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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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· info), "coiled one"), in the concept of Dharma, refers to a form of primal energy (or shakti) said to be located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers.

So as a newb I am familiar only somewhat with what is being taught. From downloading all of the library from fringe I see a lot of Kundalini practice, but to me this doesn't resonate well. You see in many texts the serpent is considered bad, and deceiving. Could this be the case with Kundalini? Tricking you and showing you false truths, and attaching a wrong energy to your body? Just wondering on this because I am stuck with going full blown into it and completely rejecting it. I just don't like the idea of a "serpent" energy coiling around my spine/"antenna" and possibly blocking off my spirit.


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You don't know anything about real Kundalini. It's not your fault though, this topic is as much riddled with false teachings as anything else that is part of Tantra. Occultists borrow things freely from it without any understanding of the system and the true meaning and power are lost in translation. And Kundalini yoga is Tantrik yoga par excellence.

All those "Kundalini yogis" who boast about their "Kundalini experience" are deluded. Sure, maybe they have had some experience, maybe they even stirred it a bit, but that's all.

Real Kundalini ascension is full-on enlightenment. Even getting as far as some of the lowest chakras (the name, place etc. of them is dependent on chakra system you are using, what I mean is - the first step of the real Kundalini experience) is enough that some stop there and enjoy various siddhis and having true power.

If you want to know more about Kundalini and not fake "neo-Kundalini" then there aren't many books you can read, at least not many that I know of.

"Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths" by Lilian Silburn is a must-read.

Translation of "Kundalinivijnana rahasyam" by Swami Lakshman Joo is a bit lacking but a great read nonetheless, also I recommend "Kashmir Shaivism: the Secret Supreme" also by Swami Lakshman Joo, it touches on Kundalini too as far as I remember, but also provides you with context to this practice.

There are a few Kundalini-related meditations in Vijnanabhairava tantra, so you might like to take a look, just make sure to NOT read Osho's version, as it's not real Vijnanabhairava. Jaideva Singh edition is the best, also Swami Lakshman Joo one is good and a bit more comprehensible to someone who isn't knowledgeable about Tantra.

You might want to take a look at Woodroffe's famous "The Serpent Power" (which btw coined the term serpent power when talking about Kundalini) just bear in mind that this text is not an original tantra, but a relatively late treatise in which knowledge was already forgotten and a bit garbled. It is also a work from different Tantrik current, so there are some differences.

Abhinavagupta in his Xth century Tantraloka also described the practice in detail.

That's about it really. Do not trust any modern "Kundalini yogis" who say shit like "you must raise the energy mane", they are likely to not know anything of value.

pic unrel



Shieeet, okay I'm glad I asked instead of just going in blind.

I will definitely find those books lol. If you have any pdfs to share that would be appreciated also (:

Thank you for the kind to newb reply and spelling all those names off the dome seemed impossible while reading your reply, el oh el.



Also before I forget why is the term "serpent" of "serpent power" even a part of Kundalini.

Reason am concerned is because I heard the youtuber who introduced me far too long ago into telekinesis and other abilities "Astro Solsin" said that Kundalini is a trick etc. Blocking off your spirit connection and deceiving you with the serpent eye.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCBP6fCduqY (PART 1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsVKKC1toW0 (PART 2)


All videos talking about such.

Makes me wonder, but spreading the contemplation and asking a fringe brotha about dis. Thx


maybe that was the Neo-Kundalini you were mentioning, damn, I was thinking maybe you were just saying that Neo-Kundalini is just like dipping your toes in the water instead of jumping in. Or maybe even just more distracting than knowledgeable. so many replies but who cares



Unfortunately can't upload pdfs now, but they are not hard to find, all of them should be on scribd, if not then just google it.



>Also before I forget why is the term "serpent" of "serpent power" even a part of Kundalini.

Because it's just symbolism. It's easier to operate on symbols than on some abstract "energy" and Kundalini represents the sum total of your energy (and the sum total of all energy there is tbqh). In India serpents aren't viewed as something sinister, you even have there a benevolent race of celestial beings that are serpent-like (nagas). The view "snake = bad" only comes from Christianity.

There are several ways in which Pranakundalini ascension can occur (they are described in Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme), only one of them is related to the serpent symbolism.

I think that the symbolism stems from the fact that Kundalini rises and stretches through chakras like a rising cobra. Anyway, we are talking about Tantra here - a religio-mystical system of magic and spirituality, of course it veils it's meaning under symbols and metaphors. Same with Devis and Devas, they can be taken literally as deities with given forms and attributes, or, more esoterically, as certain forces of the universe (both outlooks being equally true). The appearances are only for our sake. There is no serpent coiled around your spine, this is just a meditative image that you adhere to in order to make this whole thing easier, but, ultimately, you don't need it.

The videos are just more New Agey disinfo IMHO. The problem is that this guy takes a practice that originated in a completely different culture and then judges it from his culture's perspective. There is no one-to-one translation. If you want to make connections between different systems then you need to understand the symbolism and get to the bottom of things, not just scratch the surface.

