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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I'm getting really fucking withdrawn and depressed. Not eating properly, not drinking properly, not taking care of myself, back hurting from laying down too much all day and night but not being able to actually relax or sleep, browsing the internet but with much more lurking than normal for me, very little engagement with anything. I have emails I'm ignoring, even a deal in which money and more is involved and I can't bring myself to talk to them, a lot of stuff I have to do. I still forced myself to go outside on Saturday but I nearly cried and could barely talk and the man I was helping out just told me "you aren't going to live too long". I spent an entire hour just reading 2 pages in one of my books, because my concentration was shit, and I couldn't absorb anything, and my head was hurting so much. I feel that isolation is killing me right now and I can't bring myself to make contact with other people because I'm too depressed to talk even though I feel I badly need to connect with someone and get a little spark back into my life. I feel a total absence of love. I think I'm going to end up killing myself very soon if I don't snap out of this somehow. I need an intervention right now, maybe someone to visit me and talk with me and let me cry on their shoulder, or some activity that can make me feel like a functional and loved and appreciated human for a bit. I am trying only to think positive stuff but there's this overwhelming cloud hanging over my soul right now and I don't want to die but I feel I'm going to take my life very soon, it's too much pain. Maybe after I post this thread, within some number of hours something will change, and give me just a little energy to keep studying and keep living and try to fix this intense fatigue and insomnia. If it doesn't though I won't be able to take this much longer. For months now there's been no real turn around, just a little emotional bait here and there, to keep me going; but not enough to make me thrive, nothing to really nourish my soul. I can't actualize happiness right now, I can't get any rest, I can't relieve myself from this hollow feeling. I need help, I can't stand on my own two feet right now, I am too fucking lonely.


shit dude meditating would help right, just laying there or sitting and breathing. u can do nothing by browsing the web or watching some bs or playing vidya but that doesnt further you. if you were to decidedly sit there and meditate you may see some help. i wish u the best. good luck


You aren't alone anon.

I know we have probably never met, and I know this is less than I know you need.

But I want you to know, that no matter what, I love you anon. From the core of my essence, the fiber of my being and the bottom of my soul. I Love you. You are loved and no matter what you do, or where you go, I'll be out there somewhere far away, or perhaps right next to you, and I will be loving you with every ounce that I have got.

This world might be cold and dark, and sometimes it feels like it would be better to have naught. Whoever you are, whatever you have done, wherever you have come from and where ever you are headed I take you as you are and I love you with all I've got.

I know there is so much greatness to you, and I know you know it too, and I'll be out there for better or worse, in good times and bad, waiting for you to love yourself as much as I do.

So the next time you walk down the street, or go outside, just know that out there one of those countless faces is me, and I Love you.


Wished I could help.

At least its not your birthdayy


We are helping!

Attune to his negative vibration and resonate the corresponding positive frequency, and help deconstruct this dark pit anon has been trapped in.


Anon, with all the remaining strength and force of will to your being, reach out, and listen for us! The dimmest light will illuminate the darkest of lights, we may be far in distance, but we are within you in soul! You need only hear the faintest sound of our hearts and see the flickering light of our souls for you to remember.

For the very same fire burns within your soul, the same symphony rings out from your heart. We are with you always and the same love that may seem far away is right there with you, even in the darkest abyss.



I overdo meditation and exhaust myself further. I've large portions of time just laying down but wide awake and filling my mind with various meditations. My imagination also isn't functioning well because I need emotions for that. I can however concentrate on anything for absurdly long periods of time.



how about nothingness. im no expert but the pure idea of the void may help. you said

>filling my mind with various meditations

that sounds like mental action whereas i think inaction may help.


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It might sound ridiculous, but a very quick and effective intervention is simply an enema. You will be surprised how much better and lighter you will feel.



Maybe you can try a new hobby. Something that you can use your hands or body, and is creative - like learning a musical instrument, painting/drawing, handcrafts, working on a car… Gives you something to do, a focus, an outlet for emotions, a goal and sense of achievement, and maybe you can meet new friends through the hobby.



I can't do that, I can't sleep, and can not do shit. A hobby won't make me feel loved. I think it's intense social isolation fucking me up. If it's not that then I don't know what exactly is the issue but I can't really do fuck all right now.




