Shills on /pol/ lol ☻ 11/18/14 (Tue) 09:16:38 No. 10098
"Research Hermeticism (a brand of luciferianism), which is their religion and practice. They lean heavily on Kabbalah and Sacred Geometry, to the point where it is almost Judaism for Gentiles. Israel is their project. "The Great Work" they speak about is uniting the world under Noahide Laws and global communism. They will kill us all one day." >>>/pol/363302 Check out this thread and help clean up all the fucking disinfo going around.
A bunch of paranoid christian conspiracy tards spewing a lot of horseshit in there and having no idea what we believe or do.
Post last edited at 2014-11-18 09:23:54
11/18/14 (Tue) 12:36:54 No. 10129
Are there any esoteric Christians here? If so; how do you reason that the practice of magick is ok with Christians of the sort that think it's all muh devil?
11/18/14 (Tue) 12:55:05 No. 10131
>>10098 "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding."
Come on Smiley, shouldn't they find their path on their own?
11/18/14 (Tue) 13:15:41 No. 10135
What's with /pol/ lately, it used to be pretty open to /fringe/-related ideas
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/18/14 (Tue) 13:16:22 No. 10136
>>10131 Freemasonry is shit-tier, anon.
Freemasons themselves acknowledge the NWO and do nothing, not even spiritually to change anything. They see the same symbols everywhere yet dont disclose anything due to their ties to the lodges they belong to.
(See skull and bones, holy royal arch, 2 of the main cabal-following lodges. They're saturnian/enochian/edomite cults.)
Only non-institutional, De-centralized wizardry can kill the NWO/Archon enterprise.
☻ 11/18/14 (Tue) 13:18:00 No. 10137
>>10131 >"The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding." Yes true.
>Come on Smiley, shouldn't they find their path on their own?I just found the shilling so incredibly nonsensical and hilarious I had to make this thread just to point it out for others.
Also I think these people aren't just "lost on the path", I think they are intentional disinformants. There's a difference between misinformation and disinformation…
Someone has been for awhile making up some really crazy shit up on /pol/ that can't even be traced to any blogs or conspiracy sites or whatever — it's just absolute lunacy.
They somehow have picked up on words like "Hermeticist" which ought to show they a have bit more knowledge about the occult than most but then they say this totally outlandish stuff?
Could it really be some retard behind this that actually believes what he's saying or is it some guy who knows what he's doing and who is waging a propaganda war of sorts with us on /pol/ in order to discourage people from accepting the greenpill?
The tactics appear to be constantly changing but I believe there could be an organized shilling group that is doing anything in its power to work against us. Maybe they will do something like pretending to be /fringe/ users and then posting tons of insane /x/-tier garbage in order to turn more people away from here? Who knows what will come next.
There's a lot of different tactics they've used so far but they keep failing. They made some shitty board in an attempt to steal users from here, they've claimed we are thelemites and fuck each other in the ass, they make a lot of absurd claims about us in general, they've false flagged, they recently tried to make a bunch of memes to subvert some /fringe/ concepts but got BTFO when I showed them how magick is pragmatic, etc.
So this is not really about helping them find the path as they aren't innocent posters merely lost on the path as far as I can tell, it's about pointing out shills who seem to intentionally be misleading others away from the path.
Post last edited at 2014-11-18 13:22:09
☻ 11/18/14 (Tue) 13:25:37 No. 10138
>>10136 This thread… and the post I linked to is about some shills on /pol/ not necessarily Freemasons.
Ah fuck the link is wrong, here's the correct link: >>>/pol/360116
☻ 11/18/14 (Tue) 13:27:20 No. 10141
>>10135 Shills are either succeeding in influencing /pol/ or that particular thread got hit really hard by shills while non-shill /pol/ browsers were sleeping.
>tfw been up for 32 hours + non-stop nowFucking hell I must sleep but I can't fucking sleep.
11/18/14 (Tue) 13:33:16 No. 10145
>>10141 Why have you been awake for so long?
