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Wanna fuck her but she don't wanna fuck me, don't feel like going to jail. Give me something /fringe/.


Of course you can work with negative emotions, oppression and so on. Use power on her. Neglect her, threaten her, withdraw your love from her. I am pretty sure if you embrace the dark side you will find a way to "force" her to have sex with you.

A lot of times a sister will do everything to preserve family peace and love between parents and siblings. Use slow and subtle manipulation day after day. What I personally would do, and this is my biggest art and strongest weapon, is to ignore and neglect her and take all my love from her. Make her feel that she will lose you nd your grace forever if she doesn't colaborate. But be cunning and don't tell her straight out that she must fuck you. You gotta feel into it. Also you can go a steap ahead and not only indirectly attack her, but all her relationships, including family and friends. Sow your seeds of fear, anger and doubt everywhere you can. Sooner or later her psyche will not be able to deal with this, and she will have sex with you just to keep the relationship to you and others alive.

Do not use physical force or drugs for this. Don't force her with violence, don't rape her. This will never work out and you will destroy only yourself. Use your mind instead.



This will most likely work because she is your sister and you have a very strong bond with her. It would not work so easily with your gf or cousin or friend.

Remember, the stronger the bond between you and another person is, the more they trust you and the more they NEED you…the more you can manipulate them. Simply take yourself away and watch them suffer. They will come back to you, begging you and being ready to do everything you wish for just so they don't lose you forever.

If she loves you very much and needs you as a brother in her life, she will be easily coaxed into having sex with you..maybe even as often as you want.

But be careful. Analyze the situation at all times. Don't rush things, don't make her hate you or even report you. If she is strong and smart she will be immune to your powergames and she will destroy you instead. Better if she is needy and insecure. The needy and insecure are easy to convince.


Do what he they said above, because this does not harm free will.

Keep away from violating free will through magic, spells, sigils, thought forms, violence and whatever. If you violate anothers free will, woe unto you, you foolish mundane, the universe will destroy you.

But the thecnique described above is good because it doesn't violate free will. She will always have a choice and will always act upon her free will. When she is weak and a victim and falls for your tricks it is her fault only. She could have used her free will to be strong and not react to you. No free will broken the universe will not punish you.

Never use black magick to force her. Never forget you cannot violate the free will of others…but of course you can put a little pressure on them, and bend them so that they use their free will just as you intend.



What you do with your life is up to you and I can only try to debate some things you said. Acting like a sociopath to get to do incest won't lead to a good outcome and there's no way around it.

If you want to live thinking that way it is up to you but I think that you aren't fully understanding the consequences. I think you don't even need occult knowledge to see how this (>>101324 >>101325) is a really bad idea. Or maybe you're just kidding an I'm not getting it.

So OP, of course the technique described would work and maybe it's the easiest way. Anyway it's just knowledge and there isn't much more to say. But don't think that doing it won't make you miserable. The wise thing to do would be getting over that desire and learn what is causing it. It is the hard path and the one that will bring a valuable reward.



Of course the method I suggested is not perfectly good or clear of Karma, but it's the best I could think of. I don't think there is a positive or "good" way to make his sister have sex with him unless she is very open minded and free of judgement, which I think she is not. Most people are ignorant to ideas that are different or threaten their world views or the safe space of their ego. Me personally I don't see what is wrong with sharing deep intimate love with your own sister. I think it would sctually be better than with strangers, like your regular girlfriend or wife, because your sister knows you better than anyone else and the bond between both of you is stronger and you share a love that you cannot share with anybody else. Surely a sister who is not a mundane ignorant would be open to much more things, she would understand way better and love less conditionally. As long as you don't create children together, why deprive a man of his sisters love? How is his sister worse than a random chick he picks up at the bowling club?(except for the child stuff of course)

And because people are so ignorant, you have to use a few "evil" techniques to get your way every now and then. I personally would not do this to my own sister, but if OP asks then I help. The whole world runs on manipulation techniques like this.


>sociopath plaedians

>believing in karma

>why my sister no think me sexy

lol this board

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