Cosmology of Nu-Enlightenment 07/30/17 (Sun) 00:06:12 No. 103006
Where do you fall on this chart /fringe/?
07/30/17 (Sun) 00:23:39 No. 103008
07/30/17 (Sun) 00:30:22 No. 103009
Me the Neo-Nazi, Panentheist, LHP/RHP Chaos Magician (I can't stop alternating sides spontaneously heh), Kekist, "God is", Discordian, Spectacle Sorceror, Time Cube Truther, Moloch Contactee, Grey Contactee/Abductee, Akashic Seer, Tiger Rider.
07/30/17 (Sun) 00:33:49 No. 103011
I also like to call myself a "Hehist". Heh is the most powerful word there is. It makes everything heh. It has immunized me against disaster and pain. Everything illicit a response of 'heh' from me. Heh is heh.
07/30/17 (Sun) 00:34:22 No. 103012
I didn't make the pic so unless the author wanders over from the chon to here you probably won't get a definition.
07/30/17 (Sun) 02:26:12 No. 103023
Mauve Zone Witness
Kenneth Grant gets no love here, but that's only because of stupidity and ignorance.
I chatted with the author of this chart–he's not very familiar with Grant, but knew enough to put that in the Enlightened section–there are no coincidences.
07/30/17 (Sun) 02:55:23 No. 103025
07/30/17 (Sun) 04:18:05 No. 103033
Yes, read another's biased opinion instead of forming your own based on the man's own words, you'll fit right in.
If you must have someone else think for you, here's a more sympathetic view:
07/30/17 (Sun) 05:38:07 No. 103040
Honestly, no idea.
I view reality as a sort of 'construction ground' where we define ourselves before advancing to the next round of existence.
A sort of refinement of perspective that sculpts an 'ultimate self' as much as an artist works with clay.
Then again, this is all based on what I've experienced thus far.
07/30/17 (Sun) 05:44:20 No. 103042
>Vajryana Buddhists are in the same circle as NazBol Gang
10,000 Niggerwatts
07/30/17 (Sun) 08:25:41 No. 103052
I have the sense that if I knew what each of these explicitly were, they'd be paying dividends for all the stock I have in almost each of them.
It pays to have your fingers in everything.
07/30/17 (Sun) 15:46:07 No. 103061
07/30/17 (Sun) 16:50:22 No. 103071
I think the chart is bullshit. It's just a bunch of labels that someone has arbitrarily categorised under some opinionated newspeak. You might as well just ask what do you identify as instead of giving this fools list which dismisses virtually every school of thought except chaos magic as somehow stupid or brainwashed.
How intellectually braindead and shallow do you have to be to dub everything Jordan Peterson, Theosophy, Western Folk Lore, Neitzche, Buddhism has ever said as just "GOYTOYS", what kind of assinine nonsense is that? It's just so demeaning to all these schools of thought what is the relationship between "Pagans" and "Post-Monarchism"? Even types of music are put alongside ideologies or "Nostalgia Junkies". Most of this stuff contradicts each other and who would ever simply "fall on this chart" as simply a "Star Wars fan". Absolute garbage.
Memes like this are retarded cancer. You'd have to be really easily manipulated and gullable to think such a meaningless clusterfuck of labels has any authority on anything.
07/30/17 (Sun) 16:57:46 No. 103073
Anyone who takes images like the one in the OP as absolute fact deserves any of the trouble their ignorance creates for them. I see nothing wrong with spreading and discussing it because anyone who was going to fall for it would fall for the next thing too if they hadn't seen this. I don't think the creator of it was necessarily trying to assert that it represented any more than his opinions.
07/30/17 (Sun) 17:03:48 No. 103074
Even as an opinion its incredibly stupid.
07/30/17 (Sun) 17:20:27 No. 103075
Yeah, well, y'know that's just like, uh, your opinion man.
07/31/17 (Mon) 02:15:26 No. 103110
Yet it still lists a bunch of shit I'm unaware of and now wish to become aware of. It's net contribution is positive. The rest is flavor. It's even icecream colored, while the Enlightened is flavorless; for the serious seeker.
