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How do you relate to the public, /fringe/?

Do you keep your ideas to yourself or openly express them in 'normal' company?

Are you better than them? More illuminated? Open minded?

Do you get much hate, ridicule or 'eye-rolling'?

Do your workings involve the outside, social, world or are they purely personal? How so?

What do your beliefs and actions mean in terms of our society?

How do you explain your ideas to others?

Share stories about your relationship with 'normies', /fringe/.


I've found that by doing normal things, I can relate better to normal people without necessarily altering who I am. I've been lifting weights and became active on social media, I stopped playing video games or watching anime, and /fringe/ and /fit/ are the only boards I browse. Doing all this leaves me in a good middle-ground where I can reap the benefits of abnormality (a sense of individuality, knowledge that couldn't be attained by normal means, discussions like these, etc) without experiencing the typical harms of it (social suicide, depersonalization of my peers, weird obsessions, etc). From this point, shifts are easy. If I'm going to hang out with a girl I approve of, I can avoid porn for a week and end up assertive when around her. If I don't approve of her, I do the opposite and as a result have no interest. None of this is really fringe, though. On that topic, I know people who are the typical "yes I believe in the supernatural" type, and one who is a born psychic but her father died when she was little and now she hates all men. So life's pretty empty in that regard.


I don't have anyone to reflect with person to person. I have a generally headstrong and inquisitive personality that rubs too many 'serious' religious folk the wrong way.

I mean nothing too insulting. It's just odd to think about. Some may even take that I devalue life here as I believe we are here to define our inner essence for the next step up. I believe in an afterlife of sorts simply because I believe believing in something makes it exist.

I'm actually somewhat lonesome in the matter. Not sure if it's just my subpar social upbringing but I feel moderate to high levels of estranged dissociation from people in group settings which is something I've been working on for a long time.

No need to make it worse by trying to see if they're interested in personal philosophy of mine derived from personal experience.


I'm just so fucking weird and eccentric I don't have to even say anything for people to wonder about me. I think most people are entertained by me. The only real issue I have is mainly with my parents.


>the public


>relate to

I would require a lobotomy.



Respect everyone until they give me a reason not to.


I usually pretend to be the opposite of what I am in my beliefs and viciously attack anyone who deviates from a purely materialistic, 100% atheistic and mainstream science based beliefs.

Whenever someone around me expresses just a little bit of belief in anything spiritual or paranormal I berate and ridicule them as the uneducated, superstitious, self-deluded quacks they are.

Fun fact: most people I encounter who are "spiritual" are actually deluded and stupid, emotionally damaged and victims of severe cognitive bias anyway.

Everyone knows I'm hardcore into science and can't possibly believe in any of that stupid mumbo jumbo. I regularly do rituals to ensure nobody bothers me regarding my beliefs anyway, so it's not like I have to worry too much. It's fun though.

There are far more arguments in one's arsenal for doing this than there are for convincing anyone that there's more to reality than meets the eye. This is a very good read if you want to go this route:


But it basically amounts to accusing them of one of the following:

>1. misperceive random data and see patterns where there are none;

>2. misinterpret incomplete or unrepresentative data and give extra attention to confirmatory data while drawing conclusions without attending to or seeking out disconfirmatory data;

>3. make biased evaluations of ambiguous or inconsistent data, tending to be uncritical of supportive data and very critical of unsupportive data.

Almost nobody will stand their ground in public when accused of this, and those who do are instantly disregarded by the others.



Just a couple days ago, I remembered that kid and looked him up. Apparently he was raped by an old man and murdered him.

Crazy stuff. Nice synchronicity.



Why would you do this rather than genuinely helping them form a balanced perspective? If this is really true you're a horrible person.



I don't see what the big deal is. Why would you care about people you'll never meet?



I'm generally a good person and that is reflected in how I treat people, generally. However, in these matters you absolutely can't help people who don't want to help themselves, and I will not compromise myself in order to cast a few pearls they are going to ignore at best.



>I will not compromise myself in order to cast a few pearls they are going to ignore at best.

That is perfectly fine.

