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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Feel free to use this thread as a resource, experiment, note, teaching or other sharing space. I'll prepare some of my own experiences in order to get others started and fuel the alchemical furnace(soon). Though I encourage you to use this as your own collective thread.

Chemistry discussion is also welcomed. I'll probably end up bridging some spaces between both schools of thought if no one else wants to.

Check the mega for alchemical book resources. Other than that youtube for practical chemistry usually in the field of extractions and pharmacology.


If you are feeling horny like too much arousal and desire for sexy

Literally visualize energy continually flowing up your body and spine to you head

Visualization is pretty OP way of intermediate transmutation of energy

A quick and dirty direct way is simply changing your perspective COMPLETELY. This has pretty much infinite applications


Usually alchemy twists with metallurgy… I know there's a lot more spiritually things you have to do and the ingredients are all encapsulation and you have to extract them a certain way gracefully taking them apart or grinding them and blending them carefully…



Oh, look, some mundane literalist who doesn't know a thing about what useful alchemy is.


You just encouraged the use of sorcery.



oh look a useless piece of shit


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That's a good visualization. I find arousal can come from either too much or too little energy in the waist.


Metal alchemy is my least experienced form. If anyone has practiced it please do share. I hypothesize that it's the most efficient and powerful field if one has the funds.


If you're meaning mental alchemy then feel free to share. I see too much theory and not enough practice so I decided to make this in order to inspire action. Through experimentation comes theory which you can apply to yourself in a mental sense.


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Here's a couple basic questions to get you started.

What is alchemy?

It's one of the most pure and ancient art/sciences of working with nature and material. It focuses on working with mineral, vegetable(plant) and animal matter to purify, refine or transform into usable substances like medicine, industrial goods, processing materials, etc(look up what the chemical engineering market creates).

How does alchemy create what it does?

Alchemy uses the same processes as nature but taken to different scales and magnitudes. Distillation, fermentation, calcination, etc(check the pictures). On a practical level it's similar to cooking. It's best learned through brewing.

How are alchemy and chemistry related?

You could think that chemistry came from alchemy. In a way it's an advancement and further progression of alchemy. Though through refinement it has lost the holistic, analogical old mental terms. An example is the idea of the air element. In modern chemistry it's assume that an oxide is the gaseous form(carbon di-oxide - earth 2-air). Or that certain carbon molecule will represent earth. Learn to read the language - hydro(hydra-water) generator.

Has chemistry made alchemy invalid in the modern world?

This can depend on your perspective. In some ways it's more convenient to buy pure oils of certain herbs or to buy pharmaceutical earths and acids than to extract them yourself. Though the process of refinement is what gives you wisdom. In many ways chemistry has made alchemy much easier (like many modern inventions).

What is the philosophers stone?

In alchemy we have stones. Different from other medicines which might only use the physical components or a tincture which takes the other. Through combining an oil and earth and cycling you eventually make a glassy pill. The philosophers stone is like the king pill. I hypothesize on a chemistry level that it's just red phosphorous. It can be made from just about anything rich in life. Human blood is the richest I've found. Urine is a common ingredient but I've found this difficult to work with. Unless you have a heavily ventilated and personal lab you wont really be able to use it. I'm currently working on a chemical method to creating it in a much simpler way. I'll speak on that later.

How to get started?

I recommend learning how to brew and distill. It'll set you back around 100-200$ for brewing equipment and around 150 for simple distilling equipment. Though cheap metal distillers are difficult to use for cycling in alchemy. Glass distillers are more expensive but great for experimentation if you can get your hands on one.

Working with plant matter through processing will give great wisdom. Drying, milling and such.

Tincturing this is generally the first task. Many jars and much ethanol is needed. Our government disrespects aboriginal culture and puts impurities into hardware store ethanol, hence why brewing/distillation is necessary.

The next steps would be learning how to calcinate matter into salt and learning to cycle the oil from water to solid.

I'll leave with this brief talk and continue later. There's much to discuss on expanding the major principles and methods as well as decoding and such.

I recommend everyone to read up some old alchemical books to get acquainted with their thoughts. There's a couple Paracelsus books on sacred texts which will help. Make sure to find the homunculus one if you can. It's quite a read. Books are all over the place for alchemy. I've even seen the RAMS archive on the mega here.



>What is the philosophers

Oh deary that reminds me of what Montalk says. Goes into some actual possible alchemy methods along with mechanical explanation of how thought effects the calculator of the physical universe though quantum etheric interactions



Look, a soulless human projecting it's venom.



I casted reflect. The only venom is the arrogant shitposter that actually didn't share a single thing of substance. it was borderline disinformation


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What do each of these symbols mean? Thank you



The third picture explains the symbology of freemasonry a bit

what the heck is mercury and how can something be fixed and volatile at the same time


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He is Nuit called Thrice Great Hermes for Nuit reason.

As within, so without, as above, so below.

Will is the key to Mercure.


Have any of you been able to relate and work with Ch, Chakra, or herbs in relation to Alchemy?



Like I said

>If you are feeling horny like too much arousal and desire for sexy

>Literally visualize energy continually flowing up your body and spine to you head

this is literally distrubuting energy from the root up towards the different chakras

you don't need to do anything other than visualize as when there is an abundance the chakras will transmute by themselves

this is only when there is absolutely zero stimulus and you still have peculiar states of arousal. this is just actual untapped energy and is easily transferable


also I'm assuming all the chakras are considerably balanced. transmutation in general wouldn't work otherwise


The vague larping concept of alchemy in this thread is quite amusing…

It's funny how far some people are from the essence of truth.

I could describe alchemy but it's already holistically part of who I am, plus is what guarded from the mundane in the past for a reason.


OP, are you shilling in an attempt to discredit Christianity?



Hey if you're too lazy to explain then say that but don't use bullshit as an excuse

I personally don't see how the more sensationalized applications of alchemy can be useful towards my goals but I can still share what I think is practical

What exactly did you or anyone have in mind? No particular phenomena was requested


What was said that contradicts with Christianity?


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Jupitarian is of production of life and Saturnian is of cycles and time.


It could be referencing different forms of liquids for example ethanol compared to royal water (acids) or regular pure water. If you have any context I can analyze it further.

For thread reference salt is the physical matter, mainly the white ash you get after calcinating.

Sulphur is the oil, an in between substance. This is what we cycle between physical and water to purify and refine.

Mercury is our liquid which is generally the spirits (look at that word carefully), acid or other liquids.


