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There should be some positive vibes to counter the bad ones. A public place can't ever be free of negativity, so let this also be a vent/rant thread where you can try transmuting negativity into positivity, or at least neutrality.


This negativity should be countered which is what I conceived this thread for; for some of which is of that, that I myself may have manifested.

I seem to attract negative energy, which I then naturally catalyze and reflect. I have no choice but to do this, as anything less would just be dehumanizing, emasculating, defeminizing, demeaning, degrading.. It would be an assault on my free will, agency and power to let it go. It is mere self-defense.

I emplore all to defend themselves for one must never let negativity fester internally, and release it immediately. When witnessing such negativity, when faced with negative perception, it must be cycled and rebounded back outwards.

That's me venting. Let it out


You guys are the closest to intellectual companions I have and I'm incredibly grateful for having 'met' and talked to all of you, thank you for being here.



ha that reminds while high as shit me when my and my friend were arguing and my other friend is like you guys are masters at debating or something, thought he was complimenting but at the same time I could tell he thought we were rambling

then I realized the joke. we were master debating!! intellectual cirlejerking


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you are this how right now arent you


I feel unable to succeed and provide for a family. And I'm constantly haunted that I will never crawl out of this crippled economy


You wanna talk about it or just ranting.

I'd say learn to code but if you are stuck with shitty job and rent… try to cut back on expenses


i hid that post, first time i ever hid a post, wow was that depressing, like a paperback of dust in the wind soaked in tears or nicholas cages' city of angels on steroids.



My mind keeps slipping. I don't want to lose it. I get negative and I allow it to just go out of control. I can't focus on my life if my mind is like this. I have to get back. I'm training. I'm breathing. Peace exists but I keep slipping.


Yesterday I had a pleasant experience while going to bed

I like to have a mindful experience/meditation right before I sleep, and this time I was filled with positive thoughts and good intentions, something just clicked inside me and I was feeling great and I felt I loved all the people close to me, I forgive those who did me wrong and I ask pardon for those I ever insulted, it really felt sincere.

I wouldn't be able to get to where I am right now without you guys, so I'd like to say that I appreciate you all, I've had more meaningful conversations with people here than in some other pages, sure, there might be more "intellectual"/highbrow places, but this is the only place I know of where I can talk about spirituality. I hope everyone has a good meaningful life too.

Now, I don't really do "magick" the way some of you like to, with rituals or things like that, I just like to have a good attitude in life and develop my spiritual side, because it has impacted my life positively, so in many ways I'm very far away from some of the members, but I take everything I can learn from this.


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Most of the time I feel frustrated, and incapable…I have been caught by the sexual waves that plague our world, and now I can only think about getting more women and everything else has moved to the background.

I spend my days watching RSD/PUA videos on youtube and then I go outside trying to awkwardly pick up girls but so far I've had very little success. I know there is more to life than fucking chicks but I can't get out of this mindset. I want to find pleasure in doing other things but somehow everything has lost its magic.

I have no reason to live, no passion, no drive, nothing to work for. I have a job because I have to feed myself but it's a boring job where I don't speak to anybody. I feel like i'm only falling deeper and deeper into depression and the only thing that keeps me afloat are drugs and alcohol. If I spend a week without any substances I feel incredibly sad and lonely and stupid and useless.

I wish I had some irl wizard friends that I could visit, that I could talk to, with real words from my real mouth and not just text on a screen.



falling is pretty peaceful. floating too. depends on what element my mood is in. I wonder if I could force my mood. oh well flowing is much fun. forcing direction is cool too

I don't often feel grounded though. if I ever try feels like I'm, as they say, "stuck between a rock and a hard place"


I used to believe that I could never do anything that would matter to the world, but I realized that everyone is stupid and once you smarten up and fix your life properly you can actually do anything, at the very least because of the internet. before you needed capital, investment, some money to get started but in the modern age you can do anything slightly new and get money for it.

humanity literally hasn't caught up with it's own inventions


also if someone could 'invent' some decentralized technologies and protocols that'd be great


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


needs moar dubstep. being high is the only thing I need to feel right now. there's a lot happening that I don't need to feel, so I will only feel music and be high music is good enough, deep melodic distracting enough to get lost in, loud enough so I don't hear my thoughts



Wouldn't his thread just engender more negativity by its release?



I'm better off now than I was and I'm grateful for that. You've all helped me a lot as well thank you for everything



Are you in Ontario?