>I viciously attack anyone who deviates from a purely materialistic, 100% atheistic and mainstream science based beliefs

This is an attempt to manipulate and distract people away from the path of Gnosis. For what reason you see this as the sensible thing to do escapes me. It's extremely egotistical, antisocial, and Indigopilled. That's why I said if you're going to give your opinion at all, then it should be helpful, otherwise, don't push your bullshit onto people.

If you really don't want to compromise yourself, which I agree with, just identify as Agnostic with no real set beliefs on anything supernatural. If I say it really fast, it sounds like "I'm a Gnostic", that way I'm not even lying.

tl;dr Stop using jewish disinformation/divide and conquer tactics



Why? Do you want to find someone to violently prove you wrong?



>If I say it really fast, it sounds like "I'm a Gnostic", that way I'm not even lying.


I would be very glad to find someone IRL who is not a new age soccer mom but a real occultist. The chances of that are very, very slim, though.





>indigo pill

I actually look it up and it's surprisingly accurate, except for the hailing satan bit. *The succubus part is on point though.*




if you keep pissing on the fire and someone sitting at it knows something but keeps quiet you might get whats coming to you with that attitude.


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> usually pretend to be the opposite of what I am in my beliefs and viciously attack anyone who deviates from a purely materialistic, 100% atheistic and mainstream science based beliefs

Why? It seems like this is an attack on yourself. Have I misunderstood? It'd be great to hear an elaboration.

>Everyone knows I'm hardcore into science and can't possibly believe in any of that stupid mumbo jumbo. I regularly do rituals to ensure nobody bothers me regarding my beliefs

If you know the results of the rituals are 'just in your mind' (ie, cognative bias), why perform them? I get that we can use our bias' productively but can't you cut out the middle man nad just believe or act your result without having to

This is something thats always confused me regarding the well known magicians; they [i]seem[/i] to know the process is all psychological yet they engage with the ritual side anyway. It reminds me of Alan Watts saying "Once you realise religion is unnecessary, its fun to have one".


honestly, I just googled 'dirty hippies'.


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Alright everybody, it's time to take the test. When I took this in December I scored in the middle of "Cyborg," but with enough lifting, thinking, and socializing, I am now at the upper end of "Slightly Strange" and expect to be a certified normalfag by next year, perhaps even a Chad one day. Post your scores.



INTJ/INTP-A master race, don't need your inferior tests.



I guess I made it sound worse than it is, but I hear you.


Yeah, I have issues that still need resolving.

>If you know the results of the rituals are 'just in your mind'

"Just in your mind" means nothing because the universe itself is "just in your mind" as well. Ritual is a tool. It is not "you" who needs to believe, it's another part of you. You can't cut out the middle man when you're talking to spirits.



>Do you keep your ideas to yourself or openly express them in 'normal' company?

If I find someone on my level to talk to I open my heart unconditionally, no aggressive discussions, just curious back and forth. Don't mind throwing out stuff that makes people frown, hurtful or not truth is the truth.

My aura is confident disinterest until something piques my interest and I snap out of my thoughts into the common now like a lightning bolt. In this state my eyes carry a focus or pressure, my essence, enough to bob peoples heads back as if struck in the forehead when taking eye contact. I talk and move with my eyes, my mind. I often get comments that my eyes are beautiful and I know they are because I am beautiful. The eyes reflect the soul and I look at the world with genuine curiosity and kindness. This is what affects my social interactions the most.

>Are you better than them? More illuminated? Open minded?

When socializing I do my best to vibe like the people I'm with, social chameleon for as long as I have the energy. Without the energy or interest I retreat a into my mind and decide that the night has been fun and that its time to leave, or chill in the background noise while being with a person that doesn't drain me.

I do my best to be humble but I don't back a step down if I'm right. Unless I all together drop it.

When it comes to talking about magic I tend to take the backseat and listen to others, only giving them what they need right now, as to not overwhelm them.

I'm quiet about it if its not brought up. Unless I feel that the person is meant to know something that will help them.

>Do you get much hate, ridicule or 'eye-rolling'?