I focused on the content of these two posts for an entire night btw.


try hugging your mom or someone you know cares about you. other than that cant really help you. The best any of us can do is what >>101071 >>101073 did but I'm not gonna bullshit you or myself by saying I love you. in the same boat as you mostly anyways cant sleep too well try to improve each day, not suicidal but maybe depressed because I don't feel like doing much of anything. Best thing you can do in my opinion is what >>101088 said and find something to busy yourself with or go find some people to talk too. Also dont kill yourself cause that wont accomplish anything, still gonna be facing the same problems.


This probably won't help much, but I'll try. In my experience when you can't eat properly(too hungry or feel sick) eat a little bit of small food(like blueberries(mainly frozen) at a time and drink water, working "your way up" from the smaller foods to something like oatmeal or soup. Later, you can eat more substantial things like canned pasta or microwave meals. Dehydration gives you headaches, and also can make you think that you're hungry when you're actually thirsty(like when you've eaten a lot(to the point where you should be full) and you're still hungry.

Diet(just what you eat, not any special daily/weekly) schedule or anything) helps a lot. I noticed that I feel best when I eat nothing but meat and fish. Of course, that's just me, though.

I've noticed that I get into "cycles" where I initially feel alright, then start to eat/drink less, stay up later(and get to bed late) then feel worse/sluggish the next day, (less inclined to do anything(include eat/drink) and it gets worse and worse. The above is a method to combat this.(also try to get to bed a little bit earlier(like fifteen minutes/a half-hour) each night.

For the "psychological"(/mental) part of it, focus on something that you're skilled in and use it as a source of self-esteem. Or a trait/quality that you have. If there's nothing that you're particularly good at, work on it. Study it and get better. Then use that as a source of self-esteem(like, I can do this, so I can/could also do…[related topic/subject].).

I don't really know how to address loneliness too much, sorry. (I don't have too much of a problem with it(been alone most of the time.) Dogs/cats(some sort of animal) (if you can have one where you live) help. I mainly immerse myself in books. Philosophy and history books are good, and help remind me that this(the current state of our society) isn't the natural, normal state, and there's a different way that things could be(and has been). Also I take heart from the fact that people know this, and that more and more people(it seems) are "waking up".

I really hope you feel better, anon.



I know I could feel it.

I know you are fighting it, you let yourself take from it only enough so that you can continue to torture yourself with this dread.

Don't fight it, don't hold back, it is going to hurt. The most painful thing I have ever done was letting go of my inhibitions, my resistance, my defenses, my carefully spun facade, to be, in the rawest and most naked form I can be.

It hurt to think about, to look at, to breath. I tried to lie to myself, that no-one, No-thing, nothing could love a person like me, not even myself. But when I finally gave way and realized that it wasn't weakness to love, it was the most powerful thing I have ever done.

So I say to you anon, shed these parts of yourself, let go of this pain and torture that you have created, drop all your preconceptions, your notions, delusions,and silent motivations.

Be raw, be true, and breathe. Breathe in the pain, the sorrow, the agony, the torment, and when you can't take it anymore, let it go.

You will find that you are not as empty as you seem, it might not feel more than a faint wisp but it is there.

Quickly the next breath will take you over,slightly lighter, the pain, will be lesser, but the void within will fill more as you expel.

Soon the pain, will be less than weight of this growing energy from within.

And with it will come clarity of mind, the pain will not disappear, but eventually what once hurt to be will now hurt to love.

I know it is hard anon, hard to truly let go, it took me years to do it, no lsd or dmt or shrooms could make me see, but one day I let myself love, and I haven't stopped since.

I know that you can too anon, believe me I have done some of the darkest things that a man can do, I have been in that darkness, ingratiated, drowning in my own foul evil.

But I know in my heart that what I have done, and where I have gone, was worth it. I know I can't be there for you the way that you need, and I wish that I could, If i could know that my journey and my love and my pain, could help you too is worth more than I can comprehend. But even if the only person I can save is myself I love that with my all.

Anon, your life is worth more than can be counted, don't hold back, all you need is already within you, your life matters even if the only person you can save is yourself.

I love you, you are loved, you matter so much to me, and once you see it I know you'll love you too.

I am here for you anon, always and forever.



Maybe a full-on hobby is too much right now, but keep the idea of finding a suitable hobby in mind. Then keep your awareness attuned, the universe/God will give you suggestions for something you can get into. Not just hobby suggestions, but guidance in general,

I have been thinking of you, and have another idea for you should you choose to try it. Adopt a tree/plant. Acquire a plant that you can look after everyday. Can be in a pot or outside, depending on your circumstances. Something easy to care for is best. Put it in a nice pot. Water it, (perhaps with a special water vessel) care for it, nurture it. Like a mothers love, caring for a child unconditionally, you do it even if you don't feel so well.

