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Teach me how to design a diet that incorporates OMAD plus vegetarianism, with building a functional body.

The facts are the following:

>eating less makes you live longer

>intermitent fasting works

>the body adapts to a lack of calories, hence why prisioners can be muscular

should I follow dr amen's ra diet?

(( >>78148 ) 1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit )


60 eggs a day


You must clean your body, thats the only way to become a god and transcend the matrix.



I know, im asking how.


Do you want to gain weight, lose weight, or just be healthier?


They did some research with the monks living at Mount Athos and they're all incredibly healthy and live long as shit on a Mediterranean diet + plus frequent fasting because that's part of their religious practice.

Might wanna look into that.


>OMAD plus vegetarianism

Eat one meal per day with no meat

>with building a functional body.

Work out

The only way your gonna learn is by doing. plenty of veggies and fruit to mix and match. If your looking for the ultimate diet is doesn't exist. I don't understand why people keep trying to reinvent the wheel. Just eat healthy and work out



gain weight but only muscle weight;never extra fat.

Im wondering if always keep eating the same amount but increasingly workout;will I burn out or actually get more muscle-heavy??



That's not really possible, not in a mundane way. If there's magic to do to gain only muscle and no fat, it would probably involve thoughtforms and minor shapeshifting. If you want to do it the bodybuilder way, you need to bulk for a while and then cut. You can't bulk and cut at the same time. You should eat a surplus of calories with as much protein as possible and a good amount of healthy carbs and fiber too, until you gain a lot of muscle and fat. Then you should cut out all carbs for a few days and then stay on very minimal carbs to be in ketosis (your body will prioritize fat over carbs as an energy source), while maintaining a caloric deficit. All the while, you should be lifting weights. Go to ss.fitness (website) to learn the details.


>should I follow dr amen's ra diet?

wtf nigga who the shit has the audacity to call themselves that





This is actually a pretty reliable system. One adult human can provide a month's worth of calories to most lean individuals, and it solves world hunger and overpopulation at the same time. Diseased and overly unhealthy humans should be avoided, as well as the brain and spinal chord, but otherwise cooking will clean the meat well enough. We could empty all of our prisons pretty quickly, also feeding on the recently deceased. Rather than aborting their children, self-worshiping whores and rape victims can birth the child properly and restaurants can pay them a nice sum for the soft meat. It probably wouldn't be the most balanced system ever, but it would be a prosperous one. The only problem is that it's a huge taboo in the West.



>what is prion sickness



That's why you avoid the brain stem and cook thoroughly.



Clear disconnect with reality. For one, this would lead to good people being murdered for there flesh on the regular due to DISINTEGRATING moral fiber. All mores would be eroded to nothing and human extinction would likely result, never mind the absolute horrors that would ensue.

Worse than any state or governance ever. If people go with that idea we're killing and eating you first.



Amputate my legs and let me watch you eat them, I want to be aware for the process.



Agreed, exept about the prisoners part. Insiders say acquiring roids in prison is easier then outside. Besides they bully others for food.


vegetarianism is a meme.

after doing keto I became stronger, faster, thinner, and more mentally awake.



God damnit there's some weird people out there.



I will start a program like that. It involves a 2 week fast followed by polyphasic sleeping schelude, working out 1 hour a day, eating one vegan meal a day, meditating 1 hour a day, reading 2 hours a day, studying 8 hours a day, spirulina(for protein), no masturbation(maybe once o month). Also google brain boosting foods, third eye decalcifying foods make a list and consume daily in your one meal.



This, keto is a godsend.


I've been on omad since December, I got stronger and gained 10lbs of muscle, and lost fat after two months with just the exercise I get doing construction.

Eat more fat whether doing keto or not, an avocado a day, spoon of coconut oil, spoon of butter, lots of nuts and seeds

Free range eggs are not meat and never had a soul, karmic neutral.


>being stupid and cuck'd



That's what I'm sayin' man



that sh*t works my negro….all that is some real sh*t OP

I met a fellow about 70 who looks about 30 and blazes trails like he's 20


What are ways to improve eyesight? I have heard of using the reverse lens to the ones you are prescribed, but where the hell would one get those? Anything else? I suppose autosuggestion could work.



Math. Take your prescription, find the inverse function of those curves and order off some, "we ship right to your house" site.

Can confirm that glasses fuvk your vision tho.

Huxley (underappreciated wiz) has a book called "the art of seeing" that gave me good tips. Its definitely already a system before he touches it. (Its in the library)

Also carrots, as well as anything boosting bloodflow or oxygen will help.

Finally if you wanna take it into a magix state I had a visual aid but I can't find the file.

Its three shapes stacked horizontally. (Simple is better)

then put two of those stacks next to eachother

color them in, I usually use whatever complimentary colors for each shape (red on right blue on left etc)

Then loose focus in your vision gaze at the image and try to create a solid third pillar of shapes blending the colors in between the others.

Moving this pillar smoothly in and out of focus is sort of like slow curls for your eyes and their muscles. Your eyesight will get better.

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