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leaving Christianity because God made me transgendered and will not remedy this problem, also because God keeps allowing harassment upon me after I ask him over and over again to keep it away from me


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i am going to speak to any God which exists from here on out as, "the God or Goddess of righteousness"

after praying to this entity i am calling "the God or Goddess of righteousness", I believe they are leading me in the direction of the practice of magic such as sex magic


I've drawn the conclusion that /fringe/ is a good place for people to be.


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There is no god but man.

h-heh nothin personell kiddo


Hey OP I am a polytheist in practice and a monotheist in principle. There is only one wall. However when I do any actual prayer, I always do it like you, directed toward "the archetype, principle, deity, embodiment, or consciousness of x". Eris is the most powerful deity in my life and the most responsive, but I try to stay away from her, as futile as that is.

Do what you're going for, I use the tattvas and focus on the 4 elements and the qualities of god, and especially his omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and intense love.

Read "Energy, Prayer, and Relaxation" and also "Personal Power".

Christianity can sort of cater to this metaphysics and there are pastors, monks, and whatever that actually do the same as me but of course Christianity as it's known and practiced by the majority is just cancer.



all* not wall, heh


are you a qt trap, opie?


i feel like the terms are confused when there is nothing to leave


just posted this as an update for clarity… /x/ gave me some pretty good responses

for some reason the only spiritual path that's open to me is within the Christian message

shortly after posting this, I feel that God showed me even Crowley derived all of his reasoning regarding magic from Abrahamic religion


rubbish, especially if shilling


no, right now i seek asceticism rather than aestheticism


…believe it or not, Christianity has actually led me to a form of polytheism in the form of the Catholic saints, which as far as I can tell based on scripture and my experience is equally as legitimate as "pure monotheism", although i have not been able to tell a difference one way or the other as to what God feels about "pure monotheism" or what God feels about "monotheism, plus Catholic saints and Mary"

….Mary is an absolutely and essential huge part of my spirituality… i don't know why, but it is like I feel God sends Mary to help me… at least Mary (the mother of Jesus) in a spirit form

who is Eris, i must ask?

>just cancer

ah, quite like much of the world then….

>Read "Energy, Prayer, and Relaxation" and also "Personal Power".

ty! will definitely have to check this out!

God bless, ty for responses… just an update to anybody if it is relevant at all… i feel good vibes on /fringe/, even as a Christian I did



your quote, which I greentext'd, "just cancer", was in reference to you saying that most Christianity was "just cancer"



>shortly after posting this, I feel that God showed me even Crowley derived all of his reasoning regarding magic from Abrahamic religion

kek "There is no god but man." is a crowley quote, autismo

>rubbish, especially if shilling




Perhaps you are just delusional and you are being pointed in a more true direction?



As an addition to this, proverb 16:2 comes to mind.

>All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord.


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What do you think of the story of Job?

What about the suffering and martyrdom that befell the apostles and early christians?

Consider that God himself suffered brutally and was crucified here on earth, so why should we be exempt from suffering?

If you give up on God you will have the same problems but you will deal with them on your own, with no support, with no meaning to your life or basis for morality and you will crumble.

>God made me transgender

everyone has sinful tendencies and some delusions to overcome, that's part of our spiritual journey here. We are here to learn and overcome our selfishness, not just give up and pick a path that is conducive to our sins.




Excellent post.



>people who make me uncomfortable are sinners

what about the sin of stupidity



Transgenderism makes you uncomfortable first of all. Otherwise you wouldn't fixate on it so hard, you wouldn't hurt because of it.

Gender itself, is a barrier to be overcome in the act of Theosis. It is not something that defines you, and is of the flesh (physical, ego based).

By sinning, you're distancing yourself from God. It's not a punishment for breaking some heavy rules, you're hurting yourself, and you will pay the price.



The girl in flag related.

Goddess of discord and chaos.

She is absurdly powerful but you can't demand anything of her except for her to shake things up for you over and over.



Since when is OP giving up on God? OP is giving up on mainstream Christianity.



any decent monotheistic system will have a basic moral framework that discourages homosexuality and discourages indulging in self-delusions and discourages indulging in lust for lust's sake



Stop looking at porn, stop watching anime, stop reading tumblr, and stop hearing what you want to hear. Science and religion doesn't want you sterile and disfigured.



