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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The terrible truth is that everyone is disposable and the number of problems in the world are so complex and numerous and growing in intensity that only a man guided by God can survive. Try testing your water; I just had mine tested. My entire region has near critical levels of mercury as well as a variety of other contaminants but mercury is the worst. This is an area with over 500,000 people. I saw it done in front of my eyes, I saw the crap that was in my water samples, and this was from the tap. Many people here are sick and don't know why; tons of alzheimers and other defects and the newest generation is plagued especially with so much problems. I have to put better filters in place because what I have doesn't work.

Literally the only people that are going to survive the next hundred years will be those closest to / selected by God. Getting through IIH is necessary to the survival of humanity and the repopulation of the Earth. I'm a survivalist and I'm not meaning to shit on survivalists at all but my stocks of food and everything is just to buy time, just a way to alleviate some of my suffering for now, enough to allow me to continue to study and practice.

Believe it or not; we have to evolve – drastically – and all evolution ALWAYS precedes after involution. That's what this is all about. All this shit going on that is being permitted; it's being permitted to test our true worth.

Today there are billions on this planet. Most of these people you see around you will have their lineages completely ended soon. Humans as we know them are going to be culled.

God is the only guarantee of our survival. We must become holy. We must attain spiritual power on the level of the alchemists, so we can recreate man after the great reset. This is what is required of us. Any other plans are futile.

…and remember this. God is always present and God knows exactly the measure of you. Make yourself pure before God. Make yourself a hero. It the only chance we have. At this time we are blessed now with all this knowledge here collected in this place and open to us. Preserve it. Fight for it. Understand it. Don't take it for granted; the internet isn't going to be free much longer. Be glad you were born at this time; for we are at the end. Ask god right now to guide you, protect you, strengthen you, and let your every thought and action be aligned to these ends. Ask god to put to death the inferior desires, distractions, and obstacles that stand in your way. Ask god to make you perfect; even if that frightens you, even if you don't want it.


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Get reverse osmosis module system installed.

It's cheap as shit and you can use any water anywhere. You can take it whenever you move. I have it in my motor home.

Get a pressure tank in there too so the water is always 'ready' to pour.

Initial cost is the big cost, but is still cheap… You only need 3 cartridges really, two carbon filters and a reverse osmosis one in the middle of them. Replace every 6 months.


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I think that fearmongering will only lead people further from God. I suppose that you or whoever made the video you posted don't have any hidden agenda and are posting it out of concern for your brothers, but making people worried about things they can't do absolutely anything about won't lead neither you or anyone that gets your message any closer to God.

It would be more useful to give some recommendations on staying away from poisoning and such, but as you say, the most important thing here is getting closer to God and letting God guide you. But the purpose doesn't have to be the survival of your body on this material realm, as it is bound to disappear as we know it. The fact is that population has grown like crazy which means that lots of lives are being lived, so lots of souls are completing their task in this world, while at the same time the pressure of so many experiences happening at the same time and them being more and more interconnected (due to internet, travel, etc.) is having it's effect on the consensus reality that has ruled our plane for many years.

We can see evidence that our reality is breaking or changing in things like mandela effect, physics theory getting weirder as we study it, meme magic, etc. (I'm just naming the best known for most people, I know it doesn't look serious) and in general more and more people "awakening". So at some point there won't be a single reality for all of us and each one will be way more responsible for the world he lives in.

At that point if you live in fear of an apocalyptic world and think God will save your human body and let you rebuild, you'll live in that kind of setting, still under the control of the ones who promote fearmongering with a hidden agenda (again, not you or the one who made the video).

Even if that breaking doesn't happen within our lifetimes fear of that apocalypsis will only make you miserable. Look at how everyone just seems to only think about the present. Hook up culture, getting drunk, doing drugs, not saving money, get rich quick, get fit quick, fast food are just some examples. All of this comes from people fearing a traumatic apocalypse in the future, so they don't care about tomorrow (there may be no tomorrow) and only search immediate gratification. And all of this is partially because we are bombarded with fearmongering, which has an agenda behind, and I think that even though you intention is good you are helping to further it.

PD: Maybe I sound a bit rude towards you OP, but it's the opposite, I just saw an excuse to talk about something I've been thinking about for some time and I hope it could be helpful. I'm just giving you some advice.



Quit trying to speak for God. Evangelical Occultists are just as pretentious as Evangelical Christians.


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>implying God is separate from yourself

>implying God has a conscious stake in this creation

That Mercury Poisoning has made you go full

Fundamentalist Christian, fam.





Hah, hah, hah… Get on the boat because the ship is about to set sail… Or actually a lot of this is old news like this PDF I've had since forever.


"Many will die" the Gods have told me. There is a God but he is not the one pestering inside modern religions. For returning to the Gods and their gifts, the spirit of life, is the most precious asset for Mankind in these End Times. What OP said is mostly true, many are poisoned sheeple and woe be upon them. I am what you speak, what you seek, for I sought the Father and was shown the way. My perfection is continually solidified in the material realm through the Sun and my penance, penance for years of mistreating this superb vessel thou has be gifted. There is much to learn and knowledge is the path to all power while ignorance causeth death. Many people need to die, actually, since overpopulation is having severe metaphysical consequences and most people (65% of the current world population) are being born without a soul and any connection to their own Higher Self (the Human Higher Selves are evolving and exist beyond any "God" but we do have allies in creation if that makes sense).

