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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c4b91292faf710d⋯.jpg (13.08 KB, 150x200, 3:4, blue-light.jpg)


Dear /fringe/ I come from /pol/ on this thread https://archive.fo/IxPCU.

Here is bluebeam



https://archive.fo/zXUKT – crap source I know

https://archive.fo/HUB06 – fake document?

I am curious about what exactly (((their))) path foward is in your opinion. Like is there any proof (((they))) are fitting satillites with radios/lights able to pull off a scalar light show? Or is there tested proof the salt layer of the atmosphere could be used as a refractive layer for said show? I figured a surface web search wouldn't turn anything more up besides the physics of how it could be possible which I already have some knowledge on.

I don't beleive in ayys so get the fuck out shills.

Also don't try selling any of that inner earth shit unless you have proof of it. Or proof putting serious doubts about the middle of the earth being anything besides a molten iron-alloy core. Also for the purpose of this thread, UFO = fake scalar wave projection test unless proven otherwise. That should rid of most of you shills.

By the way I posted this on >>>/x/ but I am not sure which board is appropriate for this question.


ProTip: find out how to do what they do, yourself, then try it, and see how it works out.

ProTip 2: Look up Charles Cosimano and also check out montalk.net

We have all the psionic books btw in our libraries: /fringe/library.html


Also this is a really well built board for the crazy topics discussed here. Bravo to you all.



Protip 3: Read OP I know the physics behind it make it possible for the light show. I also know that with led's and magnification you can get low heat satilites that could make a lightshow.

I just wanted confirmation without bringing a spotlight to myself by testing shit for if the salt layer can refract for the sake of a light show.

Protip 4: Don't link me to another site keep it on 8ch or quote the kjv Bible :P. I don't trust anything else atm. Not that I fully trust 8ch either though.

But I will check the library anyways, thanks.


Bump for want of answer and or ways to proceed without getting vanned.



REEE. Bump for want of answer. Checked that website and it looks like a honeypot over many proxies.

Also that charles guy looks like a spook profiting off people. Skilled at what he does though.



Why are you afraid of getting honeypotted over this stuff? I don't even make any special attempt to hide any of this and openly share it around.


This is relavent to project bluebeam https://archive.fo/flhhx


Bump again for want of information on proof of satiliites having large lasers/leds and salt layer. It's possible but is it being done?


Also not afraid just concience of the possibility.


Bump of curiosity.


Have a bump


How would the lasers be magnified? I am preety sure lasers are preety weak unless they have a very large powersource. Like about as large as solar panels on a sattilite with atleast two 100KWH battery backups. But that would be large and noticeable if unless they skimped on the solar panel size in exchange for weight reduction.



Gas yourself for saging. This must be real then if you went through the effort of hijacking his board. Why havent you deleted this yet then?


Jared kushner and his clan/family is possibly the head of project bluebeam .





This is commentary on the claim that kushner is the head of the (((illuminate))) which is just the kike version of good goy freemasonry.



File: aa3ee15a8392e1a⋯.jpg (120.46 KB, 1039x957, 1039:957, 1504876200345.jpg)


lol.. antisemites attacking kushner cranks me from time to time.

you hate a person enough, you'll say anyone is associated with genderfluid grey aliens from sirius


Never Trust Tom Delonge tbh



TANGO is a inter proccess communication mechanism working on nearly every method of IPC for relaying commands to devices with the ORB software. The way of installing that would be the specter vulnerability https://archive.fo/u00bj that affects almost all known computers and their proccesors. That completes the audio portion of bluebeam as almost electronic devices on earth could be used to broadcast sound all at once.


Gas yourself, there are no aliens from heaven. Maybe devils.



How badly you want to believe? What you're saying is absurd. Every device emitting sound would appear as exactly that. Nobody would be fooled into thinking the sound comes from the sky or whatever.

If project bluebeam does indeed exist, it's a technology best suited for specific support roles in certain small ops (incursions, raids…). What you seem to be proposing is absurd.

I mean, something like fake broadcasts war of the worlds style would be much more effective.

On a different note, you seem to fall into the common truther new age moronic delusion that there is just one "they" and that all powerful people cooperate against you. That is narrow minded at best. Something like what you are saying would never come to fruition because not all the media and governments are on the same "side".

I know you don't do it on purpose, but in indulging in your victimisation fantasies what you are doing is fear mongering.

In effect, a thoughtform has possessed you and is using you to spread itself. Take that shit to /x/ or Reddit.

/fringe/ should know better. There is a word for what you are: mundane



>How badly you want to believe?

Not very. It's just an amazing (((coincidence))) all these things are lining up, and are possible.

>it's a technology best suited for specific support roles in certain small ops

What do you mean? Why go through the cost and effort of generating CGI for a single raid? Why go through the costs of designing a sattilite with lights on it that is able to be powered and then the cost of the rocket to get it into space? Why not just give the fellows some bigger guns /k/ style? Seems cheaper and more effective.

>that there is just one "they" and that all powerful people cooperate against you.

No actually I don't assume such. There are many factions to a fight in this world. But guess (((who))) is at the head of a great many of them? Sure not all of the world moves with the same purpose yet?, but (((they))) most certainly do.

>but in indulging in your victimisation fantasies what you are doing is fear mongering.

How would I be fear mongering? Why is it victimizing to want to know how to make holograms? I am just considering the possibility for a light show in the sky like the other posters. Don't you want to know the truth? It's very interesting stuff to be able to have holograms in the sky.

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