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Esoteric Wizardry


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help me /fringe/ , I'm new to all this occult stuff, but tonight as I was doing breathing exercises, I felt a slight buzzing pressure just between my eyes on my forehead, and then I saw a couple of symbols in my mind's eye, can someone tell me whether these mean anything, and if so, what?

pic related


The mayans have a similar symbolology.

Left would be Solar tone (9) with a dash underneath possibly meaning "root", possibly a change in direction, possibly in a break or split.

The right would be an above/below reversed Resonance (7), meaning a backwards interpretation of resonance perhaps. Such as believing that the environment is mental and that the mental is environment; a confusion and misunderstanding in other words.

Subjective/Objective discernment could be off, especially since it's Resonance, which is the Mystic tone. At the same time, could mean that you need to manifest/apply your mystical consciousness and/or turn the material into mystical consciousness.

This hinges on if it's mayan galactic tone symbols. Go look up your "Galactic Dreamspell".



ah thanks dude, that was actually pretty informative, I'm going to read up on that galactic dreamspell and see if more meditation shows me more symbols.

i don't suppose you may have any advice on why I'm seeing these symbols or even where they're coming from? either way, thanks for your help.


Use the questions thread. Locked.


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