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"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law." Matthew 7:12


Yea literally every single religion/philosophy/ideology teaches this basic virtue.

Of course maybe I am being naive.

What doesn't teach this? Can be a very interesting discussion


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That's not real satanism by the way, it's atheistic not theistic, basically a parody to piss off the church. I wonder what theistic luciferian fuckers of the satanic cock sucking kind would say about this


What if I want others to physically harm me? Should I harm them then?


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Indeed. Good point.



By this principle, is it not foolish to devote yourself towards vengeance?

If you do wrath unto others, it seems like it is you who are the reason for evil, the one choosing to perpetuate negativity.


I believe it is also right to note that Abrahamic religion is also more than 'law' or "the law". It is such things as transcendence of the physical world, explanation of natural phenomenon, and a relationship with the "Creator" of existence.



Well of course it always depend on the context

If I was being evi/stupid/arrogant/etc I would like others to teach/punish/slap me out of insanity. And thus I will do the same to others :")


Yeah but no one knows shit. I wouldn't even say there are any laws anywhere in those books, just recommendations and more importantly explanations of the mechanics of the universe akin to the 'laws of physics'

Pretty sad that that not a single person who claims to follow Abraham religion has any idea of these laws outside of the dozens that are statistically insignificayt. More than 4.2 billion humans out of the current 7.5 are just shitting on these religions

And there is literally no surviving Abrahamicly influenced source that even explains any of this. I got my understanding of the most universal concepts from the philosophies of Greek antiquity Logos Nous etc, among Eastern philosophies after which I applied it back to Abrahamic theology.


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>I got my understanding of the most universal concepts from the philosophies of Greek antiquity Logos Nous etc, among Eastern philosophies after which I applied it back to Abrahamic theology.

Very interesting. Sounds like a rather 'Christian' thing to do to Hebrew scholarship. Perhaps you would be familiar with Origen?

Have you made much progress regarding the spiritual, idependent of scholasticism, with respect to Abrahamic faith or Christendom?



Nice Engrish. There are of course those who believe to have Revelation, such as Jesus told us He did. I think, if i am not mistaken, that the modern Hebrews themselves don't even have a 'direct' link to the Abrahamic faith of antiquity what with Talmudic school of thought and deviation, save those historically whom time may have forgotten.

You are saying that there's not a proper or continuous link of scholarship since the days of Abraham (chiefly Abraham), Moses or David?



Yea I had just woken up and was typing in low light and brightness, odd my grammar was so oversimplified

I wouldn't say that bloodlines have anything to do with scholarliness.

What I am saying is nothing special regarding the texts; just simply how the original meaning has been hijacked and etc etc and off course this would include the Talmudic corruption


I have not heard of him but he sounds interesting from cursory reading. What I am saying is only about the philosophies of Greek antiquity, although they directly had no relation to Abrahamic theology, they "by coincidence" used the same terms as those found in the Koine Greek bibles. Neoplatonism as it's colloquially called.

My implication is that an objective theological understanding of spirituality and such can be derived from any genuine philosophy and then applied to other philosophies that may be lacking genuineness (due to centuries of corruption) to derive these different flavors of equivalent genuine theologies.

I have developed my own all encompassing and completely satisfactory ideology based on these mediterranean and eastern philosophies. Thus far there is no contradiction in this and what I perceive to be the original teachings of the Abrahamic religions which as you can see by my flag would include Islam

It seems we are both avoiding specifics, I invite you to further lead this conversation. I simply do not know where to begin in explaining what I believe without producing essay length responses. But yeah, you could say that I have made progress


What's the point of the discussion? I'm lost.

I believe that any moral being with a decent amount of reason knows this to be the basis of healthy human relations. Sure, sometimes you can be muddy about it, but generally speaking, this is the cornerstone of ethics and morality.

I'm not saying I don't want you guys to write what you think (I'm doing it too), but there isn't anything deep, or resembling that, about this maxim. It's indeed sad that we haven't been able to put this into practice for our lives to the point where it becomes nature, and that the post-modern society twists this to make people think they are in the right path, while they harm others. But what else can we do as humans? We can slap others to make them get into reason about how essential this is, but it is to no avail until most people live through a very changing experience to get to know what this truly means.

