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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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> "The unnatural and insane excesses of ancient Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah, Greece and Rome, are duplicated by the modern Babylons. And unless checked, the ulcerous and cancerous moral contagion will spread, and will in the end bring down our civilization in ruins, just as it has the civilizations of the past."

> "Stop and ask yourself the question : How many married men are there who lead the natural normal sex life who use the Sex functions only for the purpose that Nature plainly intended? How many men are there who allow their wives the real ownership of their own bodies, and who refrain from forcing their unnatural attentions upon their mates in a way which every female animal [snip] would indignantly resent and repel? How many men are there who regard their wives as their real mental and spiritual mates, instead of mere physical organisms for the gratification of their (the men's) lust for sensation and lascivious experience?"

> "It may be objected to that we have placed the blame of this perversion of Sex upon man alone, and have said nothing about the woman. We are aware of this, and have purposely placed the blame where we think it belongs. Woman in the free state, not dependent upon man for her support, happiness, and right to live, would be in a position to dictate to man terms of relationship in accordance with the instincts of her own inner nature. Economically independent of man, she could and would dictate her own terms, and a mighty change would result."

> "When woman attains her freedom, and realizes that she has a right to her own body, she too will study Nature's plans and purposes and will refuse to live unnaturally and abnormally. She will assert the natural right of refusal and choice just as the female animal does - she will refuse to submit for the mere purpose of gratification of the male's inordinate desires and appetites."

- William Walker Atkinson, Sex Polarity (1909), pg. 83 - 88

Has a more fallacious, and demonstrably false statement ever been made?


Almost threw up a few times while reading those few sentences.


Makes sense to me, you must not know very many women. What exactly is your problem with these paragraphs?



I don't even remember this passage from when I read through this book. This was one of the books I read through very fast. Excerpted and with extra focus on it, looking at it now, it's pretty fucking cucked. Women aren't mental and spiritual mates (if by that he means equals and not merely the mixing of souls which naturally happens). It's not men alone that are perverted.

If anything women being now in a position economic dependence and freedom of men, finally getting to assert their nature, has just shown how inferior the nature of women is.

…and female animals can't just refuse.


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This was written in 1909, before the people who are alive now were able to witness in full view the twisted and insane visage of that hid beneath the mask of progress and "female empowerment", which is what the author is referring to as the turning tide. If he could see the state of gender relations and society today in relation to it, I wonder what he would have to say.

That sexual intemperance is the root cause of downfall to humanity and civilization seems mostly true and quantifiable. But to claim that sexual decadence is the work of men rather than women, and that men are best lead by women, is a major error. So major one might think it's a joke, a satire, or that they’ve entered the twilight zone somewhere between turning pages.

The author claims that it is women who should lead and be in charge of men, rather than the other way around, and that if only women had power and control over themselves, then the society and the world would return to its natural order of purity and advancement.

In 2017, over 100 years later, women have immense social, political and economic power that much more often than not EXCEEDS that of the plain, ordinary man, and yet we see the exact opposite happening. Female empowerment wasn't a step away from the ruin of western civilization, it was a great, soaring leap toward it.

We are told or otherwise made to believe all the time that "Woman are strong", "Woman can do anything", "Women deserve this and that" yet nearly anybody who has even been around women knows full well, or can in-part bring themselves to admit to the concept that they are by-and-large, consistently irrational, vapid, incompetent, senseless and without virtue. They do nothing but cause problems in their own lives and the lives of people around them.

The author claims that it is men who treat women as sexual objects to explore their perverted fantasies, when by-far it is women, not men, who inflict this kind of treatment upon themselves, other women, and the opposite sex.

They spend the years of their youths in little-black dresses, going out to drink and dance as often as possible, having as much sex with only the most sexually attractive/ornamental males. They want to be choked, ass-fucked, gang-raped, chained and ties up, pushed against walls and floors, ravaged and "used" by the most biggest, brutish and sociopathic male the world has to offer them. Then, they take contraceptives and have abortions to then avoid having children - far too much responsibility for her! When they do get married or have kids by the time they're 30, or 40, they will in no lengthy time divorce or drive away, with their combative and unappealing behaviors, their well-meaning husbands or even birth children to be bastards out of wed-lock with shifty & unreliable men, because of course, there are no consequences; she will still have entitlement to his alimony payments, and big daddy government will pay for everything else her "independence-ship" demands - for her fatherless-children to go have their brains rot in shitty public schools (where they can be bossed around by more "independent career women") while she works her government subsidized or gender quota HR-job where she does fuck-all but gossip and do meaningless busy-work all day long, for the medications she uses to deal with the "stress". She can then come home to neglect and mistreat the children she wishes she never had, unleashing violent emotional breakdown upon them and the people around them when the slightest thing goes awry.

She may even decide to have a boyfriend (or two, or three, or four!) who will further abuse her and her kids, take her money, get a quick fuck, and dump her for the next "thot" he can get something out of. If she's lucky, she'll be able to find a bitter "provider-male" to support her, so she can take more days off to sulk, or gossip with the women, or re-decorate her kitchen.

