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File: 2cef54d7aed7782⋯.png (777.6 KB, 1275x855, 85:57, plane_game.png)



Wow, this place is creepy but in a chuunibyou way.


File: 6842b495de98a2f⋯.gif (618.08 KB, 480x304, 30:19, 0e6d952874ed13641770a382c1….gif)

>baneposting on /fringe/



>no big guy flag

>no Spenglerian flag

>no clockwork flag

Nevertheless, this is quite the impressive selection.


You could learn one or two things from us.




File: f38faa9ab8f9ac7⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1876x1850, 938:925, alps_crash_full.png)



The baneposting egregore got a plane to crash with no survivors. It's very worthy of /fringe/ discussion.





You don't get to bring friends



Someone get this hothead outta here!!




File: df584e87f16249b⋯.jpg (172.88 KB, 569x802, 569:802, Lain.jpg)



W-where is the plane?


Hahahahahahahahaha I love when CIA faggots die!


File: dab8bea7cd559e1⋯.png (432.11 KB, 470x706, 235:353, dab8bea7cd559e1c1905316aec….png)


CIA never dies



Post the flags you want here >>96694 and they'll probably be added



*some CIA faggot dies*

Other CIA faggot: He didn't die lol.

Holy fuck CIA faggots are fucking retarded.




You should be ashamed.

Unless you're so blessed by technologies of instant regrowth of missing body that they cannot kill you yet they constantly disrespect you.

Then…hell is obvious. So is absolute terror field…some time or an other.


Hahahhahahaha i love when lil cia faggots die! It makes me so fucking horny!




Your penis is not erect when you see Central Intelligence Agents die.

I think you're lying.



I get super fucking hard when cops/cia agents/jews suffer or die. That is the meaning of life - watching scum get theirs. That is what the even is. It is for it is and the cool meme dude. And that you can't just let it go. What a forced meme. Oooo a plane! And a bad movie! And James Holmes! Hehe Heath 4/4 FurFur (M) L (K) ULTRA Ledger haha what a joker man haha! So fucking funny I forgot to not. This is where I exit. Later dweebus! You are so cool. Look at me! I can just throw words together! Haha! Say it aint so! It would have to even be. You read this. I wasted your time. Mission accomplice. Nothing is real. Stop even looking at things. Just sit back and laugh at all the cia faggots who have died hahahahahahahahaha! So horny! My pussy is so fucking wet for those dead losers!



Numbers don't lie. Theres a failsafe in the universe that reveals anything if you pay attention to the numbers. I thought this through before I created this world. Everything from language to math is designed in a way to reveal everything about every human soul so I can easily analyze them. You think some dumb ass fucking worm human just came up with geometry? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha nigga u dum as fuk.



CIA "poop fart shit turd ass cum blood semen menstral fluid booger pus piss barf slime" Agent



You ever killed any CIA?

Not that they're any more difficult to kill than other government employees…but there are so few, and they do work in offices or they are working among people who don't speak English while in other countries of nation than United States of America. Some work among humans speaking English…but most CIA (outside of office though I am assuming by a logic) work among humans not speaking English.

I don't think I've killed CIA…and I've killed many humans.

You ever killed any cops? I'm just not bothering with them most of the time. I'm not trying to join them. I'm not putting information to them that I am not putting to others. They're are, "okay" people though. Many are too egotistical…or pampered by what they can buy. Many are not, "total warring"…and so I sometimes hate them…but anyone dying or suffering is not good.

I think you're getting some bad humanality computer program glitches or humanality computer program freerider cataclysms. These are muscle flexings caused by machines either far or close…but the electricity created at your body is planned as computer program which initiates the timings and locations of the electricity.

If you're not…then you've not seen many people suffering or dying…or you've not been suffering or dying many times.

What you texted was real chaos. I tend to think you're just copy pasting what someone else said sometime before now…and this is just a help to force living in a world of history/herstory.


File: 25671fba890af29⋯.jpg (115.92 KB, 1024x632, 128:79, 2015-07-Lion-Piece-of-Shit.jpg)


>poop fart shit turd ass

As a Fecalmancer I approve this message.

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