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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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How did you choose your flag/class/denomination? Did you read a particular book, have a special experience, or was it a slow process?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )


I guess I should add some content to the question. I read Neo-platonic works, taoist stuff and the Kybalion and over a slow process I realized my innate beliefs line up with hermeticism most


Nope just realized that no matter the flag I wasn't really going to be any of them. Just gonna be me.


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>How did you choose your flag/class/denomination? Did you read a particular book, have a special experience, or was it a slow process?

I picked the brownpill flag cause I have alot in common with it, in an unorthodox way.

-Has a cool walking stick: I actually do have a very neat staff that I found in a very neat synchronicity, but its not important right now

-Wise, secluded, but pessimistic: I wouldn't say I'm especially wise for /Fringe/, but I guess we all are compared to normalfags amirite? I live a very isolated life much like a hermit, but in neet form. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can be social, but all I've ever met irl have just been normalfags, and they always just end up forgetting about me anyway.

-Views the struggles of Greenpill against the NWO as futile: I figure this, even if the good side completely won and the whole Earth was pure again, they'd still all just be normalfags, and I'd still be a KV outcast

-Impossible to offend in anyway: I'm a loner, I've got good genetics and I don't have to be, but I'm happy this way, and mostly due to this any insult that gets thrown at me, I simply don't care

-Only focuses on his own enlightenment: Part of the reason I knew the Nu-Age movement was jew cancer was just how one sided it was. It claimed to be a spiritual salvation for everyone, and everything, but was clearly very (((gynocentric))), and furthermore it was something only a normalfag could thrive in, with its mass drug-orgy gatherings, perpetually shallow understanding of occultism, and exclusion of people like me as, "le ebil introvert archons :DDD". Point is, Franz Bardon may be a better man fir doing it, but I can't trudge through that shit to save a few lost souls from ignorance, I figure, teach a man to fish, he eats forever, let a man lean how to fish on his own, and he grows self-sufficiently forever.

All this and the Hermeticist flags were taken, and everything else is just some lesser form of Hermeticism, give or take


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>-Has smoked weed with ETs

but you smoke the herbal jew?

>wise but pessimistic

wisdom leads to optimism, ultimately, imo, tbh.




mah nigga

How do you reconcile the metaphysics of Neoplatonism with Kyabalion? It seems the metaphysics of the Greek philosophers are all encompassing, and the Kyabalion and hermeticisism seem like derivatives that, at least to me, feel to be lacking in logic

Although the extended ideology is more or less true, if there are gaps in logic why bother with it? To those lacking intuition, I think it is just unnecessary and convoluted. Further refining it is necessary

I thought Chaos magick was some crazy shit "Do as thou wilt" but actually if you look it up it implies a sense of pragmatism and encourages only the most practical understanding

To me it is like deriving Order out of Chaos, though that doesn't mean Chaos is the source of Order…. The eternal source of order; comprehension of this order must be derived from Chaos due to the perspective of our lowly and blind existence


That means you should be using the Special Snowflake flag. A response like this demands that I would normally switch to the smug frog flag to post this :")



>That means you should be using the Special Snowflake flag.

except I don't think I'm special. I just try to articulate my thoughts and opinions. I can sit here and say I know shit about different realities and how the universe works but at best I'll have an idea. I wont really comprehend it.



>just gonna be me

>A flag representing a person

who believes themself to be unique

if you think just being yourself is any different from every other faggot who is trying to be themselves literally everyone then you actually do think you are special

if you say you have not yet managed to fully comprehend and articulate your thoughts and are in the process of doing so, then you are Neophyte

If you think it's forever impossible to comprehend how the universe works then you are basically Blue Pill but even worse

But nothing you've said so far indicates any alignment with the belief of someone protesting the use of flags, as your current flag indicates. you should probably use the newfig flag if anything, really



>A flag representing a person

more like my thoughts and beliefs at this moment.

>who believes themselves to be unique

again not really it just helps to find myself. who I'm at this moment. I'm sure there are many people like me.


>literally everyone

including you?