This is Nature's great plan and purpose, right? THIS is the power of female leadership, her intuition and sensibilities. :)


Yet when men are in charge of society and women, their ideals are for the people to be strong, hard-working, and responsible. They want progress for their societies and their people. They want the women to be dressed decently and behaving kindly, to devote themselves to something worthwhile - their husbands, their families, and their communities. They value female virginity as gold. It is hyper-religious states that emphasize the importance of male leadership which lead to these developments - Islamic States (before the kikes), old Christianity, etc. Asian countries are still generally socially masculine as well. It is always the secular states and godless men which fall away from progress, passively allowing women to unleash their chaotic ways of thinking and doing onto society and driving it into the mire.

Women are constantly brutalistic, violent, punitive and vengeful. They make the worst bullies, tortures and punishers. They cause problems, wage war stir up drama and wrought destruction on absolutely any scale large-or-small. They are complete non-directed entropy. This is why they are not given power, and you can just thank the stars they don't have the muscles needed to naturally take it.

So when this person who claims to be some guru of the hidden truths and all things arcane comes at me and try to tell me more bull crock about how "men destroy civilization", "female independence helps everyone", and "mother knows best"? Ha. Forget about it.



That's not what I picked up from it. It reads more like women having power over themselves but not over men (unless the men let them). Thanks for your lengthy explanation, though.


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That was back when women still had some semblance of a soul and the world wasn't yet flooded with >65% minion incarnations, sociopath spiritless humans, due to overpopulation.


Reminder that all the SJWs, personality disorders ABC, narcissists (NPD), attention whores, possessed schizos, socialized psychopaths, feral people whether they be in Africa or your neighbor, is the result of Humans being born without an attending higher self but instead a fragment of the Earth's animal groupsoul not calibrated to make proper use of the Human body. These subhuman abominations must be killed for there to ever be peace and harmony.



Today I came back to fringe again and unfortunately had to see this shit again.

Stuff like this only raises my hate for society and women. I work so hard on attaining self control and leaving all hate and anger behind, yet I see this and it is instantly all back. I am weak and I should not watch this degenerate shit.

It seems like no matter how much I work on myself and meditate, I hate women more and more every day and it absolutely disgusts me how over glorified and overrrated they are. But at the same time I hate men too because they are a pathetic dissapointment, weak, cucked and degenerate.

All this shit makes me wanna sub to all the mgtow channels on youtube again. And I worked so hard over the last few weeks. Lifting every day, no fap, no porn, was nice to women, tried to see them as good as possible…but no use. There is no use to pretend.



Ive met mental part ers of the opposite gender, its rarer than a true sexual connection but damn we laugh a lot.

Its like she has the perfecct answers and one ups to my one ups and she feels my mood when typing to a near perfect degree cause our communication is on equal levels, and shes actually on par with my most tricky jokes and third thoughtpath implied undeetones that can be built on.

I enjoy talking to her and she makes me smile.



You create reality, you attract what you think. Especially when it comes to people and relationships.



You are wrong, dude. I was a SJW and very much a sociopath until shortly before I underwent initiation and started developing spiritually.

Reminder that not everything is black and white and that you should discern the nature of each person on an individual basis.


While your perception is rooted in reality, I'd say you need to work on depolarizing so that that perception is not accompanied by such fucked up negative emotions. I know what I'm talking about because I've been there. The world won't change, but the way it makes you feel will (and your place in it).

On top of that, you attract what resonates with your emotional state and that from which you can still potentially learn. A while after I started changing, people around me started changing as well. Some people became more sensible and started developing as well, as if by magic. Some other people, friends of mine, started degenerating and falling into dead-end relationships, drug addictions and such. Slowly reality around me molded to my new "vibration" (hate that word) by both the changing of people that were already in my life and the coming of new people.

Keep at it, you're gonna make it.



You are not wrong, but one person? That is just anecdotal evidence. Like the old saying - exception proves the rule. I gravitate towards the organic portal/spiritless/whatever you wanna call it theory myself, but I recognize that things are not as clear cut.


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A fine example that even the highest geniuses can be wrong, women are pure shit, also… I told you so, he was wrong



Oh look, the roastie (I assume).

You're being awfully quite about the true nature of women, what do you think women are like naturally?


>Ive met mental part ers of the opposite gender, its rarer than a true sexual connection but damn we laugh a lot.

Its like she has the perfecct answers and one ups to my one ups and she feels my mood when typing to a near perfect degree cause our communication is on equal levels, and shes actually on par with my most tricky jokes and third thoughtpath implied undeetones that can be built on.

Is she cpable of deep occult knowledge? (new-age "resonation" shit doesn't count)



hey, this guy >>103205 has a skewed view of women, please comply with request and tell us how you're not a reptilian under the skinsuit?




are we to start calling you a manchild then?



I already said his perceptions are based in reality. I believe the majority of people are, at this time, intellectually no better than livestock and it's no wonder the elites treat them as such. This translates differently for men and women and people in different cultures, but most of humanity are very close to being animals at this point. I don't necessarily agree to this treatment, but it is true that you can escape it very easily if you are given the chance to awaken either by chance or opportunity. I believe we all incarnate purposefully.

I don't know if this is the natural state of humanity or it has been manipulated over the millennia.

