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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello, in this thread please share all forms of literature; fiction or factual; prose, myths, and stories, or any other writing that has had a significant impact on your life. None of them need to be related specifically to occult and fringe circles but rather writing in general that increased your understanding or appreciation for life and the cosmos.

For me, the New Testament and the Nag Hammadi scriptures had a really profound shaping of my life, I find the latter in particular has such a poetic underlying that I began to see how powerful the minds conjuction with written words could actually be. The works from the classical era such as Sophocles tragedies and Ovid, Metamorphoses in particular I recommend for a great entertaining read which explicitly illustrates the creation and god mythos of ancient Greece and Rome) really spoke out to me on multiple levels of meaning I was not then aware was possible. In poetry I found hidden and concealed beauties, I found relative glory and wonder in those texts of our forefathers. Milton, Yeats, Poe, all helped accentuate and gratify my truthseeking, those kinds of writing make me feel comfortable and I feel poetry has a way of condensing such magnificent and awesome things into some comprhensible and enjoyment.

I do also enjoy philosophical works, most typically those of the 19th century, and even more typically German. Neitzche' Beyond Good and Evil sent me into a bit of darkness when I first came across it but over time that book has come to mean an awful lot to me. I also see a lot of resonance with thinkers like Shoepenhaur with Gnostic thought. Dostoyevsky and Gogol especially could have me thinking profoundly whilst also having a charismatic wit to them which never leaves me, always leaves me humble to be in the words of such bold minds.

Its not all such deep things for me though, sometimes I just like to get lost in some good science fiction or fantasy, which usually conflates a lot with occult and fringe sort of ideas. Big fan of Dune, Dan Simmons: Hyperion, also all the stories by Philip K Dick, Lovecraft, the illuminatus trilogy etc etc. I'll just stop here but please share all your experiences and literary treasures and I'm sure many of us will have a great wealth of knowledge and wit to help us all on our differing paths. May the Light of Jesus Christ show you the way to Salvation.


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"Ecclesiasticus', from the Apocrypha. (Also called 'The Wisdom of Ben Sira'…)

Reading histories and biographies have done a great deal to influence me over the years as well.

Diarmaid MacCulloch from Oxford has been one of the most profound authors for me lately.


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I have to say when I read the principia discordia I didn't see what they were on about and I found the sense of humor to be so dry and cringey that I just put it down half-way through. From someone who perhaps understands it more could you illustrate exactly what about it stuck out to you?


I will definitley check out Diarmaid MacCulloch as I have not heard of them before. Biographies were something I didn't read much but I have picked a few up more recently and I have found them to be quite influential and eye-opening. They can really give you a glimpse into the lives of other people and consequently life itself. Any particular biographies you quite like?

I have to say I was expecting a bit more, surely on such a topic like /fringe/ reading lists would be quite large (at least I'd like to think), perhaps I didn't present a good enough post to make people care, but I would of thought exchanging literature and books read would be interesting and something that would help us all explore new facets of ourselves. I guess I may be over estimating a bit just how much people read in these circles as I have spoke to many on IRC or other places and many do not read at all. That strikes me as something very strange, I'd hate to think how muddled, confused, and dumbed I'd be if my only sources of information were forum posting and digital chatter. So maybe I'll ask now to many of you why you do not want to read or talk about books and how they affect people? Is there something off-putting to some of you talking about books?


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>/fringe/ reading lists would be quite large

The issue is that a lot of it is covered by the Library already

but for introductory stuff, Finley's "Sorcery" is great. Does an outsider's impression on magic and the huge variety of documented cases of such. Interesting especially in looking at the crossover between certain scientific branches that dabbled in it during the mid to late 1800s before it was deemed "unscientific"



I am not asking for some arbitrary list of reading nor for introductory stuff for those whom are new to these circles.