11/18/14 (Tue) 13:33:20 No. 10146
>>10141 Go to sleep brother, you'll fuck your health up.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/18/14 (Tue) 13:34:05 No. 10147
>>10141 >>10145 >>10146 If you can harness enough vital energy, you can stay awake for a very long ass time. I have yet to develop that.
(pic unrelated)
☻ 11/18/14 (Tue) 13:41:41 No. 10149
>>10145 Tension that I can't release from my body. I can't figure out how to relax my muscles, it seems impossible. Also I keep blacking out (as in, my eyes are open, but I can't see shit and my head's going dizzy) during the day lately especially whenever I suddenly get up and I feel extremely fucked up in general right now.
>>10147 I'm pretty sure that in a challenge I would end up being awake for way more than the 120 hours that has so far been the max. I didn't even mean to stay up 120 hours and I tried multiple times TO SLEEP in that period before eventually getting to sleep. In actual effort to stay awake, I would be awake endlessly.
…but my physical condition deteriorates very much while I'm so sleep deprived and I am extremely miserable at being away from the astral so long.
11/18/14 (Tue) 22:40:22 No. 10178
>>10149 >I keep blacking out (as in, my eyes are open, but I can't see shit and my head's going dizzy) during the day lately especially whenever I suddenly get up and I feel extremely fucked up in general right now.Low blood pressure. Maybe eat some carbs.
>Tension that I can't release from my body.Have you balanced the elements in your body? You could have an excess of fire element or very little water element to counteract it. That would also explain the fire invocation harming you.
11/19/14 (Wed) 01:24:28 No. 10186
>They lean heavily on Kabbalah *Tikkun olam>Israel is their project. "The Great Work" they speak about is uniting the world under Noahide Laws and global communism. *Third Temple + Moshiach (New Jerusalem) /pol/ confirmed for not knowing about basic Jewry
11/19/14 (Wed) 01:38:41 No. 10190
Well his use of the Word Hermeticism is probably just his ignorance on the topic. But there surely are "occult/spiritual" groups which exist as goyim arms of the Noahide agenda. Theosophy and Freemasonry come to mind. The modern resurgence pf Kabbalah is also one of the most blatant examples. Christianity at a time could also be grouped in here, although in modern times this is debatable. It's nearly impossible to sort through the disinfo about Jewish influence on the Church. The Jesuits are scary sure and the Jews control, but its hard to say how much influence they have over the Church as a whole. They may have just gotten lucky with Francis. I mean look at how the Jew controlled media just pushes positive Francis agenda on a weekly basis. There has to be something there. Never count out the hard right wing of the church though, they will fight tooth and nail. There are true paths, but there are also many deceptions. The
☻ 11/19/14 (Wed) 05:34:26 No. 10212 This faggot right here refuses to even go to /fringe/ and when I link him to threads with how to do shit he won't go there. He is just fucking around me right? How should I even respond to him?
"hurrr durrr copypaste if all for me to here, only then is magick legit, muh history"
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/19/14 (Wed) 05:46:27 No. 10216
>>10212 There are literally no reasons to have hope on anyone there. Even in /x/ you can hope to find better discussions.
11/19/14 (Wed) 06:00:32 No. 10218
>>10212 >He is just fucking around me right? I'd wager he most likely thinks you are fucking with him. You are talking to his conscious mind only and it operates on logic. The stuff you are saying too him appears obviously false. I think to make progress with someone first they have to have experience interacting with the subconscious deliberately. Otherwise the conscious mind simply rejects it as illogical.
☻ 11/19/14 (Wed) 06:11:36 No. 10219
>>10178 What constitutes "carbs"? I've been eating a very balanced diet and doubt it lacks in carbs.
