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Beginning with the voice. Vocal Resonance.

>Laughing; in every form and manner, forced even.

>Shouting; same as above but with more command

>Singing; loud and quiet, well done or poor, whatever emotion

>Groaning/Bemoaning; complaining, tired groans and sighs

>Debate; greek optional


>Monologue; alone, not a presentation

>Speech; to an imaginary crowd/group

This should break you out of long-term hypnogogic states, revitalize nerves and tissues in the body and nervous system, refamiliarize the body/mind with a broad spectrum of communicative experience (and thus communicate better to others as well as to the body/mind internally), and shed dead weight in the auditory spectrum.

Next up are feeling emotions by connection. Emotional Hypertrophy.

>Joy others bring; one at a time think of people that make you feel joy (even just barely) and expand on that feeling until you feel joy just thinking about these people. Stop at say, 7.

>Joy you bring others; one at a time think of the times and how you bring joy to others (even barely), and expand on this until you feel joy-generous.

>Do the same for Sadness, Jealousy, Satisfaction, Gratitude, Peace, Hate, Anger, Sympathy, Fear, Awe, Empowered, Love, Anxiety, Excitement, Pride, Glory, Direction, Aroused, Disgusted, Shame, Guilt, Forgiveness, Understanding, Knowledge, Inspiration, Aspiration/Ambition, Heroic, Professional, Serious, Care-free, Aware, Clarity, Purpose, and add some more you can think of.

>After adding some, go through every single one of them, 10 min each, taking careful notes, until you finish with them all 10 hours later or so. Then return to your notes and review your emotional ebbs and flows and associations/memories that popped up, and decide which you'll spend your time on and when;

e.g. MONDAY: 1 hour on Joy, 20 min on Sadness, Serious, Fear, 10 min on Knowledge, Understanding, Awareness, Clarity, Purpose, Ambition and Empowerment;

TUESDAY: 30 min on Pride, Excitement, Satisfaction and Jealousy, etc etc etc etc

>RATIO: 1 pos 2 neg if male, 2 pos 1 neg if female

>If you're less serious, then go through the ratio and do what you feel like.

>just b urself fam

Note that 'people' can be people you don't even know. Writers, war victims, politicians, whatever.


Alright time for the real deal. Body Movement Art. The point of this one is to break you out of conventional movements and flows, and to drill into you transformative techniques.

Always begin any session with the first and second step.

>1. [Body Rhythm-Flow]. Start moving as is natural and somewhat vitalizing. If you're tired, could be just hoppin' in place a little, or swaying left to right while pacing, or whatever else environment suggestion and personal history dictate feels "natural" at this point.

>2. [Inspired Rhythm-Flow Mutation]. Inspired pattern breaking. Recognize the pattern, then, instead of reacting, you wait for some inspired movement to surface. For this step we will remain meditative and intuitive.

Move onto the next step after having first achieved 30 minutes of sustained motion in the second step.

>3. a) [Physical Prowess]. Now we use this dance with the intention of developing the body in preparation for deeper teachings. With the intention of letting patterns surface that develop the body, attempt to weave together principles of martial arts, yoga, gymnastics, dance, play, work, acrobatics and magic into your body rhythms and movements. It's as simple as an intention, then meditating on that intention while continuing the practice.

>3. b) [Physical Prowess Research]. In your preferred search engine, research martial arts, yoga, gymnastics, dance, playful movements (social, sexual, sporty, etc) , work (furniture movers, weight lifters, construction workers, etc), acrobatics and [magical, qigong or shamanistic movements].

Upon reaching the point where you may maintain an hour of intense and rigorous body movement arts, AND having incorporated 10 hours of research into your movements, move onto the next step.

This next step is to prepare the weak point of human spirituality for greater heights through transformative experience



>4. [Spiritual Transformation]. Here we have a wide variety of options. This step requires a trance or magical state, and as anything can be used as a trance and for transformation, I will suggest some basics and let you come up with the rest.

>a) Begin with >1. and >2. , then slowly turn the experience into a re-enactment or theatre. "Play out" your imagination, whatever it surfaces. Work through them with the intention of transforming them into something more highly developed and adapted. This is the all-rounder option, and develops your "Art for art's sake."

>b) Go through the "Emotional Hypertrophy" list, picking an emotion you wish to engage with. Begin steps >1. and >2. as usual but while attempting to engage said emotion. Similar to >a), allow the emotion to surface and "play out" said emotion.