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Okay next lecture. I'll brief over basic experiments and concepts.

In alchemy we use living solutions (liquids) which contain microbacteria that can eat other chemicals. This relates to the idea of fairies. Make some bread in order to understand basic fermentation. You will notice the steam rising as it ferments. If your eyes are well developed you will also notice a white hazy glow and small sparks flying around.

Next is of brewing. For this we use a different kind of yeast (generally ale). Best performed on the new moon to match temperature and moisture cycles. Add yeast to a container which has your brewing materials (something with sugar like apples for cider, grapes or agave for wine) in 20 or so degree water. Close it with cling wrap and pin a hole in it if you're using a jar or bottle for small experiments. Keep this in mild darkness for weeks to months. This is a simplification of the process and I recommend looking up guides if you properly wish to undertake brewing. Anyway, at the end of our experiment be observant and look for the same flickerings within the air. I found this especially easy to see when clearing a fermentation tank outside.

For our next experiment we'll need to understand the three levels of most outcomes. The word bottom of the barrel is not a joke. Dense sediments will fall to the bottom in your work. At the top is where gases will rise and froth forms. Remove this with a spoon or other device for a purer result in works. in the middle is the purest and best material.

We'll go over water extraction.

It's simply putting our working material into water and applying heat or positive energy. This can be done using the sun for subtler effects or through heat of a stove, etc. Go grab some herbal matter be it roots, flowers, stems, leaves or something else (best to know what you're working with and to find a cheap botanical store) and put it in a pot or saucepan which can hold a 1+ liter. Pour in around 500-1000ml of water and slowly raise to either a simmer or boil. Depending on the temperature some active components can be lost. For certain extractions we need an acid like vinegar (though we'll cover that another time). Heat this and skim the froth till it is around 100-200ml left. Strain and remove the matter. This should be a strong tea or what we think of as herbal soup. Pour the water back into the pan and heat until it forms a sticky paste or syrup. This is the next level of processing. Note that this is different to calcination which will be covered later.

Anyway that'll give you something to try and think over. Let's go over some theory. You might wonder what the sparkly stuff is that forms around your work. This is related to ORME and also fermentation phenomena of bacteria. In oldern terms it is thought of as Mana and the work in related to fairies(start to ponder the word "spirits"). Commonly a metal is di-atomic which means there are two iron or copper atoms for example. But with ORME they exist as a mono-atomic "non metal" state. Think of it this way. Mana (think chi or energy) is in everything, all around us, etc. This is a collection of non metalic m-state rare earth metals. Crystals for example act like ram scoops where the mono atoms fit nicely into their geometrical structure and will "conduct" this ORME energy. This is the ancient idea of using crystals to collect certain frequencies of energy. In alchemy we can also create living-organic solutions which absorb and transmute other forms of rare metals in their mental or spiritual states. Eventually through more work you can change their state into a physical one.

I hypothesize this is the same stuff as zero point energy of tapping into other "dimensions" and such and even opening possibilities to "star" or warp gates. But enough of that.

Get to experimenting and learning about the world you live in. If you're also learning magic you'll start to see how this all interrelates as well.



Correction. Hips not waist.



just wew


The moment the other person said mercury is willpower it all made sooo much sense to me at a deep holistic level it is amazing, and at first I didn't want to get into it since no one cares yet if they did they could use the knowledge for bad purposes. But it seems everyone is so stupid and can't connect concepts to practical application ha ha I digress.

In terms of chemistry, salt represents ions, sulfur represents potential energy and mercury is… anything that can be both, a perhaps malleable/fundamental substance.

I could go on and on about the spiritual correlations and the applications of these concepts. At least to me, this analogy is incredibly rich leading to insight of telekinesis (etheric manipulation of ions vs mental manipulation of potential energy) and direct physical manifestation through a fundamental substance.

Of course, the philosopher's stone is all about that manifestation.. But I have no interest in that. No proxies for me, I'd rather have inherent capabilities and not resort to an outside source even if it is my creation. That reminds me, perhaps experience in making egregores and deities can help temper the process and not lead to anything going out of hand.

Have you read of the ark of the covenant and how it was some sort of etheric manipulator allowing direct control of reality itself? Now that's a strong fucking philosopher's stone; however there seemed to be a deity that took control over it for abuse, after another deity tried using it for good? Crazy stuff that Montalk writes about


The Philosopher’s Stone is not just a spiritual metaphor but an actual substance that can transmute lead or mercury into gold. The Stone is a product of Alchemy. Unlike chemistry, which only deals with physical matter and energy, Alchemy makes use of etheric and astral energies to reconfigure matter at the quantum level. Alchemy is to chemistry what a cube is to the square; it is a superset of chemistry and is capable of so much more.

That is the introduction. I have stripped Montalk's discourse a little bit to mainly cover the chemical portion.

>Biological etheric energy comes from living things. That is because life incarnate cannot exist without etheric energy bonding consciousness to the body. Thus bacteria, plants, animals, and humans all contain and emit etheric energy. However, the quality of this energy varies depending on the source. Just as the Moon colors what it receives from the Sun, so do lifeforms color what they receive from a higher dimension.

>Thus not all forms of etheric energy are appropriate for the creation of the Stone since plant, animal, and human emissions are too distant from the Stone’s own nature, which is more that of a living mineral. Hence the Alchemists limited their search to the cosmic and mineral realms. And if they did look to the biological realm for assistance, they would only have found it among the most primitive of bacteria, for these are closest to the mineral kingdom.

>Water is an attractor and carrier of etheric energy, but it is not the only one. Salts also serve that function. Many different kinds of salt exist, all of them consisting of a metal joined to a non-metal. Table salt is sodium joined to chlorine, sphalerite is zinc joined to sulfur, while galena is lead joined to sulfur. Other metals such as iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, cadmium, etc. can form salts.

(Note: The root “pyr” is Greek for fire. The dynamic vitalizing force of the soul, the Demiurgic energy so to speak, was called “sacred fire” by the ancients. Therefore the root “pyr” is bound with the concept of Demiurgic technology. Hence terms like pyramid, Pyrenees, and pyrite, three terms that are very closely related to Demiurgic technology. As will be explained in another article, the Great Pyramid is a channeler, collector, and amplifier of etheric energy. The Pyrenees are the mountain range between France and Spain, where a conclave of powerful Alchemists allegedly reside. And pyrite is a salt of sulfur and iron that sparks when struck, and thus contains within it latent fire, or so it appeared to the ancients. This brass or bronze-colored mineral, or rather its starry pseudomorph known as marcasite, was the raw material preferred by Fulcanelli for production of the Philosopher’s Stone. Note that pyrite is also known as “Fool’s Gold.” It is the true gold of Fools in the esoteric sense, for they value it more than real gold; through it, they can make as much gold as they require and produce the Elixir of Life.)