Butthurt NiggerLovers On /pol/ who claim culture matters more than race ☻ 11/19/14 (Wed) 14:48:24 No. 10257
"I see you in every thread, and you try to be the edgiest fucking faggot ever, and I fucking hate you. I'm sure that's exactly what you wanted from me, but I don't even fucking care." >>>/pol/369227
11/19/14 (Wed) 14:54:49 No. 10258
11/19/14 (Wed) 15:22:31 No. 10259
>>10257 they are shilling quite hard at that moment
☻ 11/19/14 (Wed) 18:03:39 No. 10272
Whoever these people are on /pol/ attacking me there and getting mad and pretending to be White Nationalists… >they refer to nonwhites as "people of colour">they constantly make statements referencing "skin colour" in place of race, implying that race is only skin deep >they keep on insisting that culture is more important than race >they insist on pacifism and shoutdown anyone proposing to actually remove by force the non-whites, nevermind if we give them 1 year warning to leave the country first >they just happen to have saved pictures of non-white females they consider attractive We've got some race traitor shills pretending to be WNs to subvert /pol/
11/19/14 (Wed) 18:18:55 No. 10274 >>>358918>Want to do some "magic" for the right side? Become a fucking shaman or a Catholic priest or something. There is no need to delve deepy into the dark underbelly of gnostic practices and black magic. >I agree. Counter-Currents is really into that stuff and it's a complete turn-off for the typical Westerner. >Hunter Wallace wrote a hilarious take-down of this esoteric tendency a few years ago: > >Apparently, [Guillaume] Faye envisions a “Eurosiberian Federation” emerging from “the collapse” of the system. >In this fantasy world, the collapse of Western civilization leads to a new promethean elite aristocracy and post-egalitarian caste based society (the rest of us are to become serfs to the lords of the universe here) which will value “quality” over “quantity” and use its authoritarian powers to create “man-animal chimeras” and “decerebrated human clones. >further down… >In that article, [Greg] Johnson described his eugenicist fantasies of creating “a god-like race” through genetic engineering “to give meaning” to “this meaningless universe.” He was seriously talking up an aristocracy of kooks manipulating our genome to transform White people into macrocephalic aliens from Star Trek and elves from Lord of the Rings. >Seriously, stay away from this stuff. It's telling that those who are really into esoteric fascism either are or act homosexual. They disdain or simply don't understand generative sexual relationships between men and women, so their ideas of "rebirth" take increasingly abstract and twisted forms.
11/19/14 (Wed) 21:58:12 No. 10298
☻ 11/19/14 (Wed) 22:44:08 No. 10300
"Dude, seek help! You will only get worse from here!" >>>/pol/370867 Some silly mundane here trying to stage an "intervention" for me and "get me help" aka have me put away in a mental institution.
☻ 11/19/14 (Wed) 22:56:26 No. 10301
>354 replies | 67 images | 117 UIDs | Page 5 >395 replies | 69 images | 81 UIDs | Page 9 All of the threads I post in on /pol/ get an insane amount of replies and go way over the bump limit lol.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/19/14 (Wed) 23:04:55 No. 10304
>>10300 Why do you give them so much attention?
There's the same circlejerk in /pol/ than there is in /new/ except /pol/'s is slightly more interesting, because theres less samefagging.
11/20/14 (Thu) 02:38:41 No. 10334
Recollecting on the successful purging of the NRx egregore from a month prior, I would like to call to your attention something much more dangerous.
There is an attempt to co-opt the entire sea of listless and lost Aryan youth of /pol/ under the guise of a rebranded "multi-cultural" imagination of national socialism.
>>>/pol/372395>>>/pol/372409 >>>/pol/372473 >>>/pol/372401 I have infiltrated this group and it is run by a jew. Claiming to be an "American Nationalist" he is organizing this entire effort from the
>>>/meadhall/ board.
They are attempting to datamine and are amongst some of the loudest and most open enemies of /fringe/. Using my magical abilities I have been able to discern the administrative password for their Zeemaps and have changed it so that they will be unable to delete any false points. I have already directed some towards its spamming.