>c) Similar to the previous two steps, but instead go through the Vocal Resonance list of activities and incorporate them. I think "Singing" will be quite eventful for you guys.

>d) Instead of using an internal guide, play a piece of music and journey through it.

>e) Use a rain shower, thunder storm, blazing hot sunny day, or any natural phenomena like a pit fire or waterfall as your body movement guide.

Complete 10 hours of these step before moving onto the next. Only sessions 30 minutes and over count however.

>5. [Magic]. You are basically a kind of shaman or sorcerer now. Maybe a Spirit Warrior? Anyways, you can use your power to do anything at this point. Never use it in ill will. Do good with your power, help others.

>a) [Journey]. I recommend you Journey to find a teacher. Be gracious and respectful.

>b) [Heal]. Heal yourself and others. Inform others that you are "projecting healing" or are "prayer dancing" or just "praying" for them. Don't violate others sovereignty and free will.

>c) [Miracle]. Who knows what you can do.

>d) [Train]. Develop some part of yourself. You could be a great martial artist, for example.

>e) [Spirit]. Engage with subtle beings. Seek benevolent spirits, similar to journeying, but by expanding your sphere of awareness rather than adventuring. Will be kind of awesome seeing spirits as you walk through town or talk with friends. Do not acknowledge the existence of dark spirits. Make sure to have a protector or guardian spirit by going on a Journey to discover one. If a dark spirit latches onto you and you have no guardian, go to the most benevolent location you can find and then fight it there, 1 on 1, rather than in a dark location that will attract more enemies.

>f) [Destiny]. Connect to your destiny.

>g) [Sovereign Space Creation]. Create a sacred space out of your home or another. With enough practice you can make any place a sacred space in very little time. Keep baddies out and attract benevolent spirits. May also lead to more people in your life and home. Will boost all stats (hehehh), magical buffs for everyone!

etcetera and etcetera



In contrast to the "soma" of these methods, there are the "semantics". This is to deepen the meaning of something, more depth vs breadth. This is a philosophical consideration of things, a time to define and understand.

Vocal Resonance:

> Instead of forcefully going through the motions, as one should do if their natural expression feels blocked, use more skill and finesse in bring up the most authentic expression and trigger for said expression possible. Think of something genuinely funny, shout at what genuinely enrages you or demands your action, sing from the soul or find a song that you resonates with you, groan at genuinely shitty things, and so on.

> Consider what warrants your voice more often, more profoundly. Laughing in the face of death with genuine glee, or debating with a rival on the nuances of righteous video game industry stewardship (yes, I said stewardship, a servant to the public), so on and so forth.

Emotional Hypertrophy:

> While being able to engage an emotion at will is great, and evidence of strength and health, so is responding with greater emotional intelligence. Learn how one should respond to a situation, emotionally, rather than having the strength to feel however you want about it. This is to functionalize and give purpose to your emotion, a more tiring effort than raw strength as it requires self-control and wisdom. This is the Special Ops training to the Body Building Arnie hypertrophy training of the emotional world. Sensitive strength and timeless wisdom.

> Learn how to create emotions in others with the most restraint. Not for ill, but in good faith. Learn how to generate joy and happiness in others, pluck their heart strings for a good cause, change their emotional outlook on life; use your imagination for each one of the human emotions. Be a muse not a barbarian though, don't overpower others. Be benevolent.

Body Movement Arts:

> Whenever you feel like you are passing a point in your intuitive movements that you should deepen your link with, enter a static pose. Make this a universal pose, the rooting pose, the Horse Stance! Sink your roots into your sub-conscious and pull up the nutrients your intuition has discovered. This pose is for pulling up nutrients or finding your grounded balance; think of it as either oil drilling to fill your lamp of consciousness to guide your step as you walk the path, or a tree that must brace the winds and sink its roots down in order to see the sun the following morning.

> Find and/or create correlations between [movements, static poses, and combinations of movements] and meanings, sounds, and emotions. Just like before you'll be able enter a specific state of consciousness just by entering a certain pose or performing a certain movement, and then, with a build up of "vocabulary", invent totally new states of consciousness that you can only reach through a quick succession of specific states of consciousness!!

> If that wasn't cool enough, by learning how to associate and create consciousness with body movements, you'll have the skill and prerequisites to discover the near-original or archetypical consciousness associated with specific movements, gestures, poses, sounds, meanings, emotions, etc. By practicing this and the previous step, you'll have consciousness explosions that will shake you to the core.

