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Hey /fringe/ there is something important I have to tell you.

If the people around you are treating you like shit and then making you question your sanity and self-worth and saying you're mentally ill, don't let it get to you.

I went through that for a long fucking time and started to really develop some insecurities about myself. My family members and some of the other people I had in my life were all characterizing me as crazy and talking badly of me and so on, while I myself did nothing but learn about the occult and do self-improvement and do what I could to make my life better given the circumstances.

All the time they would focus on me and my sanity. It would be put into question all the time and they would suggest I was crazy. They'd do obviously irrational, degenerate, and stupid things constantly but never reflect and get MAD when you pointed out any of their vices to them. Meanwhile they'd treat me like shit and tell me I was the one with problems.

Well, a few months ago I met a friend who didn't think any of this about me, and who was going through some tough shit himself. He works hard, he takes care of his body, he keeps a clean and organized room, he's into the occult, he's kind, he helps me, and I help him… someone just like me. Thanks to him I have got out of my shitty family situation, put a lot of distance between myself and them, and met lots of new (more conservative and traditional or pragmatic and practical minded) people (instead of crazy liberals which is what my family was/is); and you know what everyone tells me? They tell me they could never guess there was anything wrong with me and that I'm a good hardworking man.

I feel completely fine these days and I'm not sad anymore and I feel proud of myself. It was just my family and the other shits in my life tearing me down, while they themselves objectively were the ones with the real issues (which they would never address). My own suffering was pure circumstance and once I got out of that I can now flourish.


Beware of people who consistently attack your character and tell you that you're a bad or crazy person over and over while they themselves are the real degenerates – who never take responsibility for anything – who get mad at you for everything.

I'd never have guessed this at all before but the world's actually full of honorable, hardworking, responsible, rational, kind, and virtuous people. You just have to get the fuck out of certain areas and social circles.

Nobody tells me I'm crazy anymore, constantly guilt-trips me or insults my racial pride, or plays fucked up mind-games with me – and now I'm starting to get ahead in life while the people I left behind that were exploiting me are regretting having driven me off and are now suffering in my absence since I did everything for them I could and they can't use me anymore; they never appreciated me though when I was there and if I visit they quickly return to their old habits towards me and I just leave again (they never fucking learn and they are a waste of time).

It's nice to go through your day feeling accepted and loved and respected and admired and that you're surrounded by good people; thinking about productive and happy things – rather than wondering when someone is going to burst into your room and yell at you and gaslight you and other hostilities and questioning yourself and questioning God's love all the time. It's a damned good feel and I hope you all get to feel it too one day who are currently trapped with degenerates. I've exited a nightmare and entered paradise. When I do something for someone else now it's appreciated not merely taken for granted – and the people are RATIONAL, they do things in a rational way and their feelings reflect REASON.

My previous life was a constant fight or flight adrenaline fest. Now it only goes back like that temporarily when I visit with them again, then I return to my new life and it's just so amazing what a big difference it makes when you're around good honest non-insane non-liberal people again. I would have never escaped if not for my friend God sent me because I was trapped in that situation for so fucking long with no way out.


Don't waste time on people who don't learn. Theoretically you can change everyone; in practical terms you can't change anyone who doesn't want to. People who think their problems aren't problems, who think their degenerate behavior is acceptable, or who get upset with you when you try to help them aren't worth the time. Something else I would have never guessed; but it's absolutely not normal to fight with someone for months or years over some stupid shit they should be addressing. Normal, healthy, sane people accept your help and learn with you and seek to improve themselves. Those that don't strive to improve, who are set in their ways, will continue to degenerate and to not have changed a single thing even after years of wasted effort; while a more positive person will change the first time you make a suggestion and explain your reasoning.

In other words; you (practically speaking) can only help those that WANT to be helped and are open to receive it. This is not an absolute statement; you can in fact change anyone and anything; but most people aren't worth the tremendous effort and will quickly unlearn what you thought you taught them and go back to being a stupid nigger eating the pile of seeds instead of planting them. That's basically what libtards are, stupid niggers that don't learn. To un-nig them, you'd have to change their very nature to the point they are something else entirely, and at that point you may as well be casting their soul out completely and putting in a new one; it would be less effort to just put a bullet in their head.