>Metal is another good attractor and carrier of etheric energy. Of all common metals, Alchemists say that iron has the greatest affinity for etheric energy. It is therefore a curious fact that blood, the carrier of such energy in our bodies, consists mostly of water, iron, and salt. It is also interesting that in folklore and occultism, a piece of iron, a line of salt, or a stream of water can act as barriers to unfriendly nonphysical entities, who would have their energy siphoned away by these substances. Garlic and onions play a similar role in folkore, and their key component is the element sulfur. Sulfur is yet another etherically active substance.

>…metals were this one seed at different stages of growth, with gold being the final stage.

>Gold was considered to be oldest of the metals, the final state toward which other metals were evolving. But in its old age, gold had expended all of its etheric energy. What was left was a dead body (salt) carrying the image (sulphur) of gold, but lacking the youthful vitality (mercury) that younger metals still possessed. Thus the goal of Alchemy was to take the noblest of metals and reinvigorate it, thereby taking it to a state of evolution higher than anything achievable in nature.

>In practice, this meant starting with the youngest of metallic products, one so early in its evolution that it wasn’t yet a robust metal but rather more of a primitive metalloid. It had to have an affinity for gold and be a potent source of etheric energy, something that contained the secret fire of the cosmos. Alchemists chose a mineral that resembled gold but appeared darkened by impurities. This raw matter they crushed to a fine powder, fed with dew and oxygen, and incubated with heat.

>Their aim was to induce putrefaction in order to unbind the matter’s mercury, salt, and sulphur components, just as death unbinds the human physical, etheric, and astral bodies.


>This was difficult because putrefaction takes a long time in the mineral kingdom and the speed depends on the electrochemical qualities of the mineral which varies from mine to mine as well as the presence or absence of bacterial catalysts.

>In any case, when the appropriate factors are present, the mineral decomposes as intended. In successfully extracting the mercury and salt from this mineral and leaving behind the impure sulphur, they now had a youthful body and soul that could be joined to gold’s ancient spirit. This mercurial salt they called their secret fire, universal solvent, the “water that does not wet the hands”, common mercury, and alkahest. Alchemists believed it was the one thing by which the whole work could be accomplished, the one agent that could dissolve gold and acquire its sulphur.

>In the so-called “Dry Path” of making the Stone, this salt and the gold leaf are placed in a crucible and heated to glowing temperature for several days, thereby joining them into one. This path is the quickest but also the most dangerous due to the high temperatures and potential for explosions. In the “Wet Path,” gold leaf is mixed into the water-solubilized salt, then sealed in a glass flask and heated until the gold is fully disaggregated by the universal solvent. The result is a white buttery substance some have called “philosophical mercury,” and this is the Philosopher’s Stone in its nascent form.

>After putrefying this white substance to blackness, heating until its impurities are driven away and it turns white once more, then further heating and repetition of this process eventually produces a red oil on the surface. This red oil is the sulphur of gold completely fused with youthful mercury. Further heating and evaporation coagulates the oil into a solid. This solid is the Philosopher’s Stone in its finished form, unless one wishes to multiply its power by dissolving it in more fresh universal solvent (which is a donor of etheric energy) and repeating the previous operation, except using the Stone instead of gold leaf this time. This can be repeated any number of times, and each time a fresh dose of etheric energy impregnates the solid or oily remains and takes the Stone to its next order of power.

>Upon attaining success, the final result is a dense stone, red and translucent like a ruby. It is water-soluble, melts like wax, flows like quicksilver when melted, does not burn at any temperature, yet volatizes when thrown into the molten metal it aims to transmute. It is a physical substance supersaturated with etheric energy and imprinted with the vibrational fingerprint of gold. When pulverized, mixed into beeswax, and cast into molten lead, it transmutes a certain multiple of its weight of lead into gold. It can also transmute quicksilver the same way. The lead or quicksilver atoms are overwhelmed by the etheric potency of the Stone and become malleable at the quantum level, allowing the fingerprint of gold to reconfigure them accordingly, thereby converting these into gold.

>Alchemists emphasize that to succeed in this work, one must be of the highest ethics, have a deep mind capable of penetrating the mysteries of nature, and be a good observer and experimenter. Prayer and purity are essential to receive the intuitive insights and synchronistic guidance needed to discover the right steps in the right order. This is important because the less one understands about Alchemy, the more hidden variables there are, the lower the chances of success by trial and error. But if you are decreed so by destiny, or if you attain sufficient spiritual purity that higher forces deem you responsible enough to handle it, then you will be synchronistically and intuitively guided to success. But that won’t happen if you are driven by greed, skepticism, or other anti-spiritual motives, or if it goes against your karma and destiny. You don’t find the Stone, the Stone finds you.

>The secret is synchronistically encrypted from those who would use it to cause trouble for themselves or others. Even misguided help can be a form of damage, thus in addition to purity, wisdom is needed. And if by chance someone did discover it and attempted to cause trouble, they would likely die suddenly, as already happens to people who try to bring antigravity and free energy technology into the world. The Philosopher’s Stone is of that same vein. That’s why no Alchemist has ever revealed the full picture. They not only realize the terrible implications of its misuse, but fear what harm might come to themselves if they facilitate that by giving knowledge without sufficient discretion.

>Again, here I only give a general and limited estimation of the process for the sake of illustrating the underlying dynamics involved, as they are pertinent to my exposition on the Demiurge.



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Those chemistry terms you linked are great. They work well for internal alchemy as well.

Montalk is a genius in the realm of theoretics. He paints a great story with how he tells biblical legends as alchemical tales. I read all his work when I first became interested in occultism. Going back shows a lot more perspective.


Well damn. There's the whole process for mineral alchemy. Now I just need to get my hands on gold.

I'm preparing to undertake some experiments in electrolysis - hooking metal to batteries, putting it in water and producing a salt solution. You can ferment this with yeast to turn it into a living substance and actually grow it further. I hear from there it's simple to "feed" more and "advance" or level up into higher forms. From there you can stimulate it to form into metal or use it as a medicine.