Hey guys I have to deal with a lot of really fucking negative people and therefore have abnormal levels of experience in processing this shit. I have not yet attained the higher levels of mastery needed to overcome the extreme negativity of the people I have to deal with, but anyways… lets see if this helps anyone here.

1. Take not seriously the negative bullshit of others. Laugh it off, disregard it, even humiliate it. Don't let them sink you down. When someone gets mad or overly depressed, you need to me like an air spirit (sylph).

2. Note the reality of what is being said, unemotionally, unreactively. With neutrality. Deal with it methodically; in other words don't ignore negative shit (unless it's safe to ignore) deal with it.

3. Do not affirm the negative talk of others. See them not as they are but as you want them to be. If you're an evil bastard, you see them in a way that is worse, but if you're a good hearted person you see them as better than they are (so they end up becoming that way).

Oh dear, afk…



"Picking up" women isn't the way to go. The most you could do to directly attract women is to harness confidence, love yourself, and recognize women as people too. You'd have to go out to have the attraction actually work. You can attract as hard as possible but if you're a shut in, there would be no women to attract. Drunk women are probably a lot easier if you're only interested in sex but there's the risk of picking up STD's.

I hear focusing passion on a career/hobby will attract women who are actually good, but I haven't tried it out myself. I'm unmotivated and not very passionate.



>nd recognize women as people too

Never ever make this mistake, it'll be bite you. Recognize women as CHILDREN and you're golden.



I know some intelligent and beautiful women I'm not romantically interested in. They exist, but are rare. Women are just typically worse than men because of gender inequality. Not that women are oppressed, they're just seen differently, different gender roles, etc.


If you are an empath feeling negative for seemingly no reason, perhaps it's because like a radio you are tuning into the negativity of other people.

I used to have this problem until I stopped associating myself with everything.

And I do mean that in more ways than one. The term dissociation is a thing in psychology and normally it's not a good thing to be too detached from the situation but you have to do it a little bit when you are way too attached.

I found the same article that helped me in reading years ago

>When someone else is in pain, it can be hard to dissociate from it. Whether you know them or not. It can also stop you from being able to help someone else. You’re of no use beyond being a warm body to commiserate, when their pain paralyzes you as much as them.



Btw I like the ranting/venting idea and it seems other's like it too.

Sometimes we don't need to hear advice, but just to let it out of the system and stop thinking about it

Likewise, those who do want to give advice, can instead also let out their personal experiences and past events that resulted in the realization of the advice in the first place, leading to impersonal and general advice directed at no one, helpful to everyone.

This is great spiritual transmutation practice. Subtly is key.

All of a sudden the negative and positive sharing of experiences are blurred and blended into one. Leaving everything up to the perceive to decide what is what, even if it is so obvious.

People don't tend to like the attention and being put on the spot. Just let it out with no promises that you will even read the responses in this thread.

It's okay, just dump your burdens and float away.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lyrics start halfway through. I sent the lyrics to this girl in high school one time, and ended up appearing even more creepier, probably.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someday You Will Be Loved


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nope tomodachi I live in Spain.

I am feeling a bit better today, I have been thinking about this whole "fucking women as a sport" and I realize that it is very dumb and I only do it because some parts of my brain are hard-wired to enjoy sexual pleasure. Since I was 14 or 15 until I was 22 or 23 I watched a lot of porn so I think those connections in my brain are incredibly strong, and now I have to literally fight with myself in order not to have sexual thoughts all the fucking time.

But I'm not doing that bad, I mean my life could be better but at least I'm not living in africa eating dirt and waiting for Boko Haram to visit my village and chop my head off. I have access to thousands of books thanks to the Internet , so maybe I should try to re-direct this passion of fucking as a passion of learning. I will start looking into sigil magic and servitors, I've been mostly learning the theory of magic but haven't put it into practice, mostly because around me FUCKING NOBODY knows anything about this, even basic psychology is looked as some kind of wizardy by 99% of the population, imagine then how little they know about things like servitors, astral projection, etc. Also maybe meditate and try to attract some likely-minded individuals that I can learn from.


not the thread to discuss women but yeah I think you're right, lots of PUA/RSD people say the same thing


if by worse you mean better . Women have it more easy when it comes to being sociable. I knew a girl who traveled through Spain just doing couchsurfing and teaching English. She made so many friends just by being pretty and smiling. Guess what? Nobody opens their door when I smile. There are people that are afraid of me just because I'm a man. So women might have it more difficult when it comes to physical stuff and getting a job but let's admit that they pretty much rule the whole social interaction thing just by virtue of having tits and a vagina.

