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Good day, dear /fringe/.

Right at the beginning I would like to apologize if this is the wrong board for my thread. I beg your pardon in advance.

At the end of last year, a thread was created to inform you that the diet and our lifestyle play a very important role when it comes to growth, genes and health. It was specifically about people like Weston A. Price, Dr. Axe, Dr. Mike Mew, Sally Fallon and Ramiel Nagel. In addition to the dangers of breathing through the mouth (especially during childhood and adolescence), amalgam fillings, fluoridation, jaw operations (overbite correction, rapid maxillary expansion appliance), sexual abstinence (semen retention), fasting, breathing techniques by the person called "Wim Hof" and much more.

Link: https://archive.fo/0q5yF

It was important to reach as many people as possible and to inform them, because I myself committed serious mistakes in my childhood and youth, which in the adult age can only be corrected with several surgical procedures. By this I mean specially crooked teeth & nose, overbite, narrow jaw, long, asymmetrical face, etc.

I am not 100% sure, but I hope that this information from 2016 could help a few people in their lives. If not, then hopefully your future children. My goal with this message is not to push old threads, but to share new knowledge so you do not make the same mistakes as I do and avoid bad experiences.

A few months ago, I have happily encountered an honorary man with the Internet pseudonym "viriculture", who has created a thread on a forum how to become physically beautiful. He has made all his knowledge available to everyone free of charge. I would like to share these and other websites, so that you can form your own opinion about it. Maybe there is information that is interesting, helpful and informative for you.

This section is from the gentleman named "viriculture":


I love you all and want to give you something special - the knowledge to how to be physically beautiful. This is not a metaphor, but rather literally true.

Some bodies are ugly no matter how much gym time we put in, and facial beauty seems to be completely outside of our control.

However, in reality both body and facial beauty and 1) controllable 2) primarily mediated by environmental, not genetic, factors. What this means in practical terms is that we can control the physical beauty outcomes for children - indeed we control whether they look like models of like monsters.

Ugliness is in large part a chronic bone disease of stunted growth, that is why it is repulsive, it is a disease.

All of you (barring some deforming genetic disease), even the ugliest, can have beautiful, godlike children - you just have to follow certain lifestyle practices before, during, and after the gestation of the child. Ironically, these lifestyle factors are in almost direct contrast to the conventional """wisdom""" of modernity. For interesting political reasons, the relevant academic disciplines which would have lead doctors and the public to this critical knowledge have been censored in the last 75 years.

The modern world is full of ugly people, but this is not genetic, it is Nature's revenge for our disharmonious lifestyles. In a single generation we could, simply using environmental factors, make essentially every adult beautiful.

Defense of Traditional Wisdom: http://www.viriculture.com/defense-of-traditional-wisdom/

Non-Education Viriculture – Part 1, Prenatal Nutrition: http://www.viriculture.com/non-education-viriculture-part-1-prenatal-nutrition/

Bodies Part 2: The Well Developed Body: http://www.viriculture.com/bodies-part-2-the-well-developed-body/

Faces Part 3: The Well Developed Face: http://www.viriculture.com/faces-part-3-the-well-developed-face/

Faces Part 5: Teleology of Facial Beauty: http://www.viriculture.com/faces-part-5-teleology-of-facial-beauty/

Source: Politics and Physical Beauty: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/99420377/


To the end of this message I would like to mention the following: I do *not* see myself as knowledgeable, intelligent, skilled or clever - quite the opposite. I am neither a doctor, nor have I studied at a university for several years. Please take everything I write with a grain of salt, as this is based on pure experience on my part.

I wish you and your family all the best, much health and happiness. God bless.



Other posts that might interest you:

How to be Physically Beautiful - The Full Story: http://lookism.net/Thread-How-to-be-Physically-Beautiful-The-Full-Story

(Collaborative) Ultimate Natural Looksmaxing guide: http://lookism.net/Thread-Collaborative-Ultimate-Natural-Looksmaxing-guide

How the diet and lifestyle can influence our genetics: http://lookism.net/Thread-How-the-diet-and-lifestyle-can-influence-our-genetics

What causes people to be ugly answered: http://lookism.net/Thread-What-causes-people-to-be-ugly-answered

Keto + Semen Retention + Intermittent Fasting + Exercise + Sunlight + Cold Showers: http://lookism.net/Thread-Keto-Semen-Retention-Intermittent-Fasting-Exercise-Sunlight-Cold-Showers

Orthomolecular medicine to cure various diseases(?): http://lookism.net/Thread-Orthomolecular-medicine-to-cure-various-diseases

I can well understand that people consider orthomolecular medicine to be absolute nonsense. It is in no way natural to consume vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the form of tablets or powders. In addition, food supplements have in many cases no positive effect on our health. Especially in the field of sport (for example, bodybuilding), a lot of money is made with products that are nothing more than a placebo. Real foods should therefore always be in the first place. Supplements only as an additional aid.

A free download platform for all members: http://lookism.net/Thread-A-free-download-platform-for-all-members | Books, videos and audio files: https://mega.nz/#F!FJcSRapb!m8Mq41Zcj1vYVMYXKUE-Og


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Some information about hair loss:

Even if people are convinced that hair loss is genetic, I do not think that this is 100% true. There are undoubted cases that are genetic, but in my opinion, this is only a very small percentage of humanity. Most people nowadays underestimate food and physical exercise. These two factors play a very important role, even if others have a completely different opinion.

Food rich in zinc, B vitamins, C, D3 + K2, B3, B12, A, fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and clean protein can stop / prevent hair loss. This also applies to other internal as well as external diseases. Healthy fats should not be forgotten.

Avoid sugar-containing food, refined carbohydrates, soy, wheat, conventional meats + fish, trans fats and pasteurized dairy products as much as possible.

In my youth, as many others, I watched daily pornographic material on the Internet. Today I would say I was addicted at this time. It was much easier to watch such movies and satisfy my sexual desire for a short time, instead of speaking to women outside the computer screen and making real experiences. After a while I noticed that my hair became thinner and fall out after one or more ejaculations. So I started the search engine and looking for terms like semen/sperm + hair loss and quickly found hundreds or thousands of articles reported that many nutrients lost after ejaculation (including zinc).

I also became aware of the so-called "NoFap" + "NoPorn" and tried it out immediately. But I have to admit that it was not easy and I needed several attempts. During this time, I switched my diet and started to exercise regularly. Whether sexual abstinence / semen retention (+no pornography) works or not, everyone should decide for themselves. There are people who notice an improvement of their life, and others nothing at all.

There was in my life a certain time, in which I lost many hairs, but was never bald or had bald spots. Since I live healthy, I have no more problems. My recommendation is to eat as naturally as possible. No processed + packaged food with different and unknown ingredients. If you have any questions, please ask.

Hair loss, self-satisfaction, pornography and DHT:







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great thread! appreciate the info you've shared


I have used Andronestenol binaurals and they do work.

Also I suggest you make an easy bullet point guide on viriculture, tips to folllow, people want to apply it for themselves


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OP if you are not a shill this is all really freaking cool



>taking the liquid jew

yes goyim, never express your natural traits, keep them docile forever!



That is some major degeneracy right there.

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