Of course we would become extremely prosperous and grow as species, but on the other hand so many people are not prepared. Also, I assume even people here forget about the rule and harm others, it's inevitable sometimes to take advantage of people, even if we are always conscious of our acts. We can slip and fall from time to time.

Personally, I think this is a challenge for humanity as a whole and just when we get to apply it generally, we will have transcended to something higher.



woah there you trying to fix all of humanity overnight?

what you say is indeed the most pertinent discussion to be had.

But I don't think most are ready for this discussion, not even on this board maybe on /pol/ actually but it's futile without engaging in esotericism which they have failed to do from what I've seen and whenever I tried

not even I am ready to articulate what I want to say. also I fear it once I said what I have to say this thread would just fall off the front page into the abyss. I'll bump with my thoughts later when I feel it to be appropriate

but do not stop this line of thinking anon, godspeed. I imagine you already know what postmodernism is because you certainly implied it


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>I wouldn't say that bloodlines have anything to do with scholarliness.

Very good point. I reckon, many of humanity have the impulse to generalize and the categorize.


Very familiar with what you're referring to, and I applaud it, as a Christian. I think what you're saying is exactly correct.

God's reality manifests itself in our reality no matter what the circumstances, as He chooses to do so. This is what I believe to be true.

Historically, I understand the work of many the Christian, and many the theologian, and many the philosopher, and many the thinker was to reconcile Greek thought with the Christian message and the Hebrew culture. I think this is essentially what the Catholic Church evolved out of, is it not?

A lot can be said about the relationship of Hellenism to Christianity. Mother Mary, in fact is said to have ascended to Heaven, not while she was in Israel but while she was in Greece. (The site of the present Mt. Athos monastery…)

A whole fraction of all of the Christian in the world (those of the Orthodox tradition), despite their ethnicity of nationality consider their religion to be Greek.

>Neoplatonism as it's colloquially called.

I've heard of Neoplatonism, but unfortunately haven't studied it. I am eager to do so. I am familiar with 'Hypatia', the famous female Neoplatonist martyr of Egypt who was mauled by the hands of an Egyptian "Christian mob", or so it is said that they were.


I understand there were innumerable religious beliefs and schools of thought in the Mediterranean around the time of Christ and after it which thrived. The scholarly record of "Gnosticism" is enormous and very diverse.

This is a famous text outlining early Medditeranean 'heresies' according to those specific early Christian sects, titled; "Against Heresies"…..

Irenaeus goes into great detail in an 'authoritative' collection of various divergent spiritual beliefs at the time.


I believe Christianity is, in reality, a form of "Gnosticism". In that it is "the knowledge" which mankind seeks after.

Glad you brought this subject up.

>My implication is that an objective theological understanding of spirituality and such can be derived from any genuine philosophy and then applied to other philosophies that may be lacking genuineness (due to centuries of corruption) to derive these different flavors of equivalent genuine theologies.

Although I am not one to teach, nor an authority on the subject, nor do I believe I have a special anointing from God aside from being a believer, I agree with this powerful point here and I generally would say that it reflects good sense on the matter.

I try to leave it to God to show me what is right and wrong anyways rather than mankind because there is so much trouble and confusion on the nature of belief.

I feel that in reality, I have always been spiritually lead towards the person of Jesus.

I am not distrustful of Islam, just have not researched it thoroughly and have not been led that directon, spiritually. Islam does not really 'vibe' with me, because of Muhammad's predisposition towards commerce and militarism.

There is an arabic folk story I came across which I found to be a really good folk story where a man etners a cave which can only be entered by the use of magic. A bit off-topic, but a really fun read, and a story pertaining to the pre-Islamic culture of the Arabs.



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>but there isn't anything deep, or resembling that, about this maxim.

One may consider the Christian message or the person of Jesus or such events and phenomenon associated with it to be 'deep'.

To quote the Old Testament, in Job, Zophar the Naamathite claims that the 'depths' of the 'ways of God' are "deeper than hell".

>Job, Chapter 11:

>Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should man ful of talke be iustified?