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT BITCHES this is a homie thread

Let's not forget that we have probably all made small steps toward our perfect selves, so we better not lose sight of what we are capable of, we are FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL SPIRITUAL CREATURES

cheers and hugs




don't touch a flower with the intention to pluck it, touch it with the intention to nurture it.



that sounds weird.

I will post what I did in the question thread.

>if you were looking for a girl to marry then they probably aren't the type walking around going up to guys

>get some hobbies if you don't already, and start being social with them. like join a band or something

>I guess now that you have lame woman friends you can be friends with their friends and their friends and eventually you'll meet someone cool

>just you know, develop social skills and be social

that being said, I think if people wanted answers they'd go to the question thread.

then again some people could perhaps just be lying to themselves, some would take any answer they'd get but never ask for it



I meant "worse" as in quality of being. Less emotional/intellectual intelligence on average.



imo it's because they're raised to allowed to be childish and have people do things for them. If we were treated as equals we'd start to be more equal.

There are exceptional women who are emotionally/intellectually intelligent while also being attractive but women aren't raised to be that way.


I fucking hate when people doubt me or baselessly accuse me

Do not assume my ignorance, prove it to me first. how do you get the evidence first?

It's called having social skills and actually paying attention to what is being said, picking up cues and contradictions.

If you know more, them you already have the map drawn out and when I am walking into a dead end then you know.

Show the dead end, reveal the contradiction and then we'll talk.

How dare you expect anyone to take your word for it?

I swear normies are the real autists



why don't you type out everything you know instead of being condosending because you're lazy so that i can poke some holes in your and fuck 'em?

see, you dont want to, do you?


lately work has been bullshit. i feel like i'm more responsible than people i work with who get payed more than me. i see people who don't do very much except kiss up to the boss and get attention from higher-ups, then those people get promoted. i got forced to work late last Friday night because some asshole didn't want to do his fucking job. I'm going to have to work on the fourth of July, which would be okay if I didn't feel so goddamn underappreciated.

I've been trying to quit drinking for a while. pic attached and meditation in general seem to be helping a lot. it's down to drinking a few times a week now. hope it helps somebody.


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Here's a good vibe for y'all, blogpost incoming:

>Be me, last year

>really popular with everyone at school cause I'm hot, and everyone thinks I'm chad

>surrounded by normalfags all day

>so many friends

>thicc bitches begging for chad cock daily

>unhappy and stressed out all the time for some reason

>it hit me one day that I'm an autist wizard and I don't like friends

>start sperging out on a daily basis, shitposting in the middle of class, lunch, gym, you name it

>only ever talk about redpill and neet shit

>everybody leaves, everyone

>pussies dry up like the Sahara

>all my past normalfag friends abandon me

>except one thicc volleyball-player japanese girl who liked me for who I was

>no roasties allowed

>stop showering for a few weeks

>she leaves too

>finally get to read my pdf's

>finally get to devote all my time to wizardry

>epyc wynn


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If you met most of the people who visit this site, your views would change.






Surely this is bait?




>not bait


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Real Epyc Wynn here. None of that is true or posted by me but it's still hilarious. Fringe-chan really does pay attention to me.



because carpal tunnel. maybe i'll make a website one time instead of typing the same thing over and over and over



No, that's me, really



Actually it wasn't supposed to be you, I just thought I'd spell it that way



Im not sure if my (lets call it) life is going uphill or dowmhill.

Ive struggled with mental ilness and suicidal thoughts for almost five years.

There have been some periods last year that I thought my mental misery was finally over, but misery just seems to keep creeping up on me.

I dont know whats real anymore.

Am I really happy or just pretending and still depressed deep inside?


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This thread is in need of revival.

I sense a general lack of positivity on here, so heres to OP.

On no place quite like these do I find that people here work hard spiritually for their goals. They really do.

Pic related.


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Be happy for what you have got lads learn to recognise the great things that we have. I have learned to appreciate solitude, gaining humble reflection in casual walks, not forcing anything but just tyring to take everything that comes as something fresh.

Great books will help you cultivate the attitude that fits you, from my experience most people here just read more obscure books and always with a very pronounced view or talking on very abstract and metaphysical seriousness. I'd love to recommend writers like Dostoyevsky, Chekov, Dickens, and Gogol. These men may not have /fringe/ tier spirituality or Montalk levels of wut but it is quite astounding art looking at the human condition, meaning, alienation and the burdens of life. So much have I read now were I feel I am not so alone or different, when you read some good books you realise so many have walked the paths we have. Classical fiction has so many good lessons to teach us and so much to relate to, I can't tell you how many books have helped mature my perception, and in doing so my very nature.