Anyone know what the Enclave of Forms is?
07/31/17 (Mon) 03:30:30 No. 103114
Would you hug Loli Donny?
07/31/17 (Mon) 03:52:40 No. 103115
07/31/17 (Mon) 04:05:23 No. 103116
be careful of information you find on the internet… it is not always trusty
07/31/17 (Mon) 05:53:45 No. 103122
>Where do you fall on this chart /fringe/?
Probablilistically in the "void"
But there's always some other stuff going on with me that can't really be categorized.
I'm recalcitrant to labels over time, even when consciously desiring to belong.
Inevitably I end up realizing the label/group is just play acting bullshit for people who stopped growing.
Then I go read some Herman Hesse or Ovid or just masturbate to anime and wonder about the song of creation where every object that exists shares this hidden tune of existential joy.
Pretty sure I have multiple personalities and a few ghosts that hang around me as well.
07/31/17 (Mon) 06:31:30 No. 103127
Due to basic laws of reality, such as locality and the nature of thought propagation, we're all in the currents of some sort of thought winds/waves.
You're amongst the thoughts and vice versa of what ever company your mind keeps.
Sublimating desire into discipline will keep you from passively resonating to whatever strongest force exists in your presence at any one time.
Not to mention the oh so subtle creatures and weathers and landscapes (however alien the patterns of these places are) that persist without our sphere of influence.
Best to methodically structure a path for your mastery of all the layers of reality.
Void I believe is an adaptation to counter-act the overpowering uncertainty of these realms. A modus operandi that focuses on filtering out any specific stimulus to retain one's ability to discover the path away from the lesser and towards the greater.
Emotion is only irrational if one accepts the irrationality in others and themself. It's as intellectual as the familiar rationale if one is willing to do the mental work.
07/31/17 (Mon) 17:53:37 No. 103143
I know I shouldn't but my ego needs this…
Can I get a quick rundown on these two guys please?
SAGE! 07/31/17 (Mon) 21:47:24 No. 103165
They are rich frenchmens and shit
08/02/17 (Wed) 03:38:43 No. 103241
08/02/17 (Wed) 05:22:05 No. 103244
I am, you, our we, are one. From one all, and all from one.
08/03/17 (Thu) 02:25:45 No. 103301
08/03/17 (Thu) 06:18:31 No. 103304
"diy vaccinations"
SAGE! 08/03/17 (Thu) 08:33:27 No. 103305
>No identifying posts / namefag drama
What did he mean by this?
08/05/17 (Sat) 05:33:47 No. 103376
The Void, LHP Chaos MAgician
08/06/17 (Sun) 04:35:42 No. 103438
I have a question. We can call it Fringe, Occult, Hermetic, Religion or Pagan if you like. If it were 20+ years ago I would not have to ask this.
I'm searching for a group that is quintessentially pro White. But *NOT* Nazi or White Nationalist adolescent role players or anything related. Serious White people who will bond and care for each other.
And meets up in real life or at least offers members to do so without drama or paranoia.
Any replies that use the words "you and racist" will be ignored as every other ethnic group has their own organizations.
08/06/17 (Sun) 18:23:13 No. 103466
So according to this chart ASMR is gay. WTF I hate feeling relaxed now.
08/06/17 (Sun) 18:43:44 No. 103467
>implying Beastwars' lyrics have anything to do with politics
What a stupid choice for the background image
08/06/17 (Sun) 19:54:55 No. 103477
Still the image seems to have struck a nerve. Perhaps you'd be better off realizing that all labels (and categorizations of labels) are meaningless from the get go and therefore that spending energy trying to debunk them is counter-productive. A sort of structural nihilism if you will.
08/06/17 (Sun) 21:58:39 No. 103483
Whoever made that image knows what he/she is doing. It is not describing our current political landscape as much as memeing a new one into existence.
