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Esoteric Wizardry


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I need to be frank here. I made a mistake that I really need to fix. It is borderline grave, but it will only take 5 minutes to fix if I could simply go backwards in time. I will do anything that it takes, provided doing so could be done within the month or preferably the week. If anyone is out there with the knowledge for this, please, I sincerely beg you, please respond. Thank you.


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You cannot change the past. Once you make any sort of action that is it, there is no going back, and it doesn't matter if you regret it or not ultimately we just have to accept the way things are and try to make the present and future better. Don't torture yourself thinking "Oh what if I did x instead of y" because at the end of the day all you are doing is putting yourself through mental torture and presenting yourself with an infinite amount of unnatainable could-of-been abstractions. It is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. You reap what you sow. You make your bed and now you sleep in it. Such is the way of things I am afraid, if it were any different I am sure everyone in the world would be slipping back into whatever memory they have, fixing all the things they wish they did, but it is just naieve wishful thinking. Even if such a thing were possible enough science-fiction has taught me it will logically never work out. Don't beat yourself up, learn from your mistakes and become a better person.


I'm afraid that if you remember it it's a fixed event already. The wave function is collapsed and unchangeable. I'm sorry.

I'd advise you to cast for a solution a posteriori.



Please, I'm very new to this. What can I do to either ensure that as many as 20 or so people forget information? At the least, what can I do to ensure that 1 or 2 of these people forget this information? My time is limited unfortunately as to what I may learn to do, so any advice at all would be helpful.



What is the nature of said information?




Replace it with new information. :^)



The fact that you remember does not make in unchangeable. The fact that you remember is a sign that it is unchangeable.

Even if you forgot about it, it is a fixed part of this timeline and there's no escaping it.

The only way you can change the past (change timelines so to speak) is when the event in question is completely alien to your timeline (for instance, you cast a spell and turns out the causal chain that leads to manifestation started before you casted it. That would be changing the past). That ship has sailed in this case I'm afraid.

Focus on fixing the situation (magically or mundanely, or both) on the premise that the event has happened and that cannot be changed.


ITT: cuccs telling you about all the (((real))) limits that exist in this experience. limits are for cuccs. they are a choice, as is existence.



no one knows shit about shit



which is why it is dangerous to take on limits. in case they don't exist. we have no evidence that can prove that you don't have reality manipulation powers.



heh, looks like we got ourselves a timecuck, boys



You fucking tease. All right, enlighten me. Please.



>I made a mistake that I really need to fix.

I'll give you something no one else is giving you. Something you can do.

If you really want this, if you want it badly enough… Enough to let go of everything else in your universe - then it may be possible. Also, remember - things will most probably NOT manifest themselves in the way you think they will. You must let go of everything.

Basic process of all magick = desire. intent. action. release. Which is the 4 powers of the sphinx, ie; to Know, to Will, to Dare and to Keep Silent.

You must in the end, let go of everything, including what happened, and what you want, think or believe what will, may or won't happen. That's the last step, and the hardest.

Immerse thyself in the teachings of Neville Goddard - who is similar to WWA so naysayers can go fuck themselves. This is for the OP only, and no one else.

Also, study the sidebar of ;




I admit to not be OP, though I find myself in a similar situation. I understand what you are saying, except for the "action"/"dare" part. What exactly does that encompass? Is doing a sigil, or reciting a spell an example of this? Or is it something else?



>the "action"/"dare" part. What exactly does that encompass?

First, an example of a most simple act of magick. How do you acquire a can of soda?

You sit at home in front of the computer, and slowly you come to the realization that your throat is parched. You imagine a can of cold, delicious mountain dew, and the desire for one begins to well up.

Second, your desire builds enough that you cannot take the inaction anymore, so you decide that you're going to have to shift your mass out of the chair and actually go get one from the fridge.

So, thirdly, you lurch into action and drag yourself up, sweaty flesh separating from the wet leather of your recliner and the tedious dance of moving each trunk of a leg in front of each other begins until you reach the fridge and pull it open.

Fourth, if you manage to remain focused on your ultimate goal. Keeping silent about it, lest your mother loudly object to your excesses. Not letting any thoughts of such things such as 'diet', 'bedtime' or 'wanking' interfere with your pure action of acquiring said soda can. You will then receive a soda can.


Which is an acronym for, El Melech Ne'eman

Which means, God Is A Faithful King

He keeps his promises. The planets go around. The sun comes up. You release an apple, it falls. Your molecules stay together in the shape of you. Not because they want to, not because of some Law humans made up, or because God or whoever the fuck wants it to, but because it has been promised.

You do a thing, certain results will follow. As is promised.

>inb4 fools start saying mundane acts are not magick

go drink more mountain dew you idiot



Ironically sugary or caffeinated drinks promote dehydration. You should have started the tale with "an image of a mountain dew flashes into your mind due to years of subliminal conditioning and the desire for one begins to well up".

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