Learn to appreciate good paintings, music and art. Let them speak to you with their cultured glances and insights into other worlds like your own. Let colour, prose, and wisdom tinge your life with a resolve and fortitude that has lasted throughout the ages.

Ah, so long was I a mess, suicidal, depressed, always feeling inadequate and like the world is in many ways worthless. Striving out to those lofty spiritual heights made me forget my humbleness and humility. We are men, and this confusion, this despair, its all part of our plight in this world, all part of what makes the world what it is. Man. Anthropos. Ah, the many words and deeds we have done to answer to ourselves what is Man? And what is he capable of? I prefer to look at it all with a sense of wonder and awe whilst I contemplate myself and others now. Too long did I drag myself from teaching to teaching, axiom to axiom, deeds to deeds, always ending in sharp horrible pits of being. Now I hold in myself a degree of solemnity and explore things firmly rooted down on foundations of stone. Now things interest on a true scale, they do not attack me, they do not judge me, merely reflect some new-facet of Man I have not explored yet, some undiscovered path leading to some other dimension of human.



Pretending is not bad, it's a start.

Think long and hard about how you could be happy, under what circumstances you would feel complete and try to set goals afterwards. Eliminate all negative thoughts, they serve no purpose but dragging you down into sadness.

If you want to find love, knowledge, money or whatever, just try to set an small goal. For example, working out everyday, reading a book every month, spending your money wisely, etc… When you are set on the right path, you will notice how things just make sense and you will know what to do next, but at the start you will have to motivate yourself.

I too know how depression creeps on you, it's like a rat chewing the back of your mind. Out of nothing you doubt yourself and feel terrible. I won't lie, there is no magical cure, you won't find any 12 step program where at the end you are some happy go lucky guy, you just need to work on that day by day and put effort into it. Nobody said living was easy, so you either fight or die.

We only have these bodies once, and even if we got fucked in the lottery of life, we have to make the best out of it, hell I'm a 5'4 guy from a poor family, but I still fight everyday so I can be a happy man and that in turn helps the ones around me. Love and care yourself, think about it as if you were that cool brother you never had.

I wish you the best.


This is true, you might hate the people here, but one thing is certain, most of the dedicated users try really hard at having an spiritual life and making their lives better.

I respect people here more than the average guy on the street.



If you're using drugs and alcohol every day, then that feeling of uselessness and incapability might jut be your brain withdrawing from the chemicals. Take like a week to stay inside to yourself, and I promise you that you will feel better being free from substances. I know that this might not be your entire issue but it will surely help I think. Keep in mind that for many people, especially those who use very frequently, marijuanna has withdrawals symptoms too. I for one get affected pretty bad. It feels like nothing matters anymore, and you can't sleep or eat. Headaches and stomachaches may also bother you. Clear out.



Easy answer. Your body energy and mind movement arts is shit, lacking in strength and skill.

This means you have to get other shit to force the flow you need. Instead you need to generate your own flow with your own strength and skill.

The best way to do this is to take a few notes from power yoga, break dancing, and gymnastics and get on the floor and move. Can be done indoors any time, and should be done 10x a day for at least 5 minutes. Work up to 6 hours in one session, accompanied with calisthenics and other such fun.

Also, spiritual goals. Spiritual life. Aspirations are also Inspiration. Everyone around you is living in secrecy, don't pretend you don't know it. So are you. So recognize that seeing what others try to hide informs you what you're trying to hide, and you thus gain a sort of joy realizing how meaningful your suffering is "Wow I've gained like 10 lbs of insight into my prevalent human condition! I could do like 1000 lbs worth of gold with this insight!" Just find your role spiritually. Pick and choose pick and choose. What you end up choosing is often what you are, even if it takes hours or days or weeks or years it winds up to be a great choice. Don't worry if it's either too great or too silly or too humble. The spiritual journey tends to rip apart the rape babies in your perspective. Those things that aren't you but are attached like a parasite sucking out your blood. RAPE BABIES OF THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION YO. Eliminate them. (Metal element in chinese -> Cleanse/Elimination; Alchemy useful here, transformation/figuration/mutation of your Metal from weak baby ore into strong indpenduous termator balck womyn arnie << completely transparent in meaning;;;;;;;;;; Metal = Engineering but Earth = Building/Construction, and Earth produces Metal, and the Sun might produce Metal, but fuck you we don't know that for sure and this is magic baby)

Now… focus on moving your energy upward. Depression = all your energy pooling in your feet and draining from your brain, thus decreasing brain chemicals and performance. If you can fuel the engine of your brain, you'll be content. This means, vitamins, minerals, fats, calories, get everything you need. This also means, health supplements. If you don't know, well… get ginger, turmeric, red pepper, garlic, and cleanse the shit out of yourself daily or weekly. Also, do a lot of hand and headstands. Let blood and energy build in your hands and brain. Then stand and try to do the same fighting gravity. You should feel a lot better.