We cannot hesitate in the dealing with this jewish plot. The shilling has reached a proportion that it soon shall spill like a contagion across the site. The time for action is now.
11/20/14 (Thu) 02:42:10 No. 10336
>>10334 As an addendum; this >>10330 thread was created by the poster identified by the ID ee95f5 from >>>/pol/372409
11/20/14 (Thu) 04:50:49 No. 10344
>>10300 I can honestly say that I truly care about smiley, in that if he fails to do his duty and kill at least one zionist in self defence I will happily kill him myself. Should he need help to break out of an asylum to do so, all the prisoners would be freed to create enough chaos to cover his escape.
11/20/14 (Thu) 08:19:34 No. 10365
How do we take out that one faggot's /arcane/ board? He just steals content from /fringe/ and uploads shit he got from /x/ there. Anyway we can effectively wipe him out? So far the best strategy seems to be to ignore that fucker as all of our raids gave him an artificially high post count that would be less than a hundred posts otherwise. He bans practically everyone to go to his shitty board but right now is begging for more people to come to his board on
>>>/meta/ . He also stickied his shitty threads so we can't bump them out of existence but looks like he's the only poster on his board and just samefags his board hard.
☻ 11/20/14 (Thu) 11:04:34 No. 10369 Why is /pol/ so fucking degenerate? It's just a great mass of degenerates literally praising a cripple for fucking non-whites and being a complete degenerate.
☻ 11/20/14 (Thu) 11:21:31 No. 10372
Does anyone have a hard time unzipping or otherwise downloading the whole Fringe Mega when on a windows OS? On Mint I have no problems but on Windows Vista it fucks up at trying to extract the cloudbusting.html file. Maybe some of those montalk files I have should be deleted from the mega and replaced with PDF copies of those pages?
☻ 11/20/14 (Thu) 11:25:36 No. 10373
>>10372 What the shit am I looking at. I guess I need to remove this; but how did this get here to begin with and was this the work of Eris?
☻ 11/20/14 (Thu) 11:28:15 No. 10374
>>10373 Name:
Last modified:2014-06-24 22:48
2014-06-25 20:39
☻ 11/20/14 (Thu) 11:32:27 No. 10375
Windjews can't handle files with a colon in the name ":". I better just make pdfs out of those pages and put the pdfs in the folder.
☻ 11/20/14 (Thu) 11:33:21 No. 10376
>>10375 or rename the macrobusting cloudbusting file.
11/21/14 (Fri) 02:28:07 No. 10447
>>10374 I could be a total fedorafag and say that someone uberh4x3rd u by turning the clock back and modifying the file, then updating it to the current time
11/21/14 (Fri) 03:11:50 No. 10453
>>10373 >Eris is a goddess from the Cartoon Network show, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy who enjoys destroying things and killing off people. However, she definetely is not arrogant, despite being wicked. Personality
>She has a buck teeth, and uses the Apple of Dischord around a cute stuff from cartoon network.
11/21/14 (Fri) 03:28:04 No. 10459
>>10334 >>10336 They are continuing to promote white genocide by advocating race mixing now. This is getting out of control.
☻ 11/21/14 (Fri) 03:48:24 No. 10462
>>10459 Right now /pol/ is overwhemingly degenerate racemixers who get mad if you suggest they stop doing drugs and fucking non-whites and so on.
11/21/14 (Fri) 04:43:54 No. 10466
>>10462 I can confirm the other's findings. /meadhall/ is prime ground for loosh farming.
☻ 11/21/14 (Fri) 05:03:43 No. 10470
>>10466 >>>/pol/379297 Buttmad degenerates on /pol/ want the white race to die.
11/21/14 (Fri) 10:43:15 No. 10491
>>10372 >cloudbusting.html Yeah, I couldn't extract it either.
11/21/14 (Fri) 12:01:35 No. 10495
>>10190 Every time a pope weakens the church he is heavily supported by the media, and we all know who controls the media. Either they are putting these popes in the position or they are merely amplifying their effects with other assets they control. In either case the effect is the same, either they control it from inside or outside, and the church crumbles.