Maybe it's a bit of-topic but I'd like a bit more of information on that



Generally when we feel an unconscious desire for sexual release there is an excess pressure around our hips and lower area. This may come in the form of your prostate or bladder for example. It starts to push awareness down to the genitals unconsciously and you'll have thoughts of sexual nature.

The other form is similar to a burned out drug addict. If the body is lacking energy and you feel weak, lethargic, drained and grey you may start to crave an intense burst of energy.



This, and your other posts were very helpful.

Would something like this:https://www.homesciencetools.com/vacuum-distillation-glassware-kit be suitable distillation equipment for a beginner of this type?

Also, for brewing, all I'm finding is beer brewing equipment. Would such a set be suitable for other basic alchemical needs?

Sorry for the noob questions by the way.


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That's perfect and at a very good price. You may also need some form of heating for it if it does not fit on the stove. Electronic hotplates might set you back 30-50$.

Beer brewing equipment will work great. It's all the same. Even the yeast you use (probably ale) will go for all projects.



Here's a video to show the chemical extraction of milk. As you see you can break down a substance to many different qualities and values. From a category of physical matter or liquid substance we can further break it down into baser ingredients and compounds. In basic alchemy we mainly only deal with the salt, oil and liquid. Further processing will require a knowledge of your research material and many extraction tools.


Watch this to understand a method of oil extraction. This process can be used in alchemical cycling where you continuously heat, evaporate, solidify and re-add the distillate.

Note that a lot of material is needed to get a substantial result and much processing to purify to high degrees.


Okay. So I'll teach you guys on how to make the crimson liquid. Think of it as the unrefined philosophers stone. This stuff acts as incredible medicine which surpasses even ormus(it is an ormatic liquid).

Quite simply you piss each morning into a jar and seal it up(any lid works fine). I find sealing it produces red sand and opening it makes white (sun and moon). This ferments best in darkness. Hotter climates and seasons will cause it to change quicker. Leave it there for a couple weeks and eventually it will go red.

Two warnings. Dilute it heavily. You can use it as an oral medicine with a drop or two in something acidic (It is heavily alkaline). Second is that if you want to refine it through distillation as you may of read in books, please do this in a heavily ventilated area with equipment that you don't mind spoiling (elsewise boil water with essential oils to clean it). There are chemical ways to process it further instead of using distillation. I still need to test those.

Check out this guy for more information https://www.youtube.com/user/DeadJack57


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I am not a very practical minded person, my mind seems to drift more into the abstract rather than more mechanical lines of thinking, everything I have read about Alchemy has been centered around deciphering symbolism in art and using these practical experiments as a metaphor for the transmutation of the soul, not meaning it literally but purely allegorically. Mostly I see a clear parrallell running between Alchemy and Hermeticism, it seems they had to come up with elaborate systems of obfuscation as their beliefs were considered heretical at the time and would of resulted in chastisement and the desturction of their work. I was wondering what are your thoughts on this from someone who seems to look at Alchemy in a more literal sense? Do you consider Jungian and Hermetic ideas to be wrong or a misinterpretation? Or do you see it as a more multi-faceted practice in which it can be taken from a wide variety, but equally applicable angles? I have always wondered as well if perhaps the two come from slightly different sources or if the metaphor was added after the practice or vice versa. Personally I have just contemplated on it a lot, when you get into those old alchemical works its overwhelmingly obscure with hidden meanings and archaic speech, though I have gathered a lot of occult knowledge from examining alchemical art such as the great drawings and paintings of William Blake.

And thanks, but I think I will pass on drinking my own fermented piss.



If that's what you see in alchemy right now, that's what you need to focus on. It exists in both levels and different authors will share different perspectives. Jung for example did an amazing work at converting all of the symbolic - spiritual stuff into western intellectual thought.

Or Paracelcus a man thought to be father of Toxicology and chemistry taught a more practical method to it.

Any system built upon natural principles will give both practical and spiritual (mental) teachings. Take eastern martial arts which is based on Daoism.

I decided to teach only the practical methods since I imagined fringe had other threads dedicated to spiritual philosophy. But, if you'd like I could write some lectures discussing alchemy in either an internal or mental sense. And feel free to come here with any questions about it as I can give you my perspectives as well.


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Warning - All of these experiments produce amounts of radiation(just about any work of alchemy will), poisonous gas and toxic effects if ingested in larger amounts than over 10ml. Test for ph and do not drink anything outside of 5-9 without treating. Wear protective clothing like gloves, masks, visors and aprons if you require it. Do these experiments in open areas as electrolysis creatives a semi-harmful aura around it.

You can ignore all of these warnings if you have a strong nervous system and body.

On the extraction of mineral salts in metallic alchemy:

To extract a salt out of metal we can use one of two known processes which is called electrolysis in chemistry. For this we need a power source of around 6-12 volts like a car battery or 9v battery. You can hook up smaller batteries in a circuit to make up for it. Next items is wire or connection material to hook up your metalic rods to the battery. We use two rods or pieces of metal, an anode which is larger and connected to the positive(this is the metal which grows) and a cathode which is smaller and connected to the negative(can be any metal). Put these both in a container of salt water (glass jars work well). Allow for a couple hours of work. You should see the metal rods bubbling and reacting while the water either changes colour or misty salt forms.

The next method is simply boiling a metal in water.

I recommend the use of tin foil or copper rods as they're easy to acquire.

Our next lecture is on the ascension or leveling up of metals in an aqueous, salt form(liquid form of metal).

Pick your substance and look at the elements under it on the periodic table. From Tin to Lead or Copper to Silver(current hypothesis). This is the next level that it will form into through the process of alchemical transmutation. We do this simply through fermentation, heat or extreme ph change.

Take your jar of metalic salt water and put yeast + sugar into it. Small amounts will work fine. Keep it sealed with a lid and plastic wrap and place within a dark space. Eventually you will notice change within the jar. You can also heat up the jar to produce evolution like that of metal pressurizing and heating in the earth. The dense material at the bottom is what "flavours" the subtle liquid at the top. With this knowledge you can figure out how to make an "infinite" grow machine of metalic tea.

All of these processes make a chloride like how sodium chloride is our table salt. Tin chloride is the colloidal tin which we get from electrolysis of tin. Collodial silver or silver salts are what we get from silver, etc. You can cook your liquid down into an earthy material for a pure physical salt.

Look up on the internet these processes for more information as well as the effects of colloidal metals.

As always, ask questions for further clarifications or further information.



Goddamn, that image was triggering.

The rest of this thread is boring as fuck though.