I also believe the types who say /pol/ nonsense like that women are basically an order below men in the animal kingdom do so out of insecurity and bitterness in most cases. I haven't met anyone who said that out of ignorance, because it's not the immediate, instinctual response to think so. It is baseless to single out women like that. And it is unhealthy to hate in any case. A sign of bad health.

It's likely people who indulge in this bitterness have both mother and father issues. Mother issues as reflected by their bitter and resentful attitude towards the feminine, father issues as reflected by their dismissive and aggressive attitude towards the "normals" who they nonetheless perceive being socially and biologically superior to them.

In short, the people like the one I originally responded to exhibit classic traits of an ego who feels helpless in earning the love of their mother and unable to grow into an adult and take the place of their father.

I'm a guy btw ;^)

I might or might not be a reptilian.


Dude, leave this site and work on that shit. You owe to yourself to meditate on those feelings. Grab a hold of them in meditation until they dissolve or you undergo a catharsis.

Good luck



Turn off your internet then.



>Economically independent of man

laughing at every word

>would be in a position to dictate to man terms of relationship in accordance with the instincts of her own inner nature

what if the woman is forced to reconciliation that she is bellow man in strength and mind? does she accept he position of submission as such would be natural?


I like what Atkinson has to say but less so as you get to the bottom paragraph.

It's almost like he's advocating a patriarchal society that is free from punishment by divine wrath. In the first portion he is asserting that women are to be held accountable for their sexuality. If we look at men as hunters and women as "induction" or gravitation then you can't simply say that men are poor hunters or that women aren't creating enough attraction.

To summarize that if women are excessively compulsive about their sexual habits then they will drag men down with them. Just the same men who have no self-discipline wind up in a world of pain.

I'm sorry but this is exactly why the red pill theory is so hot right now. It is because they are making the argument that eventually women WILL submit to men simply because they cannot guarantee their place in society without them and because of women's emotional weakness and neediness draws them to have a partner.

Where I disagree with the notion of all women being a cock-riding carousel slut is that women will most certainly be with you and be loyal to you if you have all the proper traits and aspects of your life together. It's like a singleplayer game. You don't have to compare yourself to anyone else. If you can beat the game singularly then getting and keeping a woman isn't the horrible nightmare that other frustrated men portray it as. It really is that simple but putting all the puzzle pieces together is not.

Anybody saying that women are lying, manipulative whores has their own gaping problems with finding a deeply gratifying relationship.

Also there really doesn't seem to be anything that women find quite as attractive as indifference. This is why when you read texts about yoga and they instruct you to not even look at women and that is precisely what peaks their interest. It's the desparation and the resentment that they pick up on that turns them off. As soon as you decide that you are tired of being a guru and you want to spend your accumulated energy and wisdom on chasing a girl that is the precise moment you'll find them running away instead of stalking behind you like a cat following it's prey.



>It's the desparation and the resentment that they pick up on that turns them off. As soon as you decide that you are tired of being a guru and you want to spend your accumulated energy and wisdom on chasing a girl that is the precise moment you'll find them running away instead of stalking behind you like a cat following it's prey.

The problem with this is that those types of women who respond to this are probably not the type you want to keep around…



But my father was literally

>"dismissive and aggressive attitude towards the "normals" who they nonetheless perceive being socially and biologically superior to them."

So I have a very good relationship to my father.

Both of them consider people to be generally unkind and exploitative trash with over-inflated self-worth; my mother because she is kind and giving (she may not admit to considering people trash because she avoids thinking that way to protect her naive sentiments of love and kindness), my father because he is hardworking and red pilled af.

My mother hates 'bimbos' (sex-objects) and both hate people of 'poor character' in general.

You don't understand the sentiments of these people. Good and righteous character is in short supply amongst the population. The men you speak of are perceptive of CHARACTER, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and TRUTH. You are not on the side of any of these things, you are an ultra-cuck.

You have the beliefs and demeanor of an SJW cucked tumblr faggot. It is form without any substance. That you use the contemporary oh so in fashion fad psychology only shows how ignorant and obtuse you truly are.

I am surprised William A. has voiced these opinions. Seems he fell for the highly misled contemporary theories of the "intellectual elite" at the time, not knowing that it was woman's nature to be so different than men.

Equality is torture and slavery, forcing the individual to be what they're not for the sake of a sick and twisted pathology. Like Communism. People want opposite things for a reason, and it is pure evil to force a flying-fish to be a tree-climbing monkey because of your sick neurotic compulsions to force fit us into your mental molds.

You and everything you represent is a disease and a parasite that must be eradicated for good.


You are not wrong. Most do not deserve much from you or anyone. They are over-valued infants and savages. Try to ground your thoughts into words; read some books that are along these trains of thought and feeling. Don't be what you aren't, don't degrade yourself for the sake of others. Most people are trash; spit polished shits.

Did you know that you can literally spit polish a dry turd to shine like a jewel?




I believe women are weak attraction/hunting and men are strong attraction/hunting. Water/Wind(Wood/plant) and Metal/Fire.

"Indifference" isn't what attracts them, but being unbreakable and unalterable. Character, in other words. Indifference is a weak indication of character for women, but only for as long as women don't find out that you actually lack it.


