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File: 397a7cd10031faf⋯.png (13.49 KB, 589x154, 589:154, Screenshot from 2017-05-30….png)

File: 1a1be3b6623b5e3⋯.png (6.3 KB, 919x65, 919:65, Screenshot from 2017-05-30….png)


I asked today in a deep trance what the next generation after millenials would be called and was answered with "liminals".



Well if you asked so vaguely for an answer to an ubdefined question you got a correct but meaningless answer. The generation naming thing is mostly an American (Canada is part of America culturally) thing.

So obviously you are already calling this next generation liminals, which makes it true. But absolutely meaningless.



The only reason I even asked was because I was in another state of consciousness where I had no recollection of who I am or what I normally think. I had no plans to ask such a question, it just ended up happening, and I got that answer.

It will be meaningful when people look at archives of this thread or screencaps of my post some years from now when everyone is calling them liminals and I'll be officially the first person to call them that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Felt a bit of deja vu reading this heh.

Found this from a web search, but he's talking about something else https://doriantaylor.com/generation-liminal

Also there's an indie rock band called The Liminals, who had a release last year. Never heard of them before, I don't think.




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