Some other point I want to make - the books I recommended - they are hard to read. They are full of Sanskrit terms and, as I mentioned, they are written from the viewpoint of a completely different culture than you are accustomed to. Some of them are really academic. Nevertheless, I haven't found a single Western approach to Kundalini that would be faithful to, and as powerful as, the original thing. Maybe try starting with "Kashmir Shaivism: Secret Supreme" and see if you get a knack of it, if not - focus on something else maybe. I don't want to discourage you, but undertaking Kundalini yoga without a Guru and without proper training can be very dangerous. Not because of some bogus reason that the guy in the video was talking about, but because your body isn't accustomed to such energy. People think that it suffices to just imagine their chakras being woke af and clean and it will be so, maybe do a bit of energy work for the funny feels. Perhaps it suffices for some practices, but not for Kundalini. Your samskaras (karmic impressions) form knots. In ordinary persons chakras aren't luminous, they don't spin or vibrate, they are just knots. Rising Kundalini without firstly at least loosening them is dangerous. Kundalini will rise, but your psyche (or even physical body) may not withstand the sudden flood of energy, of power.

What is your expertise in meditation and occult generally if you don't mind me asking?




those vids are really terrible man, it sounds like he makes this shit up on the go.



I have very little experience. I started on /pol/ but have always been more spiritual than anyone on there it seemed so I eventually just forgot about it. I try to just focus on every detail like Voiding Thoughts Meditation through out daily life, but haven't spent hours of sitting down meditating. Unless it was outside and I was absorbing the sun or some shit like that.

I have detoxed and been raw vegan but I stopped considering it was too hard in school, but while I was raw vegan and high on fruits I had so much energy and spiritual intuition, that energy practice would've had a boost and been beneficial for me.

Now that I am coming back to a high vibration diet and going down some rabbit holes I thought I should give /fringe/ a try, or another try because before I had seen some shit that seemed nescient like someone had said that alcohol and tobacco helps with some shit, I forgot what was said to be honest.

I watched videos of Mark Passio recently and he is apparently an "ex"-satanist which didn't sit right with me and I felt as if he was programming people in a wrong way so I stopped. That is why I might be overly skeptical on practicing anything to do with myself.

So to answer your question I am not very familiar with meditation or occult (more than meditation, but less practice of it.) Actually in my opinion I would say I haven't even stepped my toe in, but on the road I am trying.

I appreciate you helping, I downloaded most of the libraries, but haven't really read much. Just started watching Bear Heart (I feel like some of the stuff could be lies or dramtized?) not sure about him so far.

Yes, his videos are *thumbs down* but sounded like he had a good soul. He also tries all he can to visit his site and buy his OVERPRICED but PRICED in general program called "Reprogram the Matrix" Ctfu.

We could keep talking on here, but is there anyway I could maybe message you somehow. I am in the skype group, but seems dead. IF not and you want your anonymity I completely understand lol.


File: 7b0efa38d9d3ce8⋯.pdf (5.64 MB, [131128] Lilian Silburn - ….pdf)



Here's "Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths" by Lilian Silburn if anyone wanted it. I don't have any of the other books but I haven't looked for them.



Maybe first explore other areas of the occult before you dive into Kundalini? These are high-level practices.

Sure, we can talk, just leave your Discord or e-mail and I'll hit you up.



Okay bool.

discord- #6816




Thanks for that book. I'm going to read it on my phone since I will be outside all day gracias amigo


I know this is unrelated to the discussion, but has anyone got any books on Pranayama?



Sorry, was a bit busy, sent you request just now.


I've got loads, but there is no use recommending all of them.

I can definitely recommend "Prana and Pranayama" by Niranjanananda Saraswati (Bihar Yoga Publications). I have some issues with Bihar Yoga, but this book has a good enough theory section and very good practice section. It's respectful to source materials and teaches you real shit (as far as I can verify that) and not some made-up bullshit for new agey wannabe yogis or something. It takes dedication though (as anything worthwhile really), it also has a follow up - "Prana vidya" which teaches some more esoteric practices, but I haven't studied it yet. "Prana and Pranayama" covers a wide range of exercises, starting simple with breath awareness, belly breathing, yogic breathing, breath retention and samavritti pranayama, then you go on to classical pranayamas. Of special importance is nadi shuddhi exercise IMHO.

So yeah, very good entry-level book, unlike Atkinson's """"Hindu-Yogi"""" science of breath. Seriously, can't recommend that one.

If you complete the above mentioned book you can start your own search through original Tantrik and hatha yogic materials in search for pranayamas and various practices.



Also, "Prana and Pranayama" is one of a few books on pranayama that also teach (or at least introduce to Western reader) the little known concept of swaras and divination from breath.


Im gonna write a question in that thread, red3 please do your best to answer, i might be in a pickle.





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Because some one had to.


The most powerful meditation you will ever do.