This is all shit I've had to learn the very hard way through my life and I'm glad the pain is over and my good friend has enabled me to attain a practical freedom from the bullshit. Thanks to him I can now actually live a life worth living, don't think about committing suicide or homicide every day, and have faith in myself and my fellow man.

If you're reading this thread thank you very much "Merman".



>prides himself on being rational

>God's love all the time

bullshit makes the flowers grow



God has infinite love and infinite hate. You have the ability as to which side of him you tune into.



Asspained SJW/fatty/sexual-deviant/druggy/tv-watcher/narc/jew/shitskin/cuck detected.


I'm glad you found good people, OP. Personally I say very little about my studies to most people around me, and my Christian friends are all convinced that I'm one of them. Generally when people worry about my mental health is has to do with anxiety, psychosis, and social disconnect.


First of all it's awesome to know that you are happy now OP.

I don't know much about your particular case but in the long run you should try to understand and forgive those people. I think that getting away from toxic relationships and people is a nice first step, which you have taken and that's awesome, but I think that it should be followed with some sort of "reconciliation", as now it will be easier to look at their issues with some distance as they don't have an effect on your life as strong as before.

Try to guess where were your errors and correct them before trying to change anyone else. These people, as you say, don't have any power over you anymore so it should be easy to look at them more kindly than before. You can take your time but I'd recommend to solve those issues as hatred and resentment will only reinforce your ego.



Sorry guy your about as rational as a turnip. Something nice actually happened and now your going around screeching THERE IS A GOD!

Your getting emotional over shit because you found a friend. I could've kidnapped you and plopped you almost any where else in the world and you still be writing the same post.



No, as soon as I come into contact with them again, it's the same shit all over again and it causes a setback for me. There's other people for me to focus on and spend my time on and cultivate good relationships with. I owe them nothing for all the abuse. I am, and always have been, ready to receive them when they are genuinely repentant and ready to change their ways. Until then; I'll have nothing to do with their shit – there's people that need me more who aren't beyond redemption.


I've always believed in God but I was one of those gnostics shitposting on here saying God is real but hates us all.

Emotions have nothing to do with rationality, idiot. You can be cold or emotionally numb but irrational or you can be highly emotional but highly rational.



Emotions are for losers you fuckin SCHIZO



>deliberately misinterprets what anon says

>look how dumb you are, idiot

end ur life, my man



>Emotions have nothing to do with rationality

but they do, depending on whats going on in your head you could be angry and depressed. Which is pretty easy to do.

>you can be highly emotional but highly rational.

That's master wizard level son


OP here. I can't believe my fucking luck. Today I learned my friend who helped me is in the hospital and has been there quite awhile now, unable to work. I was at his booth today and there was nobody there.




What is the correct interpretation of whatever the faggot was saying to me and why does he talk in such a way that I have to interpret what he says in the first place?


>but they do, depending on whats going on in your head you could be angry and depressed. Which is pretty easy to do.

Anger can be rational or irrational. Likewise for depression. I prefer people who get angry for a rational reason.

>That's master wizard level son

Is it now? Then maybe I should wear the magus flag? It's not hard to control emotions.



Thats unfortunate hopefully he pulls through also

>I can't believe my fucking luck.

You seem more concern about your self than your friend


>I prefer people who get angry for a rational reason.

Then why aren't you angry at god for hurting your friend?

>Then maybe I should wear the magus flag? It's not hard to control emotions.

go ahead, guys like you who pride themselves on being rational go full cognitive dissonance when shit hits the fan. You'll be able to angry and say that it's perfectly rational but for people on the outside looking in that's probably not gonna be the case


Update on my friend. His arm is broken and he's going to be appearing in court and might end up in jail for up to 5 years and face deportation and his van has been taken away from him and his license suspended.

Meanwhile today I've seen a double rainbow, I was given $20 back on an $50 light I bought 3 days ago 'cause I got it pricematched, I paid off a debt, and I got a box of food free, and in general I've been experiencing an unrelenting spurt of incredible luck and fortune.



