>Your primordial Buddha Nature, which each person possesses, is capable of understanding all languages.
You're right, but you're also looking at that wrong. Our primordial Buddha Nature, higher self, holy guardian angel or god - however you want to see it… Is not what we are right now. It is something that exists outside of our incarnated existence and outside of our perceived and experiential range of existence. Unless we manage to somehow break down the barriers separating our time/space/ego constrained now-self and the unconstrained buddha-self, and fling wide the doors of perception we cannot 'understand' all languages.
Even magic and NLP methods that deal with communication between our conscious and subconscious deals in symbols that are understood by us. i.e., sigil creation is advised to be done by us, uniquely so we have an experiential memory basis of what thoughts went on behind the sigil creation which is what helps the subconscious understand it.
If you want us to be affected by a spiritual mantra, such as the one you're posting… Your intention is wonderful, however the mantra is actually ineffectual if we dont have the required linguistic or symbolic knowledge to understand it. If we have to get die, or open the doors of perception by other means to be able to understand the message, then at that point it doesn't really matter - because by then - we'll be in such a state that we understand the oneness of all things and wouldn't need such a mantra then.
Perhaps you'll say that our FUTURE Buddha-self is able to understand it, and from his position outside space/time he can reach back to us and affect our path? But still, from that position - even if the future or outside self understands, this self here now does not. And still requires a message that is understood here, to be 'touched' by the buddha-self. It is at the point NOW, when we cannot understand all languages, the point now where we are completely out of touch with our buddha-nature that we need these messages most. And at this point, we do kind of need it in a language that we can understand.
It is the same way, that the doctrines say all is one. But you can clearly see that right now, this is not so. This is the state we have to work with right now.
>the only one that could be universal is OOMMMM
I reckon frequencies are legit.. I am deaf, but am definitely affected by music and intense 'vibes' of large groups which is I think, frequency based energy. For instance, I could feel a large group of people getting sad and melancholy when somebody started playing bluesy music. There is no way that I could have got that through hearing the sound.
I think frequencies are quite universal, such as emotional frequencies. ie. animals can feel that shit from humans, esp the really powerfully emotionally broadcasting humans.