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So, I wanted to discuss a phenomenon I have been experiencing as of late that is completely new to me.

During meditation, I will suddenly remember a situation or a conversation that has not happened, like being with two people who have never actually met each other chatting at a dinner table, or having been in jail (complete with how, why and when), or other stuff. These are not flashes, but very fleshed out and mundane sets of events remembered. Things were said, were thought and happened.

As you probably know, normally during meditation a lot of weird shit can come into your head, and it's not uncommon to have hypnogogic hallucinations, episodes of clairvoyance or clairaudience and so on.

But this is completely different. It feels like suddenly remembering something you had long forgotten. Only to realize it doesn't fit at all within the rest of your memories or directly contradicts them. As soon as I open my eyes and try to think or analyze these "alternate" memories, they fade rapidly as if part of a dream.

Pic related is something I found while trying to find a reference to this phenomenon. But it's just some sensationalist (dis/misinfo?) bullshit.

By the way. This is not a Mandolo Effect thread. Don't try to make it into one.

I would love to hear the opinion of people who have experienced this and know more about it. Of course I plan to explore it on my own too.


…imo mindfulness is pretty legit

You can practice "mindfulness" without adhering to any specific spiritual belief



Dude you didn't read the OP, did you?



Auto-hypnosis leads to subjectively experiencing other people's shit… imagine that.

Too yin. The world is extreme yin. We're getting out of Kali Yuga, farthest point from Sirius our binary. We're entering the next phase where energies will start rising again. Chi is thin, like our air and nature… we'll have Avatar forests++ and animals in 5000 years.

You're absorbing the energy of others and your mind has reconstructed the experience. You could say instantaneous transmission but it took absorbing a bunch of shit beforehand in order to allow such a catalytic event to occur.

Too yin. Have your own fucking energy and stop soaking up others. Get your shit from the sun, stop meditating, learn how to generate body heat, no more sharp or cold qualities in your life.

Focus on cultivating all the yang you can. At some point absorbing the sun's rays, having some candles going with incense and alchemically transforming other energies will keep you blazin' and you won't be invaded by other powers.

Center of yang for men is their low navel.


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Burn shit constantly. Be like the emerald herald as gay as that sounds. ((Tend to that bonfire)) just build and​ build a rocket stove burn away burn shitty books you don't like em. Burn at dawn/ dusk


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've experienced it while driving. Someone in front of me taking the wrong on-ramp.

I suddenly and loudly thought "I'M GOING THE WRONG WAY!", which I knew I wasn't. Then the car in front of me pulled over to the side of the road. Next off ramp was about 20 miles down the road so I had double checked.

Similar, but not a thought, was a time when at an outdoor picnic I nearly shit myself out of the blue. A pregnant woman nearby got up and hurried away. Turned out her water had just broken.

Strange but true.

Vid tangentially related to article.



Would this entail cold showers?


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There's many misconceptions that needs to be cleared up, when we speak about these terms. Firstly, the word mindfulness as being pushed as "modern meditation" was a Jewish invention, pushed into USA with the help of an Indian Guru that barely meditated enough. That is why mindfulness and mindfulness meditation are trademarked terms.

>© 2012 Mindfulness – Your Present Moment. All rights reserved.


If you want to learn proper meditation, read books about meditation, learn it from a master or just sit on your butt and don't move until it becomes uncomfortable, that's when the meditation starts.

Mindfulness meditation is normie meditation. "Sit and relax, think of the things that happens in your life and contemplate how you can better your perspective…", which is not meditation, it's philosophy. You can get the same result by going to YouTube and listen to a guided meditation with fancy pouring water music.

Real meditation is about being silent in the mind so that you can focus on your aura. Then make the aura disappear and start feeling things beyond the human skin. In silent, dissolved meditation, great insight comes to the practitioner which makes the person aware of illusions of the world and mind. The biggest difference being: Mindfulness is for Jews wanting to sell an idea of meditation, Buddhist/Zen/Arcane meditation being for people who want to see beyond the veil.

The reason why mindfulness meditation can create false memories is because the subject enters a deep brain wave state while entertaining imaginative thought. Mindfulness will make the subject recall an event that triggered emotion, but because of imaginations way of spicing things up; we may add, remove or change memories by playing with imaginative scenarios that are spin offs from the memory. You can remember any event in your life and then shift into imagination based on the choice you didn't make. This is delusional and imaginative, and without mind control, the subject may start believing the imaginative visions as memories, because technically, you have experienced them when you imagined them.

During meditation, you have to remember that the things you see are just visions. If you identify or attach yourself to the visions, suffering will come shortly. Meditation is not about running away from your problems so that you can accumulate more problems working the Mo-Fri job and stress yourself out. It's about meeting the fears head on, like a warrior in a battlefield. Without darkness, you won't know brightness. Without the devil, you won't know the heaven. Mindfulness meditation is a quick way to continue suffering in all aspects of life.



I'm sorry you got triggered by the totally unrelated pic in OP's post (way to weed out the egotistical fools), but "mindful" meditation consists in focusing on a single object, such as your breath, an emotion or a Tarot card, for instance.

What we have branded as "mindfulness meditation" in the West is nothing more than Vipassana. Also known as "insight meditation".

I'm afraid you have a long way to go if it took you six paragraphs and naming the Jew in order to out yourself as an uneducated fool.

You are right about your advise at the end of your overly rambly post.

I'm almost sorry and doubt if I should click "New Reply", as it is obvious to me now you are just a newbie with a still over-inflated ego. But hey, it's my karma. I suppose I still have work to do.


>By the way. This is not a Mandolo Effect thread. Don't try to make it into one.



so they are just having very vivid day dreams and tripping balls?

some may rightly take issue with your semantics of the word "real" and "meditation" but they would just be autistic and don't get the implication


I think you're the one triggered here LOL

nothing he said is actually wrong.

the implication here is that Vipassana aka "insight meditation" is not "real meditation" because it is for complete noobs

this is liek babby's first meditation



Any newbie practice of all things should be as real as it gets, shouldn't it?

Are you the kind of person that never learns anything because they can't bear to realize their ignorance in order to work through it?

Besides, as far as I know Vipassana is just one of the oldest. Where did you read it's for newbies? I'm serious. I'm not very well read on meditation traditions in general, so if you have a respectable source explaining why Vipassana is "babby's first meditation" I'm interested.

By the way.

Nice try quoting yourself in order to hide your samefagging. I triggered you so hard as to do something as dumb and childish as this? Jesus Christ.



>Any newbie practice of all things should be as real as it gets, shouldn't it?

no. real retarded maybe. I mean using that definition, you yourself say meditating on a tarot card. that means you can meditate while playing musical instruments, reading, studying. you are always focusing on a single object usually for a few minutes or so. fucking everything is meditating now?




don't project your ignorance onto me worthless piece of shit


that means status quo, which means indoctrination

and I'm not samefagging I would never use that flag because subscribing to just buddhism is retarded. it's incomplete and one needs a holisti

why the ruck am I even telling you please neck yourself



oldest means most basic FYI KEK



How do you know how much that Indian guru did or did not meditate?



because what he's teaching is bunk


This sounds a lot like the hypnagogic? hallucinations one has as they fall asleep. Especially common when you are sleep deprived and trying to stay awake, you kind of get 'out of it' and start perceiving hallucinations. this is obviously you opening up to subtle energies resulting in your perception/interpretation of energies into 'daydreams'

this is what happens on the threshold of consciousness, and probably would happen when you do such a empty minded meditation.

meditation needs to have a goal, it's only a tool. meditation for the sake of meditation will lead to insanity

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