ITT: I post my thoughts as they arise, share random samples of magical practices, answer requests for more instructions to be written, etc.
I don't want to flood the board with new threads and I really need a place to post all my shit from my magick experiments and insights from my meditations and so on.
Keep looking to this thread if you want quite a flood of new information, I have a tendency to just keep my notes offline, but I'm going to write shit in here.
I have found a sort of meditation hack btw that can really help you all advance very fast and is good to begin applying while doing the practical water cure of William Walker Atkinson or any general fasting but may begin now as well as be continued after any fasting.
Fasting is not important, it will just give you a chance during that time due to the cleansing of the system, and the increased lucidity and astral energy to work magick.
Indeed I feel that a certain amount of loosh is consumed in the efforts of the body to digest and assimilate food. Etheric energy must change that food material into the same matter as the body. During fasting none of that energy is being so occupied so you have a good opportunity to do advanced rituals and get any works done with building thoughtforms and so on at that time that will be harder at another time.
I also don't really understand as I do not know what these cycles are tied down to or whether or not they correspond to solar activity, moon cycles, etc. but certain times of the day and night as well as of the weeks and months correspond to increased etheric and astral activity and so I have another technique I've developed for checking these energy levels and knowing when the time is to do something.
For those that request things be done on their time, it is important for them to know that I do things on my own time and on cosmic time, sometimes a ritual or proceeding can not go forward until I just know that it is the time. My available energy for magick varies at different times and sometimes there's so much power available that the I actually give off an excess of energy and attract entities to myself and even a moment of closing my eyelids immediately shows me into another world – othertimes it's so dead that nothing magickal can take place without a great strain of the will until recovery has been had; and pushing it then tends to exhaust and harm oneself further. So one must wait awhile – and then a time will come and we're ready to work again!
"16. The body, the animal soul, the intellectual. To the body belong the senses: to the animal soul, the appetites and passions: to the intellectual, the maxims of life. To have sensible impressions exciting imaginations, is common to us with the cattle. To be moved, like puppets, by appetites and passions, is common to us with the wild beasts, with the most effeminate wretches, Phalaris, and Nero, with atheists, and with traitors to their country. If these things, then, are common to the lowest and most odious characters, this must remain as peculiar to the good man; to have the intellectual part governing and directing him in all the occurring offices of life; to love and embrace all which happens to him by order of providence; to preserve the divinity placed in his breast, pure, undisturbed by a croud of imaginations, and ever calm and well-pleased, and to follow with a graceful reverence the dictates of it as of a God; never speaking against truth, or acting against justice. And, tho’ no man believe he thus lived, with simplicity, modesty, and tranquillity; he neither takes this amiss from any one; nor quits the road which leads to the true end of life; at which he ought to arrive pure, calm, ready to part with life, and accommodated to his lot without reluctance."
Tangerine Meditation
Note: Any other citrus fruit may be substituted for this meditation, I just prefer astral tangerines myself, as they resonate the most strongly with me and my tastes and so on.
I discovered this meditation while without food for a few days.
I was hungry and had nothing to eat and it was getting to a point of stomach cramps so I thought "well I'm a wizard, I don't have to deal with this bullshit" so I began thoughtforming food and eating my thoughtforms.
This made my hunger go away completely, gave me the feeling of being full, and having no stomach cramps.
Now – you all should be aware that citrus fruits increase lucidity and that increased lucidity means more ability to create thoughtforms.
So do this every day; thoughtform some tangerines (or your other favourite citrus fruit) and eat them.
It is a wonderful meditation exercise that develops the imagination. It engages all of the senses (smell, taste, feeling, visual, etc.) and because you're making thoughtforms of citrus fruits you get the same benefits as actually eating those citrus fruits.
Theoretically, taken to an advanced enough level, you would eventually be able to actually materialize these fruits to a point that you end up with physical fruits.
>>10245This meditation is basically a thoughtforming/visualization hack. You should be able to experience increased lucidity at a much accelerated pace with it.
Note to self: create a thread about vril and a thread about relaxation tomorrow
This is OC but i doubt they're not written down in some books somewhere.
The first meditation is about establishing and strengthening your aura, begin from bottom up, clean, fuel and wind up each chakra in turn, after that is done visualize a layer of corresponding color surrounding you, expanding in thickness according to the Fibonacci sequence.
>red, 1 cm thick
>orange, 2 cm thick
>yellow, 3
>green, 5
>blue, 8
>purple, 13
>white, 21
When it is established feel the surrounding area, know everything that is within your space.
Now expand it outwards.
A good goal to reach is to encompass the solar system, but starting smaller is advised.
