I'm just going to explain how I do energy work and how I do healing.
1. Energy work. I do this by shifting the awareness over parts of my body, in sweeping motions or back and fourth motions or rotational motions or other motions, and by focusing on one or more points, or specific organs or muscles or sections of the body. Usually I just sweep my awareness up and down the body and around more or less at random. That is all there is to energy work, the rest is intention and programming of the energy that automatically transmits along with your awareness.
2. Healing. I elevate my consciousness above the planes of personality, thought, emotion, belief, will, etc. to as high and close to divine awareness as possible. From the operative focal point, I then imagine that I am the person I am healing, and let my awareness move through them and at the same time use intense faith and emotion while imagining the new condition with the help of an archetype. Alchemically their body is the salt, my emotion is the mercury, and the new condition is the sulphur working upon them.
It's not that complicated. What was complicated was the intense training and knowledge acquisition required beforehand. I know the qualities of God, I know the causal order, I know that I am that I am. I know so many things that assist in and enable me to do this. If you have the right understanding of reality and have so developed yourself, you may reign over outward conditions, circumstances, etc.
From the FAQ:
>In fact, the whole structure of Mental Healing, Faith Cure, Suggestive Therapeutics, etc., rests upon the two principles of Therapeutic Psychology, or Psychological Therapeutics, which may be stated as follows: (1) the strong mental idea, thought, or mental picture of certain physical conditions, and (2) the confident expectation, lively hope, firm belief, or strong expectant attention directed toward the materialization or objectification of that idea, thought, or mental picture.
I have not posted on here in months btw and have in general become a very infrequent poster as I realize that this place is functioning well without me, it gives people the resources and the setting in which to develop themselves, and of course people will have wrong thinking and irrationality and so on but they have to work that out and I can accelerate anyone's development and force enlightenment on them but I focus right now on new understanding, further unfoldment, and greater attainments. There are various levels of mind which your spirit can function on and there will come a time when the fog passes out of the mind of the initiate and anything he cares to know, he may know, and he knows the exact measure, character, and quality of all beings.
As for Reiki I've had it done on me and the Reiki practitioners achieve their abilities by attunement to some entities they have to blindly trust.
As for meditation, any concentrated or highly creative or purposeful state of mind is a meditation of one sort or another.
As for yoga, there are a variety of paths in yoga, and all yogis end up following all those paths but one path dominates and thus characterizes what kind of yogi they are (e.g. bhakti, karma, gnani, hatha, etc.)… and for asanas aka postures go ahead and learn them as they will strengthen the body's virtues and enable you to study, develop, and unfold better and easier.
As for qigong, there are two ways to learn it, one is intentionally learning the slow and purposeful movements the other is doing it the way all animals do it which is instinctively, just spend time doing slow movements and gestures without really thinking too much about it and using energy work at same time aka focusing the awareness through the body and sweeping it around with the movements and combining that with your thoughtform work / intentions.
As for other systems, try read the self-healing and psychic healing books in the library, and get an idea about the laying on of hands and rhythmic breathing and using dolls and stuff as substitutes for the person actually being before you and so on. Also do everything naturally, note what is said in Personal Magnetism by Theron Q. Dumont about breathing, note what is said in other books about the placing of the hand, it all must come naturally without thought, without awkwardness, just letting it flow from a state of mind. The breath changes the state of mind; but the state of mind changes the breath as well. It is like the difference between fake smiling and actual smiling. You just force a smile and you get this weird effect that anyone who knows the difference can see through right away. If you instead think of something funny or reach into a place in your mind where you feel automatically happy and the smile comes involuntarily, you get a real and genuine smile.
Also I want to share something with you. When you see a person in distress or anxious or sad, start to focus toward's god (onnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc.) and look into their eyes letting the infinite and undepleting love of God flow through you and to them. They will involuntarily be filled with your emotional warmth and put at ease. I do this in retail stores for the people working there or when visiting someone's house or whatever and I see someone who is hurting and I blot out their pain with the love from God and they are relieved almost instantly. This simple act can change a person's day and make it better for them, at least until they have to return to a very hostile situation or a person, but you at least give them hours of relief in only a few seconds. It also makes people attracted to you and excited to see you again.