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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I asked the demon possessing me how were we're supposed to overthrow God and he didn't answer. What the fuck are we supposed to do? I mean he's fucking God. What are we even supposed to do? I mean we are ants attacking a metaphorical person. It's not like we can just chew him up and take over everything. I am in extreme distress.


You meant Demiurge, right? In this case, it's not really a person, but rather an operating system of the universe.

If you meant YHVH, he's not that powerful.


>This just in, disturbed man commits suicide in catholic cathedral.

>"He was screaming, like, "GOD WINS AGAIN!" and "GOD IS SLAVERY!" after he brought a goat in and just slit its throat. I mean… who does that? Just wrong."

>After sacrificing the goat to Satan and committing random profane acts with the corpse of the goat, he turned the knife on himself.

>In other news, Satanism on the rise amongst teens.


The most you could ever do is become the greatest power in this universe, and doing what you wish with Creation and the Creators within it.

God only acts through the many Gods and Goddess'; Creation and Creator are one, relatively speaking.


But I only believe in the existence of individuals… so I don't even believe in a God or One Creator.



there is the will and the i but there is no cosmic i only cosmic will


Uhhh yea OP can you be a little more specific?

As above so below


I am starting to suspect it has feelings with an ego just like any ordinary being that cannot help but be incredibly passive

Obviously by its nature it is a reflection of the egos of all beings in existence all at one

It is after all simply a calculator that process our input to output what we call reality


I wouldn't call it will but rather natural tendencies of consciousness perhaps along with some contingency plans set in place


God died to give birth to us



No one died to give birth to me.



The God-You chose to forgo it's state of perfect infinity so that you may create this and incarnate within this 'consistent dream landscape' that we call reality. That means you choose to forgot you did any of this before and during universal creation so that this incarnation could happen

There are many analogies to explain 'why there is existence' in the first place



You believe that not because it's true but because it aligns with a certain consistency you experience within the womb.



Most truths of life before and after biological existence is particularly inaccessible. I believe most beliefs and feelings that pertain to events before or after this life are informative of the non-ordinary experience of being within the womb or of sleeping and dreaming or of chi and shen or of ancestral memory, etc and etc.



>Most truths of life before and after biological existence is particularly inaccessible.

>You believe that not because it's true but because it aligns with a certain consistency you experience within the womb.


no but seriously why would you have limiting beliefs?

You can ask me for evidence or reasoning that back up my claims

But anyways, I implied it is an analogy.

Also if you deny science and logic then there is no point talking

If you claim to be logical then

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absences. Sure you can claim that the flying spaghetti monster is the true god and this claim really is impossible to disprove

So this enters the realm of rationality which is still meaningless without logic.

Occam's razor is an example of logical rationality. It is more simpler to assume that there is no flying spaghetti monster than that there is. It doesn't answer any questions.

So to bring it back, what I claim actually answers questions. Are these answers right or wrong? We can never know.

But they provide a narrative, a logical consistency that offers to answers all the questions.


It is simpler to not have limiting beliefs with no rationale than it is to have them. So I cannot buy your claim of the inaccessibility of the truths inbetween lives. what is astral projection

So here is your alternative narrative

>I believe most beliefs and feelings that pertain to events before or after this life are informative of the non-ordinary experience of being within the womb or of sleeping and dreaming or of chi and shen or of ancestral memory, etc and etc.

I can give benefit of the doubt and say you are deriving these sentiments from a consistent narrative and that you are not doing it justice

But on the surface your words answer absolutely nothing and only result in more mysteries. Not to mention, it's insulting and debilitating. Stop it with the limiting beliefs unless you can provide rationale


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More importantly, and to drive the point home, it's debilitating because what it offers is 'you can't ever know' and that's much worse than offering no answers or over-complicating it or creating more confusion or etc

'you can't ever know just believe and don't ask questions' is the crux of the folly that is religious fundamentalism


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Except it's a statement for a statement. Yours is most baseless and mine is least. You have no logical superiority in this case.

Astral projection is a red herring. You are projecting from the biological body. Any perceptions in this realm is in direct contrast to biological perception and thus heavily biased.

Making a statement saying "God-You died to make the Universe" is completely unverifiable AS WELL as being the most abstracted from current circumstances, and more likely a representation of a familiar fact of reality. That's simpler.

The limitation of access to such knowledge pertaining to the nature of existence posits that we don't make pseudo-random declarations or do so knowing they're pseudo-random, not that we make as many pseudo-random declarations as possible and defend completely these declarations at face value.

The more immediate is first perceived and thus first deceives a mind searching for an answer to a question.

It's my understanding that power determines everything. If the greatest powers wish you to believe one thing over another, it may be impossible to do otherwise.

With this in mind, I'm not going to believe that some greater version of myself is living an inferior existence on purpose and died to do so, and that life is a dream reality. That would not be in line with a "will to power", that would be self-destructive and counter-productive.