This is how Bodhidarhama Tat Mo, Naropa, Milarepa, all the tantric Bodhisattva's and even, the Buddha himself, achieved enlightenment.

It can be used to do anything, I won't detail the practical uses, half of the fun is figuring them out, however, I'll lay down the basic practices for the serious one's out there.

Only Developed Energy Bodies Should Try This

No kiddies allowed.

>inb4 How do I know I am developed enough ?

The day when you'll be able to breathe through both nosestrils at the same time and regulate your breath to do so on command under 1-10 minutes is the day when you can hope to be prepared enough for this.

In accordance to this, you need to have had a kundaini rising and are conversant in the science of breath.

This is Highest Yoga Tantra, not some soccer mom stretching, new ager feel good or some dellusional wizard imagination.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything that happens to you as a result of practicing this High Tantric Practice, don't be stupid, don't be energetically imbalanced and especially, don't be fucking stupid. If you do not meet the criteria's, this practice can result in:

Emotional and mental instability



Medical conditions that even Dr Pheels can't treat


Spontaneous Combustion

And much more, ranging from sweating like a jew in the oven to death.

>Ignore this at your own risk, don't cry if you fuck yourself up, I won't help you.

1. Synchronize the ida and pingala channels, monitor your nose strills.

2. Work on all your chakras thoroughly, don't race, take your time, breathe into them a certain number of times

3. Feel yourself as hollow, like a balloon. Your skin is glowing and on the inside there is only empty space. Take the time it takes to strongly establish this state.

4. Feel the energy from your perineum going through the spine and further up to the crown. When you feel the energy at your perinium, contract the PC muscles, as if you wanted to stop to pee mid flow.

5. At this point you should feel the central channel quite clearly and have some kundalini flowing inside the shushuma. Aquaint yourself with these feelings

6. Now feel two side channels going in through the nostrils up to the third eye and going down to the back of the head on both sides of the central channel, touching the root chakra, going up and merging together at the lower dan tiens

7. At the dan tiens, feel a small and hot ball of fire in the central channel, so hot that your breath, coming from the two side chanels, ignites this fiery ball and makes it extremely hot. Now hold the breath there in that dan tiens for as much as you can. (seconds at first, minutes later).

7b. As you are holding the breath inside the central channel at the small ball of heat just below the navel, draw energy up from below and above, lock and trap it in the ball of heat. Feel the ball of heat combusting into a fire so hot it would melt anything that would come in contact of it.

8. While still holding your breath, feel the ball of fire being so hot, it is igniting itself and sending flames up to the navel chakra and licking it ferociously with it's extremely hot flames. Feel your navel chakra being ignited too and the fiery ball growing so much that there are no distinction between the dan tiens and navel chakra.

9. Now release all the extremely hot energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head where your crown lights up on an explosive mystical fire that keeps on growing and getting hotter and hotter and hotter. It seems to never die…

Do this all in ONE CONTROLLED BREATH (slow inhalation, gnetle hold and SLOW exhalation) and repeat it over and over and over again until you can't handle it anymore.

This is the Core Practice of ALL Tantras, it has nothing to do with sex, it is all about mastering the different energies of the body.

And thus, the first step of Highest Yoga Tantra is the mastery of the most powerful energy that has been awaken by means of Hatha Yoga or other stimulating practices, the kundalini.

>"As the chief of the Snakes is the support of the earth with all the mountains and forests on it, so All Tantras rest on Kundalini." ~Hatha Yoga Pradipika

[courtesy of AuntWatermelon]


The SERPENT is an ancient, sacred symbol of life, healing, transformation, wisdom, etc. Only with the Abrahamic "religions" was the Serpent attacked and labeled evil and deceitful.



Friend, we are lucky to have the old testament, no matter who wrote it.

The people in it, in the original text were walking with gods.

The bible, mind you most if not all ancient texts, hymns, dichotomies, tell two stories.

In this case specifically it speaks of creation in two intonations, of which the process was pretty much the same.

The serpent is in synonymous with consciousness or the breath of life.

And it is only seen or portrayed as evil because taking the native wildlife and splicing your genes into it to make it sentient while doing further testing down the generations to create a better slave to mine your gold was seen as amoral by the other aliens which intervened and caused the war in the heaven.

[courtesy of tipp]


If you maintain celibacy for 12 years you uncoil the serpent



lmao, i could stick a finger up your ass and you would uncoil the serpent, take your silly notions elsewhere.

it uncoils as soon as you do the meditation/energywork to have it uncoil.



>Kundalini is a trick etc. Blocking off your spirit connection and deceiving you with the serpent eye.


what, that's awful!

nah mang, people here have done kundalini risings and it's definitely just enormous energy/gateway into power/connection with life/self.

basically it's going supersaiyan (if you watched db) or, in other words, amplifying everything in you by a fuckton.

amplifies the good and the bad, so it's best to eat clean for awhile (3-6 months, no meat def), do energywork for the same time, and be grounded and generally have your shit together, then you can try kundalini if you feel ready.