>You seem more concern about your self than your friend

I'm not concerned for myself or for him. I leave it all in God's hands and know there is no point to fret. Do you even reality manifestation bro? No matter what is happening around me I am going to use my emotions productively. If I don't attend to my own affairs I can't help others; and when I can help I do so in what ways I can.

Respect life as those do who desire it. Be happy as those are who live for happiness.

Seek in the heart the source of evil and expunge it. It lives fruitfully in the heart of the devoted disciple as well as in the heart of the man of desire. Only the strong can kill it out. The weak must wait for its growth, its fruition, its death. And it is a plant that lives and increases throughout the ages. It flowers when the man has accumulated unto himself innumerable existences. He who will enter upon the path of power must tear this thing out of his heart. And then the heart will bleed, and the whole life of the man seem to be utterly dissolved. This ordeal must be endured; it may come at the first step of the perilous ladder which leads to the path of life: it may not come until the last. But, O disciple, remember that it has to be endured: and fasten the energies of your soul upon the task. Live neither in the present nor the future, but in the eternal. This giant weed cannot flower there: this blot upon existence is wiped out by the very atmosphere of eternal thought.


See also: http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux

and also this: http://infositelinks.com/Free/2012/08/The-Master-Mind.pdf

>Then why aren't you angry at god for hurting your friend?

There is no hurt which God's love can not mend. Even our lives will be lost to us but there is always the law of compensation in effect. I spent a long time angry at God but god just gives you more things to be angry about if you do that. Love God and god will give you more things to love.

>go ahead, guys like you who pride themselves on being rational go full cognitive dissonance when shit hits the fan. You'll be able to angry and say that it's perfectly rational but for people on the outside looking in that's probably not gonna be the case

Anger is a useful emotion sometimes for some purposes. Anger is not inherently irrational.

Love is the law; but love under will. So also for all the other emotions.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>I'm not concerned for myself

Then go hang out with your family more

>or for him.

yeah your starting to make that clear

>Do you even reality manifestation bro?

and what about the people who pray for world peace? You think god would do his part.

>Love God and god will give you more things to love.

>be positive and you'll be happier

Well at least you learned something

>but love under will.

It aint your will numnuts


right bait thread



>Then go hang out with your family more

To prove myself to you? No thanks.

>yeah your starting to make that clear

Ah, so you're one of those people that goes around trying to demonize others and make them out to be bad people? Got you. What drives you? Some kind of jealousy or bitterness or what?

>and what about the people who pray for world peace? You think god would do his part.

Barely anyone even knows how to properly pray also fuck world peace, the vid above yours very related (I knew you'd talk about world peace before you actually made your post so I quickly posted that video before you even posted your shit, you impressed or just more intensely sceptical? Probably just more sceptical as this clearly doesn't constitute solid proof of fuck all but it is what it is), we need more wars. Also this reality we live in is the sum of the collective desires of each consciousness embedded in it; so competing desires restrain and cancel each other out as a rule.

>Well at least you learned something

It's not your basic bitch reductionist psychology. Read Carl Jung and William Luther Pierce. Learn about synchronicity. Read up on David Bohm and his implicate and explicate orders. Read up on holographic universe theory.

>It aint your will numnuts

Back to the vid I posted btw. We exist for the entertainment of God as Terry A. Davis tells us. Earth is a loosh farm. Life is set up as a big drama.


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>judging people

>telling people what to do

>caring about politics and the fate of the collective thoughtform structure


God has nothing as nothing can be possessed. Love is an illusion as is hate, though hate is moreso.

Can't you see Smileberg. You are a product of your conditioning. You replace one set of rules for another, one set of chains for another, one master for another. And you call it freedom. Freedom is not something you gain nor is it given. All men are free, only when you choose to let go of your conditioning will you know it. I pray you will at the least know the truth of what I say in the next life.



>To prove myself to you?

how about to yourself?

>Ah, so you're one of those people that goes around trying to demonize others and make them out to be bad people?

no I'm saying if you cared about your friend you probably try and help him as best you could instead going LOL GOD WILL SOLVE IT!

>I knew you'd talk about world peace before you actually made your post

>Literally fedora argument 101

>we need more wars

Are you going to fight in it?


blah blah coincidence that's too weird so it must be god

>We exist for the entertainment of God

and what if hes setting you up to laugh at your ass?