11/21/14 (Fri) 12:05:47 No. 10498
>>10365 Just let him keep jerking off in the corner by himself. He's annoying sure, but on the internet he's easily ignored.
11/21/14 (Fri) 14:45:04 No. 10509
>>10470 It's disgusting how much they've infiltrated the community as of late.
11/21/14 (Fri) 21:31:51 No. 10517
Shills have infiltrated /tg/ and are pushing jewish dick-mutilation agendas.
☻ 11/22/14 (Sat) 06:10:30 No. 10570
☻ 11/22/14 (Sat) 06:11:10 No. 10571
>>10491 I have to fix that.
11/23/14 (Sun) 15:52:02 No. 10703
>>>/polmeta/36 Heads up.
11/23/14 (Sun) 15:52:55 No. 10704
>>>/polmeta/35 is a shout out to Smiley in particular.
11/23/14 (Sun) 18:58:53 No. 10717
>>10570 >the link concerning Neo-Reaction and Nick Land Holy shit /fringe/ was right
11/23/14 (Sun) 20:45:55 No. 10725
>>10135 /pol/'s getting sick of smiley being a shitposting autist who derails threads.
He also keeps begging people to go the sticky wiki then fails to answer even the most basic questions about the material within.
Talks about Astral Travel and can't describe his own experiences.
Shit-talks Christians then can't succintly define what his own faith is.
The guy's making /fringe/ look like a fucking joke.
Just go look how he acted in that thread he linked.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/23/14 (Sun) 22:11:02 No. 10732
>>10725 >/pol/'s getting sick of smiley being a shitposting autist who derails threads. He isn't the only one shitposting, although I agree with some of what he says.
>Shit-talks Christians then can't succintly define what his own faith is.For that matter they can't as well, since they have little to no knowledge of both the physical and nonphysical beliefs they've bought.
All they do is bash at each other labeling whatever their dogmatized heads disapprove of as "degenerate" or "fedora".
>The guy's making /fringe/ look like a fucking joke.I disagree with this, /fringe/ has always had good material compared to most other boards, regardless of how much I dislike it when smiley starts calling names at things/people. (thats the way he is, I suppose)
I just don't see the point in fighting between boards, instead of promoting our stuff in a more efficient way. We can be better than /x/.
After all, we're here in search of truth, not senseless argumentation.
☻ 11/24/14 (Mon) 10:32:06 No. 10781
>>10703 Argh they're going to start censoring us by calling our posts "bait", whatever the fuck that means.
☻ 11/24/14 (Mon) 11:18:18 No. 10785
>>10725 >Talks about Astral Travel and can't describe his own experiences. …I fucking linked you to my astral travels thread.
Just because you don't fucking read all the shit I wrote there and can't be fucked to follow a link doesn't mean I can't describe shit.
☻ 11/24/14 (Mon) 11:20:49 No. 10786
>>10732 Dude why are you responding to an anti-white dishonest shill as if he was on our side and merely had a minor disagreement with us?
That poster is manipulative and has an agenda and hates everything we stand for. He hates the white race and hates our magick. He is not interested in fostering mutual understanding and respect, he fabricates lies and is working to undermine our movement.
tl;dr that poster is a fucking kike anti-white
☻ 11/24/14 (Mon) 11:22:15 No. 10787
>>10786 One more thing, he's very fond of speaking for /pol/ as if he represented /pol/ himself, but he is a subversive both on /pol/ and on /fringe/ and ultimately an outsider to both.
11/24/14 (Mon) 16:35:01 No. 10826
>>10786 >>10787 I just think there's better ways to disseminate /fringe/ information.
The thread in question really could have used some /fringe/ input.
But rather than give relevant information, and perhaps point out that /fringe/ exists for those seeking out more, you tried to spin the whole thread into a /fringe/ recruitment drive.