None. I spread happiness and love because I don't want to be the guy others have to "stand". Because of this I attract lovely equally minded people with few hidden or dirty agendas. If possible I bend over backwards to help others momentarily let go of their shit. Most of the time its enough to smile.

If I get ridicule or eyerolling I drop it. Its different from arguing, they just don't believe and are not smart enough to know, its better to end it with a sly smile that tells them in ten thousand ways that there is more to this world. Usually they come back with a question.

>Do your workings involve the outside, social, world or are they purely personal? How so?

My workings are entirely personal. I want very little to do with entities. My work is to be happy, to see the beauty in every day life and to remind myself to smile, because I have a reason. I can move the world as I am but if I don't want it to topple I know I need a solid foundation.

>What do your beliefs and actions mean in terms of our society?

If I am happy I will attract people who are happy and that will make me even more happy. If I am happy I will spread it to others as much as I can without burning out. Live life, smile, just be and others will too.

>How do you explain your ideas to others?

As simplified as possible.

>Share stories about your relationship with 'normies', /fringe/.

Friendships are not hi and bye, I grow strong personal ties with those I consider worth my time, friends for life, through ten years of silence, a hug.

When all is said and done there is a mutual understanding and appreciation of the time that has been. People grow apart but the growth that your friend is responsible for will always be in your heart.

I consider /fringe/ to have a large place in my heart.

In society, in many ways, I am ethereal. I walk on air yet touch everything, I'm invisible while also radiant as the sun.


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I hide my more exotic workings, occult-wise, but I don't completely hide my opinion on the paranormal. If asked I'd freely admit I believe there's a higher power and that there are things in this world science can't explain.

But I won't say I'm attempting to contact and understand these forces in my spare time.

My only real gripe is that I need some hobbies. People are starting to look weird at me when I have to make up some stupid shit so I don't have to say I spend all weekend meditating and reading hermeticism

Or maybe I should stop giving a fuck and see what happens.



I am INTP and scored a few points below normalfag. It is not an excuse to be a socially retarded turbo-autist. If you're really a strong logical thinker like me, you should be able to figure out how social interaction works.


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I don't like normalfags, I see every flaw in them. Being around them is like living with apes, I want to help them, but I know I shouldn't; I wish I had some occultist friends, but am dangerously afraid that they'd just be normalfags with too much power, like that fucker HeartMagic. I can sense all the larvae writhing around in their aura, I sit and watch them get takin' over and enslaved by 3D succubi, because nobody believes me. Despite what looks to them my crazy ramblings, and schizoid behavior, they still treat me like a god, they think I'm chad, because I found mewing when I was 15. I've given up on giving them advice, or showing them the way, all they do is laugh at me, or depend on me as a saint. I always believed in Hollywood esque love, and still kinda long for a spiritually awakened twinflame, dom male / sub female know kinda dynamic, but let me tell ya, while I don't necessarily get "mad" in the normal sense anymore, it does grind my gears when people tell me that not all human women are shit in this day and age. Like I said, I'm really hot, and when that doesn't work I use autosuggestion, and girls at my school fuck'n faun over me, I've had my pick and tried to mold plenty of fuck'n roasties into greenpill waifus, its not happening without mind control, they just won't do it without being spoonfed, and if I would literally have to replace their yin soul with a yang spirit like in pic related, then what's the point?


56 - Robot

It would've been lower but I'm a musclewiz with a staff I was gifted from Gaia



You sir, are a rolemodel



Damn I would love to meet you for just a day and see your life.

I feel similar (although I have a few larvae of my own and I'm not very handsome). What I hate most is feeling like that about my family.

The life of the neophyte is sometimes very lonely in that sense. I can't imagine how it is for an adept.



I'm barely a normalfag. Welp.



Most of 8chan fails to distinguish between normal and adjusted. Being normal is pretty crappy, but being adjusted is a sign of social intelligence. If you are the same dirt guy who has been posting his success and advice as an initiate, I'd wager your score is a result of the latter distinction.



>̶d̶o̶n̶t̶ ̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶d̶/̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶c̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶-̶1̶

>no significant depression +3

+2 m8

28/27/34/20/20, 129








Same dirt guy yup. Not the original cat posting dirt guy, who managed to cast dirt on people and cause them to stop in place, but almost every dirt guy afterward. Also a blood and water guy.