Based on your flag you think your being chaos magician but to me chaos magic is "Do as thou wilt" MOSTLY any ways. If you think and believe it will work then why wouldn't it? Problem being magic doesn't work unless you subconsciously believe it does and the only way to do that is to beat it in your subconscious. or do le epin drugiess ;)

>if you say you have not yet managed to fully comprehend

No I comprehend them. reality isn't as real as we think it is. You can experience anything you want. You can change reality but magic didnt do it, I did. I just happen to align my will with (insert higher power)

>If you think it's forever impossible

no, it's gonna feel like forever but at some point I'll get it.

>But nothing you've said so far indicates any alignment with the belief of someone protesting the use of flags

what you want me to going around shitposting "you am not real wizard! xDxD ;)" in the question thread being a hermetic to one guy means just being positive and doing self improvement. problem being guys on 24/7 high and good things just happen to him. it's easy to be happy go lucky when you have access to unlimited drugs If he gets results then who am i to say he's not hermetic.

>you should probably use the newfig flag if anything, really

except as a "wizard" I have to define myself and using anti-flag helps.



> If you think and believe it will work then why wouldn't it?

What the hell are you talking about. This along with the rest of your post is incomprehensible, not to mention contradictory

> I wont really comprehend it.

>No I comprehend them

I think you are schizophrenic, and not in a good way. Should use the tinfoil flag since you're responding to shit that isn't there

>what you want me to going around shitposting "you am not real wizard! xDxD ;)"

you literally have no idea what you're talking about and completely failed to understand anything I said. No flag flag, is a protest in saying that no one should be using flags.

If you don't identify with any flags, then you don't identify with the protest of flags either

>except as a "wizard" I have to define myself and using anti-flag helps.

you've gone full retard. a lack of identification is not an identification. It's a variable, an unknown.



>his along with the rest of your post is incomprehensible

specific points please

>not to mention contradictory


>I think you are schizophrenic

by who's definition? to believe in magic was to be delusion in the first place.

> I wont really comprehend it.

>No I comprehend them

I mostly comprehend my own thoughts doesn't mean they are the universals truths. until I start throwing fireballs or flying I wont really understand how this reality works.

>I said. No flag flag, is a protest in saying that no one should be using flags.

and they shouldn't. We are still all the same dummy.

>If you don't identify with any flags, then you don't identify with the protest of flags either

I don't if you think and know you are a this (type of wizard) then who am i to protest if you get results or it makes you happy.

>a lack of identification is not an identification. It's a variable, an unknown.

By accepting that I don't know my self at this moment wont I will eventually know who I really am?


git cause I'm board.



>We are still all the same



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Because people called me Blood Witch for a while, for reasons of their own.


Because the Kybalion's truths have produced the most tangible results for me, and I'm still learning.


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No flag on this board gets within any realm of similarity with what I practice. I consider myself some sort of occult bohemian I guess, but I've never really wanted to define it. I just read books fam, whenever I can. New books make me giddy and get me going. I hate stagnation, routine, and permanent structure so I'm always switching up subjects of study to round out my edges a bit more. Das it mane. Das me.


Because its my element.



Indeed it does.

I was born a complete psychopath, I've done and seen some fucked up shit.

Traveled many planes and taken many paths, nearly destroyed my twin flame.

Found taoism, still was a psychopath though I chose to be as benevolent as I could.

LSD, DMT, Shrooms, etc, a few encounters with faceless ascended masters and years later, I wake up and I simply understood.

Now I cannot bear to feel the love and power emanate from within, and around me.

I know the void, the unknowable unknown, and now I see the light that surrounds me.

There is nothing to fear, we have already won. Let those who live in fear or weave it run themselves down like children. When they have burnt themselves out they will fall away and only we will remain.



>until I start throwing fireballs or flying I wont really understand how this reality works.

let me rephrase that cause that was just stupid. Until I learn how the multiple layers of existence effect physicality I wont understand how reality works.

>by who's definition

also stupid but point still stands


>We are still all the same

are the same in the sense that we are conscious and trying to figure out how reality works. That's about all we have in common though.


The ouroboros is the nature of this reality. We consume and are consumed simultaneously and locked in a cycle for which there is no escape without harsh modification.

Just thought it was the most fitting. I feel it is good practice to attune to the reality you live in, understand this and work with it rather than flee to alternative states of consciousness where it is all about you.