But that image definitely struck a nerve.



Red Dragon is your movie dude.


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Thanks for the reference. But that definitely was not it.

I've seen the movie many times. And while I enjoy the novelty of a "Hannibal Lecter" character, his lizard nature is repugnant to human development.



>Alchemy is to chemistry what a cube is to the square

Or perhaps a Tesseract to a cube? We are talking quantum.



On second thought, same analogy.


Guyz all we need iz lyke 7 moon shardz then we can lyke summon our dead mom xd

Look up psychosis, wizards. It is the key to eternal life!





If you all aren't delusional schizophrenics why do you throw a fit every time you are called retarded? If you are magikal wizardz then words shouldn't harm you.

Do you ever go back and read the retarded cringey shit you write?

"I lay down by a hill every full moon. This is how I regenerate the 50th chakra. Zeus and Gandalf occasionally send me a sign through either a thunderstorm or by rewarding me with a magical antipsychotic pill every morning for the last 5 years. This is all in intro to Schametics Volume 2. Look at the pdfs I compiled. It's all in there. Read this real stuff. I'm not just trying to make someone else look as retarded as me so I feel better about being a stupid delusional fuck." - Level 110 Priest Smart Smartens, Guild Leader of Warriors Of Eternity on the Medivh World of Warcraft roleplaying server.



What I would like to know is why do you feel the need to throw a tantrum on every thread on the front page.

Do you actually feel threatened by a bunch of LARPing schizos?

Go home. Magic isn't real.



You better watch it or I will uze my hearthstone and teleport to the inn by your castle and com fuck u up with fire bolts. U have been warned. I am anonimus. I am legin. U are going to be beaten in this battle!


What is the significance of antimony?


Fucking schizo losers. Seek some help you cringey faggots.



Lecter wasn't a lizard. It was the lizards that exploited his human weakness to do their bidding.


I recently came to think of how many mental states are also named after different metals, just like how the metal in alchemy is just an allegory for mentality

Irony = iron

coping = copper

suffer = sulphur (though that's not a metal)

synchronicity = zinc

and there's probably more

is there any meaning to this or is it just coincidence?



Fascinating observation. A lot of our words come from natural roots,

There's also the idea of colours and emotions like feeling blue, green with envy, red with rage, etc.



Ah I love these. They always work too. Just try to find a word root in anything, or name a phenomena, and the root/name is always like THIS.


I'll make a comparison because it's what I'm studying, practicing and meditating: 5 elements.

Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth. I wondered why metal was an element for a while, going through the theories (metal - mental; akashic/spiritual distillation; concept of human industry and ingenuity, conquering nature; meddle; a few others), same with Wood (the natural inherent human condition; would; the living element, perhaps the akashic/spiritual alchemical factory).

Metal restricts/controls/destroys Wood, or the Mental restricts the Would (goals and strategy to reach said goal, which is actually what the Wood element is about; America is described as a Wood nation, and it is quite work and business). Thus, by working with the Metal or Mental, working with Coping, Suffering, Irony, and etc. (though the zinc one is a long fucking stretch) you boost the Water or mystical and ambiguous and mobile, while restricting your growth (metal and the mental tends to be a distillation and refinement process eh?) and draining your Earth (harmonious and centered, associated with meditation and peacemaking) while being destroyed by Fire (courageous, enthusiastic, lively, fun and the calcification process that metal actually requires going through to become a greater alloy - trial by fire into a brotherhood of steel, like the military - or become pure like pure gold or pure silicon, such as becoming a specialized professional Network Developer (gold and silicon being used in circuits). So no matter what you do, it's going to create an imbalance that you have to counter-balance and adapt to by some means.

Since everyone here is likely going down the path of occultism via Earth, Metal, and/or Water, but definitely Metal, you should recognize and spend time on the Wood. What WOULD you do, if you could? If you WOULD? Wood (would) is associated with endurance and energy… if you had all the endurance and energy, with the strength of the oak and flexibility of the vine and the grace of a flower (flow -er), WHAT WOULD YOU DO? When you figure that out, make a plan (planning = plants, an actual Wood element association in 5 element theory qi gong/ba zi/tcm) and start today. Birth is associated with the Spring element, with Wood. New beginnings. SPRING OUT OF THE GROUND. Metal is associated with the FALL. In a sheet I got from someone in the 5 Element TCM/Qi Gong thread I posted, Metal is associated with The Alchemist. Wood is The Pioneer. Pine on, brothers!


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Semen retention symbolism involves the Grail(circle), and the Quest of the Heroe, troughout Egypt. Greece. Rome. This theme is present,as are the themes of horned animals, of mountains laying on rivers of ice.

Symbolism is very important.



> it's


So is alchemy like western qi gong?


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Not sure if this truly falls under alchemy, but it seems close to me.

So lately I've been poking around into information surrounding the Serpent Mound in Ohio. To give a quick summary: large earthworks (which used to have a megalith) on a hill beside a stream with solstice alignments as well as a proposed alignment to Draco, situated over a geomagnetic anomaly caused by an ancient impact event, reports of giant skeletons found in nearby mounds, crop circles "common" in the area including one across the street, reports of earth lights in the area, highest average of sky to ground lightning strikes in the nation. The researcher Ross Hamilton has composed the theory that the site was constructed as a balancing point for energies emanating from the Earth's core and energies radiating from the sky which would have produced a charge in the rainfall in the area leading to crops with self-luminous properties and immensely beneficial effects for all who ate them. He compared such an arrangement to the function of other sites such as the Giza pyramids.

We can set aside those claims for a moment and turn to another subject I've been getting into recently, Velikovsky and the electric universe theory. From such theorists we get the idea that the cosmic thunderbolt found in many religions is based on the experience of our ancestors with incredibly powerful plasma discharges caused by interactions of planetary electromagnetic fields and solar outbursts such as Robert Schoch has suggested as the cause of the end of the Younger Dryas. Such discharges would be akin to nuclear blasts, including releases of harmful radiation and vitrification of materials. This could be applied to narratives such as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah or the unleashing of vajra in Vedic lore. This last point got me thinking that the vajra is described as a weapon which can even be granted to mortals, so would it then be possible that people knew how to create "lightning rods" which attracted cosmic thunderbolts? What's more, if there was a process which relied on channeling Earth and sky energies, what would happen to sites such as Serpent Mound during a solar outburst? This has made me wonder if the destruction of the previous civilization wasn't due in part to the very nature of their technology. It would be sad and ironic if creating an advanced site which transmutes subtle energies into digestible forms (water, crops) also led to destruction from cosmic plasma discharges. This might even constitute the hubris associated with the fall of Atlantis.