The most difficult aspect is figuring what freakin' timeline I am on because many events have been negated that would have spelled a much more immediately perilous existence. Slow kill methods that are leading towards entropy are a greater concern as of now.


Pester, fester, what's the difference when it comes to low consciousness entities. The chance for a new aristocracy to take form is already set and sweeping success in vibrant health is guaranteed for those who grasp it. I really wish Yellowstone would blow, for 'it was the best of times and the worst of times'.





Let me let you in on the secret. As the Sun waxes the Inner Sun wanes, as the Inner Sun waxes the Sun wanes.

At Sol's minimum the outer world is encased in ice while Agartha is at its peak and mankind is uplifted to the highest. At Sol's maximum all ice melts and the vast seas of Agartha are unleashed as shared human conciousness reaches the lowest point, this is the time of the Black Sun. The old story of a world flood as in the epic of gilgamesh is true. Almost all human life on the surface will be wiped away soon, the time of the black sun is coming. The only true haven is Agartha.



you dont have to engage in tinfoilhattery to know that 90-95% of the population is going to die, a few degrees celcius rise in the global average tempature will cause that



>a few degrees

It's going to rapidly raise nearly 10°C in a few months in 2020-2021



You don't even make sense to me.


I posted the video because if I didn't my thread would get less attention if there was no image or vid included. The vid has nothing to do with my thoughts or what I'm talking about, I don't even know what is in the vid, as I didn't watch the vid through.

If you don't care about the survival of your race or about increasing the lifespan and quality of life for humans that's not my problem. I happen to care.

Mandela effect is retarded /x/-tier bullshit.

None of this is fear-mongering. There have been books posted on here, one was called something like "survival of the most moral" or some shit, and the basis idea presented in that book is correct. God/demiurge favors the harmonious components in the world system that synch with the higher consciousness best. If you care for your lineage to survive; then you must be very advanced.

If you don't care about your material body, your lineage, or your race; you're just lazy and wanting to avoid the struggle in life. Both Swami Vivekananda and Adolf Hitler would not be looking well upon you.

Those who turn their life over to God's mercy and love will receive his blessing. That simple. This isn't a Christian thing and I am not implying God is all love to the point of not having a darker side; but there is a part of him that is indeed all love and that part we need to reach out to. God's blessings are health, prosperity, fertility, etc.


Not implying separateness at all.

IDK if God has a conscious stake in his creation. The demiurge clearly does though and that's a part of God so in a way I would say God does have a conscious stake in his creation.


>Many people need to die, actually, since overpopulation is having severe metaphysical consequences and most people (65% of the current world population) are being born without a soul and any connection to their own Higher Self (the Human Higher Selves are evolving and exist beyond any "God" but we do have allies in creation if that makes sense).

This stat and the reasoning behind it has me very curious. I want to know more about how they know this and why this is purported to be happening. If it is happening then it is certainly an example of God's mercy since it means the filler-in background characters that keep the world running don't have to suffer from actual awareness.


But God is within us



Since when did I suggest otherwise? You still have to make yourself worthy of the god within. Anyways, god is not within or without you, god is actually omnipresent. Everywhere, within everything.



Sure but the process of "making yourself worthy to god" is only a proxy for the mechanism of activating the god spark of intellect and wisdom within you.

Basiscally same as saying 'balance your chakras' / 'accomate your existence to maslow's hierarchy of needs' or 'align your beliefs' or 'KUNDALINI AWAKENING BITCHES' or 'CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS' or 'NIRVANA' or man I could just go on and on and on



Maybe I put a lot of unrelated stuff on my post and didn't make my point clear enough, so now I'll make it as clear as possible: You aren't helping anyone get closer to God thorugh spreading fear. Fear in and of itself draws you further from God like no other feeling so despite your good intentions your post is quite counterproductive. But I'm not talking specifically about your post (or the video) here, I just saw it as an excuse to expose how this whole course of action (which I see too often) isn't helpful to anyone. Wether if an apocalypse is bound to happen the next week, next fifty years or never in our lifetime, and wether it is something more "down to earth" or something involving reality itself, worrying constantly about it will not help us at all (while it is true that being prepared won't hurt).

One should seek God because of the joy it bring to your inmortal self and not out of fear or looking for a specific outcome in this material realm.

>God/demiurge favors the harmonious components in the world system that synch with the higher consciousness best. If you care for your lineage to survive; then you must be very advanced.

>If you don't care about your material body, your lineage, or your race …

I think this is quite interesting and useful to make through another of the points of my other post >>98694. The material body, lineage, race, etc. are all important aspects of our experience in this realm, but I think that things will change (in the way I expressed in my other post) and they will loose it's importance as the whole material realm, the reality as we know will be left behind by most souls.

Only those who base their existence on those things you listed (that belong to the material realm) will get to stay in there (here actually), as in doing so they will be pleasing the "entity" that rules said realm. This entity is what you call God/demiurge and is not the same thing that I talk about when I mention God. Everyone has its mission here and I don't know which one is yours, so I'm not intending to judge you, but I think that the more information you get the easier it will be to choose your path wisely and freely, which is becoming harder every day.


Worse than spreading fear is spreading ignorance and disinformation (though usually it's both)



there are many paths to the way




Ah hold on, hold on… *BRAAAAAAP*, yeah there we go, that was a good one


The Despair Code



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