Know your room. Know your house. Know your city. Know your country. Know your continent. Know your planet. You'll know when you have reached desired state of mind, well there you can create very powerful affirmations.
Sound meditation, "Aoum/Ohm" are powerful sounds, make them vibrate and shake your whole body. The first few breaths and exhales coupled with this noise you're allowed to use your mouth to exhale "ao", close and continue. After a few times have your mouth shut and let the sound go from full lungs, pushed out using (all or as many as possible)stomach muscles through your nose.
Gotten this far?
YHWH is never supposed to be said out loud. Use your tongue to create this sound, tongue & mouth position is important, experiment having your tongue in different positions. Depending on how much open space there is in your mouth the sound will sound differently, experiment until you can properly make this sound.
Post your magick stories itt.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. My power level is at (rounded off) 40% right now.
I am constantly hearing morse code beginning yesterday and continuing since then.
I find that touching my skull in various places and holding my touch there makes the morse code louder.
I have no idea what this is but it's just like before.
Only difference is that this time I am not attributing it to bed springs as there is no bed near me, I'm sitting on a wooden chair, and I also hear the morse code in other places or sitting on other chairs. No.11171
>>11169I should also note that my fire and cold invulnerability is incredibly high at present and my regeneration has amazing finally kicked off lately; previously any little bruises or cuts were healing absurdly slow but just two days ago I really massively fucked up my left pointer finger with a HUGE bruise over it that swole up and everything but that's mostly gone already now.
I've also been experiencing twitching muscles on the left side of my body, they just keep twitching for no apparent reason, and also my astral power is increasing along with my general energy level and that last moment I was in the astral I had AP'd several times while experiencing some troubles by a large effort of will, getting disconnected from the astral, and forcing myself back in and interestingly the last time I managed it before giving up on trying to force my way back in the astral I ap'd without transferring all of my conscious out of body properly so I had my consciousness still in my physical arms and as a consequence while in the astral I had to run around without being able to move my astral arms which were paralyzed in a fold in front of me, as if by straight jacket, and I had to run around while some murderous entity chased me getting really pissed and trying to steal my loosh and I told someone I was with to get a rock and "accident him" but the other entity picked up on that psychically and picked up a rock himself which he tossed in my general direction but totally missed. It was a fat man btw in the astral and I could have easily got away from him if I the use of my astral arms in order to climb over shit like fences, walls, trees, etc. rapidly.
I am also seeing the occasional strange bright white squiggle things appear briefly before me.
If all goes well in a matter of days more of my full power will be restored and there will be an even greater increase in anomalies and strange happenings and I will be able to work more and more intense magick. I'm pretty much just waiting it out right now and conserving energy and repairing myself as best I can. As my energy levels increases too various parts of my body heal faster, so I am not yet at the level required for total healing, but overall am better right now with 3 points on my upper body (one on the forehead just over the left eyebrow, another point below the left ear, and another point on the left-front side of the neck) getting worse right now and 1 point on the right-front side of the neck subsiding on the neck subsiding from previous damage and the general condition overall being not as absolutely terrible as in the past days, getting more stable.
>>11171Just figured out I can also induce this morse code stuff to be heard in the right ear by pressing the knuckles of my right hand up against the right side of my skull.
Wait… it even works with the hands not actually touching, just tested.
It seems to me as if this morsecode stuff is being transmitted up through my body, through the arms, through the hands, to my head; and is most audible in whatever ear one of my hands is closet to.
What is going on why are my hands emitting morse code? No.11183
I keep hearing also some animal or something near me. I think it's a squirrel or a mouse. It makes strange noises that sound practically demonic. One time I heard these noises I saw a squirrel outside; most of the time though I don't see any animal and I'm not really sure if these noises are being made by an actual animal in the house. I am alone and there's nobody around and yet I keep hearing boards creak and sounds like there's something invisible in here moving around right now. Even as I type this I hear these things and it's kind of unnerving. The snow outside is picking up more and I'm not sure where some of the sacred medicine is, I see some of it where it should be, but some blessed branches are gone right now and I don't know where they are…
It is 3:42 PM now, the time corresponds with the longest extent of the recharging period, I just have to hold out now for about 1 more hour perhaps to push things forward another big chunk but if I retire now I might not succeed in making that leap. Ideally I might have to wait 3 hours still but the desire to go into trance is very great… and various entities are bound to want my increasingly exceptional reservoir of actively available loosh. I maybe should continue reading my magick book but something seems to want to draw my attention away from it again and again… the fire is burning at a higher intensity now then it was just 20 or so minutes ago when it seemed like it was going to die out but now it's picking up again.