It's an intense experience. I did it with this meditation


and the warnings are absolutely to be heeded. I felt like I was gonna die and I begged for mercy from kali/kundalini. Got through it alright, but it was intense burning and nausea (like I had the worst hangover) and i couldn't think anything untrue to myself without feeling much more nauseous

my energybody got big after that, so that was nice.

if you want something like this on a lesser scale get a reiki attunement from someone decent.




or so people say.


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>the warnings are absolutely to be heeded.

I legit stopped my practice into this to work on my blockages for a year because it was too much. I literally could not handle it until I cleansed and developed my energy body more. At times I was literally writhing in pain for hours because of the sheer intensity of energy and the resistance due to stagnation in my imperfect temple-vessel.


Just to be perfectly clear, I was just reposting. I'm not Auntie.


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Please help me if you have any experience in this field. I believe I have had an incomplete activation as a child. My mother was deeply into esoterics and I remember her and friends showing me different things and urging me to do do certain exercises. Ever since I was about 4 years old I had a "vibrating" point on my forehead because of these exercises that would react to music, emotions and different stimuli. It gets stronger when exposed to those things, starts turning into a pressure, it's not a bad feeling, in fact it's kind of nice. But I feel manic whenever this happens and some time after, it's messing with my emotional stability.

Please help me! Can I close this? Can I activate it fully to get rid of this? I have had this for over 20 years now and I can't find a way out! I'm a mundane, I only read fringe out of interest.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


research chakras and balance out all that shit

also maslow's hierarchy of needs if you wanna get exoteric instead of esoteric



>The view "snake = bad" only comes from Christianity.

Christianity adopted it from the Indo-European peoples who all have a Chaoskampf-motif of fighting against and either defeating chaos (Europe) or taming it (India). In fact, early Christians, from where Gnostics come from by discovering the connections to other occult schools, have believed that the snake wasn't Satan but an agent of a God to make his humans stop being neets.


The pics depict the until common day prevalent view in the Old World, primarily Europe, that your inner potential is both strength and obstacle and you need to fight against it to tame and transform it.

One culture wants to unleash the dragon, another wants to unleach it in a controlled manner, and yet another wants to ride it.



>Only Developed Energy Bodies Should Try This

How does one know one is developed enough for this? Can you recommend some good beginning exercises to develop your energy body? Thanks a lot



balance your chakras. at least read the last few posts or the whole thread it's not long at all



To be more accurate I should have said that your third eye chakra is too active so start grounding yourself by activating the lower chakras and such.

also. smoking weed and shit sounds like a really bad idea, but personally it helped me defeat an overactive mind.

if you get high you'll get fucked, however the COMEDOWN is the important part. simply experiencing a reduction in visualization/mental activity or whatever third eye phenomena

this experience of reduction trains you in general for how to consciously reduce activity


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Also pray. bow down prostate forhead to ground

give up yourself to the eath or to god

this is a surefire way of grounding yourself



>my emotional stability

all emotions are caused by the subconscious. any action or emotion that confuses you is most likely caused by hidden beliefs in your subconscious, though conditioning like brainwashing indoctrination or just general exposure to things letting ideas fester in your mind into hidden confusion and cognitive dissonance

so meditate on the nature of your thoughts to understand and align your subconscious



Meme shit. I've done this several times, nothing happens.



>either defeating chaos (Europe) or taming it (India)

But nagas aren't forces of chaos and neither is Kundalini (quite the opposite in fact) so not sure what are you talking about?

>In fact, early Christians, from where Gnostics come from by discovering the connections to other occult schools, have believed that the snake wasn't Satan but an agent of a God to make his humans stop being neets.

That is quite interesting, could you maybe point me to some Gnostic text about it? I haven't read all of Nag Hammadi library, but what I read failed to mention any of that.



>the snake wasn't Satan but an agent of a God

well no shit anyone with half a brain can figure that God intended for all this to happen

The question is whether Satan will be punished for his sin, or if he was actually following orders, or whether God was testing him and he actually passed and they're just playing a game

And it's all an analogy anyways.


Swami Lakshman Joo

>Lakshman Joo

>Laxman Jew



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wut did you just said bout me lil pashu



What do you or others think about "The Yoga of Power" by Julius Evola? I tried reading it, but he is to intellectual for me.


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He is too intellectual because he was pretty armchair tbqh. The fact that Tantra requires you to adapt to a whole new set of terminology and metaphysics isn't helping either. This contributes to widespread misinformation imho.

Regarding his knowledge about Tantra - we must remember that he lived in times when academic research into Tantra was just being born. Also, he had his own agenda. It seems to me that he sometimes forced the teachings into the context they were not meant to be forced into and that he put a lot of effort to make it seem that the ancient ideas of tantras are supportive of his own worldview. That being said - I'm not really a fan of Evola and haven't read much of his works, didn't finish the book in question either.