Christianity won't have answers for you I'm afraid and it's followers will only look down on you. Abrahamic faiths are unnatural growth on the body of mankind, contradicting natural laws and seeking enslavement of our species, be it under the sign of cross or some other. On the other hand paganism is truly the natural religion of mankind and there is ample evidence for pagan religions that fully embraced queer people. On the other hand they were usually considered a natural born shamans and priests, a view sadly absent from modern day materialistic LGBT community.


>everyone has sinful tendencies and some delusions to overcome

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


>It is not something that defines you, and is of the flesh (physical, ego based).

Then what's wrong with being transgender?


>monotheistic system

Monism's where it's at. And "basic moral framework" is just another means of control over people. Any decent esoteric system which empowers the practitioner instead of enslaving them will tell you that.

>discourages homosexuality

Homosexuality is perfectly natural and healthy. As much as any sexuality is natural and healthy as such things are a tremendous energy investment. Energy that could be better spent elsewhere.

>discourages indulging in self-delusions and discourages indulging in lust for lust's sake

Not seeing any connection to OP's condition.


>Stop looking at porn, stop watching anime, stop reading tumblr, and stop hearing what you want to hear

Why do you assume OP does any of that?


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>"everyone has sinful tendencies…to overcome"

>And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

You realize when the speaker says "everyone" it includes the speaker as well? So that verse doesn't apply, but thanks for your concern.

>Monism's where it's at. And "basic moral framework" is just another means of control over people. Any decent esoteric system which empowers the practitioner instead of enslaving them will tell you that.

By empower you mean degenerate him with hedonism, entangle him in maya, and confuse the natural function of his sex and genitalia.

>Homosexuality is perfectly natural and healthy

May God have mercy on you and open your eyes.




Homosexuality and transgenderism do not imply hedonism. One can be in a monogamous gay marriage (the term which Christianity doesn't have monopoly on as marriage is far older than any Abrahamic faith). Heterosexuality can be as much "degenerate" as homosexuality, but neither is in it's nature. Of course both are hedonistic in the sense of gratifying the craving for sex, no matter how restricted the actual intercourse is.

>entangle him in maya

Do not use words the connotations of which you do not understand. Heterosexuality is as much "maya" as any sexuality and as any gender. Maya denotes the plane of being in which the consciousness thinks of itself as a doer separate from other beings with limited cognition and power and being limited in time and space. Being heterosexual binds you to further incarnations as much as being homosexual.

>confuse the natural function of his sex and genitalia

But homosexuality exists in nature in abundance, and have existed in mankind since it's conception. Not sure how it can be unnatural.

May you stop grasping on your limited concepts as if they meant anything :^)



Just noticed your flag. Rawn Clark, who is an author of Bardon companion and who has knowledge of this system unrivalled by anyone as he worked it to it's utmost extent, explicitly stated that sexual orientation is not an obstacle on IIH and that all are welcomed on the path of Hermetics. Maybe consider changing your flag to one of the Christian ones. Just not the gnostic one, as Gnostics also harboured ideas you would feel uncomfortable with.


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>leaving Christianity because God made me transgendered and will not remedy this problem

Perhaps you're not made to be remedied. Is that heartless? How many countless million people have lived their entire lives broken by spina bifida, or spasticity, or any other of a long list of diseases and conditions, including gender dysphoria? Do you think them all failures because they refused to curse God but instead accepted their trial with grace? How much deeper were their lives in God because of their ailments and suffering, that they cried out at first to be healed, but later in glorying in Him? And HOW GLORIOUS are their crowns that they accepted their trials with gratitude and ended their days knowing God more deeply than most will ever.

And you would throw this life away because it hurts?

Is life all about you? Is that all that the years of attending church have taught you? I suspect that this is your truth. You were born with a peins but so desperately feel a woman, or vicky versa, and because you think this life is "all about me", you deserve to be that woman (or man) you dream of being, instead of whatever God made you to be.

