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File: df1344420014b0c⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, dreamshit.jpg)


Hey guys, I needed some help deciphering a dream I had a few months back (In November I believe, I wrote it down back then but can still recall it almost perfectly). Note on the side, I was actually staying at a friend's house (This comes into play later)

The dream started off in a small chamber (I guess, there could be another term) that I was in with this qt3.14 girl that after thinking back could very well be a female version of myself (Even the name) who we will call E. Me and E both were wearing like medieval robes or armor or something like that along with having swords. One of the chamber's walls slid open and revealed a large wall and a tundra. The wall (Extremely tall) was actually part of a 3x3 mile perimeter (I don't remember how I knew this in the dream, I just did) and the chamber was in the southwest corner of it. E and I walked out of the chamber into a tundra basically, it was almost completely flat and covered in snow. It was heavily snowing and windy at the time too which didn't leave much visibility, probably around 15-20 yards. We walked and walked with me occasionally looking back to make sure that E was still following. I'll say it now that E felt very much like my soul mate in a way, she didn't say her name but we instantly knew a lot about each other and there was a strong bond. We walked directly north clinging to the wall and probably about 1/3 or so of the way to the other side an army of skeletons or something came from the north and attacked us. Not just le spooky scary skeletons, they were realistic, terrifying skeletons which we fought off. We walking probably another half mile to mile before we were attacked by the same type of skeleton army, except this time there was a being which I believe was a demon due to its appearance. It looked almost like the torso of a skeleton, except it had this weird aura or haze or something around it that kept me from really seeing it. At this point this demon said that we were his and that he was going to "take us." We fought off these skeletons and ran through what graves or something, they were like 2x1x2 graves or something and were in a grid (I can elaborate if I need to) for a while until eventually I saw a light which is when I told her to follow me which led us to the northeast corner of the wall thing. When we got there there were sliding doors like the kinds in supermarkets. We went through and on the inside it was basically a Walgreens or another store like it that had all sorts of stuff in addition to a pharmacy. The store was shaped like an upside down U. We entered through the right side of the upside down U and after just browsing some stuff we went to the other side of the U and down that hall which had a push door. I walked through the door (Without E) and came out at the Walmart of the city I live in. I turned back to tell E to come one and my entire vision changed to a fixed, almost cinematic, 3rd person view of E. She said "Hold on" and went to open the door but when she opened it it led to an extremely dry desert. She closed the door again and reopened it but it led again to the same desert. She walked out and my viewpoint switched again to what is seen in the attached drawing (needs to be rotated, so sorry). The desert was extremely dry and was a cracked desert from what I can tell through pictures. In the background there were mountains and 3 suns, and as she walked out the demon appeared again (pic related). continued in next post




I couldn't understand what they were saying but it ended with him taking her. I snapped back to my vision and ran into the IRL walmart and back out to try to find her but I was stuck in the real world (In the dream sense). I then ran back to my friend's house where I was sleeping and noticed everything was just generally darker. That weird spooky, "dark realm" sensation as I call it where if its not lighted its extremely dark. I noticed as I ran into his house several things, first that we were all in different positions than when we fell asleep. Me and my friend fell asleep on the futon but in the dream we were in a different position than where we fell asleep, and another friend was on his computer in that weird kind of suspended state where he's darkened but still him. As I approached my sleeping body a portal of sorts opened above my body. As I jumped in I noticed that in the doorway to the room we were sleeping in there was an extremely dark (Like a silhouette) figure watching me. The odd part is that when I woke up we were all in the exact same positions that we were in the dream (Not when I fell asleep). They were changes I had no way of knowing (Like my friend on his computer).

Anyways, that was my dream. I've had several other dreams with E and it was one I had the other night which prompted me to share this. I can share other dreams if you wish. For a couple days after this dream I felt very uneasy, and I've had several other odd occurrences since having this dream. That's it, I'll tell any information I can. I probably won't be back till late tomorrow, so I'll answer anything then.


This is you wanting a soul mate, and going through various challenges with this soul mate but her always being taken from you. The dark realm is you re-entering the reality you don't want to go back to, and slowly awakening to it. The reason you see them in the correct positions is because you managed to remember the transition stage from dreaming to waking since it was a part of the dream and had a significant part in it's meaning.

Basically, it's not just your body telling you to get a girlfriend. Your soul mate is near and it's time to act. As you start to realize more and more about her, it means she is getting closer and within reach. If you don't take the chance, you could possibly miss it forever. Take these dreams as warnings to get better and prepare yourself for this climatic event.


take your dream and analyze it like it's an assignment in english class. meditate on it


Is the third sun Nibiru


Finally back


This is what me and some friends thought too, however the demon thing is the part we didn't really come to understand. He also appeared in a later dream with E. Any thoughts on the meaning of it?


I have a little, but thanks for the advice


No, it looked just like a normal sun or star



>This is what me and some friends thought too, however the demon thing is the part we didn't really come to understand. He also appeared in a later dream with E. Any thoughts on the meaning of it?

It's chad cucking you in your dreams.

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