In The Kybalion he states that the female is merely a tool for the male to create with

I didn't read Sex Polarity but it doesn't seem like he's implying women's "liberation" is a good thing now a bad thing in the paragraphs you posted, he's right though, women who live in socialist countries are under the illusion of being "liberated", while in reality, they're just as dependent on men as ever, it's just that instead of being provided for by men directly, they're provided for by the government, which is provided for by men.

Still, this faux "liberty" has caused great change, just as Willy Wanker predicted



The Masculine creates the idea, but we must never forget that the Feminine gestates it. Both are equally important.



Your life must be constant suffering judging by the things you say. I wish I could help you, but I wouldn't know how.

How long have you been studying hermeticism? You have a very long way to go.


This is why the introspection in the first part of the IIH is the most important thing.



Why would you ask me that? I'm on step 1 of IIH. I've watched documentaries on Alchemy and have looked into occult (esoteric) concepts including hermetic concepts, but not in a cohesive fashion.

I'm not what you seem to think I am either.



Only those faggots who suffer themselves project their constant suffering unto others. You yourself sound like a new age nu-male mixed with a part time buddhist. I don't think that guy suffers because he knows the truth and points it out. I actually think you are indeed suffering because you have to repress your feelings, ignore the truth and accept every shitlog that you get fed.



>Your life must be constant suffering

>You have a very long way to go

Please don't be that guy. If you get caught up in spiritual ego like this it will be very hard to get out of it again.

>I wish I could help you

No you most likely don't. If you really wished this then you would say some other things. I see your ego only wants to harm the other one and make you feel better about yourself, in vein of course.



Fair enough. Nobody here is what what they seem.

Nice digits btw.



I was just pretending



I would argue against that notion, a master craftsman is far more valuable than the tools he creates with, while a set of tools has no potential without a craftsman to create with them



You are an uttter moron. It's two elements of symmetrical relevance to the operation. The sperm and the egg, fire and water, will and emotion in the magickal operation.

You obviously don't know the first thing about magic or hermeticism. Why don't you go back to 4/x/, you pathetic roleplayer?



Tools shape the user. For instance, the difference between being surrounded by stick and stones and being surrounded by technology filled with inspiration and knowledge shap the user into something quite different.

A master craftsman learns by first having the material and tools to work with said material. He is reduced to utter simplicity and redundancy without the necessary stimulus of a unique and rich environment and tools, and the intrinsic purpose and meaning it gifts the craftsman.



Read the Tao Te Ching and spend a few hours thinking really hard about the significance and omnipresence of the Yin/Yang and Principle of Gender.


>The universe is mental

>That which exists carries properties once it is perceived

>By altering perspective one is capable of changing the properties of the object being perceived

Keeping the above in mind it makes me wonder who or what is so obsessed with making large groups of men see women as useless whores and large groups of women see men as pathetic manchildren.

If you're so concerned with the behaviour of women why not dissociate yourself for a few and look outward to inward as much as possible. Maybe we just need a reset in perspective. Maybe, like truly attracts like and the best course in this matter is better vision and direction of what wants actually are?

How many folk ya think bray like asses complaining there are too many loose people running about when their only point of avarice is the amount of sex they have? Surely no one thinks that something worth keeping will arrive simply and easily…


I am a mgtow monk celibate only because I hate women. I have always seen the shit that women are and observed it everywhere I went and no matter whom I interacted with. Even in my two relationships that I had prior to going mgtow monk.

Soulless tools will stay soulless tools, no matter how much they serve the creator or how much they inspire him. Creator>tools always. And when the tools start to rebel and fuck shit up and pretend they are equal or divine and silly memes like that, basically everything else than do the job they were made to do, namely serve the creator as tools then the creator is obviously free to throw them into the trash where they belong. The creator is still the creator, a godhead even without tools. He most likely will make new tools and better ways in the near future and will be just fine. Meanwhile the future for the women(tools) is looking rather grim. The best is yet to come my friends. Fuck those rotten cunts.

I am tired of the meme "men need women and women need men." Yeah women need men, but men don't need women anymore. Those times are over. I for my part will never again have any female friends or partners, I will keep females out of my lifes as much as it is possible for me. Guess what, nothing of value lost. A lot of freedom and extra resources gained to live a good and happy life. I still may or may not have children later, that is not decided yet.

What is todays female anyway? Merely a overentitled cumdumpster with a used up cunt where hundrets of men have deposited their cum. She knows no value, no right, no honor, no higher purpose, no virtue, no wisdom. She is only driven by her ego and the lowest instincts, she is a soulless tool after all that somehow came to power. And this was the biggest mistake to ever happen to humanity. Now we are to suffer for a while because of this.

And holy shit spare us with the "you get what you think"

>By altering perspective one is capable of changing the properties of the object being perceived

When has this shit ever worked? You can change your views about women as much as you like and be a good whiteknight cuck, they will not change I can tell. They will still be useless degenerates that drag you to hell if you let them. Tools cannot become goddeses some of the whiteknight cucks dream of. The only thing that will change when you change your view about them is that they will use and abuse you and laugh at you because you immaturely pretend that they are good and to be trusted. They are not.


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Just found this on 4chan, I'll just leave it here. Women are tools, but not even usefull ones.