It seems you've made up your mind, but you ought to consider what might have been, what you willingly give up. God may have made you different inside, but what you choose to make of that is your choice. Just know that there is no crown for choosing to follow whatever desires we want. I'm sorry no one in the Church managed to convince you of that.



God didn't make you transgender you have autism or some mental disorder and liberals kept telling you over and over and over again that you are a girl and you ended up believing it



Na-uh sheepie, if you suffer it's wrong to do anything about it because Bible tells us so! Now be a good goy and don't think for yourself, will you?


You make it sound as transgenderism is a new thing.


OP here. Posting as a general update for collective society to learn from.

I have worked things out, with the good Shepherd. I am a Christian, still, but perhaps more of a "monotheistic" Christian, with more respect for the descriptions of God found specifically in the book of Genesis and Exodus. I don't think my perceptions generally line up with any 'denomination' of Christianity. Perhaps quakers, or Gnostic Christianity if anything.

I view God's authority as above my own authority. I do not necessarily feel that God is against my transgenderism, or ever was, but rather previously I had felt that He was intent on forcing me to suffer, or creating me for the purpose of suffering and dishonor.

Some suffering and dishonor I would gladly tolerate, and view it as a badge of honor….however it was the "amount" that I feel God wanted me to suffer, or may require of me in the future.

I still maintain that God is altruistic, and that He would not create me for suffering and "dishonor", which might be the accusation put forth against me by a "Bible-believing" individual.

I could relinquish Transgenderism or any other sort of belief concerning myself for God (taking up my cross), but I am not sure exactly how God feels on the subject and to what extent God wants me to "take up my cross".

I think 'reality' agrees with me, moreso than the Bible on the subject of 'transgenderism'.

However, I also think that reality agrees with God rather than me on other subjects, such as God's gifts to me versus God's requirements of suffering and worldly dishonor…or perhaps God's perception of me, which was probably more favorable than I have thought in the past, or think now.

I feel that God wants to test me, and that I am actually guilty of "testing" God, amongst a number of other sins such as rebellion against authority and the lack of empathy for those close to me, or failing to "honor my mother and father".

One problem with me, is that I don't like when God "tests" me, but I feel that it is unfortunately necessary for God to do this, for whatever special reasons and purposes He has in mind. I have more I could say, but will cut this explanation short here.

In the end, I feel that I was a bit wrong about God's perception towards me such as wanting me to suffer and suffer dishonor, and I was also wrong about God, such as painting Him out to be a villain. Perhaps I was just kind of having a "tantrum" against Him, to my embarrassment and dishonor.

in the end I feel that Christianity is probably the closest religion to the truth about God, and that God is, at the end of the day, an "altruistic" deity.



"The word may have its origin in the Aramaic language, but numerous conflicting folk etymologies are associated with it.

The word Abracadabra may derive from an Aramaic phrase meaning "I create as I speak."[1] This etymology is dubious, however, as אברא כדברא in Aramaic is more reasonably translated "I create like the word." In the Hebrew language, the phrase translates more accurately as "it came to pass as it was spoken."[2]

"[A]bracadabra may comprise the abbreviated forms of the Hebrew words Av (Father), Ben (Son) and Ruach Ha Codesch (Holy Spirit), though an alternative derivation relates the word to Abraxas, a god with snakes for feet who was worshiped in Alexandria."[3] David Pickering's description of the word as an abbreviation from Hebrew is also a false etymology—as he apparently here means Aramaic (בר is Aramaic for "son", it is בן in Hebrew, although בר is an honorific form), nor does he account for the final five letters (i.e., -dabra) in the lexeme."

^I figured this, concerning the etymology of Crowley's "Abrahadabra" was based on the book of Genesis and Hebrew scholarship. (I.E…. "I create like the word.")

The book of Genesis tells us that the Father spoke creation into being… (I.E…. "Let there be light.")