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>How did you choose your flag/class/denomination? Did you read a particular book, have a special experience, or was it a slow process?

I base it on my mood and intuition according to whatever pile of fucking horse shit I've read has annoyed me enough to move my sluggish mass into performing the necessary actions to type out some kind of spergtastic response that I'll return to read over and over again until the thread has completely disappeared from the board. Then on the next corresponding full moon I smear shit all over myself and dance naked in the moonlight until the cops show up and tase me.

Neopagan probably fits me best though. I like ritual magic, but usually just use sigils and visualization for most of what I do, with tarot for clarification and what outcomes are likely.

I'm currently dealing with some cognitive dissonance about the Earth actually being flat and what that implies, so don't take any of my edginess personally. Just dealing with some shit.


I realized that I knew nothing. Then I forgot who I was. The flag was just a label. The middle way is OK.



>psychopaths thinks he feels love because he gets high on every drug




>he thinks the earth is flat

Why do people always do this? When somebody finds something they partially identify with, he/she often comes to identify with all parts of it. Many people who are conservative eventually come to want traditionalism and less funding for science, many people who are liberal eventually come to hate Christians and take on a vegan diet, many occultists end up taking every strange theory seriously and believe the earth is flat and white people are aliens, etc. I really don't care much what you choose to believe but have some integrity. The best advice I've ever read was the advice Robert Bruce claimed to receive from his higher self. He said to only believe what you can verify through personal experience, and everything else you should leave open to consideration without going all-in and making it a set part of your outlook. He also said that taking the perspective that the question is always out on whether something is true or not is the best way to go. If you really want to know if the earth is flat and can't be bothered by the numerous scientific proofs of its roundness, go fucking explore around it. If you blindly believe there is an end just because some website or book claimed to have knowledge that would sate your subconscious desire to be special and set aside from the rest of humanity, without even trying to find out for yourself what is true, you are just as bad as any radical cultist Christian or Muslim. You won't make any true progress because every single bit of disinformation that comes your way will pull you aside. For fuck's sake man.



I don't use drugs anymore.

You really don't the fact that I was born a psychopath, and I get that I understand, I don't think I have ever known another person who could hate as much and as strongly as I have.

And I've hated and hurt and tortured and abused myself more than anyone or thing in this world ever has.

But it was just another identity, another mask to wear, another "me". When I finally realized that the "me" that I thought was I, was nothing more than a character of my own creation. I realized I could let it go, and set "me" free.

Free from cages of hate and pain, emptyness and sorrow. Free from artificial barriers of separation, from myself, from others.

So now I am love, you, me, we, all.


Cause he is my patron, archetype and teacher.



What books/blogs/sites would you recommend brother?


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>makes a post about dancing naked under a full moon covered in own shit until gets tasered by cops

>thinking the earth is flat makes him crazy

The evidence is actually more in favor of a flat earth than in a round one.

Most of the proof of the earth being round have been roundly debunked.

NASA has repeatedly been shown to provide only photoshopped images supposedly taken from space of the round earth, with the original picture being made through a round window with the lights off while in low orbit.

The problem isn't with me. Failure to look at the evidence objectively and with a critical mind isn't something I struggle with.

The reality is that the globe narrative is pure faith-based scientism wrapped in obfuscating layers of mathematical gauze that collapses under simple scrutiny.

But one must be a wizard to go against the herd.


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>the absolute state of /fringe/ right now

>spammers AND flat earth faggots

Fix it now, Smiley.


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>can't disprove

>pleads for censorship

Your on the wrong board faggot



Read the rules page: /fringe/rules.html

If you find something that breaks the rules report it.

e.g. lets say flat-earthers make two threads, you may report one for duplicate thread.

I'm not going to censor someone merely for expressing a different viewpoint. The best way to deal with flat earthers is to counter them with your own arguments in favour of whatever shape you think the Earth is or to shitpost at them or to just focus on what is important to you and give attention to other threads.

Spammers on the other hand need a gassing.



I would seriously like to see a flat earther explain why the moon and the stars are all spheres and why we shouldn't infer that our planet is also a sphere just from that alone?

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