I'm of the belief that there's no omnipotent nor omniscient creator and that it had to enter its polar opposite, the objective universe, to do anything to it.

Let me ask you a question; why would you be aware of high quality women? The ego, attention seeking sort are the ones that get it, and consequentially the ones you notice. You see, by the nature of women who appreciate the sublime, they are sublimely elusive and difficult to find. It would only serve to twist their life into a sort of circus if they attracted attention like the women you so spit at.

And so by the intrinsic nature of both kind of people, you notice only one and not the other, and crystallize a heavily biased and ignorant prism of which you judge the world.

Not only are these kind of people more noticeable, seeking notice, they also seek each others company. So now there is a MASS of SELF-REFERENTIAL MEDIA being generated by this group of people, making them stand out like a city that lights up the night.

Moreover, your beliefs will go extinct, by not reproducing with women. It's unsustainable.

You're sitting in a car with people you hate and complaining the entire journey, instead of finding better company and gaining wisdom. Regulate your fires mate.



I don't care what your opinion of women is, just don't make your physical manifestation of the Principle of Gender such a big part of your identity that it hinders your spiritual development. Physical bodies/hormones are just one of its numerous manifestations, and don't think that just because you are physically one, you must ignore the value of the other. Keep in mind the difference between Male and Female Humans and Masculine and Feminine Principles. You have let your hatred stunt your progress.


>asseses the differences between women and men

>asks 'are women humans' when it means 'are women men'

They make up 50% of the population, so if the definition of humans requires something they don't posess, it's not a definition of humans at all. It's a definition of men. Whether one is objectively better than the other is an acceptable debate, but that image is intellectually dishonest.



Looks like we got ourselves an angry little lady over here

If masculinity is creativity, and femininity is expression of creativity, then reducing the quantity of "expression" available merely delays the time it will take for the aforementioned ideas to be expressed, while cutting the numbers of the ideas themselves will cause those purged to be lost forever, assuming it's possible to erase something permanently.

William Walker Atkinson made it very clear that femininity and masculinity serve different functions, they aren't just two poles of some ambiguous "energy" or "element", as seen clearly reflected in many animals including humans, and it just so happens that one is more expendable than the other.



A man fertilizes an egg and it gestates inside the female. If you skip that process you get a zygote. If you follow it to its full extent you get a whole human bean. There is a difference. And stop acting like your physical sex obligates you to solely make use of the Masculine Principle, that's a bastardization of the Hermetic Axiom.



Expression has a qualitative aspect to it you dolt. No expression of quality nor quantity = Shit expression. There's also the emergent novelty of greater quantities, where totally new patterns (or application of patterns) emerges from the same creative principle at higher quantities… which occurs again and again and again as you go up the scales.



"You have to have children, or else the niggers will overrun your country"

"When you don't reproduce your race will die off"

"Your genes and your family and in a sense yourself will die off if you don't have children"

>Moreover, your beliefs will go extinct, by not reproducing with women. It's unsustainable.

I am tired of all those observations (empty threats). I actually want to go exctinct. Leaving children on this planet would only increase the chance of me being earth bound and coming back here. Also why would I put children into this shithole? I myself only want to get out of here for good. I think my children deserve better than to be on this earth, prisoner of braindead assholes and whores. Who gives a shit about my race, my philosophy or my genes. Nobody, we will all be dead and then the other people can fend for themselves in the hell they created here. I'm not going to degrade myself and sacrifice myself to deal with women just because I need to reproduce when all I want is to leave this place forever and leave nothing behind. The mundane earth is not my home and has nothing for me to offer. Yeah I am thankful for the experience of being here and I learned a lot, but pls no more. I want to go home.

However, the mgtow philosophy will not die off because even if the mgtows will not have children they will constanly red pill younger men, and then the young men will redpill other young men themselves when they are old. The philosophy will live and will attract constantly new males to it because it is easy for it to do so. Everyone with half a brain can see what disgraceful animals whores are and the red pill will be easily and readily digested, freeing and empowering men throughout all ages. Also some mgtow will have children through various means, but they will be single fathers.


Yes I try. I think human women are as far from the divine feminine as it can get, and of course I don't hate the female or the feminine but only mundane whores. I try to keep my hatred at bay so it won't stunt my spiritual progress.



A mgtow is a man who knows

The nature of these filthy hoes

He stands up tall

As women hit the wall

And smiles at the sight

Of these impudent strumpets' plight

In her 20s she hopped from dong to dong

Knowing all along that it was wrong

And now that she's unalluring and loose?

Well, all the men have chosen to vamoose

No longer is she worth a damn

So she decides to turn to Uncle Sam

And the mgtow knew this all along

It's all just the same old stupid song

She uses her twat for profit and pleasure

But when she's used and old,

she loses that treasure

A cavernous cooch is not in demand

"Steal from men!" she urges Uncle Sam

And so society begins its decline

As hoards of frumps crowd the welfare line

"We're oppressed! Give us our rights!" scream these ugly shrews

But this is just an excuse they use…

To steal from men who've worked so hard.

It's all just one big fat canard

And the mgtow knew this all along

Despite the world telling him he was wrong

The strumpets, the frumps, the mangina-cucks too

Really did not have a clue

Don't ever forget: the mgtow tried to save the day

Nobody listened. So he went his own way.