Of course Tipp is 120+, transcending even Chad.







Never mind then. No names anymore so I was assuming you were someone else who uses the same flag.



132, which shouldn't surprise me, but I have one of the worst cases of imposter syndrome imaginable, so it does.

As for OP's questions:

>How do you relate to the public?

Rather well. I do have difficulties at times given that I'm rather set in my ways which can occasionally cause problems, but fortunately my ways are good natured and socially acceptable and so people tend to respond well overall.

>Do you keep your ideas to yourself or openly express them in normal company?

I will express my beliefs in appropriate situations if I trust someone won't be overly judgmental about them. I find that most people believe in something that isn't normal and that if you are friendly, respectful, and inquisitive about it, they are usually willing to share about it and discuss and learn about what you believe. There are some people who absolutely won't, but they are usually the minority and are usually really unpleasant no matter what your beliefs are. I don't talk to them about anything other than what is required of me and certainly nothing overly personal.

>Are you better than them? More illuminated? More open minded?

I don't like to think that I'm better than anyone, that seems arrogant. I don't think I'm more illuminated either, just that I believe in different things than a lot of people, which I think is a part of the human experience. I'm probably more open minded than most, but I feel that has more to do with personality and temperament than anything else.

>Do you get much hate, ridicule, or eye-rolling?

Nope! Like I said earlier, I'm pretty personable and I don't talk about my beliefs with people who aren't open to the conversation.

>Do your workings involve the outside, social, world or are they purely personal? How so?

Purely personal. I aspire for and work towards personal strength and knowledge in addition to other traits as well as personal protection, guidance, and fulfilling needs that I am unable to otherwise. I would never wish to affect another directly.

>What do your beliefs and actions mean in terms of our society?

That I am fortunate enough to live in a place where I can freely practice my beliefs without fear of severe persecution.

>How do you explain your ideas to others?

I compare it to their religion if applicable and if not, then to general religious practices.

>Share stories about your relationship with normies.

There isn't a whole lot to share. Most of my experiences have been pretty positive. I've gotten a few comments about how I'm a little strange, but they're usually followed immediately by a compliment and some laughter. A few people have had me teach them how to make sigils, and while I've never sold any, a handful have offered to buy some after seeing them. I did have one boss who while not rude or disrespectful, did have his mother regularly send him a spray from Mexico that he requested I spray myself with before entering the workplace to ward off any evil spirits that might be stuck to me from my "brujeria". I did every time, the stuff smelled great and it put him at ease.



Funnily enough that woman's concerns are likely warranted. Occultists attract all sorts of spirits whether we realize it or not. Who knows what hidden bugs are buzzing about.


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>I'm really hot

Pics or it didn't happen

>inb4 y would i show it here!!!!

Don't brag without being able to back it up–better yet, don't brag at all



Oh, totally. I figured worst case I smelled better and best case any unwanted hitchhikers got the boot. I really appreciate the concern a lot of people have in these matters. The only time I can think of that was on that level of concern was when a coworker gave me some shu zhu and taught me a mantra to ward off evil spirits (which I'm sure I butchered, hell I had to look up what the beads were even called just barely) after hearing another coworker put a death curse on me.



>depend on me as a saint

I find this one, single thing to be one of the most infuriating when dealing with normalfags.

God damn cowards, I almost pity them.


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>How do you relate to the public, /fringe/?

I really don't. Never really have. Trying to is exhausting. Most people don't think, and stare at you like a freak or go on about how smart you are when your just trying to have a conversation about a topic.

Grew up with a lot of hate. Now I see it was actual dark forces using useful idiots to try to suicide me. Still happens but I've learned to protect myself and reflect the bad back to its source.

>Do your workings involve the outside, social, world or are they purely personal? How so?

Depends. Usually personal but there's a lot of things going on in the dreamtime that involve a lot of other entities.

When I'm operating on the mundane level its just getting my basic needs met. But when I'm meditating, doing artwork, or dreaming then its a different story. But all that stays pretty much below consciousness where it needs to.