There are too many hand gesture combinations you can make in a very short amount of time, so avoid the most nimble and quick of movements until you've plumbed the depths of the bulky and obtuse ones.

Of course you can add more to this, and I suggest you do. You can add substances, body functions, extreme states (deprivations, excesses, ascetic stuff), locations, body paint, objects (staff, totem, fitness equipment, meaningful stuff, etc), people (group activity?!), whatever you can think of. Be inventive.


Informative Insights:

Vocal resonance grants you a greater acoustic connection with your body, meaning you can hear and decipher your body' s energies and thoughts much better. When you can vibrate your body with your voice, you cleanse your vessel of acoustic impurities and unite its resonance, rather than there being thousands of different resonances, you'll have one that you can interface more effectively by.

Chinese martial artists of high caliber "hear" the energy of their opponent and defeat them energetically. Rather than a strong punch, there is a soft but most devastating energy strike that was instantaneously calibrated to be specifically effective against that single opponent in that single place that was punched, just by hearing their energy. Monks in isolated temples can throw boulders by harmonizing their chanting voices around such a boulder. Vibration!

When you have acoustic power, you can perform great and magical deeds indeed.

Emotions are functionally self-aware. Your emotions understand that their definition or meaning is intrinsic to their function. In other words, a hammer is a hammer, but some use it better, and some just completely change the meaning of "use a hammer" for everyone. They are sort of the managers or artists of the energetic world, monitoring energy and informing you when things don't seem right or are going very well. Emotional intelligence and creativity is the intelligent and creative use of energy, in other words. If you have no idea how to use a specific energy wisely, others with greater emotional intelligence or creativity or just greater arrogance and ignorance will consider you "stunted" or "autistic as fuck" or just think themselves superior in some regard. You can take any "negative" energy or function, something like fear, and make use of it. Discovering the true nature of energy requires the breadth of experience our emotions hold, as it is their job to understand and manage energy.

Body Movement Arts, being most material, have the greatest substance of meaning to them, though access to this meaning or insight is difficult as it requires the most comprehension. It is the most difficult and yet rewarding of paths, as it is so comprehensive and complete. Bias and limiting beliefs must be released to truly gain the wisdom of the body. This is why this technique moves the mind through the body with very little pretense. You can only truly understand a thing in the process of its being (flow); by flowing with a flow, you may learn about it. Once you integrate all the emotions and acoustics into your body movements, you will truly reach a new level of being, as you'll have access to hundreds of new senses and thus your mind will exponentially grow like nothing you've ever seen. While others have maybe 10 senses, you will have 100. It's not linear either, the growth will be exponential. Your levels of discernment and perception, even in psychic and long-distant matters, will skyrocket.



Don't know why my files haven't been posted.



A little more on the Body.

While magic and shit is cool, it's all "in the air", meaning growing magically on your own is bullshit difficult because there is no "resistance" or "feedback system" to tell if you're doing ANYTHING AT ALL.

The body, materia, is the shit because feedback is always instantaneous. You have to force your consciousness into matter like Haphaestus, the God of the Forge. Hammer yourself into your prima materia and you will grow in every way possible, moreso than by any other way.

What do you think it's like, learning how to fly made of Roc :^). It's a most difficult but rewarding process, as when you finally gain the ability to fly, every flap of the wings creates hurricanes or tornados, and your visage blocks out the sun. Or what about to swim through sand and soil? To bathe in magma? To treasure hunt at the bottom of the ocean? To travel to other planets and stars? Extremes breed strength, vigor and insight. It makes you great where you were meek.

I'm done preaching now, now go feel dumb using your body differently and making weird sounds and feeling awkward remembering shit until you feel so bad, you feel great.



>magic is in the air

Did you know, that if you do something while imagining a certain sensation as a result, eventually you'll feel it subjectively, then even objectively after a while? It's useful for working with completely undetectable forces, so you know you're doing it n' shit



I know. That's not the point. The point is that you have to create the feedback system in your example, and for a specific thing, and only after a long time.

It's better to discover all the forces you use in an environment that responds automatically and immediately, and objectively, so that you notice 100 different forces at once rather than 1 at a time.