Linking to an astral travel thread is also a lazy-as-fuck response to someone interested in what you know, especially if you're the one who brought it up in the first place.
>implying non-white >implying Kabbalah doesn't have Jewish roots >implying I think that means it is completely unsuitable for white use >implying I even oppose /fringe/ presence on /pol/
☻ 11/24/14 (Mon) 16:43:27 No. 10828
>>10826 >implying I use or like kabbalah >implying kabbalah doesn't have aryan roots >implying jews didn't steal it from aryans >implying we "need recruits" >implying the most effective strategy to date to keeping people out is to make it seem like you want people >implying we aren't in reality a very exclusive esoteric order
11/24/14 (Mon) 17:24:39 No. 10839
>>10828 >>10828 If you're a very exclusive esoteric order, why do you keep spamming links to the sticky all over /pol/?
You're getting increasingly angry because people are asking you to stay on-topic?
Or because people ask you follow-up questions when you spam links?
You can play either the hermit or the recruiter. You seem to be attempting both, then blaming others when your work comes to naught.
11/25/14 (Tue) 06:03:54 No. 10863
>>10839 I think you misunderstood him, /fringe/ is an open community consisting of anyone who wants to learn about anything magickal and discuss about it, but inside of fringe there IS a secret esoteric group consisting of some few high level wizards who share some "extreme" views and goals, and they are very restrict about their membership
and paranoid .
☻ 11/25/14 (Tue) 07:57:17 No. 10869
>>10839 >If you're a very exclusive esoteric order, why do you keep spamming links to the sticky all over /pol/? It keeps people out. Any group that appears to want people won't get them. Meanwhile many places that are very selective about who they let in and very secretive end up having tons of people trying to get in.
>You're getting increasingly angry because people are asking you to stay on-topic?No I am not angry at all but I sure wish I was. I love being angry, it helps with some of my magickal practices.
>Or because people ask you follow-up questions when you spam links?I answer them and then you ignore them. People who are sincere could at least visit the link I gave them. It's also not "spam", my links are specific to what the person is asking.
>You can play either the hermit or the recruiter. You seem to be attempting both, then blaming others when your work comes to naught.You can keep giving me loosh and I can bath in it and take it with me to the astral for a good time.
☻ 11/25/14 (Tue) 07:59:19 No. 10871
>>10863 Any good esoteric order has an exoteric and esoteric side to them, an inner-group and an outer-group. The silly goyim think merely joining was enough to be truly "inside".
11/26/14 (Wed) 00:54:07 No. 10936
>>10863 What sort of views and goals? Or is that something that can't be talked about?
11/26/14 (Wed) 01:02:07 No. 10939
11/26/14 (Wed) 04:49:13 No. 10945
>>10334 Nigger I'm the board creator of /meadhall/
I knew that zeemap faggot was a shill.
there are a core of us who are legit. we knew we would attract derailment and shills. we are thinking dangerous Ideas and trying to figure out a platform to sell to the american people.
you can fuck with the obvious shills if you want but don't derail the actual conversation. we might be nothing or we might be on to something important. who knows. we only ask that you let us try.
11/26/14 (Wed) 04:50:29 No. 10946
>>10936 If they cannot talk of such things it is either because they cannot/havenot reach a solidified view or goal, they know people would react negatively OR more simply, they do not wish it know because to do so would jeopardize it.
By all counts, should be wary.
11/26/14 (Wed) 04:53:48 No. 10947
>>10945 Try what?
Pushes towards burning down lesser power-structures to simply point up a new one susceptible to the same faults as the old?
Best to do it towards a benefit of the same old same old.
Aim higher, you limp faggots.
11/26/14 (Wed) 05:07:09 No. 10948
>>10947 hell no we aren't libertarians.
I also don't want absolute power or wealth (though i wouldn't exactly argue if thrust upon me) I just want a to build a society that can be proud of itself as we move forward to extra-planetary endeavors. build a truly educated society that is worthy of traveling the stars.