>3 Should thy lies make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed?

>4 For thou hast said, My doctrine is pure, and I am cleane in thine eyes.

>5 But, O that God would speake, and open his lippes against thee,

>6 And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisedome, that they are double to that which is: know therefore that God exacteth of thee lesse then thine iniquitie deserueth.

>7 Canst thou by searching finde out God? canst thou finde out the Almightie vnto perfection?

>8 It is as high as heauen, what canst thou doe? deeper then hell, what canst thou know?


>post-modern society

Christianity is such an unexplainable and 'slippery' subject, but I'd reckon that the nature of Christianity has been so since the beginning.

Our 'modern society' affects many things, especially if you might be in one of the "end of days" kingdoms of the Earth, but I know many people who would stand firm on this subject, saying that Christendom has sure enough remained unchanged since Jesus in 'this way or that way'. Perhaps part of it has changed, but part of it has certainly remained unchanged since the whole religion and school of thought is based upon preserving a specific time in history (the time of the Messiah's visitation)….

>what else can we do as humans (for humans)

I think that God is the best teacher. He has taught me various things over the years, sometimes in very specific ways but I am unable to articulate the best way to teach something to someone, per say. I, personally, being one who strives for peace, never try to bring about a conclusion through violence unless it is in self-defense, or something albeit a bit more physical such as a confrontation.

>Of course we would become extremely prosperous and grow as species, but on the other hand so many people are not prepared. Also, I assume even people here forget about the rule and harm others, it's inevitable sometimes to take advantage of people, even if we are always conscious of our acts. We can slip and fall from time to time.

>Of course we would become extremely prosperous and grow as species, but on the other hand so many people are not prepared. Also, I assume even people here forget about the rule and harm others, it's inevitable sometimes to take advantage of people, even if we are always conscious of our acts. We can slip and fall from time to time.

Right. In my experience, living "the way" and walking-out "the way" is an unsearchable and endless depth of spiritual treasure. The more you search, the more you walk in the paths of Jesus and the paths of "the way", the more 'spiritual treasure' you accumulate. This has been my experience.

I always tend to 'slip up'. The Bible says that humanity is doomed to fall into wretchedness here and there, but truly striving for what is right is an endless depth of spiritual treasure.

>this is a challenge for humanity

I am dismayed by challenge, at least at this point in my life. I'd prfer everything to be very easy, but yes, it is very challenging.

I've heard a quote, "If you at first, try, it may be difficult…. but then again, everything is difficult at first." The quote went something like that.

I use this image of running water to represent the 'spiritual treasure' I speak of. Jesus uses the phrase, "fountains of living water".



Nice self-discipline, anon.


"unless they're black"


>post-modern society

it's obvious the corruption of modern society is a concerted effort by very negative powers that have been trying to achieve this and other evil things for millennia


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Made a crazy long post: 1/2

Actually, in my view, post-modern society is just the degeneration (not in the /pol/ sense of the word) of values and the way of life of a society, but it isn't premeditated or a conspiracy.

It's just something inevitable that happens with time and let me put it as an example: People are told that they should believe, say, in this way of life that revolves around 10 laws and meditating every day, because it holds certain values and ideas that are important to the spirituality of each person and the way that they themselves should act as members of the society. As times goes by (and as it is expected), the reasons as to why this holds true and has value are lost, the most stupid do not care about that though, and the smarter ones do understand, but don't exactly try to "bring down" the knowledge to everyone. Since every mystic/spiritual tradition won't outright tell you about their content (although, some basic things are explained that way), some people try to reinterpret the text and laws and revitalize this way of life by adding new arbitrary rules that fit their motivations too.

Also, since this had a lot of significance to the everyday life of people, they manifest the way of life in literally all aspects that they can, be it consciously or unconsciously, so you are building a tower, but the cornerstones are not well understood by people and therefor the whole building starts to become shaky.

