fucked up place/situation now for my whole life and it's never worked out, I need to get the fuck out of here.



lol no you cant hear someone talking right next to you with earplugs in



i used to use them to block out the noise of my parents screaming at each other




Really?… and you're being sincere here, this isn't a mean trick or put down or whatever, this is something that actually works and maybe might help me? Link me to an example of these things so I can start looking for them and maybe find and buy them one day.



yes you can read here qna about the earplugs ive used https://www.amazon.com/ask/questions/asin/B0051U7W32/ref=ask_mdp_dpmw_ql_hza?isAnswered=true

50 pairs for under 10 USD



Have you thought about getting a job, renting a place to live, thereby moving out and claiming financial independence?



Get a fucking job. I grew up with a single mom who was a crack whore and that didn't stop me from moving out at 16. Don't give me that 'there aren't any jobs' bullshit, you're just too much of a snowflake to check into reality. I started at a taco bell, then Wal mart, then got a real job driving for a local food distributor just to get on my feet. Years later I took a pay cut to work at an office fepot so I could get some work with computer on my resume while I studied for IT certifications and now I'm a sysadmin making 50k. Look for jobs on craigslist, call or show up at business in person looking for a job, do whatever it takes. If you're so much better than your degenerate parents, if you're such a fucking enlightened wizard, prove it. Prove you have enough wilpower to improve your life situation. Don't like my route? Then make your own. Prove me wrong. But get off your ass and do something that gets you closer to independence instead of bitching about how your parents 'won't let you' you fucking coward.



>Prove you have enough wilpower to improve your life situation

This! The Universe will not bend to your call until you show that you are able to direct your life first with hard work.


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Learn to look at this planet as your home. Get off the grid. Go homeless. Learn how to make tents out of spare parts/ Or see if you can buy one or borrow one. Get a sleeping bag or airbed. Find a stash-spot where you can store your shit during different times of the day. Get a library card. Simplify your internet use, using it as a dynamic and flexible tool used only for specific purposes rather than a mindless chaotic distraction. Simplify your life and your mind. Unclutter your head. Figure out how to survive. Offer something of value in exchange for something like a daily shower. Figure out a way to eat. It's easier than you think. Figure out a trade. Acquire a simple skillset. Work for free doing general labor. Within a few days, you'll get gigs for money. Think Barter exchange and multiple streams of income. Think outside the box. Information marketing is good. Sell good practical mundane lifehacks for a dollar. Live off space food and cheap organic green veggies from local farmers markets of whichever city you happen to be in at the time. Train yourself to do concentration exercises, combining that with flow-state, proper desire direction and you can learn faster. You can use this to acquire new skillsets for practical purposes. Physical exercise, some yoga/stretching and proper diet is always a plus and will get your brain working. Don't focus on getting a place or job. Try to find some spots on this planet where you can set up a tent and rest easy. Figure out some kind of system where you get your daily nutrition so you don't stave, a place for a shower and hygiene so you stay fresh, take care of your health, and focus it towards social, occult, artistic, and/or intellectual pursuits, etc.

Learn to be homeless and start from scratch. It helps to rebuild from scratch (to some degree; you don't have to make mud huts) and rebuild better and with more clarity. Yes it's going to suck a lot at times especially in the beginning when you go through your trials and errors. But you will be a whole lot more free than you are now and that is the key here. With freedom like that, you can accomplish anything. Especially going through what you're going through now. I know exactly what you are dealing with. Get the fuck out of there.

See if you can hustle up some quick money and get some resources together. Spend a week or so but don't try to overthink it or be a perfectionist about it, otherwise you'll never dive in. Part of it is to just do it and refine further through trial/error. So please grow a fucking backbone and just bounce. Take that band-aid off. You can contact your parents or think about reconciliation with them later under your own terms. If they're anything like some people I know, they might emotionally fuck with you, etc. Don't let any of this take you off what you need to do.

If you have no source of money, spend a few days thinking creatively about how you would survive if you just left the house right now. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TECHNOLOGY. > 2017

Don't be afraid to ask for a little help. Ask your sister and some friends/family to loan you money for outdoor living. Portable tents, sleeping bags, lights, battery-powered stoves and blenders and other stuff, and perhaps a phone with some internet data. There are sites that offer space food for cheap for one month supply. Once you've got a simple yet effective self sustaining system in place, spend the rest of the time to study study study and practice practice practice. Study is up to you and what you're interested in. Practice wise I just recommend shooting for natural adderall tier concentration skills. Use the internet for tips and clues. You'll read faster, and knowledge is power. Get an IT certification or something, and freelance online and offline. Get some e-commerce income streams going. You can't do any of these things living in your house because the environment sucks and you're sucked into that loop so getting out of it while still in it isn't impossible, but extremely difficult. Best bet is to change environment completely. Go to another city. Somewhere warm enough and relatively safe. Send an email telling your family you're fine and you need some time to yourself and be more independent and don't even read their responses.

If you're smart, you'll run into many opportunities and you make friends along the way. Key word here is ACTION, not pondering what to do inside your parents' house until the sun explodes. I recommend planning for this NOW, and executing this plan ASAP. Good luck.


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The proper esoteric response to your situation:

You have to abandon your fears, face the unknown, and trust in the Universe to show you the way forward.

This means walking out of the cage, past the gatekeepers, and never looking back. You will have to be resolute.

From a practical stand point:

Get on a bus to someplace warm without telling anyone your leaving or where your going. Once you get there apply to social services and find a homeless shelter you can use for a physical address. Get into a job program and/or hit up temp agencies for work.