>Terry A. Davis

man loves his programming and his rants that's for sure. I cant really take him too seriously.



>Love is an illusion

You mean love is subjective or non existent?



It depends which definition of love you use. If you believe the individual exists as a discrete unit yet below external differentiation of concious and unconscious mental circumstance all people are fundementally driven by the same force which is simplified as God, than all positive action is love and all negative action is the lack thereof. Though this is probably a semantic distinction.

Kind of asking if the acheivements in a video game mean anything. It's up to you, but objectively they don't.



Don't you get it son? Nobody can abuse you. Nothing can be owned. No man owns even his own body, his thoughts neither are his. It is your refusal to see things as they truly are that brings pain. What can any man do to another that he may harm him. For all violence all harsh words merely effects that which we inhabit, that which inhabits that which we inhabit. The being is eternal and immortal riven in God's image and to God it will return. You hold to affection or to resentment it is the same. You mistaks the forest for the trees.



because you are narcissistic faggot who blames everyone around him for everything!

That anon was actually telling you to look in a damn mirror and see a shitting edgy faggot who is so KEWL to shit on his parents and close relatives. "B-but they were abusing mee-me!" - Only in your fucking dreams, m8! It was you who let them abuse you; you were probably so weak to fall for their bait, they didn't even needed to bait you anymore. "Now all i feel is hatred" - wow so kewl and edgy! What are you 10 y.o.? Why are you here then? You wanted an advice or just come here to cry like a bitch on your personal blog? Get strong! Both physically and mentally and accept that world is not that kind place and shitheads are everywhere!

But if you continue to let every single crackhead ruin your life then why not end it prematurely? Are you strong enough for a people around you that only wish to step over you and move on? No you're not, you're usual crybaby coming here to blogpost about muh oc-cults feelings!

We too were deemed insane by public, but eventually and gradually most of us, totally not you learned enough to convince and influence even a hard-tipping fedora faggot that he is the cause of his own problems, not anyone around him. People are flocking to you because they feel the same soul notion, yet you manage to tell everyone else to fuck off. No, you havemust make them better persons not by coming here and blogposting and expecting the same kind of shit from them: "Oh, only when they realize their mistakes! and come beg me! and blow me off or smth."

Most people do NEVER realize their wrongdoings. If you feel so superior you MUST realize your mistakes first and accept mistakes of others as your own wrongdoings. That is the ONLY WAY!



Good for you, you raised yourself above the challenge.


>it's another whiny faggot boy thread

estrogen levels are reaching critical levels !



It's literally all Smiley every time.

prove me wrong fagtron

(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)



>because you are narcissistic faggot who blames everyone around him for everything!

Cool, anyone that actually knows me thinks the opposite.

>the rest of what you're saying

stfu faggot, my parents were able to abuse me because I depended on them, that's what enables most abuse in the first place; being dependent on someone – nobody else can fuck with me the way my parents could

>because you are narcissistic faggot who blames everyone around him for everything!

So when I beat the shit out of you, you're the cause of it then right, since everyone is the cause of their own problems? Got you. Dipshit.

I'm not going to return to people who abuse me and who I hate. Just because you love your parents doesn't mean everyone else does. I am not trying to be edgy, I have no love for my parents at all and will piss on their grave (unless I die first, in which case they'll be pissing on my grave).


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'hurf durf why aren't you being a doormat anon'

Even montalk recommends against your faggotry.

My body is my own btw because I am OWN IT. It will stop being mine when someone castes me out of it, like when I caste the original occupant out of this body and took it over heh. Obviously I am not the things I own; but that doesn't mean I don't own things. To own; aka I control it, inhabit it, have a right to it, possess it. It is, at the very least, "on loan" to me for now and I'm going to defend my claim to this body until I'm done with it and move on.


>no I'm saying if you cared about your friend you probably try and help him as best you could instead going LOL GOD WILL SOLVE IT!

Do you even know how god solves shit? God sends people like me to solve shit. God acts THROUGH THE WORLD. Dumbass. Anyways my friend is OK right now, his business has been shutdown and stuff, and he's going to court still, and so on but he's not sad at all and I spent a good part of today helping him move some stuff and playing with him.