Regarding Crowley: Crowley went to Egypt, where he says he communed with a certain god in the pyramid of giza. I have also heard the "conspiracy theory' that the Hebrew God was actually an egyptian god which the Jews came to know while in Egypt, although the book of Genesis and Exodus appears to tell us otherwise. (Abraham coming from the land of Ur to the "Holy Land"…)

Regarding theories: I've heard other such theories, such as the theory that the actual "God of Israel" during the time of the temple (circa) and the time of King David (circa) was "triune" in nature, (like the Christian Trinitarian 'Godhead') ….this claim being recorded somewhere but not in 'popular history' or not explicitly boldly articulated to us in the scriptures.

Unfortunately, I read these 'theories' on the internet. The internet, I find, tbh has the worst reputation ever for accuracy. Most shite I've heard on the internet and not elsewhere has been complete nonsense.


Perhaps, it may be so. I may be delusional, but then again the nature of "delusion" may be brought about through spirits or by spiritual means. In my opinion, if Christianity or Abrahamic religion is true, the devil must work 24/7 around the clock just fabricating and fabricating delusions and false realities for people to be deceived by, with the help of (most certainly) a great multitude of spirits and a great multitude of creation's resources for this purpose.

I am not sure whether or not 'magic' or 'sex magic' is a "more true" direction. I have a tendency to avoid magic, and generally avoid things that the Bible says to avoid.


My particular problem, is I feel the suffering is too much for me to bear. Jesus did bear suffering as well, but many other Christians did not bear 'as much' suffering, and many Christians also actually did bear more suffering than Jesus, as Jesus proclaimed they would in the book of John.

>John 14:12

>"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."

I am reasoning and being honest with God, and I think this has intrinsic value in itself. I don't think, if God is omnipotent, that He is going to screw over believers (like I believe satan screws over his followers) and the Bible tells us that God will not present us with more suffering than we are able to bear. For me, I am telling God that it is more than I can bear. (I generally do not believe the Bible, but believe that Christianity/Abrahamic religion represents a religion which was recorded only in partial-truths in the Bible, and that regarding the true nature of this religion and the true natures of God and Jesus, we can only say something to the effect of, "The truth is out there."



>with no support, with no meaning to your life or basis for morality and you will crumble.

I think this is ultimately correct, anon, but I think that forces opposite to God such as satanic forces are more than willing to assist a person who has come to the knowledge of Jesus and God, so that the devil can gain whatever sort of power he can. Before I was a believer, the devil never approached me, but then after I became a believer, the devil started trying to make all of these deals with me and generally harasses the shite out of me.

I think there are other forces which will assist us, aside from God, but that they do not match up to God, and that if God makes a decision objecting to these "lesser forces", there is nothing that the lesser forces can really do against God.

My problem is that, I feel God represents Himself and His Kingdom and His People, but does not necessarily represent altruism and represent things which I want and which are in my favor.

In my experience, dealing with lesser-spiritual-forces, such as demonic entities or satanic forces or pagan spirits… they themselves are all too eager to actually f*ck humans over any chance they can get, but I've heard that there may be temporary gratification through "antichrist" means such as 'deals with satan', black magic, temporary communing with pagan/idolatrous spirits, etc…. I also understand that part of being a wizard, or at least what Crowley's 'spell' seems to indicate is that you can "summon" spirits or force them into slavery to do various sorts of things such as hurt people, or (what is popular on 4chan) 'summon a succubus' (just a few examples I'm familiar with off the top of my head…)

I don't actually believe that hurting anybody, or even forcing spirits into slavery is right or an advisable thing to do. If I was an evil person like that, then my argument that God fails to be altruistic would just be hypocrisy or something on my behalf.


Regarding "transgender": I obviously don't agree with the Bible's definitions for 'sin' in its totality. I generally view a "sin", as anything which violates Jesus's command to "love". I don't necessarily view being transgendered, or sexual lust as sinful. I may be wrong. I do, however, personally view adultery as something that is sinful.

>Luke 11:41

>"But give as alms those things that are within, and behold, everything is clean for you."

>John 13:34

>"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."

>Galatians 3:28

>"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

…regarding Galatians 3:28, I've heard the argument online that what Paul the Apostle is referring to in this scripture is that, 'for salvation', "there is no male or female", as in it is open to both men and women. This person was saying that this passage does not necessarily say "everybody is intersex".





>"act of Theosis"

I think that this is a very powerful point, which might indeed be something God is trying to teach me.