If anyone asks, you just left a cult. But really it's no ones business.

It will take a couple of years to decompress, at least. And assuming you stay no contact.

Get copies of your documents directly from the sources rather than trying to get anything from your gate keepers.

Long term just stockpile cash in a savings account. Always buy used and for cash. Rent a room rather than a full apartment. Travel trailers are good once you have a used vehicle to pull it. Cheaper than rent.

Google "no-contact". You'll get the drift. Read others stories about it. It's hard to do but always worth it.


Get a credit card, book a flight to tropical country like Brazil, make a mud hut and eat fruit all year.



How are your parents getting paid/how do they afford anything?



Do this now. Don't think about it, don't consiser the what-ifs. DO IT NOW.

Don't come back here until you have done this or failed.


As a practicing wizard in your parents home I advise you cease using magic so you don't get expelled from Hogwarts.

In all seriousness though I really do think you should stop being a sorcerer.

I know because you know everything and your parents are just using the demiurge the keep you down that that is why you can't escape, but the truth is that the things you think you need or that you want are very far from you you need and what you will actually end up getting.

Let me give you an example. Indian people just don't leave their parents homes. As, what I would assume, you being a proud American you want to leave and get out and experience things but you really have to realize that your parents have more than just money to feed and cloth you. Your parents are your lifeblood. They are what keeps you alive and well and they will help you to cover up and recuperate from most if not all your mistakes.

I'm going to spare you the Bible quotes and not delve into some kind of white gay angel magic you can start doing in 10-days with practice. Instead I'm just going to warn you. Fucking with the occult is a slow and sometimes very fast way to seal your fate.

Repent. Atone. Get your karma right. Plead for mercy. Be as holy as you can possibly be. Be glad you don't have control over your money. Be glad your parents took care of you this long and kept your from the evil in this world. And be glad that God is willing to give you a second chance.




Tell me how you get and keep a job while being homeless.



a guy said above you get registered in a homeless shelter and use it as your address

you can use public library computers for internet related things



also if you have a laptop, libraries have free wifi with decent speeds and electrical jacks for charging



Gym memberships for as cheap as $10-20 per month for showering and shaving also so you dont smell/look "like a homeless person," not sure if they have those amenities at shelters or not.



There is a difference between parents seeking to protect you and parents who have used/abused you. If he is to advance in life he must leave. This kind of situation will kill a man.





WTF! Do you want him to suffer!?

Also; I had superpowers ever since I was a kid and I was even baptized with them and they never went away.


OP if you are still here, where are you



Stop caring. Seriously. Not giving a fuck pushes all sorts of people away. But never get upset and always respond in a tone that is pleasing. Works for me and they accumulate karma on their own because no one has an obligation they never said yes to. At least they aren't doing things for you that you never asked for. I sometimes wish that would stop, but meh, I consider it blessings from mundanes trying their best considering where they are at.


I didn't leave until I was 27 And I was the "unclean one". I also don't take authority from women either



You are mentally ill, you are better off with them m8. Just be as kind as you can, do your best to stay fit and well read, and maybe get a job, if you feel you can deal with this. You should not hate your life, sometimes the wheel of life offers you a life when no stress is imposed upon you. You can stay back and ponder shit out and get illuminated. If you feel like anyone is exercising pressure, speak up, shout them down and make them fucking go away. And remember, not only do they not owe you anything, they are obliged by law to take care of you.



Magick isn't the tool you need. You should first practice some discipline, even if it's within your own chaotic environment. I'll Jordan Peterson here you a little and suggest cleaning your own personal space and keeping it in order. Little steps first. Focus on creating reasonable plans for your future. Look into job training or entry level positions if you don't work, if you do work don't quit, you'll need to convince the government you are able to support yourself. Open a second secret bank account if you can and squirrel away money there or keep hidden cash/bitcoins.

If noise bothers you use some speakers or headphones for a white noise generator. There's apps for that.

As for your guardianship situation, I'd see about secretly contacting an adult guardianship attorney to represent you in ending your parent's guardianship. You may be able to find someone that is willing to work pro-bono or accept payment only if they win the case. If you can control your money enough to pay their retainer then you can get started immediately. If you can get independent mental health analysis along with proof of abuse to convince the court, this may be the way to go. Also look into contacting government adult protective services. Document your parents behavior, take pics of the mess and record their screaming but don't let them know your gathering proof. It might be harder this way, but it's better than disappearing and possibly becoming homeless.

Proper nutrition is very important, if you are unable to eat right see about visiting a food bank and keeping a secret stash of healthy food. Try to get some outdoors time away from the house and a little exercise, it's a good way to relieve stress.

I'll also add that it's entirely possible you could be mentally ill and in denial. Take care of your mind, think about looking for a mental health provider that is independent of your parents after you get your independence. Even if you aren't schizophrenic a lifetime of shitty abusive parents is going to leave it's mark.

Self responsibility is a hard skill to learn if you were not taught it as a child. You need to be determined and set reasonable goals for yourself then follow through. Most important, you can't let emotions sabotage you. Learning emotional self control is also a hard skill to master. If you can't be triggered then you can't be manipulated as easily. Keep your eye on the goal, good luck.


>being controlled and owned by the mundane

what does that make you? Knock it off, dumbass.



>being controlled and owned by the mundane



>register under different mundane control system



underrated post

>Learn to look at this planet as your home

Read this, almost threw up, didn't bother any further.



What do you mean they can use the police to return you home? What would happen if you explained your situation to the police? Don't you have a right to be a free individual? How did your sister escape? Is she willing to help you escape?

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