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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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How do I use /fringe/ ideas to become a happy-go-lucky pagan? I heard this song and it really cheered me up, and I realized I can be cheerful and full of joy by choice.

I don't want magic powers or tulpa sluts, I want to read some pagan/wiccan/fringe literature that will help me develop a very optimistic, cheerful and silly, almost childlike mentality…

I believe in reincarnation and in God.


"Conquered gods."



File: b26744b0bbe37a1⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1600x1835, 320:367, letters_1-031016.jpg)

As Augustine claims to us, something to the effect of, "gods protected by men", not "men protected by gods"….

…if there is power by such ways, I believe I've been advised that it may be only for those who've chosen for themselves, and who are mentally prepared for eternal suffering…."burning"


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You don't need paganism, sure, honeymead tastes great but all you need is to find peace, that song let you relax and touch it a little, connecting to something in your childhood perhaps? Its very upbeat and happy.

Meditate, find yourself, make peace with and love yourself.

Your quest is the most noble and will take you further than those seeking selfish power, I wish you all the best.


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"362 AD

Hagiography has it that in 362, on behalf of his emperor Julian the Apostate, Oribasius visited the Delphic oracle, now in a rather desolate state, offering his emperor's services to the temple and, in return, receiving one of the last prophecies by the Delphic Pythia

'Tell the emperor that my hall has fallen to the ground. Phoibos no longer has his house, nor his mantic bay, nor his prophetic spring; the water has dried up.'

Fontenrose doubts the authenticity of this oracle, characterizing it a "Christian oracle, devised to show that the Delphic Apollo foresaw the mission of Christ and the end of Oracles."[7]

393 AD

The last recorded oracle was in 393 AD when by order of Emperor Theodosius I the temple was closed and never reopened. The Oracle declared all is ended. Within 5 years the Emperor was dead and 15 years later Alaric the Visigoths captured Rome.[27]"

Julian the Apostate was an emperor of the Christian Eastern Roman Empire from Constantinople whom, during a Christian empire, declared himself to be an old-school pagan. Not too familiar with his life, but I think I remember reading his eventual death was in battle.


You can meditate on the Hermetic Principles of Vibration and Polarity to give yourself a much more joyful disposition. And I believe that the more knowledge you attain beyond a certain point, the less invested you'll be in the stressful things of the world and the more you'll enjoy whatever you can. I don't hold many political or religious opinions because I try to use every conversation as a means to learn rather than to teach, and I don't discount ideas just because of the dangerous assumption that I'm right about something. Jesus said to love everyone and Buddha said true love comes from understanding, and it is good to remember this. I can disagree with somebody's actions, but ultimately if I know why people do things, it becomes apparent that most people are essentially animals acting only reactively to their environment and most of the things they do are more or less inevitable, given their individual circumstances. This may sound unrelated to your goals, but I think being free of hate and anger is one of the most important steps in reaching your goal.

Knowing that people won't change and the world will likely always have its problems, you have two choices to make. Most people unconsciously choose to become depressed, because they are reactive animals too and have little control over their emotions. But it is fully within your capabilities to choose happiness, knowing that the greatest change you can make comes from simply overcoming the negative pains of humanity rather than some sort of activism to a cause made up of other people's half-correct opinions that you adopted as your own, knowing that your actions don't have to be direct emotional results of external stimuli, and knowing that you've come down into this life to learn and enjoy yourself, not to be a sad cunt.

It also helps me to consider how ridiculously funny this reality is. Because I don't care if I die since I know I will go on, I'm not worried or invested in any happenings, conspiracies, etc. So it's great to think about things in this light. We are pretty much living in some crazy graphic novel at this point, so get in a funny mood, read these points, and try to find the humor in them:

>the most powerful man in the world looks and acts like a cartoon character

>there are radicals on both sides driven mad and fighting in the streets, one side dresses like henchmen and steals hats for points and the other side is American chauvinism personified and taken to its logical extreme

>there's an entire religion based on following the actions of a pedophile rapist that over one billion people unironically follow

>there's another one whose founders made a point of being as unified as possible, but it has tens of thousands of denominations that all hate each other

>most neopagans are big strong vikings trapped in skinny nerds' bodies

>most occultists lose their minds before they get to reap any real benefits

>Alex Jones, who randomly breaks out into inspiring screaming on his radio show and talks like a comic book side character, steadily gains followers

>there is an entire subculture revolved around pumping growth hormones into your body and lifting heavy things then putting them down all day, until you are a huge spray-tanned monster with oversized organs and an overextended Ninja Turtles gut who has lost all his hair, all to pose in front of some judges and then go back to living your life which is now incredibly difficult

>food scientists make and sell literal poison and they're so good at their job they have a base of consumers that is so unbelievably unhealthy they turned "super morbid" into a medical term

>the most powerful country goes to other places in the world and bombs the shit out of them in the name of freedom

>there are people who grew up playing computer games and killing virtual people that now work as drone pilots, playing computer games and killing real people

>one of the most powerful forms of political activism today is childish image macros, so powerful that there are people who unironically worship them

>humanity arbitrarily picks words to be explicit and then argues over where and when they're allowed to be used

>there are huge ugly people who did everything they could to make themselves uglier and then went on a campaign of constantly asking America to appeal to their wild sensibilities

>it is in human nature both to feel sympathy and to laugh rudely when other humans suffer

>you are seriously considering advice from a wizard board on a website made for people who didn't like a website made for people who didn't speak Japanese and couldn't use a website for people who watch anime but are too weird to talk about it with real life friends

If you read these points and got depressed, you're doing it wrong. Laughing is good for you and if you ever try freediving you'll be good at it because of how flexible your diaphragm is.



Nice original content, if so. Nice post irregardless.



Why thank you



>"conquered gods"

what's that


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Gwydion was really something special. The Gods took him too soon.

D.J Conway's books "Norse Magic" and "Celtic Magic" are quite good, light hearted and pleasant. Good place to start for reading material. I'm not an expert though, just a fellow traveler. I can recommend some other great pagan music though! This is Damh the Bard


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I would also recommend spending time in nature as much as possible. Going to pagan gatherings and festivals will also help to cultivate the cheery airy fairie vibe you seem to be seeking. Best of luck to you and Happy Solstice!

This is Omnia.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Almost forgot one of my personal favorite pagan folk bands, this is Faun. I know it's a small thing, but I really hope that this music is helpful to you.

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