Part of this is perhaps not his fault. In his day the only reliable English sources on this stuff were the translations of Sir John Woodroffe as far as I'm aware. So yeah - information about Tantra was pretty scarce back then and he was not a Sanskrit speaker so he needed to rely on translations, which is not such a bad thing if you can examine the tradition from various sources, which he couldn't. Moreover, Woodroffe is known to have omitted some aspects in his translations (usually those more concerned with sorcery and morally ambiguous practices) and many of the things he wrote cannot be cross-referenced as he allegedly got this knowledge by the word of mouth (example - Evola quotes Woodroffe on some passage, tracing this quote reveals that Woodroffe quotes on this someone knowledgeable in Shastra who told him so; said passage presents an outlook never to be found anywhere else). His perhaps most-known work - "Serpent Power" is based on a late (circa XVI century if I remember correctly) treatise and not a tantra, so the knowledge and chakra system was already pretty garbled back then.

I think that this book suffers from lack of proper sources and understanding of them and overt attention to his ideas and not the ideas of the tradition he was writing about. Nevertheless, he got many things right (at least in context of Shaktism as Tantra is very far from homogeneous tradition as I explained in the Tantra thread). Some things in the system seem to be blown out of proportion in relation to their factual place in the system, but most likely he didn't know any better and I respect him for putting effort and doing the best he could given the imperfect conditions he was given. It is a much much better work than most of the Western occultism books on Tantra (especially at his time) which basically borrowed some ideas, never cared to properly understand them or put into context, and used the general hype for all things connected with Oriental esoterism to hide under the pedigree of an ancient system and give some legitimacy to their own failed teachings.

Far better entry-level book on Shaktism (and particularly that of Kalikula) would be Kali Kaula by Jan Fries, it isn't overly practical either and it has it's own set of faults as well, but it's written very cohesively and is easy to follow.

Btw that question would be more fitting in Tantra thread as it doesn't really pertain to Kundalini IMHO.



I just came across this board by chance, usually go to /x/. So nice to see Swamiji here. Although he refused to be a guru, he had many students, my mother included. I met him when I was little, but don't remember him. My mother says I cried.

I meditated using Trika kundalini techniques for many years until I achieved the enlightenment experience. Then I stopped, choosing to live a worldly life instead of the life of a holy man.



If there was an Internet in Evola's time, he would have been mad on it.

True Tantrikas are always filled with joy, never anger.



Top that off with reading it side to side with the sumerian tablets telling of creation of man in a test tube of clay, as used in modern science to not have the cells degrade due to dissonance.

Gives me a healthy erection.



Reiki users puts thoughtforms in you which leech your energy.

Never accept reiki from someone initiated in it.



>letting it flow away

>not recykling it back into the root along the edge of your aura





I've been practicing Nadi Shodhana but I find myself having trouble performing the Moola Bandha. I can perform the other two bandhas just fine but I just don't know when i'm performing the Moola Bandha correctly. Is there something I should feel or should I just have faith that i'm doing it correctly?



So if I keep doing this I can attain enlightenment? Sure I get a surge of energy out of it and all that but is that really all there is to it? Just keep doing this and I will make it?


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I am not a practitioner of 'Kundalini' but I am a practitioner of yoga for purely health reasons and intellectual curiosity.

I am ignorant as to what 'Kundalini actually is but I see that in this thread the OP has posted pictures of what I believe is called the "Sukhsana" yoga position which targets spinal muscles and the trapezius (upper neck) muscle.

Last night while I was sleeping after engaging in some (non-Christian) paganism, seeking such unchristian 'pagan' spirits, I had a dream concerning my life and upon awakening to the sound of hallucinatory police/ambulance sirens, I heard an electronic beep coming from my kitchen and then I felt my spine moving in the flow of a snake, like some sort of 'snakely' oscillatory movement.

Knowing that making the sign of the cross is said to ward off foul spirits, I made the sign of the cross and then started praying to Mary, mother of Jesus and the sensation ceased slowly.

It has not returned today.

The prayer I said to ward it off is called the "Hail, Holy Queen".

Not sure if the sensation was good or bad to be completely honest. I have heard from others that such sensations are bad, so that is what I assumed when the sensation began.

I also had a slight miniature heart attack earlier in the night, but by the time an ambulance arrived it had ceased and my body was back to normal. As far as I could tell the miniature heart attack was not spiritual in nature, seemed to be physical…. although certain spirits I attempt to commune with are also known to sometimes trigger such heart attacks, or so it is a vague traditional belief.

If the 'snakely' spinal sensation was not spiritual in nature or some sort of spiritual attack, I figured it may have been some sort of 'MKULTRA'-esque attack targeting those parts of my body through technology, possibly to scare or frighten me in lieu with the miniature heart attack experienced earlier that night. Because I was not able to determine whether or not it was spiritual or a technological attack, I wasn't troubled by it.