>What do your beliefs and actions mean in terms of our society?

Everything is theater. Being nice to other people is really the only thing that's going to give you serious spiritual street cred.

The entire Universe watches you masturbate.

>How do you explain your ideas to others?

I don't. If I have to explain, they will never understand.

And I have to be careful about people wanting to be in my inner circle. Same dark forces I mentioned before love sending crazies in my path. Psychopaths, npd's, bpd's, and just plain old bad people pretending to be nice.

Becomes predictable after a while because they always go for the throat in some way. Some kind of ultimate put down or exclusion from "the group" kind of thing.

>Share stories about your relationship with 'normies', /fringe/.

I sometimes have brief conversations with people when I'm buying stuff. That's about the extent of my relationship with 'normies'.



Well people always try to pull you into their private little world. And there are always conditions to be met.

I now consider those "ultimate put downs" and "exclusion ultimatums" as a unique and wonderful opportunity to hijack the situation and posit my own "ultimus ultimatum" "putim downim maximus" → Fuck them with a triplicity of sharply barbed tentacle cocks until they mind break and worship your trips.


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>How do you relate to the public, /fringe/?

Pretty well. It's been a skill of mine to be able to switch between different modes depending on who I'm talking to all my life. Friends, business, family, etc. All different mannerisms and inflections and vocabulary depending on the context. Its helpful for spreading the dharma.

>Do your workings involve the outside, social, world or are they purely personal? How so?

They encompass every sentient being in the universe, bringing everyone to an enlightened state and higher level of consciousness. Everything remains in harmony that way.

>What do your beliefs and actions mean in terms of our society?

They intend to help everyone. Achieving positive and higher vibrations is the goal. The best way to do this is to encourage compassion and appreciation, even if they do not wish to become Buddhist themselves.

>How do you explain your ideas to others?

It's difficult to explain past the idea of compassion and appreciation, because then it gets into the spiritual and people drop it there since its not "scientific". Little do they know that everything Buddhists have been saying for literally thousands of years is barely being picked up by science now in terms of theoretical physics, see God particle and vibrational energy in all objects with mass.

But, from that standpoint, I try to refrain from it until they are ready to accept it. I essentially tell them that like gets like, the Universal Law of Attraction. If you find yourself often with negative people, you too will become negative. If you gaze into the void long enough, the void gazes as well into you.

The best way to do this, I think, is to help them with their problems and employ a solution of acceptance, which will then have everything fall into place. Once it works for them, they begin to wonder what else there is to explore.

>Share stories about your relationship with 'normies', /fringe/.

So far? Not much other than my immediate family. I'm trying to help a close friend of mine with his lady problems. He is a hardcore atheist so I'm going to try and explain it without going into the spiritual.



This tbh


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Don't worry about explaining theories intellectually. (Most people's intellects are completely egoic anyway. They will argue in slogans and even if they concede to your points, they will forget what you said an hour later.) Just allow the creator of the universe to manifest in your innermost soul and to channel through your bodily vehicle. This will make you a solar, numinous center of gravity around which their lunar energy will naturally wish to revolve.


I talk to my girlfriend about the stuff that I learn. She really loves hearing about it. She's been struggling with depression and anxiety for years now (she's getting help), and the general esoteric ideas (WWA type stuff) seems to really put her mind at ease about the world. Meditation is helping her a lot too which gives me an excuse to meditate an extra hour on the days we're hanging out ;)

Other than that, people don't really know what I do. I have a few hobbies and a day job so I can relate to people on that level. That mostly involves nodding my head and smiling. A lot of people like to hear themselves talk. They're the easiest to get a long with because they love you for the smiling and nodding. On an esoteric level, generating a purple aura and visualizing yourself firing off pure love energy to other people on the daily makes you and others around you happier and you become someone people enjoy being around. You don't have to relate to them on those grosser mental levels because they can feel the blissful peaceful energy when they're around you. I've had people that can't help but talk (silence scares them a little) tell me that they don't mind sitting in silence with me because I just have a relaxing energy.

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