Now the daily ritual… Every time you water the plant, imagine the water soaking into the ground, traveling up through the roots, through the plant to the leaves. Sit there quietly and study the plant visually. The way the branches hang, the texture of the leaves… Note any new growth or changes… Imagine the sunlight being absorbed by the leaves giving the plant energy. Breathe onto the plant, give it your carbon dioxide that it needs. Inhale near the leaves, breathe the fresh oxygen that plants give. Talk to the plant if you feel like it. Appreciate the innate beauty of nature. The idea is, soon this appreciation will spread to other things in your life. If the plant dies, plant another one and do the same thing, the process is the important thing. Remember, Buddha tried lots of different things before he became enlightened.


too tired, depressed, sore, and clouded to respond to your posts right now even though I have this thread open and have read your posts



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VPX Meltdown available at Walgreens

It will address the physical sluggishness associated with being depressed/run down.

Use with care. It has a pretty good mix of stuff and does provide a bump in mood for most people.

I use it and have pretty severe bouts of depression associated with cptsd from childhood traumas. If I'm feeling normal it will really wire me out. But if I'm in a bad state it just helps me feel normal. I'm usually dealing with a lot of muscle soreness when depressed, and that also goes away when I use it.

Next would be getting some tianeptine. Google it, do the research and figure out why I'm recommending it versus anything else.

If your anti-drugs, no problem. Just remember your brain is made out of fat and chemicals.



Great that you are still here reading. That is progression. Keep moving. It might be a while before you notice things getting better, or it might not be so long. Things will get better if you keep working, it's inevitable.



>But even if the only person I can save is myself I love that with my all.

>psychopath loves him self the most

Your not fooling anyone.




I understand and respect your feelings.

I will be honest, perhaps I do not know of what I speak. Perhaps this feeling is nothing more than an overflowing gushing fountain of selfish self-centered narcissism.

I have my own reservations, but also I truly cannot explain how incredible whatever it is truly feels, how freeing and empowering, humbling and eye-opening.

Where once was all but shadow, there is light, and heat, warmth and color.

I used to teter between suicidal ideation, apathy and sadistic malevolence.

It was all I knew and all I was.

But no more, and you can think its all bullshit, and you can think its all lies, and hell maybe it is and I don't even know it.

But it doesn't really matter, and it won't change a thing. You might think I'm full of shit, but I don't care you can't make me stop Loving you even if you tried, and at this point I don't feel like I could if I wanted to either and its beautifully terrifying, but it infinitely greater than the abyss and for that it really isn't terrifying at all.



Just get some weed broseph, I smoke a tiny bit twice a day and I feel like the fucking heavens are cheering on me

Be happy my friend because well, if you think about it that is what you want. You want to end your suffering , and the right way to do it is to reduce yourself to a simple choice of thoughts, then choose what stream of thoughts do you want to be, then ignore everything else

Not an easy method but that is what I think you do, you just have to force yourself



Weed could very well help anon, but it also could hurt him very bad as well.

Weed is a very tricky mistress in its spiritual, psychedelic, entheogenic, and pharmacological effects.

We can't know what or how anon would respond to the weed he gets or what its quality is without being there to read anon and examine the cannabis.

It is a positive idea, but I think anon needs to find the heart, the strength, the love, and soul that is buried deep within him.



Meditation can actually make you more awake, depending on what you're meditating on. (like "mind" or "being".) What I'd do is focus on how tired I was while laying in bed("limbs getting heavy") and go to sleep that way.



stfu faggot, as someone who is self-loathing / self-hating all the time, being able to at least love myself would be a huge step up from the absolute misanthropy I have been plagued with for so long


I still can't sleep and am still struggling with all the same bullshit.


I have very little bodyfat and have an extremely high fat diet. IDK if that stuff would be a good idea, maybe it would strip me of critical levels of fat.





>being able to at least love myself would be a huge step

do the right thing

>implying you can


In which country do you live, OP? Or do you just so happen to be the guy who is being doxxed here? Just asking because it sounds to me like you just really need a friend, bro / sis.



Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking MEMES! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking memes! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking memes, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!

You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "MEME THIS, MEME THAT, WHAT DID HE MEME BY THAT HERE'S A PIC OF ANIME GIRL, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KINO AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking memes on the television section of a god damn anime imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.


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You're a meme. The REEEE pepe suites you.