Earlier in my life, a person who I figured was an undercover agent had made a big deal of this 'snakely sensation, so I figured that it could have very easily not been spiritual in nature but a technological, possibly neurological attack to intimidate me……perhaps a tactic (((they))) use against Christians, since it would appear that the possible technological attack would seemingly also involve some sort of social engineering.

Definitely a fact in the matter is that this all occurred on the same night that I entered into a heavy dose of (non-Christian) pagan ritualism and (non-Christian) pagan spirituality.


File: f80157dd226c545⋯.png (887.78 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20170929-115133.png)

"Sukhasana" Yoga Position

AKA, "Easy Seat" Yoga Position


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Thanks for sharing your story, I've got the utmost respect for Swamiji. Could you maybe (if you are still here of course) elaborate on the particular techniques you used?



all issues of Malini journal, published with Swamiji's blessing.


Just clench your anus mane.


In my experience Christians (and often ex-Christians too) have all sorts of fear in their minds. Fears of committing some sin or transgression. These are often very firmly rooted, subconscious blockages that prevent you from going away from your established convictions. I believe that what you experienced what just this - your belief that you are doing something which is condemned by your faith manifesting in this way. People with no such beliefs do not usually have such experiences.

Anyway it also depends on what did you do exactly. Seeing how this is Kundalini thread I assume it had something to do with it?



Just do half-lotus, it's easy and you can work your way to full lotus if you want. The best asanas for meditation (according to very influential Goraksha-Paddhati and other hatha yoga sources) are siddhaasana (or siddhayoniasana) and padmaasana.



I got results but now I have a slight headache and I'm starting to see shit out of the corner of my eyes in real life.


I don't know anything much about yoga\tantra\kundalini or Samadhi or anything much of the sort but i want to learn as much as i can and i aim to someday reach the Samahdis and awaken Kundalini. I want to dedicate my self. Where do i start? What things do i need to learn firstly?

I have been taken interest in these things for about maybe 2 years now, trying to understand.

Can anyone who KNOWS what they are talking about give me a few starting points as to start researching and practicing? Thanks lads.




Idk, maybe. I just channel energy and it gave me a powerup.

>Reiki users

but I'm one


You're doing it wrong then. Speaking as the guy who did mine.


That's why you be sure you're ready. Draw the energy back into your lower dantien/root, expel any that might be too much out of the bootoms of your feet, or your hands, or your root chakra, or idk.


>In my experience Christians (and often ex-Christians too) have all sorts of fear in their minds. Fears of committing some sin or transgression. These are often very firmly rooted, subconscious blockages

Seriously fuck those religions and their (((Original Sin)))

>recovering Xtian


>Hail, Holy Queen"

Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.

It was the closing prayer of the day at my highschool.


sounds like the start of kundalini rising?

Nga, that conditioning sucks mane.


The serpent (or snake) represents pure awareness in eastern mysticism.

With that being said, it is important to heighten other aspects of being along with what the serpent represents, ideally in balance, although that's not absolutely necessary. Just don't let things get too imbalanced


I coddle my pet snek too much. She's a coastal carpet and getting bigger everyday. Such a sweetheart.



>very good entry-level book, unlike Atkinson's """"Hindu-Yogi"""" science of breath. Seriously, can't recommend that one

what's wrong with this book? i thought it was a good one



It's neither Hindu nor Yogi.

It's mostly stuff made up by Atkinson. That doesn't mean that it's totally worthless, but from my experience if someone has to fake the pedigree of the stuff they teach and pose as someone else to sell their books - well… the author is not really someone you can learn a lot from.



>"coiled one"), in the concept of Dharma, refers to a form of primal energy (or shakti) said to be located at the base of the spine.

So, uh, wierd question. I have been unable to meditate for a long time. I mean I can meditate, but as soon as soon as I start I start feeling something. At first it was just like an energy surge in my root chakra but for the past while I've been having a pretty serious problem with it. It will literally feel like a im getting jerked off, I had my wife watch me meditate one day and she said it wasnt just me it looked like I was getting my meat beat. And on top of that, it will feel like a tongue or a snake/worm is coming out of my fucking ass and licking my balls. Not even remotely joking. Is this what kundalini is or do I need a fucking priest?



You probably have an STD. HSVII is known to reside in the base of the spine. You're pissing it off by moving energy around its home.


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Reading the Hevajra Tantra at the moment, and it's being pretty explicitly clear for once on the topic of semen retention as required for spiritual pursuits, such as this "raising of the Kundalini" though of course they use different words for it. Many times it has been pointed out that one of the primary nadis, the Lalana Nadi, is of the nature of semen. Semen is also the phenomenal aspect of Bodhicitta, and Nairatmya herself, and must not be wasted.

This matches my own personal experience as well. While reflecting this morning I realized that the greatest experiences I've had in terms of meditation occurred only after long periods of sexual abstainment.

