You are strong in the force padiwan.
I think you're excessively one element. Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether/Akasha/Life/Mana/Warp/Arcane/Aether. Probably Water.
Focus on developing more Air. It's that simple. Learn to cast "breeze" in a sense. There's a slow build up of air, then a sudden shockwave of air (think sonic boom kinetic pressure wave from an explosion kind of air) and you should develop both. You sort of "summon" or "invoke" the element, so where there seemed to be no air all of a sudden AIR appears. It's both literal and metaphorical air, which is mediated by the aether.
If Air doesn't work, after trying to create air 1st like a punch (sudden pressure wave of air which is created by a sudden creation of air) and 2nd like a growing storm, then try another element like Fire, which is related to the Technology industry.
Air mediates between elements so it should prevent destructive interactions. I think Air is related to the Engineering industry. Your problem seems magnetic though, or, electromagnetic, which are Water and Earth. Transmute your other elements into Fire, then when that is in excess (step after the next) add Air, since that should mediate its interactions with the other elements.
If none of that works you need to learn how to wrap your energy around you rather than radiating it or interacting with other energies/objects/forces, in which case imagining your aura/light/'force' wrapped tight like a fabric or exosuit around your body and crystallized into a rubbery substance would work.
Sounds imaginary but the imagination is just pseudo-random dissections of real forces small or large. Drugs induce the "imagination", everyone who takes pure DMT usually sees the same thing, self-transforming machine elfs, without any awareness of other people's experiences… it's a simple fact of reality that wizardry and sorcery is real, that the imagination is a very real perception of real forces.
Chest region is Air, abdomen is Water, head is Fire, whole body is Earth.