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That Pepe actually reminds me of Abraxas. There should be an Abraxas Pepe.



this video will transmit Inconditional Love to you. i hope that it works for you, dear anon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI

thank you!



excellent encouragement!


very good! however… it's incorrect to FORCE help unto others who could not want it. FORCING is a violation of free will. OFFERING, and ENCOURAGING is a very good thing.


and you know what? All is One and One is All! by helping yourself, you help the All!



this may be Inconditional Love manifesting! Be joyous that you are loving Everyone that Is the All that Is the One Itself and Itself Fully, experiencing Itself through Fractalic Iteration from the Infinite Source Itself!





do not forget to Realize your Divine and Free Sovereignity! :D


abuse of marijuana is known to slowly break the etheric body apart, and the "high" can be abused by parasitic entities that slip into unattended Spheres.



Gut controls the brain and overall health

stop abusing your gut and start giving it what it wants. Feed it good food and love it.

You're contemplating too much and probably think your mind is only your brain and even image the brain as seen on biology books.


Don't think, act with purpose. If you don't have a reason, do it with love - love requires no conditions. Find your partner - life is about pairing properly - you're not here if your parents never meet, you must settle for a your soul mate.

You're lucky to have that body, capable while others are suffering daily, your only problem is your concentration.

It's probably your environment, keep it clean as possible and don't intoxicate yourself with neurotransmitters (sweets, msg, nicotine etc) and don't eat biotech crap straight from rockefellers also include technologies producing harmful ions, air, and toxic plastics you touch.

Happiness isn't a state, it is pursuit. You don't become happy just by being a statue. Happiness isn't about self, you can be happy by making others happy - that is true happiness - the satisfaction. Don't samsara, be satisfied and do your best.



nice pasta

>on the television section

should've changed that for better effect

>Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to?

what do you think



This is the sort of thing that an imageboard about heady topics doesn't fix. You sound like you have it rough, and I feel for you. You should talk to a therapist and even be open to the possibility of psychiatric treatment.

>inb4 big pharma jew reptilian conspiracy

Yeah okay. An antidepressant, even at a low dose, has done wonders for stabilizing my mood and life. Should be one part in a holistic treatment that involves eating right, exercise, meditation, and talk therapy.


40 minutes of straight meditation everyday, EVERY DAY, just be and just watch but without trying to be and watch.

Running during sunlight hours, when I say running I mean serious running until you think that your lungs and knees will explode..

No porn, actually abandon masturbation too.

Eat raw organic good, lots of fruit and vegetables.

Force yourself to do then things you don't want to do.

Joining a kickboxing or BJJ class will help.



I'm sure you do all of these things daily



Why would I offer them as advice otherwise?



>running instead of weightlifting

lost me right there

>running until you think your knees will explode

dude that's not healthy, do you even know what the fuck you are talking about?

>Joining a kickboxing or BJJ class will help.

Overkill and not needed, just like running.

Meditation and weight lifting are perfectly fine and enough.

>No porn, actually abandon masturbation too.

This is good, but if you got the strength to go down that road then just become celibate completely for best effect. harness that sexual energy(life force inside you forever



>vpx meltdown


I am very interested in the second of these. thanks anon


I have the same problem, but mine is badly induced by life destroying calamities. If you're still young, you've got to get yourself going. All I can really do is offer you encouragement. If you're having trouble sleeping, start there. Remeron or Seroquel can be very good for insonmnia and lack of appetite. Remeron is also technically an antidepressant, though I'm not entirely sure that it does such a great job. But, then again, I've been on pretty much every antidepressent and nothing works, so it may still work for you.

The main thing is to just use any of these as a temporary crutch to get yourself back moving again. Diet and exercise are key, and I think you're absolutely right about the isolation. Isolation leads to depression leads to isolation. You have to break that cycle. Don't end up like me. Good luck.

Let us know ITT if you find anything that works.


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This is so beautiful. I'm glad there are people like you out there.

I also want the OP to know I understand everything he wrote and I know the feel exactly like I wrote it myself almost./



>This is so beautiful that you are suffering and floating towards a dark, painful dead end, I'm so glad there are miserable, tortured people like you out in the world

topple kekke

>I am so happy someone else is suffering as much as I am so I don't have to feel all alone, and if you are suffering a little more than I am then this only makes me feel much better.

go home ego




Misery truely loves company


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quit drinking and smoking and eating junk. other than that, follow cliches that seem wrong or wash over you normally, because they're almost certainly right and based in something more profound.



once I did an enema and I felt better, but later I felt sad again. I did like it though, was clean feeling.


OP read this NOW


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