I doubt any of us here who are regularly blasting our Bodhicitta into socks are going to be doing any Kundalini raising at all.



god i loved that show




nah ive had bloodwork done. I thought it was a parasite at first but all tests for that came up negative as well. (and by tests I mean every test it was expensive as fuck). And even when it came up negative I did everything I could to purge myself of any parasites that didnt show up. The weird shit is, this happens only when I meditate. No matter where I focus my energy. And when I say it looks like Im getting my meat beat it looks like something has a firm grip on my dong and is shaking it back and forth.


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Ehh, Kundalini is much more complex subject than anyone think it is, and it's probably subject the most ridden with disinformation when it comes to Tantrik tradition. People don't have the slightest clue about Kundalini in it's original Hindu Tantra context and that's because almost all the teachings about Kundalini in the original tantras are still untranslated, so if you don't read Sanskrit (and are able to understand the cryptic yogic jargon) - it's better not to talk about such things as "raising Kundalini", or equating it with things from other systems of practice such as Candali/Tummo.

Here are some promising materials on Kundalini in it's original context, but I don't know yet the value of them since I'm unable to check them against scriptural sources or my own experience.




Other than that Swami Lakshmanjoo materials and Silburn's book are also of interest.

That being said - sexual abstinence is valuable (or indispensable, but I don't know about that) for any sort of spiritual progress. Nevertheless - Tantra is known for allowing laymen to pursue siddhis and liberation, if they follow Tantrik yoga and do sexual acts with correct mindset. On the other hand, Swami Lakshmanjoo spoke very highly of brahmacharya.

I think it depends on what you want to do. The great Western occult figures weren't really known for their celibacy. Crowley wasn't a very chaste man. Bardon's system doesn't require you to be celibate (Rawn Clark also stated that, given the the importance of balance in this system, sexuality is a part of a balanced magical lifestyle). You can still have a sex life and do magic or pursue siddhis, and if you are real about purely spiritual pursuits I'm confident that you can keep those things in balance as well and progress. On the other hand Nan Huai-Chin in his "Tao and longevity" implied (or stated out right, don't remember) that you can't have gains if you lose your jing, which is in keeping with Daoist tradition and transmutation of jing into chi.

Personally I think that you don't have to abandon anything on this path, but semen retention has many merits (if coupled with meditation, otherwise what's the point?). I "lose my jing" about two times a month, but I plan to go on longer periods of sexual abstinence in the future to see how it affects me, but so far I don't see sexual desire as an obstacle to my goals, make of that what you will. At times it can even be beneficial if you guys ever fapped on a sigil than you know that amirite? :^)

Some articles presenting strict "no sex allowed" mindset:





File: 711858af12a1fa0⋯.pdf (1.53 MB, The Multi-Orgasmic Man.pdf)


>it's better not to talk about such things as "raising Kundalini", or equating it with things from other systems of practice such as Candali/Tummo

Fair enough, that's exactly what I was just doing there.

>Tantra is known for allowing laymen to pursue siddhis and liberation, if they follow Tantrik yoga and do sexual acts with correct mindset

This is the key here of course, the mindset. If you crave something then operating from this foundation of craving is incorrect for spiritual cultivation. I recall you pointing out in the tantra thread where one master was able to have sex and drink alcohol in ritual format due to the sole fact that he did not crave these things.

Being bound to ones desires = pasu = you need to unfuck yourself with the basics first.

>You can still have a sex life and do magic or pursue siddhis, and if you are real about purely spiritual pursuits I'm confident that you can keep those things in balance as well and progress. On the other hand Nan Huai-Chin in his "Tao and longevity" implied (or stated out right, don't remember) that you can't have gains if you lose your jing, which is in keeping with Daoist tradition and transmutation of jing into chi.

If my understanding is correct here, for the most part sex is irrelevant. You can fuck five times a day, every day, forever and still achieve full right and universal enlightenment. What matters is ejaculation and the wasting of ones vital energy. As the pages I screencapped above show, the Hevajra Tantra at least is pretty damn clear that you should not be ejaculating and should practice the retention of semen in the vast majority of circumstances anyways

>Personally I think that you don't have to abandon anything on this path

Nothing is ever abandoned or destroyed here, to do that would be denying a part of ourselves and damning our progress.

<One who, possessing desire, represses desire, is living a lie

Hatred, lust, desire and so on are all equally Brahman/Shiva/etc. and are a part of us. However with tantra we learn to transform these things into tools for usage on the Path, hence the classic metaphor of turning poison into ambrosia.

Nice links by the way, I'll check them out in the future. At the moment I'm still finishing up my second translation of the above mentioned tantra, and also dual-wielding "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" in order to help better conserve my vital fluid. About a month ago I got a girlfriend who is on birth control so I'm definitely gonna have to get the hang of this stuff before she drains all of my loosh.



Do you really approve of women having sex without the intention of pregnancy? Or do you think there are wonder women out there whose increased number of sexual partners does not affect the reverence, loyalty, caregiving, and love they have for their eventual children, husband, family, and thus race?