I just want to be able to raise a large family and help in some way reach the stars.
that is my honest motivation.
I cannot aim any higher.
I want national socialism inspired not by war but by exploration and colonization.
I believe it is our best model for society and is the very strongest foot we can put forward as a species when It comes to leaving our planet.
if allow our ventures off this earth to be controlled by evil powers that use cultural Marxism as a tool to enslave, I fear we shall see strife and war unlike ever seen by the earth. we may annihilate our species at the whim of sick tyrants.
I will fight, maybe in vain, to see my dreams come true. this is one of my first attempts, but I feel the western world is waking from the Marxist veil. The time is right and I have to seize the opportunity no matter how small.
11/26/14 (Wed) 10:25:56 No. 10961
>>10948 >claims he doesn't want war >wants to colonize space ProTip: There's a
good reason behind the inexplicable non-expansion into space today and it's not technological inferiority. Space is already occupied, it is contested territory, and if you want to leave the planet you must be willing to fight your way off of the planet. Space is anything but empty…
11/26/14 (Wed) 14:06:05 No. 10983
>>10961 I don't want war (but will not shy from it) on earth.
Natsoc is the perfect Ideology if we have war in space.
11/26/14 (Wed) 14:08:46 No. 10985
>>10983 >implying the war between alien and man hasn't already begun long ago >implying the state of things today isn't the outcome of that war
11/26/14 (Wed) 14:48:03 No. 10991
>>10989 It is still going on, and anything could happen, like a change of the tide or human extermination.
Let's bet!
11/27/14 (Thu) 02:20:30 No. 11042
>>10985 I have a question? are psychopaths really aliens in human form? is that why there are so many at the top? did they "choose" the jews as their favored host? chosen people and all that.
☻ 11/29/14 (Sat) 23:30:51 No. 11430
>>>/fem/30515 I find /fem/ a very fun board with a lot of opportunity there for loosh farming and chaos mindfucks. Look at how those psychologists/psychiatrists breakdown so fast when you expose them and reveal their true shitty nature. I made them pretend they cared about /v9k/ users and wanted to help then revealed I am one and got them all hating on me fast and revealed their two-facedness in the process.
11/30/14 (Sun) 00:01:02 No. 11432
>>11430 >winning internet arguments produces psychic energy Some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard, like it totally isn't a justification for what you fucks have done your entire lives anyway, fight with strangers on the internet, but oh wait all that shitposting has made me transcend existence give me a fucking break
☻ 11/30/14 (Sun) 00:23:17 No. 11437
>>11432 Thanks for the loosh mundane.
☻ 11/30/14 (Sun) 00:30:29 No. 11438
>>>/meta/31407 I got banned from philosophy merely for having posted there at all and for being me.
11/30/14 (Sun) 01:27:15 No. 11444
Hey Smiley do you try to sound like an edgy faggot on purpose when you post on other boards? Like when you give people hints about your incommensurable superiority or when you tell them nonchanlantly about dark agendas, occult stuff, and other things they will never know about. I always feel bad for the other posters when I read your posts on the boards. And how come you're always starting shitstorms on 8chan, don't you have any magic stuff to do? Why are you everywhere man…
11/30/14 (Sun) 02:11:06 No. 11445
>>11438 Is this a trick? Why are you giving a mundane all that loosh?
☻ 11/30/14 (Sun) 12:26:54 No. 11480
>>11445 >implying they aren't going to be overall very mad at me while I continue to browse other tabs and post just enough in there to move the loosh along
11/30/14 (Sun) 19:43:33 No. 11522
>>>/meta/31624 Absolutely insane metric fuckload of butthurt I'm causing on /meta/ here.
11/30/14 (Sun) 22:03:49 No. 11534
>>11522 Do you actually live in a cabin in the woods?
☻ 12/02/14 (Tue) 22:38:52 No. 11736 Some guy campaigning very hard against /fringe/ in this thread about Stoicism.