If your body is clogged it has a hard time fueling the brain. Honestly I think our identification with the brain is our downfall… despite what I've said thus far. Connect to the body and it's like entering one of those organic exosuits that cling to the skin and makes you feel all tight and strong… hold up about to throw some cars. Feels good. That'll balance you out; too much brain, either you get a strong as fuck brain or you strengthen the body. The brain is the LONG way; or at least it tries 5x as hard to do the same thing as the body.

Yeah fix your stress/recovery cycle and your eb/flow cycle.

Now here's another thing: Wood element; Liver and Gallbladder; these move energy up to the top of the brain and hands, they fight gravity and shit, and are literally the element of "growth". They also feed the element of "happiness", Fire. Focus on this element more than anything, and on moving energy from your feet upward. If you feel intense blood pressure in your brain you're on the right track.

Tense your entire body in maximal or sub-maximal contraction and push some blood into your brain once a day after warming up. Start with sub-sub-maximal and move up to maximal after a few weeks. Tension defends, and that means defending against psychic attacks. When you can tense your entire body and go like Master Roshi, being an old man that turns into a fucking hulk when he flexes his shit, then you'll be golden. You'll never experience depression again, because you'll have no petty mosquitos flocking around you.

You're being drained by parasites who feed on your despair, go warrior on some cunts and stop being a faggot dyel.




Oh and you're not living right if you don't feel dumb and tired at least a little.



Quality post, we are all on the same path



I hate fake ass bitches just KYS if that is what you relate to or is likewise your role model LOL BITCH



>misery loves company the thread


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You lifeless pathetic fucks can't even post good music


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I'll post this again for the 10th time because FUCK YOU



no were not we may have some similarities but in the end we all have to walk our own path.



Different paths, same home and destination.

Another great method of cultivating positivity is to bring that actively into your physical environment. Sensory cues work great as a reminder, we become so habituated thinking in certain ways that even when we find the right choice and way we can easily forget it, fading back into our old perspectives unconsciously. I like to arrange my living space into something organised and burn incense, the scents and the physical aligning with the mental works great. It's part of the reason I think ritual can work so well, when you smell the incense you remember why you have done it (to cultivate a more pleasant and positive environment) and so then you cannot forget the steps you have made and feel more orientated towards your goal. The seeking of Truth is to live, develop, grow and move, whilst when you come to some static conclusion you are effectively dead.


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Damn during these last two days I felt really appreciated by my friends

I've tried to project good vibes towards them for years, and although I don't like everything about them, I feel like I can trust them and they trust me. We've been through a lot since one of the group got cancer (he is healthy now), and it seems like we support one another no matter what.

I always thought in my pseudo-depression that they disliked me on the inside, and maybe they do dislike some stuff about me, but that's just fine because we have to accept each other. Lately I got pretty good emotions from them, two helped me when I needed advice about a girl and I have to say it feels really good to have people you can rely on. Even one said that he felt as if he can trust me deeply and that's not something I would have expected when I first met him.

It doesn't matter how bad or unsocial you think you are, if you are honest and pure hearted when approaching others, you can make wonderful friends from the most unexpected people ever, it's all about you. Never close yourself and be secluded, maybe they aren't as wise or smart as you, but sharing the burden of your problems with people that won't judge is great, and in turn they will share their issues so you can shine and show them all that you've learned.

Always keep you heads up guys, no matter how though things are. I feel like I've been through some bad shit and now good things are ahead. I wish you the best if you are having trouble, and if you have no one to talk to, just post your problems here, I will do what I can to help.


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Bumping for positivity. How else do you guys generate vibes?



scary pic



I think its rather beautiful but I can definitley see that interpretation. Curious isn't it how much we can project such a variety of things onto such a picture. I can see order insider of chaos, like a representation of the universe, a limited set of predetermined outputs inside of a limitless expanse of infinite possibilities.

Would anyone be interested in an art thread where we can share pictures that affect us and our interpretations on them? I find art and the occult cross over quite a bit.

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