I'm not a little lady, I'm a hairy manlet.

Why did you assume I was a girl :^) I wonder? Perhaps for the same reason your spiritual progress is and forever will be stunted, because you let your personal shortcomings and complexes guide your intellect. You are indeed a moron. I don't mean that as an insult. You are as narrow-minded as one can be, to your detriment.

>>103497 and >>103513 put it very well. If you can't understand it in those terms (or don't want to), you are indeed forever fucked. Try to have fun while you wait for your life to end. I have the feeling you won't be respawning far from here.

If you are a tricky loosh farmer I should warn you that you're accumulating a lot more shit by doing this than the energy is worth, so perhaps you want to stop before you wander too far and can't find your way back


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>just found this on 4chan


>i'll just leave it here

I'd rather you didn't bring that nonsense here.

By the way, is there a functioning /fringe/ IRC? I would like to discuss something in real time.



I do not disagree with MGTOWs, but for their own sake they may read this and learn. I appreciate their efforts to detach from this crazy world and to better themselves, to find themselves but I feel some need a little bit more mastery over themselves and their ego.

Every man should be a sage. Don't worry you will not have to deal with women or forced to have relationships with them at all. It is right the opposite, a sage prefers to be alone by himself. Just like a mgtow he is detatched from relationships and the need for sex, love, companionship, female validation and so on.

I feel this will help mgtows to feel more at ease and carefree with life, to let go their anger and hate. It is only for the benefit of their own spiritual and physical health and no ones else. In fact people may hate you even more for being a sage because a sage is a sign of true badassness and true virtue, truth and wisdom in this corrupted world.



>Why did you assume I was a girl :^) I wonder?

Because that's the only reason I can think of which would lead you to make such a harsh response, for not being a girl you sure do act like one.

And I never said the feminine aspect is useless, I said it's specific qualities lead it to be more disposable than the masculine aspect and its properties, you're the one strawmanning with all your assumptions about how I must be some kind of MGTOW loser to reach that conclusion (for which you have no proof), so the moron here is none other than you.





Universally speaking, yin and yang are equally indisposable. The Masculine and Feminine are just as present and necessary as one another, at least overall. Though because it is the role of the magician to dominate his environment and exercise moderate control over reality, and because the Earth is typically considered Feminine, I agree that it suits him to be more Masculine. But that is a far cry from the claim that physical women are inferior. They are inherently different from men, so when it comes to masculine things like philosophy or controlling the elements, they tend towards natural inferiority. But they tend to be naturally superior in the more receptive arts like clairvoyance and mind reading. Different != worse. If your army is defending from the tops of towers, you need archers and swordsmen would be fairly useless. But that does not make swordsmen inherently less useful than archers in general, just for your own particular needs. Do you get what I'm saying?



It's fine not respecting most people; I'm just advocating improved hunting methods for finding higher quality women.


Right of you to bring up the "sage".


Well this is all very conceptual. We have BIG BROTHER to blame for the perversion of men and women both; ruled by men mind you.

Rather than looking at women to be paragons of virtue, look at all the men that participate in the same vulgarities.

In reality, the difference between the genders isn't as great as one may think, in terms of 'humanity'. It's our leadership, our institutions, our culture that fails. A collective failure.

Gender is a red herring.


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>the sexes are like yin and yang

>but they are also fundamentally different

Peace and war are just like yin and yang too, but it's possible to argue that peace is superior to war, even if they are in a system of metastability in which one can not exist without the other. In your example, the feminine is akin to a sword laying uselessly on the ground


>superior in anything

That implication gives me a feeling I should disregard anything you say


>It's our leadership, our institutions, our culture that fails. A collective failure.

And wouldn't you know, women do jack shit to contribute to this system, in fact, they're actively encouraging its destruction through socialism, poetically biting the hand that feeds them, but it's not their fault, it's mens fault for being stupid enough to believe women should be allowed to make decisions a man can not veto.



If you are honestly unaware of women's natural proclivity for receptive psychic facets and deny it with steadfast ignorance, you are beyond help. Go be an obullshitist somewhere else.



>for not being a girl you sure do act like one

Thank you, but I think you missed all my points. Others have replied to you much better than I did, so please listen to them.


Women push socialism? The people pushing Communism (and National Socialism as well) were and are very clever sons of bitches. They are probably not even human, but that's just speculation. I think you are unknowingly praising women there, careful.

I recommend you watch Ring of power: Empire of the city, btw. Very interesting and informative on that point about "socialism" (you meant Communism). It's narrated by a woman though, so perhaps you will be unable to watch it.

Take care. I'm done with you.


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Its lovely how when you start thinking that Fringe is a board for intelligent, maybe even wise people, you get reminded of the real situation by the occasional thread about women.

Daily reminder that if go around "trashing useless whores" , you are not even past some fundamental shadow work, and your a puppet to your traumas.


Your an open wound, and your just project your own misery on to everything, women included. Your on a wizard board, no fap and no porn are mundane, learn energy mastery, learn to access deep traumas and transmute them, etc.

