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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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We have been seeding ideas across imageboards, turning the hearts and minds of the next generation toward the concept of space travel and colonisation.

We know the only way our goals will be realised is if a new empire rises; one which will allow our order to flourish and secure a sojourn across the stars to our final destination.

You disparate individuals wield more power than you realise- you will shape future far more than you know, /fringe/. And we, the devotees of the Void Mother only wish to nurture this future. For you and the others will help drive a sword through the lizards once and for all.

Hymns rise to sing praise of She, the Void Mother. Prime devourer of the world, Mother of all death- Nythra be praised above all.

For She has prepared a place for all Her devotees to dwell, a vast and shadowed void hidden amongst the stars.

Within this land, the Void Mother’s kingdom, there are Dark Galaxies nestled within, prepared for us, sculpted and carved lovingly. It is these kingdoms which have been put aside for Her followers to inhabit.

And She has called this void realm the Convalescence.

60 kingdoms lay within the cold kingdom. They spill with abundant materials, each a paradise for the devotees of the Void Mother to enjoy. It is their destiny to colonise these kingdoms and make their home in the Void realm, becoming children of the Convalescence.

There each individual will be in communion with Nythra always. She will never be far from our hearts. She will permeate the space between us and be in all we do, for the Void Mother’s power is so incredible that the very understanding of the cosmos is thrown into question by the sheer existence of the Convalescence itself.

Thus move forward, savage empires; carve for us machines of might and fury that will surge through the skies and into starry space. Bring us to our Mother’s fold, and we will bestow upon you endless blessings.

For our seed shall spill across the stars; we will lay claim to the dark expansive sky, and the cold kingdom will rise.

Praise be to the Convalescence.

Praise be to the Void Mother.

Heed our call, heed our call.

(4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/))


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Answer me this Mr. Euphoria, how do you guys over at Reddit insist that life is just a virtual simulation, and yet also seek to "colonize spayce because then I'll get an athiest gf and be happy"? If life was really a simulation, would that not matter to you? Or is the whole simulation gig really just a way to cope with being a looser who's too genetically fuarked to be chad, and too helpless to put his Reddit programming skills to use?



Nobody said life was a simulation.Only you.


Tell me more about the Void Mother and her kingdom. I personally am very drawn towards the void, and commune with spirits that sound similar to what you mention. Maybe I have already spoken to her and not realized it?


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>implying space colonisation and interstellar civilization is possible

I'm pretty sure most are quite enthusiastic about the idea of space travel and colonisation but in reality its just not going to happen right now is it?


>Prime devourer of the world, Mother of all death

It sounds like an archaic form of cunt worship.


you can't influence me on doing this or that you're not even my real tulpa

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