For instance, you can learn how your body responds to every single emotion there is and the qualities of said energy through body movement art, so that you can use said power in all sorts of creative ways. You can take fear and create heroic determination out of it, even out of other's fear; thus obtaining a new source of fuel, literally. Otherwise you may run purely on this or that, or have to transmute everything into one kind of fuel, and be a "specialist" with limited use and limited understanding, not even being all that great because specializing is a one dimensional path of growth. If you have comprehensive understanding of every emotion, you can take, let's say, the 12 different energies that exist in abundance in your environment and use them to get 24 units of fuel (2x modifier) vs taking the 1/12 energies in abundance around you and using it to create 6 units of fuel (6x modifier), so that even though you can make more out of that one substance, or sentience/consciousness/emotion/etc depending on the route you take, you still can't use the other 11 and thus are severely limited.

Use the 4 elements, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water with equal skill, say, 6 points each with awesome blending techniques that you can only get by mixing very different elements together, or be a specialist in Fire with 14 points in it, in the same amount of time.

It's a matter of diminishing returns. The further into a specific discipline you go, the longer it takes to get the same amount of growth and development. If you develop within your capacity to develop simultaneous skills, you become what is recognized as a genius and an artist.

It's slow at the start, but all of a sudden everything you've been doing just falls into place.

And I realize that some things are only effective when you pass a certain threshold… and there are acceleration points, but you can pass that threshold like a pick axe striking through a rock wall or like a volcano exploding out of its restraints… the latter is the more comprehensive all-around growth. The pressure is distributed evenly but everything blows up at once as well, resulting in "break through" growth that completely changes the landscape of your life and forms continents out of the ocean to build upon. Patience is rewarded.

Synchronizing the growth of several skills at once to aid each other's growth, time one acceleration after another, learn 5 skills at once instead of 1 because they are all connected… that's why matter exists.

If you actually use the principles in The Kybalion, this is the result you would get. The ALL and You are different only by degree, so is the relative connection of one skill to the next. Until you can harmonize their [rhythms, genders, vibrations, mind, analogy, polarity, cause and effect.] you have not brought out your true potential.


Oh another thing:

Shouting boosts your physical and magical strength. Shout as often as possible, with as much power and ferocity as possible. Silence is for Slaves! BE THE MASTER


I should be able to post files now.




>already fail at vocal resonance very first step

>too lazy and too low on energy and will to do all of it

>keep playing videogames and browsing 4chan. maybe next lifetime I'll be rdy



Don't worry bro I'm sure you can do step 4 :^)


File: f252935f087ebfc⋯.pdf (4.99 MB, Huang Han Xun-Luohan Gong.….pdf)

File: 2b24d8a87e81ec6⋯.pdf (3.12 MB, Michael Harner - Way of th….pdf)

File: 3fc2807e4b3bcc0⋯.jpg (178.21 KB, 800x1139, 800:1139, WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING TH….jpg)




Sauce of the mango.


File: dac9af95bbcb4dd⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1659x1200, 553:400, HOREE SHEEEEEEEEEET.png)

File: 8144a75acc8e1e5⋯.jpg (188.92 KB, 800x1150, 16:23, flowwwwwwwwwwwww.jpg)


Magi. Has an anime too. This is like, chapter 200 though, and most of it lacks technical flaire.

The image I am posting is from Veritas + another Magi image.


Revision: The Emotional Hypertrophy and Vocal Resonance is probably best done the same way the Body Movement is done.


What is the purpose of the ration for emotional hypertrophy? How do I know which emotions are positive or negative–for example, pride?



Pride is positive because pussy liberal shit can suck my fat cock. Fuck you mega cucked ancients and modern humans.

Anyway, I mean pussy positive and nega dick.



The neutral stuff can go in the negative category. I thought I typed that, neg-neut and pos, but I guess I didn't.



Positive would be the more feminine emotions like sympathy then, and masculine would be things like pride or seriousness.


Just adding and repackaging.

Vocal Resonance: Get your whole body vibrating with your voice.

Emotional Hypertrophy: Take account of, then third eye see the ocean of emotional dynamics at play in yourself and the environment.

Control the emotional dynamics of everything around you with the force of your personality.

Body Movement Art: Unlock the auditory and emotional memory bound in your muscles and connective tissues that make you weak and lock in something strong. Pay attention to the reoccuring ones and perform movements that specifically target these reoccuring problems (Tension from authority figures? Become your own authority and sieg heil the shit out of your living room, shout YOU'RE FIRED with your guillotine kicks, tap into the irreverence in your balls and ORAORAORA the mental image of your father. When you're done masturbate to the fantasy of dominating a woman or whatever the fuck)



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