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> The other title and appellation, is the Father, because of his making all things; for it is the part of a Father to make.

> Therefore, it hath been the greatest and most Religious care in this life, to them that are Wise, and well-minded, to beget children .

>As likewise it is the greatest misfortune and impiety, for any to be separated from men, without children; and this man is punished after Death by the Demons, and the punishment is this: To have the Soul of this childless man, adjudged and condemned, to a Body that neither hath the nature of a man, nor of a woman, which is an accursed thing under the Sun.

>Therefore, O Asclepius, never congratulate any man that is childless; but on the contrary pity his misfortune, knowing what punishment abides, and is prepared for him. – The Divine Pymander, book 9; A UNIVERSAL SERMON TO ASCLEPIUS.

How many kids are you planning to have? I think 3 would be a good number for me. Not sure if I should racemix with my asian girlfriend or hold out for a european girl…thoughts?

And is it it's safe to say that gays, trannies, and mgtows will visit hell and then be reborn as some sort of androgynous "cursed" creature?


Who brainwashed you into thinking that you need to have children, or else you go to hell?

No if you don't have children you will not go to hell, not be punished by demons and not be reborn as a wicked creature. Your world view seems very fear based and brainwashed, almost like you are a sheeple, a mere matrix slave.



>who said so

Hermes said so, as quoted in The Divine Pymander, book 9 titled: A Universal Sermon to Asclepius.


>Your world view seems very fear based and brainwashed, almost like you are a sheeple, a mere matrix slave.

Why are you afraid of having children?



I am not afraid of having children. Whatever God wills, I shall do. Whereever the Creator guides me, I shall go there. However I think every human lifepath is unique and some are here to have children, some not. It is very, very hard for me to believe that childless mgtows or the various monk celibates around the world will all go to hell and be punished. Especially since we all know that the universe doesn't work in that way.

I suggest you educate yourself even more. You have read the text you are refering to, but now you believe it to be the truth. Read much more books and meditate and think for yourself and then only make a judgement. Thinking for yourself is the greatest gift we have, use it.

Read the Kabaliyon, read the Bible, read the Holographic Universe, read about buddhism and much more. Only with this broad knowledge and understanding you will see a bigger part of the picture. If then you STILL think that you need to have children, come back and we can talk again.


I don't think it's wise to believe strongly something you have not verified for yourself through experience or thoughtful intuition, so I'm not going to have children out of some holy obligation. I find it more optimal for myself to be a perfect balance between good and evil, rather than tipping the scale to one side or another. That being said, I wouldn't mind raising children. I have a lot of issues to work through before I could take on such a responsibility, but the married life does seem wonderful. But I'm not going to stress about it now, what happens will happen.



Someone wrote it is a statement without time. This a child comment


>reborn as a cursed, androgynous being

Well, that doesn't sound like a punishment to me. Ask yourself, is Hermes' idea of a punishment really a punishment to you? Honestly it sounds like he's trying to say that mentally growing as an android will likely end as you reincarnating as an androgynous being, like some sort of emotionally intelligent robot. Now, to me, a life without 3D succubi is a damn good deal, but for a normalfag like Tipp, it may as well be suicide. So, I don't know Hermes, but who's to say he was a "wizard" in the schizoid way, he couldn've been chad for all we know



You don't know who Hermes Trismegistus was?

Though I will note, the current record of the Pymander could very likely have been corrupted and its original meaning lost. This translation reeks of Christianity.



>this translation reeks of Christianity

except Paul recommended celibacy over marriage.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck off demiurge.



Only to those who could stand it. For anyone who could not conquer their lust (most people), marriage was strongly recommended. In fact, it's a Sacrament. And I meant that this seems very Christian more because it professes some form of holy punishment as a result of disobeying the specific commands of a Father. Based on the Hermetic Principles alone, we can assert confidently that the true Creator of this universe does not care so much about every man bearing children that people would be punished for not doing so. And if every man took a wife and had children, a number of unfortunate things would transpire. Human evolution would cease to take place, we would quickly run out of resources, many families would be torn apart by men who were never meant to be fathers, smaller populations would be destroyed by their inevitable inbreeding, etc. The list goes on, and you are stupid for taking doctrines seriously without considering them intuitively and logically first. That is Occult 101, basic stuff that everybody who has spent at least a week involved in occult research should know. Be less blind.



punishing mgtows and NEETs makes sense tbh, of course God would take into consideration each individual case, but as a general principal it is very true and occult and you sound triggered by the reality of it.


MGTOWS, NEETS, MONKS and all the likes do contribute naturally to population control, which is a good thing. Bonus for them, they have a way better life with much less stress and problems and much more freedom than those "victims" who "sacrifice" themselves to keep humanity going by creating familys and becoming slaves.

Too bad that today the lesser races, the masses of braindead retards all breed like crazy and don't care about population control at all, while the people of intelligence all stay away from having children and creating familys.

This is almost sad because the world will still be massively overpopulated, but only by shitheads and all the higher people will be gone. Well, maybe it is even better that way? The idiots can have this earth, they are creating a hell and they can have it all for themselves.



Nah, I plan on having kids. I just see no necessity for spiritual punishment in general, that sounds like a very man-made concept. The All, by nature, doesn't care. YHWH might care but isn't God in the sense of a Creator. Perhaps there could be inherent spiritual consequences, but that is a great deal different from punishments. The most accomplished saints and wizards, in general, did not have families, and if this were a power derived from some all-powerful Father archetype, it would be a reward for their holy and pious lives. But they can't be rewarded if such lives are deserving of eternal punishment for their childlessness. This is not a logically sound doctrine and you should stop taking it so seriously for no reason.



>And the meek will inherit the earth.

Still, I would not be able to say I could leave without regrets if such events transpired. It just doesn't seem right that after progress and development of the mind and technology must come another dark age of stupidity and war.

As seen before, through history, such seems inevitable now.

You know what? I think if there's a creation essence out there it is laughing at us. Created for it's amusement as we bite each other's throats like a pack of wild animals. Even with sapience of understanding why it's wrong, humanity does so anyway. A base world attracting base consciousness.



>A base world attracting base consciousness.

This is why I have no regrets. I don't even see a point to continue our efforts in this base world. I don't think earth will snap out of it anytime soon and I don't think it will change it's horrible course of degeneracy. Better then to pack our souls, leave this place, incarnate somewhere else and live happily ever after. A place where I would have a good feeling of putting children out into the world, if anything at all. Maybe we will just float in eternal nothingness forever, who knows.

Also I don't think creation is laughing at us. Yes at humanity for sure, but not at us two individuals. I sure think that creation recognizes our wisdom not to want to stay here on this earth and create more slaves who will suffer because of eternal degeneracy.



It just seems counter intuitive to say the least. Surely, everything happens with due reason within the cosmos that we reside in. Ergo, our being here must be for purpose as well. As my only instinct in such regard echoes in my head "create goodness" I can't help but feel that such thoughts I conceive betray my path.

I am on the way to be a teacher in the practical world. If life would be so cruel as to cast a design that would leave me without biological line I pray that it is not cruel enough that would deny me passing on the dna of my very soul.

I guess that's all I can really work towards now.


OP you need to pay attention to all the literature about not mixing blood. Do you want to be reborn Elliot Rodgers in the next life? …and as an adrogynous abomination in the next life after that since you'll never conceive a child? …and then who knows what after that? This is quite a slippery slope.

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