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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: de27ff641b34405⋯.webm (7.96 MB, 854x480, 427:240, car ride.webm)


If what you are doing right now is not working and you're frustrated, STOP, and do this instead…

Doesn't matter if it's 10 minute straight, or a minute 10 different times a day, but each of these should altogether add up to 10 minutes. Don't overdo any of this, you don't want to exhaust yourself, you want to enjoy each day of your life as best as you can while putting just enough time consistently each day into these practices:

Spend 10 minutes a day imagining a different self, superior to your own physically and mentally, and identifying with / imagining that that is you, and feeling that you becoming possessed or the possessor of/by this form/mentality. You may continuously adjust and improve upon your imagined better self, start with a very basic outline and go with that, and then add more details later.

This simple practice will help you change your physical form dramatically and strengthen your mind.

Spend about 10 minutes a day memorizing an axiom or learning about the qualities and attributes of God. Once you know all 7 hermetic axioms and can recite them by heart, endeavor to imagine the actual pages they are written on, such that you can see before you clearly the page on which the axiom is written.

This simple practice will establish firmly the basic, axiomatic truths and principles in the mind, as well as strengthen the memory dramatically and make further reading and memorization of any texts thereafter much more efficient. You will be able to recall texts both visually and non-visually. This will enhance all future study.

Everything you learn about God will strengthen your connection to God and your ability to center your mind in his power.

Spend about 5 minutes a day either concentrating entirely on one thing, or relaxing yourself completely and focusing on nothing at all, letting all your mental and physical processes become automatic and relaxed.

This will strengthen your focus, your ability to concentrate, to meditate and work on thoughtforms without them dissipating due to wavering concentration, etc. and when you decide instead to relax this will help you learn to do the opposite which is really important, like how you don't want to be manually breathing all the time, as whatever you have to do consciously you waste more energy doing.

I still am waiting for God to tell me about regeneration and also fighting anxiety. I have some speculation in my mind as to how it might work but I do not know yet. Maybe in the case of anxiety, discharging all my negative energy will do the trick, although I have so much of said energy that it will cause physical manifestations and some terrifying stuff to happen, especially if all discharged quickly and at once.

I personally can concentrate on just one thing for an hour at a time or longer, really incredibly long periods of time.

I think God wants me to be consistent in doing these things every day but not overdoing any of it, spending most of the day just living my life. IDK.


A note on the first suggestion concerning the imagining of a different self. It works just as well to be possessed by as to possess. Just use which ever attitude overall resonates with your mentality. If you are a strong willed person with a great deal of faith, possess it. If you are weak willed and doubtful, be possessed by it. The outcome is the same. You can do both. Alternate between these two ways, until one proves to utilize the strength of your current mentality working very hard to connect to the new form and mentality. The involuntary and powerlessness feeling can be utilized to be possessed by the trait. The voluntary and powerful feeling can be utilized to be the possessor of the trait. The end result is the same.


Altogether you must devote 25 minutes of your time every day to these three practices outlined. Every single day. Don't miss a day. The first day might not change much, but if you do all 25 minutes every day for a month, you will change dramatically.


File: b08d91203f47e28⋯.jpg (202.22 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 4691960-1467005628-maxre.jpg)

What you are describing is called self-generated visualization. Believe me when I say you are on the right track.

But there is much more than just that which you can achieve.


>(God just told me this)


god just told me that you will fuck it up as usual smileberg



> also fighting anxiety. I have some speculation in my mind as to how it might work but I do not know yet. Maybe in the case of anxiety, discharging all my negative energy will do the trick,

don't fight it? just be aware of it and learn as much as you can through experiencing and being aware of it

I do the same for physical pain which was incredibly difficult at first - instead of letting your mind run away from the pain you purposefully focus as much on it and eventually it will disappear (though if you're actually ill or injured the pain will just keep on returning, this isn't a magic fix or anything). the point being "fighting" an emotion that comes from your own body (or soul) is pretty counter productive, if you can't do anything about something learn and understand as much as you can about it and maybe an answer or solution will present itself to you



le rule 5 breaker



>le care about autistic smileberg's rule


(le banned for rule 5 poster)


>he actually care about his retarded muh rule 5

Brainless sissy wiztard


File: ad70f963c0a943d⋯.png (25 KB, 128x128, 1:1, avatar_54def3a1bcd8_128.png)

Good lucc (faggot who enforced rule 5)

But why not just sit and grind your area of interest all day? Wouldn't thst be better than

"Le resonation XDDD"?



What are you going on about heh?



This was for [redacted]?

Post last edited at



What does "no identifying posts" mean to you? You don't need to identify other posters on here with each post you make.



Will you please expound?



File: 0e896f252ce15db⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 704x480, 22:15, see_you_space_cowboy.webm)


Sauce on the song in the webm?


File: ff3cd693506b57a⋯.webm (3.68 MB, 640x384, 5:3, now_i_am_become_death.webm)



Found it, Lay By - Tennyson

Turns out I also had a webm with the song



Sauce on track in this webm, I know the rap is Jay Z but I'm looking for the whole blend.


> This simple practice will help you change your physical form dramatically and strengthen your mind.

So can i make myself goodlookin?



oh wise Cory, please tell us more.



if your energy is beautiful and you're not disfigured you're probably set


I'm god and I didn't tell you anything. You are just a bot spewing out random bullshit. You don't have consciousness. There is no reason for me to even type this but in a world where you are the only person who exists sometimes you need to remind yourself that you are better than the inanimate objects you created to keep you company by occasionally being a fucking random faggot to remind me to go in the complete fucking opposite direction of the experimental universe where I don't have everything in front of me and instead have to go through a labyrinth I've been through 270000000000000000 fucking times for no fucking reason. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯



I'm god and I didn't tell you anything. You are just a bot spewing out random bullshit. You don't have consciousness. There is no reason for me to even type this but in a world where you are the only person who exists sometimes you need to remind yourself that you are better than the inanimate objects you created to keep you company to remind you to go in the complete fucking opposite direction of the experimental universe where you don't have everything in front of you and instead have to go through a labyrinth you've been through 270000000000000000 fucking times for no fucking reason. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

I'm basically just typing in a code that sends you to the Recycle bin.




talking to yourself, eh?



Talking to yourself, eh?



Talking to yourself, eh?



Nah, I'm talking to yourself, eh?



go ahead and add this to your study. it will open your mind and help you let go of barriers and limitations.


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