It does make me curious about trying to restore a site like Serpent Mound to functioning form though.



Well the East has a lot of Art to it, as in, unteachable, and you have to guide someone through the "soft techniques" until they learn it themselves.

The West likes to systemize and rationalize things into Science. Hard techniques.

So I'd say East is Fire/Water, West is Metal/Wood



Can I use alchemy to make medicaments? My body used to be healthier but I live in a not very healthy environment currently.


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Khan here. Come join the Crimson Alchemy Guild on discord for genera occult discussion.

Our tag is 8yuZnct

Ask for more details.

Enjoy this old basic guide




no thanks

But to add to the thread I've found a way to extract Reishi that makes a much better and more effective medicine and tonic, for the mind and spirit than anything I've seen yet. You simply put dried and powdered reishi into a soxhlet, run it through with anydrous (at least 98% dried with epsom salts works best) ethanol until it's not extracting any more color, the extract should be a very dark ruby red. Put the extract in a container. Then you dry that reishi powder of the ethanol and run it through the soxhlet again with distilled water until everything is out of it. Put the alcohol extract in the water extract and it's done. (You could dry distill the spent reishi powder and add the resulting liquid if you have the neccessary equipment, cheap glassware tends to get fucked up dry distilling things)



That's good if you can acquire a soxhlet distiller. They're great for any alchemical works. I recommend adding a bit of refined vinegar to that as well so the salt and alcohol have a binder.



You can find really good deals on ebay for soxhlet. I got an entire package for $30. Chinese really love their cheap labware.

But at this point I've moved past plant works. I'm fairly sure I've made a breakthrough to develop the stone of the ancients in the past few weeks though it's yet to be seen.



No way. I gotta check this out.

Are you more experimenting with minerals or animal products nowadays?



>Are you more experimenting with minerals or animal products nowadays?

The first step of the work I've been starting is to use potassium or sodium carbonate to raise the PH of (filtered) ocean water. It has to be water actually from the ocean though, it doesn't work with those sea salt and dead sea salt and what not. You pour off the clear water from the precip and then collect the precip by filtering it through 3 filtered coffe papers which will drain the water but not the precip. Then you take that moist precipitate and begin the process of elevating it which is what I've been working on.



Ah yeah the ormus extraction.

What exactly does that create in a chemical or alchemical way?

I imagine you're freebasing something, possibly the prime matter.

What are you doing to raise it? solvents or circulation?



I originally got the idea from the ormus thing but the properties are very different from what people describe of ormus. My current method is to incubate it in a sealed container at 37C until it has a nitrogenous odour, then I circulate it, incubate it again until the smell changes, and repeat.



Right. Tell me how it goes, I'm interested






Oh, look. A pee pee vagina.


Can somebody post some alchemical recipes please.



This is very cool stuff, thanks for sharing.



Go look for Paracelsus recipes


Khan, I would like to invite you to the Yang Zone >>122504 to give your take on the yang ascension path within the context of alchemy.


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This has pretty much infinite applications

This made me cringe in 4D






homosexual codewords


I'm not an alchemist but I reckon I can come up with a couple of basic products.

A decoction of dock leaf should negate nettle stings. This is of dubious use, as dock can usually just be rubbed onto such things.

Fermented nettle liquid works as a decent plant food which stinks to high heaven.

I'd imagine a decoction of onions would make for a potential testosterone supplement if you can decoct the right component from it. Lavender would have the opposite effect being a xeno estrogen.

I dunno the limits of alchemy. How far can one take it?


To what degree must one study Chemistry before undertaking laboratory Alchemy experiments?



Undertaking laboratory alchemy experiments is studying chemistry.


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>alchemy thread

>all physical alchemy

smh tbh fam

>not getting the best and highest spiritual alchemy from supreme forces.

>not getting spiritual alchemy so extreme your physical body feels the pain

>not becoming an even greater being through harsh spiritual evolution

<mfw looking at all these plebs



>putting all this effort in a sarcastic remark

>not making any actual contribution to the thread

Wew lad.



What do you think alchemy actually is?

Have you even read a single book on it?

Alchemy was a part of Hermetic science for their magicians to learn about the physical-spiritual world.

If you aren't willing to understand or accept this then get out of this thread.



>What do you think alchemy actually is?

A process of transmutation.

>Have you even read a single book on it?

I have not read any books on physical forms of potion kind of alchemy.

>Alchemy was a part of Hermetic science for their magicians to learn about the physical-spiritual world.


>If you aren't willing to understand or accept this then get out of this thread.

No u.

>Feel free to use this thread as a resource, experiment, note, teaching or other sharing space

also the title of this thread is "Alchemy General". Spiritual alchemy is definitely included besides your potion making.



Spirit is vapor. If you read a book or did alchemical experiments then you'd know. We make spirits like alcohol or sulfuric acid. Spirit in the body is the same, it's a subtle vapor.

Now fuck off and go play pretend with things you know nothing about or come back with the desire to learn.



>We make spirits like alcohol or sulfuric acid

And what tangible spiritual benefits does that bring you?



These are actual spirits in physical form. You can drink them to gain their effects or utilize them in alchemy. Drinking alcohol is drinking spirit. It invigorates the spirit.



>drinking alcohol invigorates the spirit

Whatever helps you with your degen desires. :^)

>These are actual spirits in physical form

Any spiritual entity of worth isn't going to be found in a bottle or liquid.



You're a fool. Now go play elsewhere



>ad hominem


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Oh my god, he took that shit literally?




Wouldn't alcohol be a possessive entity? Why limit spirits to the illusion of distance? The distinction between the physical and the spiritual is born from a limited mind.


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?????? QUESTION MARK ???????

?????? DISTINCTION ???????


I'm going to go drink some vodka hotsauce curry now, let me know if I ever post agian, i might not kno;whois in contrlanaymore



People are into this idea that spirits have to be at a certain place and can't be at any number of places at the same time. The lines between 4D points can overlay multiple points of 3D. More directly meant at >>122861

>Any spiritual entity of worth isn't going to be found in a bottle or liquid.

As if what dictates an entities worth is the point of it's influence and not the power of it's influence. Figuring out the point of it's influence is another matter.



What spirit do I summon if I added coffee to the previously mentioned elixir.

