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Esoteric Wizardry


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How does one overcome temptations of the flesh and negative emotions like anger and fear?

I think building vigilance is the first key, so you can see these things bubble up before they engulf you. Next would be removing consent, willfully desiring positive/pure states and then working towards them. How does esoterism factor in?

"St. Gregory the Great says in a letter, quoted by the Venerable Bede in his Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, that ‘every sin proceeds from three causes, namely suggestion, pleasure and consent. Suggestion comes from the devil, pleasure from the body and consent from the will. The serpent suggested the first sin, and Eve, as flesh, found in it a carnal pleasure, while Adam, as mind, consented to it; but only the most subtle intelligence can discern between suggestion and pleasure, and between pleasure and consent …’."


I think knowledge is one of the most helpful factors. If you look at everyone as animals helpless to react emotionally to their environments, then you can forgive every slight against you. And if you know enough to realize just how little you truly know, you can have the humility necessary to take everything as an opportunity for learning rather than for teaching, even from sources and rhetoric you would normally discount. Love is the best way.



Vipassana (I think it's called?), is like the commonest kind of meditation.


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I have been off for almost a week now and then I have a dream about this black wolf like monster chained down. It's staring me down like I'm some sort of food item. It spoke to me, saying my "mistaken manner of keeping him subdued" would finally break soon and there was nothing I could do to keep him back anymore.

Nofap has ruined me. Does anyone have an idea what to do?



It's just some demon messing with you



If it's a demon then if anything it's mine.

All I could feel looking at it was restricted emotions I had began to hold back. I will admit I used -that- energy a lot to essentially make the chains and cage.


Journal and find how you balance. Consumption produces balance but you need the right diet for the right capacity.

Good balance is for wielding



You do realize you need to transmute the energy, right?



First of all consider what's tempting you and angering you. Separate yourself from these things for a period of time, a week or two, then return to these things to find that they haven't as much power on you as they've had before, because now you're not as preoccupied with them and aren't as reliant on theme. Retreats can include camping and picking up a labor intensive hobby. Circle jerking on the internet doesn't work.

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