>"The girl in flag related."

What does this mean? Interesting. It seems like the deceptive spirits might be trying to do that to me under the guise of helping me, by consistently "shaking things up on me". It's like getting high off of a life of discord and chaos.


Do you have any recommendations in literature?


Something I find very interesting is the prescriptions for the tolerance of "transgendered" individuals in Islam.


As much as I love the LGBT community (they may be the persecuted, misunderstood social justice warriors, indeed), I find some of them (democrats, shills) to be insufferable. I probably owe the LGBT community (and democrats) more than I would ever realize, however, in their defense.


>And "basic moral framework" is just another means of control over people. Any decent esoteric system which empowers the practitioner instead of enslaving them will tell you that.

I find this to be a very interesting point.


>"Why do you assume OP does any of that?"

I actually stopped watching porn a long time ago. Anime and Tumblr, I still do. I've heard the conspiracy theory that Anime is a secret weapon to do harm to Western culture.

I stopped watching porn before becoming a believer. Ironically, being a believer caused me to start watching porn again. Life just got too good after a while, strangely enough. Being a believer "recharged" my sexual drive, but I may have made the decision to start watching porn again independent of 'being a believer', actually. I haven't 'really watched porn recently, but will probably do so in the future, unless God tells me not to or I feel I shouldn't.


>"By empower you mean degenerate him with hedonism, entangle him in maya, and confuse the natural function of his sex and genitalia."

Regarding this, I would generally agree with >>101210


Sometimes I fear that 'Jesuit shills' are active on the chans for shilling reasons reading scripts printed up by Catholic Church typists.

Obviously I am for the "more noble" cause, and I am for "what's right", rather than just satisfying my own desires and lusts. However, I do take your post seriously, anon.

I feel that ultimately God most certainly agrees with me, and is an "altruistic entity". I fear that in this world, all sorts of spirits are at work to delude us and lead us away from what is right, and control and manipulate for their purposes which may not always be in our best interests.

I am not accusing God of this, but I am accusing 'dogmatists' and I am accusing spirits who hi-jack mankind's dogma for less than noble, and possibly unholy purposes upon humanity, and possibly even upon God.


This isn't the case. I've known since very young ages, like before I ever started public education, which I believe is the method conspiracy theorists say is the place by which liberals would try to indoctrinate people.



> I don't think my perceptions generally line up with any 'denomination' of Christianity. Perhaps quakers, or Gnostic Christianity if anything.

>In the end, I feel that I was a bit wrong about God's perception towards me such as wanting me to suffer and suffer dishonor, and I was also wrong about God, such as painting Him out to be a villain. Perhaps I was just kind of having a "tantrum" against Him, to my embarrassment and dishonor.

They don't line up with Gnosticism either tbqh.

Have you considered your condition via the lens of Gnostic Christianity? I.e. - the world of matter (and your body) as a creation of mad Demiurge, your personality as a gift of Sophia and your soul as creation of Logos?

In this world view, there would be no contradiction between your gender dysphoria and God. You suffer because this world of matter is cruel and evil, gender dysphoria is just another failed creation of Demiurge, the only way out is to leave matter. God isn't testing you because God (of matter) is evil.


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>Sometimes I fear that 'Jesuit shills' are active on the chans for shilling reasons reading scripts printed up by Catholic Church typists.

Not Jesuit, not Catholicks, not shill, not taking running sheet from anyone. I did get linked to this thread tho'.

>Obviously I am for the "more noble" cause, and I am for "what's right", rather than just satisfying my own desires and lusts. However, I do take your post seriously, anon.

>I feel that ultimately God most certainly agrees with me, and is an "altruistic entity". I fear that in this world, all sorts of spirits are at work to delude us and lead us away from what is right, and control and manipulate for their purposes which may not always be in our best interests.

>I am not accusing God of this, but I am accusing 'dogmatists' and I am accusing spirits who hi-jack mankind's dogma for less than noble, and possibly unholy purposes upon humanity, and possibly even upon God.

It's sad to see you self-justify by accusing everyone else of being deluded by "spirits" when the only basis for you believing all these things is your own personal intuition.

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