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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've been going down rabbit holes and I've found some shit that I can only describe as "no laws or ethics apply, judaism/satanism on steroids, every David Icke fantasy made reality" tier stuff, and I have my chance to join what is basically an elite network of superhuman predators who rape, kill, and torture anyone. Not just theoretical shit. This is nothing like any of the known forms of satanism, this is something that is simply pure evil, and I found it by chance timing and being in the right place at the right time and with a good memory; because otherwise I would never have found this as it's well hidden and inaccessible to people who haven't done some serious shit to get in. I can't even post any of it here without breaking the law and the people involved are high level politicians, soldiers, police, and others who'd come after me and fuck my shit up. I now have my hands on some of their material that explains how they do shit and I'm reading through it. I'm going to just read this all and maybe relate some of what I find out. I have no ability to be disgusted by, upset, or horrified by anything; and this is no different for me. Still it is quite something to behold and some very dangerous shit.

Here is the only thing I can post here for anyone interested that doesn't actually break any serious laws: https://satoshibox.com/egnovjyrdnjqffie4hadb4pi


No one's gonna pay .0666 btc for a possible larp


Yes and I didn't pay for it either. It's no larp. I'm trying to think of what I can post in here without incriminating myself. I am thinking about for example, cropped images showing only part of the image, or pieces of text… but I'd probably get myself vanned doing even that. What is interesting though is they have "field-tested" guides to running their highly illegal operations successfully, for years… for shit like how to pimp out loli slaves for example… and they sell snuff and so on.


There's some things in here that are really hilarious to in a schadenfreude way to read.


pix or didn't happened

dliver OP, don't be candy-ass roody-poo


>I have no ability to be upset

Bullshit, you whined like a baby when I told you off for your ritual crap in the questions thread.



I don't have any posts in the question thread.


The current filesize for Tor is 6.66 MB heh.




But 666 stands for the devil, aka trappings of the material. Not evil.

You're being exoteric mate.

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