Both statements are equally baseless. So is the whole spaghetti monster thing. but like I said the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absences

there is a difference between tangibly perceived evidence, logically derived evidence, and inferred rational evidence. Since what we are talking about is impossible to prove and disprove, ie the competing theories can all be infallible yet contradictory at the same time; tangible and logical evidence will be impossible to find. So what must be used is inferred rational evidence. But you'd already know that if you actually read my post.

>The limitation of access to such knowledge pertaining to the nature of existence posits that we don't make pseudo-random declarations or do so knowing they're pseudo-random, not that we make as many pseudo-random declarations as possible and defend completely these declarations at face value.

you have provided zero rationale to why there is limitation to aces of such knowledge

>The more immediate is first perceived and thus first deceives a mind searching for an answer to a question.

you have provided zero rationale to why what is "first perceived" is "thus first deceives"

>It's my understanding that power determines everything. If the greatest powers wish you to believe one thing over another, it may be impossible to do otherwise.

you have provided zero rationale to why "power determines everything" let alone provide any explanation to such an ambiguous and thus meaningless statement why not try specifying the thing that has this so called "greatest powers" if you don't want to look like a schizophrenic delusional waste of space

>With this in mind, I'm not going to believe that some greater version of myself is living an inferior existence on purpose and died to do so, and that life is a dream reality. That would not be in line with a "will to power", that would be self-destructive and counter-productive.

you have provided zero explanation or analysis as to why "some greater version of myself is living an inferior existence on purpose and died to do so, and that life is a dream reality" would 'not be in line with a "will to power"' or how "that would be self-destructive and counter-productive."

If you ever decide to finish high school, you will find out in English class when one makes a point, they need to provide a proof and an analysis connecting the proof to the point. Isn't that crazy! Yup it's just how the real world works

You've completely disregarded my post. I cannot help you if you can't fucking read. kindly kill yourself.

It's so clear that the moment a person stops being logical it's because their beliefs are under attack and so they engage in illogical defense mechanisms. This is subconscious phenomena well documented in western psychology and for thousands of years within the different eastern philosophies.

check your self



>overthrow god

If you mean the Demiurge, you can't, because in a sense he is the material reality you inhabit. What you can do is transcend.

If you mean a higher power… Well, why would you want to overthrow yourself? That doesn't make sense either.


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>itt: the losing side realizes its futility

repent weaklings.



Logic is not truth nor being. Thus if you demand that all truth comes in the form of logic then you lose the essential being of truth.

Logic is systemized declaration/statement. Not all thought is systemized yet you take all that I say and demand it conform to your expectations of what a system of declarations/statements should be or that I create one for you to adopt as your own; that I should waste my time recreating your mind for you as if I can afford to give you a 100 page proof that you may or may not adopt because you are not a programmable computer that functions via logic gates.

On top of all this, systemic, logical thought is not the most superior and life does not come in neatly packaged systemic experiences that you can figure inside and out the complete workings of except in limited instances.

Requiring I provide such security for your mind is not my obligation nor the obligation of productive discourse towards truth/wisdom.

I can just as well say that systemic logic is a defense mechanism based on insecurity in your ability to handle the uncertainty of reality due to your lack of dynamic strength and your inflexible rigidity, thus requiring the outside authority of "logic" to buffer your perceptions from the overwhelming chaotic power of reality.

Not to say logic isn't useless, but rather that it is not universal and cannot go where other modes of thought indeed can.

If this conversation doesn't change direction sometime soon I'll have to end it with this.


fucking disgusting arrogant humans with their delusions of superior opinions.

and they expect anyone will respect them? with no incentive or explanation for their ideological filth


>productive discourse towards truth/wisdom

you are literally incapable of doing this. not once have you said anything practical or productive regarding the "truth" nor have you ever even claimed to do so

not once have you provided an alternative to the denials that sperg out of you

outside authority of logic? I created logic. I am logic manifested.

all phenomena all existence is absorbed by my infinitely dynamic intellect

there can never be flexibility of empty words. least not your utterly despicable attempts to deny truth and accept chaos

if reality is "uncertain"

if truth is not logical

then there is nothing to talk about

why do you waste people's time with things that cannot be talked about

oh right. you just want to argue due to your lack of soul

no matter how much you browsing /fringe/ you will never fill the hole in your heart

you should end your fucking life if anything. complete utter waste to humanity. any help you've given was only misdirection. you are an agent of chaos. there is no retribution for you. revel in despair for it is your only grace



The Demiurge is just the processes of reality,

well actually it is more like the video card, and intellect is the processor.. wow this analogy can keep going



tfw you become a hacker in order to become a wizard


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We are superior ; Resistance is fertile.



I am not actively smug. it's only in response to arrogance

although if you got something to teach I'm all ears

humbleness is always more virtuous than pride



but seriously what witchcraft are you referring to? I did no such thing. the power of rhetoric itself is superior to any witchcraft, but I am still a noob in that compared to the potential


>muh dick

>not having sex in missionary position for the sole purposes of procreation

step your game up





>considers spiritual growth as a competition between the good guys and the bad guys

gb2 4chan



I thought the Demiurge and YHWH were one and the same, or different aspects of each other? And what exactly do you mean by "he's not that powerful"?

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