I met complete wrecks of women yes, and I also met a woman that meditates and does more spiritual work than 80% of the armchair obulshits here.

Women like that do not exist? Pure stupidity.

You can't get women like that. Because you are toxic and if you would advance further on the path, you would completely understand why not woman of higher caliber would want to be with you.


Oh please. As if women do not naturally submit to their men. The problem about women not submiting, is only heard from men, right? Wait a second… Could it be…that men who cant attain a woman who will submit….have loud mouths, their irritated, and then they spew their hatred about "all women". A basic bias?

Women submit to men who are worthy of that. Having a dick does not mean that you are worthy of anything.

Also, pretty much every man knows that his woman is weaker mentally and physically. But that does not mean that she has to engage in degenerate submission to a man. Even the way that you expressed it shows how cluelessness about non-degenerate submission.


I love how there is only the 'le ingelligent(autistic) edgy, redpilled meme master 9000" and "sjw cucked tublr faggot".

Its like you cant have a healthy view on women, and people, you either shit on them, or a slave to them.

You talk of truth, but spew petty impulses.


Creating a mass of cucks has the same purpose just like creating a mass of "le redpilled fedoras".

It takes men with issues, and gives them an excuse. So they waste their lives away, spending their loosh on petty issues. They get depolarized, for a neurotic version of masculinity, falling for the traps of the shadow.

Who, and why? I would see great value in someones evil plans, to create a separation as idiotic as a man/woman dynamic. I actually think that this should create a fundamental imbalance in the person, disabling them from any advanced work.

I mean, a wizard with strong le red pill on le evil womanz tendencies is as much of a puppet and a weakling as a SJW.


Wow, it really does not take a degree to see all of the problems that you have. Again, can't believe this shit is on fringe.

You have not even done basic shadow work, start practicing maybe?


Sure lil buddy. I hope you realize that some of us see right through this?

Seriously, if someone would make a meme about how pine cones are worthless whores, some of you would spend your loosh even on that.


Delete this /b/ tier thread, all of these women haters need to go back to the Kybalion



>if you don't know [trivial fact] you are LITERALLY BEYOND HELP

Heh, is that frustration I sense? If you're so sure why don't you provide some semblance of proof for it?

Gypsy fortunetellers are scam artists by the way.



WWA's lifetime experience, studies by the Society for Psychical Research, the understandings of more successful wizards on this board, and my own experiences with women. Reception is a feminine role. This will be my last post in this thread, a denial of your radical views fueled purely by emotion and trauma requires no complete argument. Goodbye mundane.



Having a trauma and seeing women for what the really are are two completely different things. Ignoring the truth and repressing your feelings is just as much the shadow



nice pic

women aren't even half of what men are


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Since we're on the topic of females, would anyone know how to contact angels for the purpose of providing comfort?

I know Magical use of Thought Forms touches on this in one part (haven't read through all of it), but I wonder if there is more to be found.


Ok. OP here and I’ve had some time to actually re-consider my views on women and the feminine.

When I put up this thread I knew my misogynistic views were somewhat lowly and simplistic, partly from my own negative experiences and biases, and irritated by ignorant mundanes and their self-fulfilling "redpill alpha male" ideologies.

I'd been intensely debating it in my head for days and was partly looking for people with more "iconoclastic" modes of thinking to tell me how and why I was mistake, and it was replies like these





that helped re-visit the topic and consider a more balanced view of the sexes and challenge my simplistic views.

I still think there are something that are debatable with his statements on physical sex and satyrism (pages 69 - 88 of sex polarity represent the entirety of the statements I'm referring to)

As mentioned, WWA claims sexual degeneracy is the playground of the male rather than the female, when the opposite is very clearly the case, and the license that the modern western world has provided in the sexual arena does an excellent job at amplifying the different approaches of the male and female; In complete despite of what the media and fairytales sells us, women are naturally polygamous/”hypergamous”, promiscuous, and chase sexual excitement.

Men prefer to focus their sexual, as well as emotional energy, time and money on one woman at a time and commit themselves to their relationships, and wish for women to do the same. Marriage, commitment and family are the invention of man, not woman.

Why does the author claim women are the pillars up-holding the sanctity of natural temperance sex and relationships, when wherever woman is given the freedom to do so, she will defy and destroy it?

The author tries to make this big deal of the fact that the world is “out-of-order” and must go back to its “natural form”, but as far as I am certain anything that comes to manifest must be a result of nature, and ultimate cosmic law.

All that is, is all that has ever been, and all that ever will be. The grass grows, the wind blows, and men dominate women. Nothing ever changes, only rearranges itself. For the world to be as it is today is only the result of the all the individual pieces that make up it’s entirely, moving with and against each other in the only way they possibly know how to reach a certain final goal. If it were all to be torn down today, it would only rebuild itself exactly as it once was.

To claim that humanity has somehow defied that which is undefiable (LAW) is nothing but a trick.

If masculine and feminine energies are both, technically, equally important, and I do believe that they are, than this always has been and always will be, no matter how the world “changes” or evolves. The unequality between the two exists only in our perceptions.


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Masculine and feminine are the ultimate dichotomy - white and black.

One amongst them must be considered “good” and the other “bad”, one the “winner” and the other the “loser”, one the slave and one the master. One valuable and one worthless.