One of the greatest and most glaring of the fallacies of Pantheism or allied systems of thought, is that which assumes that The Absolute or Deity is “trying to” accomplish something—either in the direction of “gaining experience,” or “building up” some great universe by continual progression. The idea of an Absolute, which must be Perfect, desiring anything other than it has is illogical. The idea of an Absolute Pantheistic Deity who must be All‑Wise, trying to “gain experience” or learn something by playing the game of Many Parts, is childlike and ridiculous—surely an unworthy role to attribute to an Omniscient Deity. The idea of an Absolute or Omnipotent Deity “trying to,” or endeavoring to build up universes by slow and arduous labor belongs to the category of child‑thought. To think of such a Being doing “day work” is ridiculous—and then what could He gain by it, this Perfect and Self‑Sufficient Being? And the fact remains that if all past Time has not been sufficient to accomplish perfect results, then all future Time will fail to accomplish them—for just as future Time has no ending, past Time has no beginning, and existed forever. And then, what did this Creative Being do in all the Eternity before Creation, if it be held that Creation had its beginning in time?
Alright made it to 4:30… I'm satisfied with that, I'll go enter trance now.
The student is urged to suspend judgment until he has read carefully, and then as carefully considered, what we have to say. Then let him re‑read, and re‑consider the book as a whole. Then let him ask himself the honest question: “Does not this seem reasonable and probable.” If he can do no more than to accept it all as a “working hypotheses,” by all means let him rest satisfied with that position—although to us the term may evoke a smile when we realize that the teaching is built upon the experience and testimony of the wise of the ages. But, if the teaching is carefully read and considered, it will prove to be regarded as more and more reasonable as the years pass by with the individual. Fact after fact will be seen to fit into the general teaching, and, as older conceptions are discarded from time to time, these teachings will be found to take their place. It is not easy to escape from a truth, once it has been presented to you. It has a way of itching your mental ear, once it has lodged there. For behind that ear is a part of you, hidden though it may be, by many sheaths, which knows—which Knows! Deny it though you may, you cannot escape from Truth once its seed has been lodged within your consciousness, for it will draw sustenance from your subconsciousness, and will in time sprout and put forth leaf and blossom.
>>11198Ebin shit happened since I went into that trance and I pushed everything forward at least one possibly TWO hours forward bringing me to… well about 60% of my full power if that one damned entity didn't steal some of it. I'll pin it at about 50% full capacity then. Regeneration is continuing with a little damage from the entity though that's also going to have to heal. I will do a cleansing ritual soon after more reading of Fringe Occult Books.
Some questions and Ideas I'll want to bonce off you guys.Help me if you can.
1.How powerful can tulpas become? can they posses people, get loosh for you, help you with magic,etc…also what are some common dangers with good/helpful tulpas becoming too strong?
2.If I was to steal/take a large amount someones loosh/life force, what kinda krama(not the best word) could come form that? what could I gain? what are some common ways people do this?
3.Couple of drugs I use, I just wana know the magical effects of these.
1.Corn sugar
4.How to defend myself form other peoples magics?or just people stealing my loosh in general.
5.Tips on healing others and myself?
Thanks guys, for the help.
>>17989>How powerful can tulpas become?My tulpas are still fairly weak as I give them little attention but you can let powerful tulpas take control of your body but it's not like they can one day just ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL or anything. They don't have a physical body so they'll have to learn either how to use your body's muscles or how to use their will to move it around. They can accumulate loosh and help with magic if they're designed correctly. There's no danger of them becoming a danger as long you put in specific rules when you create them such as never hurting humans or stealing your loosh etc.
>what could I gain? what are some common ways people do this?easiest way to collect loosh from someone is to get someone to exert a raw emotion directed at you. baiting people on 8chan is a valid loosh farming method.
>drugscan't help with those, maybe someone else can answer
>How to defend myself form other peoples magics?read a book nigger
most viable way is to create a shield thoughtform, charge it with energy and create rule sets for it such as "all that can harm you or steal your loosh will reflect back at the caster". get creative.
>Tips on healing others and myselfREAD SOME FUCKING BOOKS NIGGER!
I'm pretty sure virtually EVERY esoteric author in the mega library either has a specific book on the the subject of healing or at least went through it in great detail.
I personally tend to charge energy with my wish to heal and direct it either into my own body or someone else but there are LOADS of ways to go about healing but self healing is probably the most broad field. Healing others especially if they don't know someone is healing them is much harder.
Next time don't shit up threads and post your questions in the question thread where they belong.
Also flags are mandatory.