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didn't want to bog you down with too much reading m8

most of the stuff discussed on /fringe/ i don't understand and am not acquainted with so i am going to pick up a copy of manly p. hall's "secret teachings of all ages" one of these days… i know that book specifically has a section dedicated to the presumed ancient egyptian semi-divine humanoid who is said to have been the writer of the "kybalion" and the writer of the "book of thoth"


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….regarding purely occult /fringe/-ish reading, I'd say that the 'hermetic order of the golden dawn' interests me the most

…i think it's possible that the mother of Jesus may have informed me that i would do well to research that specific group


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i've taken pictures of what Manly P. Hall writes regarding Hermes Trismegistus, though I'm not sure as to whether or not i should flood this /fringe/ thread with 'em


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Secret Teachings of All Ages is a really good book it's written and formated excellently and provides a good deal on a wide variety of esoteric subjects. Watch yourself when picking up copies of Halls work in general but especially with Secret Teachings of All Ages. Some indie publishers have tried to make some money off it and produce some really low quality prints, squishing all the illustrations, alter the original form of the books too much. The best one I have seen is published by Tencher Penglin you can probably pick them up on amazon fairly cheap if you look a bit.

On the same topic were do all of you mainly purchase your books? Online? Second hand? I'm not aware of any good book selling sites which specialise in this sort of thing best way I have found is to look up other books by the same published and you can usually get some good leads. Theosophical Press and Manly P Halls institute of philosophy have a large selection.



Well the principia was the first book that sparked my interest in this sort of business. I could see that some things could be interpreted in many ways, and it was easy to pick one that was wrong. It made me more aware of the significance of perception and mindset when it comes to proper understanding



abebooks is good for used books



Ah, that kind of resonates with my thoughts on that book and others who have read it as well, Principa Discordia either hits you at the right place and right time, or it just doesn't hit you at all. Eris is a strange one.


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Read The Illuminatus Trilogy NOW




(i'd probably read it… haven't read it and don't know anything about it)


get a life


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Fringe Knowledge for Beginners

by Montalk

4.02 · Rating Details · 55 Ratings · 10 Reviews

Here is a lucid primer on metaphysics, cosmology, human origins, alien agendas, the matrix control system, and how to spiritually empower ourselves.

Montalk presents this timely book for anyone desiring an easy-to-understand, balanced, and concise overview of the “bigger picture.”

* Why are we here? What is the meaning of life?

* What are dreams? Is reality a collective dream?

* Can our minds really influence reality?

* How was the universe created?

* Where did humans come from?

* Do aliens exist? What is their purpose?

* What can we do about the world's problems?

* How can we wake up spiritually?

"Fringe Knowledge for Beginners" is filled with practical wisdom to assist budding truth-seekers on their path of awakening. (less)


(i usually am a Christian except for when people come between me and God and God does nothing to help me… i generally don't have a very favorable opinion of God because I feel God is guilty of much evil which I cannot say is the same about myself or others…

…anyway, i haven't actually read this book but just came across it now on /x/… not sure whether or not i would read seeing as a "666" appeared in the URL and it may not be a trick)


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The Illuminatus Trilogy is something I think anyone who frequents places like /fringe/ would enjoy. It's basically /fringe/: The Book.


Montalk is a very good writer, he doesn't lay things out in an overly complex way nor mess around with a lot of esoteric terminology, though most of his work is unoriginal half clusterfucks of other peoples work. I have spoke to Montalk before and he's a great thinker with a really healthy outlook on life. Saying that though I know he wears tin-foil, has lots of half-baked conspiracies which contradict previously spouted philosophies, and very often seems to depart from spiritual knowledge and philosophy to much more paranoid ideas which detract from spiritual ones. He's a very smooth talker and he won't argue with you instead he'll try persuade you by talking about lots of cool stuff. I have tried to get him to actually give me some answers for what he believes in a conclusive way and it all turns into mush when you start picking at it. Anyway everything on his site is free and it will have all the same information as in his printed material, the articles are well made, informative, and easy to read.

Have you ever read any of the Nag Hammadi scriptures? Sometimes different Christian perspectives can enhance your own view of God. Views such as God is guilty for all the evil in the world I can sympathise with but at the same time they can be a little shallow. Great evil can live in harmony with great good, darkness and light can form together into one whole and complete body. Evil can teach lessons and give birth to very good and beautiful things, likewise, good can do the opposite. Abstract from that I think most Christian, or even Jewish and Islamic, views of God can be quite brutal and focus on the plight of man and his suffering, seeing Gods power and love in harsh places like the desert and in scenarios such as climbing a mountain to sacrifice your first-born son. The facets of God are truly infinite and spread across multiple dimensions. If you aim to study and develop your ideas of God you will have no shortage of material. All is God and God is All.


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you know, it appears that 2 posts in this thread are appearing when i scroll /fringe/ but not appearing when i actually view this thread



…nvm… they appear to be showing up now

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