>Are you going to fight in it?

Fuck yes. I'll be the first to fight.

>blah blah coincidence that's too weird so it must be god

lol synchronicities mean meaningful coincidences and you should read up on the literature about them and yes god is responsible for that shit since god is the higher order

>and what if hes setting you up to laugh at your ass?

Better that God is amused with you then that you are put to death for being too boring. All boring people are put to death by God. God grants the longest life to people who are lively, entertaining, and have vital and active personalities and cuts short the lives of others.


>not judging people

>not telling people what to do

>not playing the game of politics and fighting over the demiurge

Seriously anon, if you don't care, why haven't you just killed yourself yet? The only reason I'm here is because I care about this world; not that it's special but it's the server I'm currently playing on so to speak and I don't feel like giving it up just yet. If you give so little shits you should just livestream your suicide right now on here.

>God has nothing as nothing can be possessed.

Then how the fuck am I in this body right now faggot?

>Love is an illusion as is hate, though hate is moreso.

Emotions aren't illusions. Prove me wrong.

>Can't you see Smileberg. You are a product of your conditioning. You replace one set of rules for another, one set of chains for another, one master for another. And you call it freedom. Freedom is not something you gain nor is it given. All men are free, only when you choose to let go of your conditioning will you know it. I pray you will at the least know the truth of what I say in the next life.

The ability to choose your masters is freedom. Slaves can't choose their masters. There is only one freedom that matters; the ability to make choices. The more constrained you are in your range of possible choices, the less free you are.


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Do you even know how god solves shit?

If i did I wouldn't be wasting time on here.

>God sends people like me to solve shit.

such as? Why dont you start world war 3 if that's what god wants.

>lol synchronicities mean meaningful coincidences

I was playing witcher 3 for weeks, my mom brings home a pair of swords. LOL OMG I'M GERALT OF RIVERA! I NEED TO START SLAYING MONSTERS FOR COIN!

>God grants the longest life to people who are lively, entertaining, and have vital and active personalities and cuts short the lives of others.

Bruce Lee- actor, martial artist, all around inspiration dies at 32

not seeing it, from my experience the people who live the longest are people who live their lives regardless of god.

>judging people

don't care as long as they don't piss me off

>telling people what to do

at best you should give them advice not beat them into submission that your way is the best.

>playing the game of politics

Go on then go knock on doors and find a campaign you believe in. If you want to change politics your not gonna do it by posting here.

>Emotions aren't illusions. Prove me wrong.

emotions are subjective. Alot of times people think I'm angry when I'm more annoyed.

>The ability to choose your masters is freedom. Slaves can't choose their masters.

and your saying you chooses god because he did you a favor? Sounds more like slavery to me, if your whole purpose is to entertain god.

>OK right now, his business has been shutdown and stuff, and he's going to court still, and so on but he's not sad at all

>meaningful coincidences

>pic related

This your friend?



Anyone who invalidates you, making you question yourself is dangerous.

It isn't normal human behavior and people who do it do so out of choice, which means they are tapping into dark things. Even if they are essentially idiots otherwise you should treat them as being willingly possessed by evil entities. Because they are.



If your reality is so weak it can be questioned it is worthless. If you hold even the shadow of a doubt in your beliefs they are false. The truth fears no questioning.



God acts through the world, but not as some sort of overseer. God turned on the switch to the simulation, that's all. You sound like some sort of wannabe Christain.


To be honest. If you completely and absolutely accepted the fact that you are as crazy as your family says you are, that problem would dissolve and dissipate. Perhaps you should stop denying it and instead meditate on it and how it all makes you feel.

Then you would gravitate towards your path naturally (whether it is where you are now or something else).

Running away from problems will NEVER get rid of them, as they will come up again and again in your life under different guises until you learn whatever underlying lesson they offer you.

A possible protip: consider the problem not to be what these people tell you but the fact that it boils your blood. Focus on that feeling in meditation and find out where it comes from. In meditation, NOT contemplation.



i have the opposite situation

since my very traditional parent found out im gay and into childporn, my life has been a living hell, worse part i cant even tell anyone about it…

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