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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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RulesModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. No identifying posts / namefag drama
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

File: f003cbb6e5f9d34⋯.png (19.55 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1accad91b5c4e540e39ac9b72d….png)


>>100199 here go nuts. show me "enlighten shitposting"

(Rules 1, 2, and 3.)


File: 90e1ffa6f2ec88d⋯.jpg (241.01 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, 19223059_1564870766857959_….jpg)


File: 62f6577ef260477⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 443x332, 443:332, 8ad94-12230805_16710442231….jpg)

File: 600bdc44b24c5ef⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 516x425, 516:425, 60337273a84461802cbe34e642….jpg)

File: cb3466efc57f6e0⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 367x379, 367:379, 0ad0abf0e50e4c66c908413992….jpg)

File: 1112eca95b0cff7⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 638x479, 638:479, april-fool-islamic-perspec….jpg)

Listen here, you little faggots. There is no such thing as enlightened shitposting. Scat fetishes are for kikes. It is impossible to live even the smallest lie and simultaneously evolve spiritually.


why the fuck would you make a new thread

just because of that nothing in this thread can be enlightening

please kindly kill yourself



you are wrong buttfuck this thread




got it you guys basically spout nonsense that COULD be true but you yourself don't actually believe in.


because I can. So because it's a new thread nothing good can come out of it.


das gay my man



butt he's wrong



no you can't this thread is against rule 3

3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost

there was a single thread with the OP saying the intention to contain all shitposting boardwide into that thread

the thread itself was not 'no-effort shitpost' but this thread purely was

therefore this thread should be deleted.

or given a new purpose



where did you get this image?



he probably made it himself



I know he didn't, and it's a little alarming to see wild.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I prefer just to shitpost. Let Anon sort the mess.


File: bca699ea96ee300⋯.png (703.7 KB, 2160x1696, 135:106, 1490212109-0.png)

Dice rollRolled 28, 22, 23, 3 = 76 (4d45)


>given a new purpose

if this thread reaches bump limit I will be enlighten.






"Do what you want because it's fun"



Did you get it from Socks? Crazy bastard didn't know what he was fucking with. File name was originally "Imtatlrvúrṃi!" if that means anything to you.


File: 7e173bc0bec325a⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 620x462, 310:231, BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL.jpg)

anyways, there was some very lively shitposting back in January and February and it wasn't all shit. board has never been better, imo. pic related



and if i did?

>File name was originally "Imtatlrvúrṃi!" if that means anything to you.

you know it doesn't


>beyond good and evil

>clearly labels the good and bad guys

There was no need for fringe to exist



There was no need for existence



Sure there is, cant have nothingness forever. Something has to come out of nothing.



But that is just opinion.

There is no true necessity, except as consequence of original action

There is no necessary consequence of an infinite nothingness.

There is no necessary consequence of boredom…. Or maybe there is, in the subjective sense…….



>But that is just opinion.

and >>100939 is an opinion to me. I'm sure it all makes sense to you and it's fact but cant say I agree

>There is no true necessity, except as consequence of original action

gonna have to explain this one chief. You saying existence is original action?

>There is no necessary consequence of an infinite nothingness.

except nothing happens

>There is no necessary consequence of boredom

oh there is that image and the threads that went with it were proof.

>maybe there is, in the subjective sense

You haven't had any one fuck with your head have you?

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