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There's this cool site I found called Joyofsatan.org

It's about the paranormal, occultism, witchcraft, metaphysics, esotericism, Satanism, demon summoning, Satanic rituals, etc. basically everything "fringe". What do you think about it?


I used to visit that page, as there is some useful information. I can't stand the design and general edgyness but that's just a personal opinion. Anyways I'd highly recommend the part about meditations, as there is tons of useful information to be found there. Especially in "power meditations".

I wouldn't recommend it to a complete beginner though as there is many stuff that looks designed to lure you into submission to satan. Sometimes they just plainly tell you to commit to him. There's also a lot of pressure to make you commit to their belief system (whose endgame is making you commit to satan). Anyways all of this is so obvious that if you have any level of spiritual development you won't fall for this. You can get useful information regardless of what you believe in.


File: 9f354558fe6577e⋯.jpg (63.66 KB, 468x468, 1:1, 214 (3).jpg)

are you fags advertising here again?



I'd say Alpam pls, except that I know he is in jail and probably a registered child molester.


>sofia pls


I haven't been there since the 9th grade and have no plans to return.



I found that site as a complete beginner and have witnessed greatness far beyond mere mortals.

Different strokes for different folks. I doubt you were born into that aware of an incarnation.

>not aligning yourself with the Enki faction in the galactic war on your doorstep


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The only bad part is that it is led by a woman. That's not optimum because they are handicapped spiritually and can't access the finest vibrations of consciousness. Earthly creatures.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JoS forums suck and are full of immature little homos.


File: fbe46566c1e6de2⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1620x1187, 1620:1187, femalearcher.png)

File: ec473baa9a3f913⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 441x612, 49:68, Astaroth.jpg)


Still locked into that abrahamic mindset? Meet some female gods, shlomo. Female hate is from Judaism and the other cancer abrahamic programs that spawned from it.



>Female hate is from Judaism and the other cancer abrahamic programs that spawned from it.

More like from their corruption



Their meditation excercises are pretty good actually.

And the whole Orion ayy lmao civil war narrative is entertaining if nothing else.

I'd stay away from the community though, especially the "kids and teens for Satan" part.



Since when was Alpam in jail? And what for?



Fringechan got shittered by cp, Alpam got the blame



>Female hate is from Judaism and the other cancer abrahamic programs that spawned from it.

Eh, no, female hate is based in fact. Women have barely any semblance of will or individuality and are literally at the mercy of the wind. If you've heard Smiley talk about that whore of his, Chansey, (who I assume you are) you'll know thay even though she has fucking latent telepathic abilities, she just sits around all day and bitches like all other whores. Case in point, this is a very impressive specimen of women considering her ability and likely supporting intelligence, and yet, she's still shit. She's not stupid, she's simply bad because women are bad, its quite obvious really




>Meet some female gods Schlomo

Female gods are just the negative, magnetic aspect of a personified universal principal. Female gods are in no way, shape or form similar to shit human women. Human women are shallow, childish, unintelligent, with no sense of personal identity, and no will. Female gods on the other hand, are all-knowing, non-reactionary, incapable of shallow thinking, and have the will of, ya know, gods. See the difference here?





Alpam never existed, he was just a persona. "I'm going to destroy you in the name of yahweh he secretly saying to himself" it was cute while it lasted.



Why would he get the blame? Doesn't he have a certain amount of time to remove the cp? (I wasn't on fringechan so I wouldn't know how bad it was).



>any hate is based in fact

"True love comes from understanding."


Don't ever forget that Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and Hermeticism all preach a distinct love of humanity.




Thanks, but the quote still holds great meaning either way.




Female Goddesses don't have retarded monkey genes. Did I already mention in this thread that women are more simian? Only a Man can come close to godliness because he was gifted the Semen of the Father in Heaven. It did not transfer into the X chromosome. That's why women are chattle.

Goddesses are very great inspiration and friends, sort of the real version of 2D which is actually 4D. As long as you know which ones you are contacting and not susceptible to deception.



You're forgetting the squirt of Sophia, bitch



>women are more simian

[citation needed]

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