E R I S 06/29/17 (Thu) 06:15:56 No. 101172
I feel like Eris is trying all the time to break through my barriers and get at me. A little thought centered upon Eris and she's coming through hard and fast like no other deity ever will. I want to get away from Eris but it's so fucking hard. I just want to get some shit sorted already so my life doesn't have to be a never end roller-coaster ride of unstoppable chaos but I can't. Eris is the only one that listens. Eris is the only who can force me to submit. Eris is the only power and authority in my life. Eris needs to give me a break but I can't make any connections to anything else.
06/29/17 (Thu) 06:24:16 No. 101176
This is now an Eris thread. Stop trying to get away from Goddess.
06/29/17 (Thu) 06:55:56 No. 101180
sounds like a demon
06/29/17 (Thu) 08:51:12 No. 101184
Chaos is the order in this world.
OP here, the more I think about it, I'm all so fucked up right now, and I just want to get things straight, but maybe I better just let Eris have her way with me tonight.
06/29/17 (Thu) 09:54:08 No. 101189
Don't do it, silly mundane. Don't you see that Eris is merely a demon tulpa trying to suck your loosh. Remove all attention from eris asap and meditate on other things. Send out the intention that she is gone. Also stop looking at all those semi sexy eris cartoon pics you deranged neophyte. Otherwise create a new tulpa that will protect you from that Eris faggot if you have the loosh for it.
06/30/17 (Fri) 21:11:41 No. 101265
Eris is doing nothing. You are fixating on her and thus drawing your mind closer to her.
You don't want to leave you alone, you want to understand her.
Stop lying to yourself and seek the truth.
06/30/17 (Fri) 23:39:44 No. 101271
Eris, to me, is a, or, the concept of chaos, the eight pointed star, not choas in the sense of corruption but chaos as in dissolution, disbanding, spreading, like a bell struck, the vibration moving from its point of origin expanding in all directions.
If you can't master chaos, how can you hope to master order?
07/02/17 (Sun) 13:11:06 No. 101328
That's cool OP. I have a waifu too.
07/02/17 (Sun) 19:33:07 No. 101342
What exactly is it that She is doing? The only thing that seems going on here to me is you are just really horny for cartoons or a particular mindset. Are you sure this is really a /fringe/ topic? Or are you just fetishizing?
07/03/17 (Mon) 09:16:21 No. 101360
I think he was just being horny over the cartoon. After he fapped to it he probably stopped giving a fuck and even forgot the thread.
07/04/17 (Tue) 04:18:25 No. 101404
Eris is the only power. Chaos is inescapable.
07/04/17 (Tue) 06:22:39 No. 101419
>Controlled chaos
somethings not right here
09/05/17 (Tue) 10:35:26 No. 107803
If Eris is flirting with you, she wants you do lead the dance.
If you cant contain her and have her laugh at the same time, youre fucked.
09/05/17 (Tue) 10:38:34 No. 107805
Eris is one part of creation, expression, force, female, if you cant contain it with boundaries, logic, reasoning, if you cant hold her so she can manifest on your conditions youll go mad.
If you can, wew. Wew.
09/08/17 (Fri) 11:23:45 No. 108406
Eris to me is strife and power. She rides behind armies, fascinated by the way that power changes as they move. Fascinated by all the things that mortals do when their lives are upended. Yet where armies do not move, Eris does not send them; in times of peace, she is still watching the struggles of man with fascination. Not her struggles, but our own. She is fascinated not by the suffering she causes, but by the suffering we cause. Eris sells us rope!
09/08/17 (Fri) 20:06:16 No. 108493
so u be sayin'
will bring about
10/15/17 (Sun) 01:32:24 No. 110826
Eris isn't real.
Chaos is just that, chaos.
10/15/17 (Sun) 02:11:41 No. 110827
>>110826 Let kenneth and others..fap to whatever 2d waifu's they want!
10/15/17 (Sun) 05:19:27 No. 110828
Rolled 2, 1, 3, 2, 5, 8, 6, 7, 3, 2, 2, 2, 8, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 4, 7, 5, 7, 8, 1, 6, 5, 3, 5, 4, 2 + 16 = 155 (31d8)
modern representations of eris perpetuated by billy and mandy are aryan goddess tier. this raises to mind the brewing civil unrest of sweden and other euro states. slut prolly doesn't even care if she gets BLACKED
10/16/17 (Mon) 15:18:56 No. 110883
There's prostitutes and people in the sex industry that won't fuck niggers. Eris isn't a coal burner. [ - ] adding "blacked" to the word filter.
10/16/17 (Mon) 17:10:23 No. 110890
Eris fucks niggas, aliens, and all manner of other sentient beings.
10/16/17 (Mon) 20:10:47 No. 110900
10/16/17 (Mon) 20:50:15 No. 110904
10/17/17 (Tue) 00:35:00 No. 110911
10/17/17 (Tue) 00:36:59 No. 110912
Getting rid of this whole thread. BTW eris isn't a coal burner. [ - ]
11/02/17 (Thu) 17:00:10 No. 111373
>eris isn't a coal burner
Eris does whatever the fuck she wants.
09/26/18 (Wed) 06:30:03 No. 125283
The joke religion is about not going broke over an emergency room visit.
05/01/19 (Wed) 17:54:55 No. 130673
File: 0385cafcc121003⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.12 KB, 750x842, 375:421, toilet_fart_by_navi02_dd04….jpg )
That is scary desu.
