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File: d77b61b69e15d37⋯.jpg (121.49 KB, 988x1024, 247:256, Siener-van-Rensburg-3-988x….jpg)


Who knows anything about this guy?

I have been trying to look up info and I am not finding too much. I can't find his source predictions.


>Prophecies from 1899 until his death in 1926:


>* The outcome of the Boer War.

>* The Great ‘Flu epidemic of 1918.

>* England’s loss of all her colonies.

>* Independence for Ireland.

>* The atomic disaster at Chernobyl on April 26 1986.

>* Lady Di’s death The divorce and tragic death of “a beautiful English Lady in a car accident who would be mourned by the whole world.”

>* Civil war in Bosnia.

>* Dr HF Verwoerd, former Prime Minister, will die at the hand of a close friend.

>* The release of Nelson Mandela by ex-President FW de Klerk.

>* The Necklace Murders by blacks against blacks

>* South Africa will be governed by a black government.


Someone redpill me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

he looked into the akashic record and wrote down what he saw, same with edgar cayce or any other "prophet"

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