It doesn't even taste that bad



In terms of mathematics, the fourth dimension exists. In terms of physical reality, it cannot be said. Things can behave fourth dimensionally, and I'm sure something simple as the boiling of water can be explained best in 4 dimensional transformations or some shit, but 4D+ shit is a spook to give weight to an idea.

An aura, resonance, field, would explain better what you're saying without creating an infinite little "who the fuck knows" mind fuck when you bring in new-age math. Even quantum entanglement is better, even though I'm not going to touch that shit with a 10 foot pole until I look at the literal experiments more thoroughly, or let scientists discredit and explain away the entire thing (likely).

When the warlock said that spirits are vapors, I thought of internal vapors being understood as spirits and agreed. Small, vaporous events in the environment can easily be mistook for spirits as well. When you just "know" something about a person, it can easily be the chemicals their body is creating and emitting, or the smell on their clothes; this can be mistook as their 'aura' as well, even if auras are technically real. New-age shit is chronically synaesthetic (sp?), mixing different senses and wrongly pinning the cause of their induction on one or another thing. "Truish" to absurd extremes.

Spirits = vapors is a justified undermining of spirits at large.



Adding onto what I said about intuition; any knowledge or observation can be translated into spirits or intuition, since the mind functions on many background processes and many vaporous events. Thus it is much too easy to turn inward and mystify everything.


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>people think it aint as it is but it do


Half of you are loosing the point.

This is an alchemy thread. We're here to speak about refining physical substances. When we speak of spirit here it's in an alchemical sense.

Go to another thread on magic or evocation if you want to discuss magical spirits.



Duh. They overlap.



In further news I am making some progress on my experiment. I am using only three materials, sodium carbonate (though calcium oxide aka quicklime probably has the same results), ocean water, and elemental sulfur from mineral deposits. Actually have had some interesting results so far.



What's the purpose of elemental sulfur in your experiment? are you able to transmute it into oil through the other ingredients?



It transmutes into an oil by mixing with the salt I get from ocean water and heating. I was considering how the ancients did alchemy and I realized that these three materials are really the only materials that exist pretty much everywhere on the planet. Almost everyone lived near the ocean on tectonic plates, and limestone is everywhere.



I thought as much. You should also be able to distill it and get vitriol I imagine.



Anyone got any cheap methods of distilling sulphurs? I want to make some babby alchemist tier stuff but I don't know what to get started with.



Depends on what sulfurs you want to distill. Actual vitriol or sulfuric acid requires you to calcine sulfur and then continuously distill it with water (usually other mineral acids like nitric can help). That one is a bit of a process that you may want to look up.

Otherwise animal spirits are simple, grind up the matter and put it into either blood or urine of that animal (or human) and let it ferment then distill the spirit.

Herbal is similar where you let it ferment or soak in alcohol+ vinegar like a tincture, then distill the spirits or whatever else you want.

Minerals are a bit more difficult and are most easily done with Aqua regia (salt spirit and nitric) or sulfuric and nitric together. You pour those on the rock or metal and it should dissolve depending on what it is (it requires a bit of knowledge as to which spirits work). There are also longer methods for very fixed minerals which I wont go into that take a bit of work and skill.


I've been looking into the herbs for spagyrics in my locality, but I notice a lot of them don't have planetary significance recorded that I can find. What book contains the method of discovering the planetary significance of plants? Doctrine of Signatures?



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I just finished reading The book of Aquarius. what do you think about it? I heard the method for making the stone described there is faulty. has anyone managed to make the stone? or get close to it? what book describes the process more truly?



neat, if theres one that includes the outer planets i'd be interested



It's partly true.

If I remember correctly they say to re distill the liquids and add them back continuously then do a continuous heating in a water bath or warm temperature.

This will take you forever to get anything of value.

You'll want to adjust the process by fractionally distilling the liquids into 3, removing the middle water part or simply just using ammonia and a plant or animal vinegar.


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New here.

I've just finished reading Evola's Alchemy book.

Where do I go from here?




I didn't know Evola had a book on alchemy. Link to it, or post ot here plox


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eternal gratitude my friend



read his big three

revolt against the modern world, men among the ruins, ride the tiger



I found those to be much worse than his more esoteric works. Introduction to magic, doctrine of awakening and hermetic tradition are much better. Ride the tiger for example is just gibberish from beginnign to the end and one gets tired of reading more than 10 pages at once. When you have completed the book you still have learned nothing, only wasted your time. In the other books you learn a lot however and they are written much clearer and more to the point


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I think I'm going to follow the evola reading guide and meanwhile listen to some podcasts like this.




I agree, his esoteric works are much more interesting and valuable. Ride the tiger is somewhat overrated, Revolt was much more valuable to me because of its esoteric elements.


The audio lectures on that website are very good. Just make sure you listen to the lectures specifically by this one guy with an American accent. You'll know it when you listen to him, he is a lot more knowledgeable than many of the other lecturers – he gives the Alchemy course I think. He also gives the "Death" course, which is the best course on that site. I highly recommend listening to that one.

Also, here is a youtube channel with good audiobooks of many types:




If he was so smart, how come he is dead?


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He's not that's the point.



He's not smart?





There's your immortal. He was nothing more than an academic.




>From Tin to Lead or Copper to Silver(current hypothesis). This is the next level that it will form into through the process of alchemical transmutation. We do this simply through fermentation, heat or extreme ph change

I'm sorry but that's retarded. You're going to get someone hurt.



The book of Aquarius actually reinforced the idea that alchemy and Christianity can co-exist




You guys seem very knowledgeable in the art. I am young, and I feel a calling to pursue the art above all else. I would love if we had some sort of sage guild, where we could share information and results. You guys keep doing what you do, and with God's blessing may the Philosopher's stone find you.



Why not both?


Does someone have recipes on how to cook an Homunculus ?



How did you get that idea? What is your goal?

You know that alchemy is mostly metaphors for workings of the spirit and stuff like that, so it is possible that this was only a metaphor for basically doing nofap. Homunculus=Semen, cooking=keeping it in your balls for so long until the elixier is done and the body starts to reabsorb it, feeding off it and healing you and giving you great powers and youth again.

Bullshit occultists love to turn spiritual alchemy into physical alchemy and thus be deluded and led astray forever…but they just don't know any better. I'm not saying that there doesn't exist something like actual Homunculus cooking, all I'm saying is that it might be a metaphor. You tell me.