05/01/19 (Wed) 18:37:08 No. 130676
05/01/19 (Wed) 20:21:49 No. 130680
Gotta love Eris. 23 all day, baby. But, it bores her to stop at just her. There are more gods of chaos out there, and order is as much a part of her will as disorder, remember.
What I'm saying is, I'll hail Eris until the day I'm in the grave and then after that as some sort of chaos ghost, but she will appreciate it if you spice things up.
>I can't make connections to anything else
Superglue is sold at every hardware store. Problem solved!
05/01/19 (Wed) 22:23:04 No. 130685
>hard and fast
I bet you did.
05/02/19 (Thu) 00:19:26 No. 130691
Cartoon porn is so retarded. You have to be a mindfucked monarch mindcontrol zombie to actually like that shit
05/02/19 (Thu) 05:05:48 No. 130701
>implying drawings will ever be as attractive as Eris Lordess of Discordia
Hail Brothers! Eris howls at you! Smell her scent, the odor of discontent. She will be upon you soon brothers, be prepared.
05/02/19 (Thu) 15:33:13 No. 130715
If you don't like it, don't fap to it.
It's that simple.
Idgaf what someone gets off too. Cartoons are harmless.
05/02/19 (Thu) 15:58:01 No. 130716
Excuse me for not enjoying the company of MK ultra'd fucktards.
05/02/19 (Thu) 23:18:14 No. 130730
>if you don’t like heroin after trying it a couple of times, just don’t do it anymore
You’re oversimplifying a complex issue.
05/03/19 (Fri) 02:09:20 No. 130741
>jacking off to cartoons is a hard habit to break, like heroin
You've gotta be fucking kidding me
07/09/19 (Tue) 03:52:33 No. 133183
not easy when psycotronic weapons are used on you to get you to like it
as long as it is cartoons/hentai and not loli i dont mind
07/10/19 (Wed) 05:16:16 No. 133246
Im curious, the first time you really SAW Eris, what did she look like to you? Describe the encounter for me.
I first truly met her in the mid day forest. She was barefoot dressed in a tight black corset with long golden hair and vibrant green eyes. She sat with one leg crossed over the other on an old tree stump. By her feet and the ground hundreds of spiders crawled and built their webs. The birds were chirping in the trees and they would fly down to her finger as she sang with them.
At one point she looked at me fiercly but kindly, and in between her legs, covering her crotch was a large golden apple. Truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
As a discordian ive taken to sometimes calling Eris the "Eternal Whore", this name seems to please her also.
I hear that howl and hold it in my heart. Eris is here brother.
07/11/19 (Thu) 05:17:11 No. 133291
SAGE! 07/12/19 (Fri) 03:22:51 No. 133327
Eris probably made you say that ya clueless bastard
SAGE! 07/16/19 (Tue) 05:51:31 No. 133444
First time I saw Eris she pulled herself out of my wall clock and vomited rubber snakes on the ground.
07/21/19 (Sun) 10:49:43 No. 133679
I've been checking out different entities and gods for a while now in search for one to work with. Eris is one of those who I feel the best about. I've checked out discordianism and like it, but it't too vague and too general. I wanna work with Eris directly and see her and communicate with her, not just be a random chaos mage. How should one who is interested go about it?
07/22/19 (Mon) 16:50:24 No. 133725
Literally just do it. Just want to work with her and do stuff you think would please her. Ponder her mysteries, appreciate her glory. She will find you, and if she doesnt, that just means she dont wanna reveal herself. Remember this is the Goddess of Chaos. Some ancients even believed there were two Eris's, one of love and one of war so to speak. The point I wish to get at there is the idea that she can be a real bitch sometimes. Perhaps her fun comes from not revealing herself to you?
As for Discordianism being too vague and general, you are a Pope of the religion so you have absolute say over it. If you want it to be more specific just make it that way for you, and then tell all of us dumbasses about how we are stupid and you know the real Discordianism.
Some practical advice: when I decided I wanted to start working with Eris I took an empty water bottle and filled it with a bunch of random ingredients from my fridge. It looked absolutely fucking disgusting but upon taste was actually quite sweet. Eris is found in doing more than wanting. Chaos: make something happen.
Eris bless.
07/22/19 (Mon) 18:34:30 No. 133730
Thanks, a surprisingly clear and helpful reply from a discordian. I expected to be trolled or be presented with a riddleor sth tbh.
I want to embrace both the love and the war Eris. But I can't just start "being in", even if I'm a pope and part of the Fenderson family, it feels half-assed and not real. I need to come up with fnord sort of initiation for myself first.
I've got a couple more question if you care to answer them.
1. Is an altar for her recommended or something like that?
2. I wonder about Chaos in comparison to madness and insanity. Is Eris a mad and insane god, or "just" chaotic? Where does one end and the other begin anyway? I always keep thinking of the mad god Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls when thinking about Eris. Weird, unpredictable, babbles nonsense often or talks in riddles, can either help you or just fuck you up, like to prank and annoy mundanes in both harmless and deadly ways.
07/22/19 (Mon) 19:31:35 No. 133734
1. An altar probably wouldnt hurt but I dont use one. I have a glass paperweight in the shape of a golden apple and thats what I use as a sort of anchor when I feel I need one.
2. Eris is chaos, chaos contains order and disorder. If you are connecting to a mad babbling Goddess that is probably what she is showing of herself to you.
SAGE! 07/24/19 (Wed) 18:52:24 No. 133783
Just look at all these virgins circle-jerking over their imaginary gangbang gf. I'll fuck Eris violently in my mind tonight, then throw her limp body into a ditch full of pig shit. The loosh is mine, goyim!