Give it a few more centuries, and people have created a Frankenstein that literally takes local folklore and adds it to it's corpus just to make everyone happy. They don't understand the values and principles of the original way of life, and that's fine if it accomplishes a social/political-control type of job, however, it clearly tries to be more than that. Now that the modern practices are unconnected to the old ones and every little thing is altered to fit ad-hoc to the lifestyle of people, some of the most witty members of the society ask: But why do we follow this? This is all BS, we should change for good to something that makes MORE sense! The logic in that is OK, it does make sense that they question that which they are told but that they do not understand because no one told them what to understand, the issue is that you have created a society that follows certain values and bringing all of those down without putting new ones is absolutely crazy.

After this, all the institutions that said way of life created are brought down, but only for superficial reasons. You try to destroy things like traditional family, because this way of life was the number one promoter, however, people fail to understand the underlying idea behind it's existence, as a way to care and provide for the weaker members of society. Time grinds everything and thought forms like religion are no exception to this.


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Most of what I've said was taken from Nietzsche, you might hate or love the guy, I personally think he is one of the smartest persons to ever live, even if he went crazy. But his interpretation of western society is key to understand the whole post-modern thing, I encourage everyone to read at least Beyond Good and Evil, even just to clarify the misinterpretation that media or ignorant people have created about him. If you really hate him, just read Spengler, but the books are far longer. Sure, some people might hate the west European white society (I do not care about it, I'm not even white), but it's not important whether they like it or not, the thing is that people lost the ways of Christian and western values because there was nothing to hold it up, God was "refuted" by logic (I believe in God, I'm Gnostic) and it only holds meaning in a transcendental and metaphysical way, but you can't expect the average person in the street to understand these things without them living experiences. And while that's the job of churches everywhere, they are as corrupted as the people they should help.

Now comes new forms of religion that try to occupy the space of the last one. If you ever wonder why Scientism is a thing, well that's the way people try to explain their materialistic view of the world, discarding the Spiritual side because they don't bother with it. Same goes to any big thought form of the XX and XXI century, from Nationalism to Comunism, from Feminism to KEK and whatnot. I think most people understand this part, so I won't go into details. But before I end this paragraph, Do you know what exactly coincides with the degeneration of western/Christian values? The exponential growth of Capitalism.

If you see people being deliberately promiscuous and getting wasted, or following Satan, or becoming Bronies, etc… It's not because they are paid to do so or because some evil rich guy plots every day for that, but because values have no meaning for them, because time has grinded them to dust. There's no reason to care about your soul and spirit if you do not believe in them right? You might think: "But they (people in power) do nothing about it! They do not care to defend the traditional values!" And why would they? What is God to a non-believer? How can institutions defend God when they do not believe in it? You have to understand that most people just pose in their beliefs, deep inside they either fear the wrath of God and create this YHWH/Saturn figure that is there just to dispose pain or if they are more courageous they deny the existence of it and spit on his face. Do you truly believe a man like Trump (I think he represents pretty well the post-modern man) believes in any values resembling the Christian ones but old-fashioned Capitalism?

While trying to link this to the topic at hand, I ask you, do you really believe that if you ask someone in the street what they think of "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you." they could come up with an understanding of this? At most they would give you a purely materialistic response to it, basically saying that we do it because in turn people will pay back their deeds. This is not because they lack the intellectual capacity to give a good answer, but because religions do such a poor job to explain it and because we have so very little spiritual training in life, that it's hard for people to fathom a genuine good-hearted response. I think it's out duty to preach a spiritual way of life to those that want to listen, the idealized western white world is beyond saving and going back to the old traditions (like paganism) out of the blue is not the answer, things don't come back form the dead and we lack the cultural understanding of these old world views, we need to create our own forms and give them to the world, just so when things end people can look for answers. We are lucky we can still look back at the past with a glimpse of understanding, but we are even luckier because we can look at the future and create views to help those that will come.

I had this topic on my head for a while, and wanted to vent off, so sorry if it's too long.

Both pictures are unrelated too.


anti spam bumpanti spam bump



Thank you for your kind words.



The problem is, it can be kind of like buying people gifts that you want.



If God is all you have, you have all you need.

John 14:8

“Religion means to know God and to love Him.”

― Srila Prabhupada, The Science of Self-Realization


Or if you are jewsus be to others as they are to you.

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