Holy heck, Hitler was freaking amazing! What a great superhero! You took out millions of my enemies with just a little bit of determination! I hope to one day become as strong as you!



Name one piece of scientifical evidence that other than your jealousy levels going up anything bad happens because two people have some fun. Oh wait, you have none, and are just an asshole. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up Dr. Inferiority Complex M.D.


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>You can fuck five times a day, every day, forever

>What matters is ejaculation

What I meant is that I believe that you can achieve enlightenment even if you ejaculate (not to mention that you can do pretty dope magical stuff even if you ejaculate daily). I recognize the value in retention of semen and I only allow myself to lose it a few times per month, nevertheless I wouldn't venture to guess that you can't achieve enlightenment if you ejaculate.

There are some Tantrik rituals, I mean "Tantric sex" proper, that use semen and menstrual fluid but they are for the highest class of practitioners only, nevertheless their usage shows that in their case ejaculation was permitted. At least in the context of the "secret ritual".

>This is the key here of course, the mindset

In Vijnanabhairava tantra there is a technique that describes the correct (from the Trika Kaula point of view anyway), non-dual, mindset that is to be upheld during the intercourse, there is no mention of an absence of ejaculation. There is stated a number of times in this tantra that being fully established in even one of the practices describes there brings one to the level of Supreme Consciousness. I gather from that, that in this context as well ejaculation is permitted and is not a hindrance to enlightenment. In cases of people who really can cultivate like that at least.

And don't get me wrong - I really value bramacharya and frequent no faps made a change for the better in my practice, but I don't plan on never ejaculating and I don't think that ejaculation stops someone dead in their tracks on the spiritual path. On the other hand my perspective might be a bit skewed, since I never practised for enlightenment.

But yeah, I think I'm nitpicking the details now and they are not that important.

<One who, possessing desire, represses desire, is living a lie

Nice! My religion is not deceiving myself.

I wish you and your girlfriend all the best!


>Or do you think there are wonder women out there

They are just called women AFAIK.




Back to plebbit, Gen Z brainwash victim


File: 800d10c7e1fccb1⋯.pdf (1.22 MB, 0003.pdf)

All this talk about Tantra… better call saul:


Also, gem attached



>I disagree with someone's opinion, better to throw some insults their way, that will prove my point


Pratyabhijna school as a whole seems a tad bit too philosophical and dry for my tastes, especially in Singh's edition of Ksemaraja's elucidation of Utpaladeva's classic (with all due respect to Singh). Dmitry Semenov has put out his own take on it, trying to present it in more modern terms, which was only partially successful IMO.

Speaking of Hareesh - he released his own translation and commentary on pratyabhijnahrdayam, which I haven't read thoroughly yet, but from what I did read - it's pretty dope so you might want to check it out.

Also, if you haven't heard - he's doing a weekly, free course on Svabodhaya-manjari via his facebook group, check it out if you're a fan of his. He also posted his PhD dissertation recently, it's great, once I finish studying certain tantra I'm currently infatuated with I will definitely read more of his stuff.

Anyway, nice to see someone else reading Kashmir exegetes, I wish you all the best in your endeavours.

Btw if you are into Pratyabhijna then you might want to check out Isvarapratyabhijnakarika with Utpaladeva's own vritti and Abhinavagupta's vimarsini, both are available in English. First one translated by Torella and the second by Pandey. There might be more translations available though, I never bothered to do more research on it.



>too philosophical and dry for my tastes

What school[s] do you study?



The more partners a woman has before marriage correlates with greater likelihood of divorce/adultery/single motherhood. Also, oxytocin is released in the woman after sex, stimulating bonding, and this wears off with each partner. Therefore decreased commitment and a worse upbringing for the future generations. Seems pretty obvious.

Was asking out of genuine curiousity to see if there is any consideration on your part for what creates the most enlightened society in the long run. 'Having fun' makes this seem like a real hedonistic LARP.



Spanda - which is still pretty philosophical all right but I kinda resonate with it's message better. Anyway, I'm the most interested in Krama, too bad there isn't much information available, it seems like the perfect school for me. Other than that - Kaula, pre-Abhinavagupta Trika, and post-Abhinava Trika-Kaula synthesis. I posted link to my library in the Tantra thread, you can take a look if you are interested.


>correlates with greater likelihood

[citation needed]

>this wears off with each partner

[citation needed]

>decreased commitment and a worse upbringing for the future generations

[citation needed]

>what creates the most enlightened society in the long run

How do you know what creates "the most enlightened" society? Are we even on the same page in regards to what "enlightened" means?


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Ah, an indian I assume. My sincere concordances on your civilization becoming mongrelised.

>citation needed



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Excellent well-rounded explanation of "kundalini" from a scholarly, religious and historical perspective.



I'm just beginning my research on Tantra, so any leads are good. Will look for the link to the library on this thread?? /fringe/res/98992.html

Do link because I'm outta time right now and can't go through the whgohle thread



>The view "snake = bad" only comes from Christianity.

You couldn't be more wrong.

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