08/07/17 (Mon) 06:38:58 No. 103535
Well where are you?
Make one.
08/08/17 (Tue) 13:56:33 No. 103594
Make one? There isn't one group of anything in real life that is pro White.
08/08/17 (Tue) 19:59:24 No. 103605
Only mentally unstable people are racial supremacists. Have fun with materialism.
08/08/17 (Tue) 23:08:19 No. 103616
>He hasn't met Hitler on the astral plane
Bitch you need to get off of Fringe right now.
08/09/17 (Wed) 16:52:26 No. 103678
Well, I'm a Druid Reconstructionist, Social Tribalist, and have raised and studied the Jewish Question on more than one occasion. Where the hell do I fall in line here?
I don't consider myself "pagan" because Druidry entails actually educating yourself, not just reading shitty material like "Celtic Myth & Magic, by Edain McCoy" or other tripe of the such.
To be honest (and according to the chart), every single one of us falls under "goytoy". The chart seems true, albeit a little unfair and inconsiderate to variables.
Conclusion: simplify your chart.
08/13/17 (Sun) 22:25:32 No. 104080
Nothing about "racial supremacists" troll and liar.
Only Whites are not allowed to meet up. Everyone else it's fine, right? You're the racist.
08/13/17 (Sun) 22:56:00 No. 104084
08/14/17 (Mon) 01:21:20 No. 104096
Yes. All of /pol/'s memes were created by tavistock. Most /pol/goys are GATE project children being manipulated, the rest are the gullible and the evil.
08/14/17 (Mon) 01:53:55 No. 104097
what is "GATE"….does that have to do with 'gender equality'?
10/18/17 (Wed) 21:46:00 No. 110967
NazBol Spectacle Sorcerer reporting in
>Most /pol/goys are GATE project children
I was literally a GATE student and ended up washed up like many other anons were.
10/23/17 (Mon) 01:57:47 No. 111049
It's in the image of a door with a doorstop, the enlightened as the lock.
The diagram can be broken down into planetary zones from Mars to Sol from the outside inward.
10/24/17 (Tue) 22:18:02 No. 111096
God is fake/god is real/I am god(fuc u I won't do watch a tel me)
Anime/RTS fan
Reactionary white supremacist
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:07:46 No. 111103
Im too reactionary for the chart.
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:09:19 No. 111104
Very good nazibol forever
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:10:57 No. 111105
Chaos magic forever.
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:11:20 No. 111106
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:11:33 No. 111107
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:12:25 No. 111108
Ill make you mine one day human.
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:12:42 No. 111109
10/25/17 (Wed) 04:12:51 No. 111110
10/30/17 (Mon) 05:30:19 No. 111238
Don't slam the door open.
10/30/17 (Mon) 09:04:52 No. 111240
I am everything as much as I am nothing.
I have no purpose other than finding it.
Labels are for those who wish to set them upon everything they perceive, but it's all meaningless anyway.
I guess I would say that I think I have a bit of each and every single one of those labels apply to some extent to my persona, but there's so much more to "me" that it just makes this list look like a tear drop in the ocean.
I'm not even sure if posting this has any meaning whatsoever.
01/02/18 (Tue) 19:48:44 No. 113675
>"(excluding Frank Yang)"
>nick land apostle being in both enlightened and goytoy
>maus interpreters are enlightened
so many gems in this pic
01/02/18 (Tue) 20:50:00 No. 113679
>idpol is on the chart
Nice try /leftypol/
01/03/18 (Wed) 21:30:56 No. 113811
How does one sublimate desire into discipline? Do I literally just channel my desire for something and channel that desire into the work necessary to get it?
01/03/18 (Wed) 22:18:28 No. 113821
Probably the closest would be Chaos Magician but I never really considered myself to be either LHP or RHP. I think it's a false dichotomy.
>I was literally a GATE student and ended up washed up like many other anons were.
Same here.
01/04/18 (Thu) 01:58:38 No. 113839
01/04/18 (Thu) 03:34:16 No. 113841
maus interpreters?