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I'm going tomorrow on a weeklong buddhistic retreat and was wondering if anyone experienced or otherwise streetwise could give some knowledge that could be of use?

Also, wouldn't mind reading some of your own thoughts and experiences regarding retreats in general.


On second thought, you don't have to write anything (unless you simply want to share something) but think I'll just go there and just see what happens.



I wouldn't mind reading a synopsis of your experience at said retreat. Be interesting to read a fringe perspective.

Seen a lot of monks in Thailand while there at various times. Pretty sure there's always some differences depending on the country. I always got a good vibe from the monks there though. Deeply spiritual, tuned into things.

Not sure I'd have the same vibe here in the U.S. I doubt our culture is conducive to that level of spirituality.



Spoken like an xenophile.


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fuck off "depends" wearing /pol/.

Cultural differences play a dramatic effect on spiritual beliefs.

The United States is typified by a kind of homogeneous pretend acceptance of "all beliefs".

Experience of these beliefs in their native culture shows less tolerance for "homogeneity" and more awareness and associated respect for the various spirits involved.

It happens. Be respectful or at least acknowledge being forewarned.


Good luck at the retreat anon. The trick is to make the experience for yourself. A friend of mine said he went to the Shambhala Mountain Center in Colorado and said that you were either part of the group that went there to gain knowledge of the self or the hippy dippy group that spent their days getting drunk and high and walking in the woods. I'm assuming this cost you a pretty penny. Don't waste your time and money.


let us know how it goes, I'm looking at taking a yearlong stay at a chinese school of kung fu taught by shaolin monks and would like to know what they're like.


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I went to a weekend beginner Zen retreat. it was pretty dope. met some really cool people. their big thing is non-attachment, but they're pretty attached to their rituals. but I'm pretty sure the monks were aware of the irony. 10/10 will return.



The mind you are attached to told you to believe that monks are attached to rituals. The point of rituals is to be mindful and present in every action, as so much to breathe and move the fingers of the hand.

When your eye can see what happens at a ritual, you will perhaps gain insight to what actually happens at a ritual. Perhaps visit a popular church and see what lays within when you can see.


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Alright, I'm back from the retreat.

The location was an old wooden schoolhouse located in a rural area by a lake.

The daily schedule was basically:

>7am, meditation



>solitary reflection/study


>4pm metta bhavan meditation


>8pm meditation/puja

It was a good experience. Gained a couple of good insights and have developed a bit as a person.

Kinda short on words at the moment regarding it. Need to process it.


This weekend I will go on another retreat and take part in two ayahuasca ceremonies.

Have kept myself to the recommended diet and the weeklong retreat has done well to calm my mind and body.

I'm having a bit of flu (started on saturday and had to power through the retreat with a lot of mucus and now my lungs are a bit hoarse, but I think it will be over tomorrow.


tips on ayahuasca?



>tips on ayahuasca?

Have fun shitting and pissing yourself, faggot. Why take this shit? Go mushrooms and astral project for a while and then go straight to dmt. Ayahuasca ist just this unconvinient middle thing that does way more harm than good.

(I'm just kidding you are not a faggot. friend. Infinite love and compassion)



No tips, but if you have a bad reaction, the Indians will leave you to die in the forest.(in Mexico/South America.)



Ayahuasca retreats tend to be fucking expensive as hell and you can't be sure that you'll trip anyway.

I paid like 300 dollars for a weekend retreat, I puked my insides out and didn't see shit. If I had known this i would have spent 50 dollars in mushrooms and have the trip of my life.

Just buy some DMT, smoke it, try salvia before paying the price they charge usually for the aya - totally not worth it unless you're lucky and get a good ceremony , with a shaman all for yourself - run away from group ceremonies, they are shit



Lie down to loose yourself to the spirit world(not recommended unless alone) and sit up to have an internal-external experience. Keep comfortable and in good spirits. Stay away from anyone in poor spirits cause they'll get possessed and become portals(anyone unstable either physically or mentally). You can get more sick this way through having to overexert your abilities for protection.

And lastly remember your tummo.


Status report:

Alive. First aya ceremony completed, next is tonight.

I shall meditate upon the experience and won't go on writing further right now.

Ps. Did not shit or vomit, though the opportunity came. Intend to do the latter tonight since I want to experience it. The dosage will be stronger so I don't think it will even be voluntary.


Thanks for the tummo reminder. Helped in a few situations to keep me grounded.



Second night/morning done.

Was.. well, quite incredible.

Only have a phone with me and want to write a longer post with a keyboard. Gonna write a proper one when I'm home and have processed all of it a bit more.

Gonna stay here a few days more to help make improvements to the tipi (reinforce the wall isolation) and then take part in the next weekend's ceremonies.

Absolutely worth it.



Life is pretty awesome when you realize it.



In a chaotic neutral sense

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