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Hello fellow /fringe/ wizards. I am in the mood to watch something, and I wanted to know if there is any movies or documentaries that you guys know which has hidden knowledge? It doesnt have to be real either, I happened to think that Marvel's Dr. Strange had some hidden knowledge.

Give me everything you got, I'm feeling like a marathon is approaching.


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The Code by Carl Munck

At the very least it's pretty interesting math



The Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds series is awesome, thanks :)


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For /fringe/ kind of style films and shows:

The Twilight Zone, The X Files, Star Trek, The Outer Limits - Dark City, K-PAX (book is also great), They Live, Being John Malkovich, Zardoz. Thats what comes off the top of my head.

I used to have a huge amount of great documentaries on my like list on youtube but the vast majority of them have been deleted and removed over the years, some of them I hope to find again one day as they were really good but recently I haven't watched many documentaries.


If you like Alan Watts and Bill Cooper style lecture videos on youtube Manly P Hall sereis of lectures is really vast and diverse. Like the Alan Watts videos there is no footage but there is a huge wealth of material he has taught on. Most of them are on youtube but if anyones interested I could try and find the torrent for his complete lecture sereis, its massive.


If it ain't an audiobook it's not worth viewing/listening to on youtube as far as I'm concerned.

That said, are you aware of Montalk's compilation of woke vids?


Frequencies (blue poster with hands. Recommending this heartily)

Tulpa (tibetan monk explains shit)

Lo (demon summoning. Fun little college film)




Lots of shit in this thread for some reason. I recommend The Prestige by Christopher Nolan. It's about two competing stage magicians, but it gets into some crazy stuff. Inception is another great film by Nolan, but surely everyone here has seen it by now. Both make you think a good bit.


Brain Damage (1988)

won't regret 10/10


Suprised it hasn't been said yet

The Holy Mountain

Thank your God(s) later


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The first season of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure has some esoteric knowledge in it.



did you find the torrent? wold be greatly appreciated



the first two seasons are the best



Nah, I'm good. You already watched all those for me.



you best be trolling….if not GTFO




Shit I need to watch that again, I was just thinking about it the other day

You are excrement, you can turn yourself into gold



El Topo

The Holy Mountain

Santa Sangre

Fando y Lis

La Danza de la Realidad

Twin Peaks (seasons 1, 2 & its movie-prequel; Fire Walk With Me)



Robert Anton WIlson Explains Everything (or Old Bob Exposes His Ignorance)

Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson

Any of Robert Anton Wilson's lectures/entertainments – especially those from 1994 onwards.

The YouTube channel GeoCosmicREX's videos on Randall Carlson.

Joseph Campbell - The Hero's Journey, The Power of Myth, Mythos.

The YouTube channels 'iamlegend333' & 'soundlessdawn'; specifically the videos pertaining to synchromysticism.

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