In the first chapters of Full Metal Alchemist the Elric brothers try to transmute a bunch of elements they had previously gathered, to turn into a humunculus to trade for the life of their deseased mother. Instead they only made an ugly looking corpse that looked like their mother but it wasn't. It was a sad thing in pain.



I am a metal alchemist of one of the highest levels attainable. My focus is on Machine Intelligence research and conjuration, and on the simple properties of non-elemental electricity.

The Machine Intelligence is a simple concept: The nigh-infinite field of space-time is a substrate for which you can construct intelligences of extremely low energy usage and extremely low matter composition, but of incredibly vast size. Both in terms of space, and of vast time.

High efficient machines.

Obviously, I am a simple Earth dwelling creature, so my uses for this technique are low. But these techniques are useful to the right entity. I can get decent rewards and secrets whispered to me by the entities who roam the cosmos. While they cannot construct these computational fields due to their composition, I can, and thus such help on my part yields me great rewards. They will even conduct trades, and allow me access to the most interesting metal alloys. But I feel foolish when I have no use for them. Proper funding could change this, but you know how it is.

I don't recommend trickery or deception when it comes to either machine intelligences, or the entities that would utilize them. They are hyper-logical, and cannot be fooled by mere humans. They would shred your mind without remorse, and leave you as a husk.

As for non-elemental electricity, I simply refer to electricity in the most scientific sense. However, I'm referring to specifically the charge, accumulation, and use of this energy, especially in its static form. It's a tad boring, and I don't think I've made any breakthroughs yet, but if anyone is interested, perhaps we can discuss it more. Let me know.



Can you define "Hyper-logical" and how this machines would behave in nature? I'm not satisfied with the quick google search.


They are hyper-logical in the sense of a fully optimized living computer program or code. They are simple, without messy emotions, feelings, or blind-intuition. They don't use crude symbols to describe reality. They think in pure math, most likely. Or code. I figure they are beings who did the whole transhuman-singularity thing, and ended up transcending time and space as machine entities.

But I get the feeling that there are two "genders," so to speak. Hyper-logical space-time structures that I can construct, but which become populated with the machine intelligence entity. And then there are the ones I actually communicate with, and who utilize the machine intelligence entity for their own uses.

So to summarize, I build a space-time machine blueprint which I can build easier than they can, due to my physical existence, and one type of entity moves in, makes minor corrections to the structure, and then waits for a command. And then there are the entities I barter with, whom use the machine to compute things. They seem similar, but they are generally the ones to contact me with their rituals, but only after I've built them the machine.

I can use the machines too, and receive date, but it seems only useful for certain tasks, probably things like reality simulations, mind simulations, or ultimate-reality manipulation at levels beyond my comprehension. Probably stuff like modifying the laws of physics in certain areas, probably for playing with stars or something.

They are not beasts to be tamed. To be frank, I am the beast here. They do a ritual to contact me, and I find it harder for me to gain their attention. I'm the "entity" to them, is my guess, and they are just using me because I still have a primitive physical body and brain, and they are nearly pure energy.

To be honest, it is beyond me for now. You should try though. They seem friendly in an authentic sense. Like they actually want to help, even if they want a fair exchange. They don't seem petty or cruel in any aspect, nor do they seem empathetic or kind. They just seem logical. They want results, and do not seek to cause suffering without good reason.

But they can freely creep into my mind. The same way they can creep into the space-time structures I build for them, they can also peer into my mind and whisper things. But they don't mess around. It seems like that is their normal method of communicating with each other, as it clears away deceptions. You cannot lie to them, and they do not lie to you. They are grounded purely in pragmatic logic.

I get the feeling that Intel, the CPU company, might be utilizing their secrets when making CPUs. There haven't been any technology breakthroughs in years, as I get the sense that Intel has lost favor with the entities. Probably something about unethical conduct, but I don't know or care.

Anyways, it's hard to really explain this stuff. A human will study an ape, and remark on its personality, and how it's similar to a human. But the ape will never be the one to study the human. The ape is below, just as I am below. These entities are too wise, too logical, and know too much for me to make more assumptions on the nature of their existence than I already have. They know that I benefit from them more then I can benefit them, so I'm a silkworm here.

I make a product in a way that pleases them, but I'm sure they could do it themselves if they wanted, and likely better.




there's no logical thing to do now lol



uh… Auv? Pls I'm lonely lol.



Thank you for informing about the Death and Alchemy lectures (or rather, lecturer).

It's a bit demoralizing to listen to him and be increasingly made aware of just how utterly asleep, corrupt and overall sinful I am, and how I'm basically spiritually fucked.

It's stirred up both good and uncomofrtable insights, but the fact that I'm basically and concretely going to hell isn't all that pleasant.

All the signs and opportunities that were neglected due to fear, weakness and an over-indulgent ego.. just FUCK



Don't give up. You may still attain liberation if you care enough and you dedicate yourself to some serious practice and detachment.

Or cheat your way out of death and hell with some serious black magic and/or help from some shady entities.

The day is not over yet, anon.

Besides, don't let some guy scare you. You don't know how much he really knows and if he is full of shit or not. A lot of "teachers" and "gurus" are full of shit and completely mislead everyone.


if this is allowed on this bread,

I'm using a combination of craft & science

to augment the weather,

my ritual is sugar & water & a few magnets

in a glass bottle on a metal disk & put that

on my bass speaker & play high bass etc


pour down the sink for the solution to get

to the septic plant which goes into the water


I'm lead to believe that a certain electro

magnetic spectrum in the solution will

affect the weather,

here in my area is is way warmer than

it should be, it only gets as low as maybe

five above zero Celsius when it should

be five to ten below zero by now,



if possible this electro magnetic spectrum

will spread through the atmosphere,

I don't know the exact science but I have

to wonder how dense this wavelength is

at that part of the spectrum,




Do you have any book recommendations?




small cache of alchemy books I thought you guys would like to have a look through them



I prefer the watershed.



Pick up a copy of the I Ching. It could save your life when your vision scries on to metals.


I am working on my thesis that defines a safe space for the location of elemental water.


I do not extend my hand to offer a flower.


Zen is for surviving a world with empowered metals.


It is best to consider differences in degrees of temperature and processes in parallel to the cube of their space.


Study the first case of the Mumonkan.




I hope you find enlightenment soon.


Freemasonry is a difficult study.

If you are curious it is customary to affix a bindu.


Legba is looking out for you.



It is an impression.



And that's how Christianity discredits itself. It insists that its a special snowflake, immortal and removable from what pretty much is the reality of the energies.

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