Masculine is that which is considered “good”, it is what we like, value and reach toward, but the masculine has no meaning without the feminine to contrast it; we could not consider black to be black if we did not have white; there can be no “good” without “bad”, there can be no winner without a loser, a master is nothing without his slave. The masculine is “higher” than the woman because she provides the man with the ground he stomps upon. The feminine is de-valued, abused and hated because ‘’that is its universal purpose’’. The darkness of the feminine is what provides the masculine it's place to shine.

The feminine does have "power" but it is covert and indirect; man's actions are driven by sex and desire - women, knowingly or unknowingly control the evolution of man and the world from behind the curtain; the more ”masculine” women become, the more masculine than must man be to earn his right to live and reproduce through female woman’s selection of, or over-powering by, the strongest men, and the more masculine woman will become to attract stronger males and ensure her off-spring will not be of a breed likely to be left behind in the rat-race in future generations. The feminine is dark and the masculine is light, but this is all relative.

When woman raises herself up, the weak man will despair because he must then fly twice as high to retain his place above woman, or else be left behind by the female selection process. Thus, all moves upwards and away from the “feminine”.

However this is must be painstakingly slow and natural process; feminism and women’s liberation are artificial controls placed upon society by the government that hurt rather than help it for financial gain and power. It advocates for women to adopt behaviors and exert control in masculine manners that are loud, direct, and confrontational and aggressive to challenge and aggravate men. Men will then see women as their competitors and objects to be dominated rather than partners, and compensate by adopting over-the-top phony machismo behaviors and lifestyles to dominate or satisfy the woman who, unlike man, cannot be dominated or controlled. Both grow weaker, devolve and collapse back to the starting point.

I suppose around and around we go, and when we reach the point in the cycle when we are confronted with questions like this, it is our chance to either ascend our being or to devolve back into our ego’s. We will be driven to do that which is in our highest nature.

Everything moves in Circles—the strong convert the cycles into Spirals.

So despite some logical and subjective errors I still see in his viewpoints, I've come around to agreeing with the author. thanks boyos.



Yeah I didn't really represent myself or my views well in >>103299

I posted more reasonable and balanced views later in the thread.


this is the most carcinogenic thread i have ever read on this board.

just because you have a small/weird looking dick, no game and no real means of otherwise making a woman happy does not make you better than them.

jesus fucking christ


For a moment I thought this place was filled with women haters, I'm happy to know there's reason in some of you still.

Dismissing the feminine because of personal experience and without changing one's perspective is something one would expect of mundane people honestly. I don't blame those that hold that view, because we all have issues and weaknesses, but one would expect better from /fringe/.



Many people have toxic views because they use imageboards too much. Especially on /fringe/ since so many people think "muh magic is a quick fix i am GOD REEEEE" like Smiley



Still, there must only be four or five sane people in here, out of how many users?



Sane people don't use imageboards daily


Similarly, I thought fringe was a place of wisdom, but it seems even you will throw all forms of civilized discussion out the window once your gynocentric worldview is challenged.

Fringe is populated by all manners of cucks and manginas


Such as this obedient little cuck here, did you know that "you probably have a small dick and can't get a girlfriend" isn't a particularly intelligent argument? What made you write such a post to begin with? Because some of us aren't hedonist woman worshippers like you ?


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>hedonist woman worshippers

Are you sure we're reading the same thread? Oh, no, of course. All is mental, and you are no exception.

/fringe/ is increasing in popularity it seems. We even have our own resident mundanes. We have a couple of pseudoscientific skeptics and now a paranoid neophyte with mommy issues.

But in all seriousness, I feel like all that negativity that is surfacing in this thread is probably due to the fact that in your spiritual development you are unearthing all those mommy traumas, which is a good thing.

I went through a similar ordeal when all my materialist beliefs started shaking. You will get through it unscathed and will feel much better when you come out the other side.

Good luck mommycon-kun.


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Seeing women as totally only one polarity is like saying that pine cones are evil. Its stupid, its impulse based. And frankly, its not true.

In every other issue, its pretty obvious, that there are quality made cars, for example, and non quality cars. There are big mountains, and there are small mountains.

But women, oh, women, "insert emotional whine about the worst part of women", yes, they are totally this one thing right here that pisses me off.

Its typical mass level, pretend thinking. You take something that has a lot of emotional charge to you, you represent it by a unreal, meme like form, and a lot of people with similar traumas can repeat the meme.

I love how you try to bend logic to imply that your negatively charged interpretation of the world is the fundamental truth about reality.

So, who are women by the way? Who gets to decide? One dude goes "all wemen are evilz, just the way they are". Another dude goes (insert fedora here) "well, actually, I do not agree with your observation. Sure, I have met some foul women, but I also met some amazing women. " .

By what logic, does one get to be right here.

Now that we are on fringe, lets be frank, the first dude has an attachment to the certain experienced that he had. The second dude is open to possibility. Heck, he might even be inviting positive possibility.

When a rare quality woman is nearby, the first man can not see her. Its as if she is invisible. A lil bit of reading the library would explain why that is. The second man sees her and is able to use the situation.

I totally believe that you believe what you believe.

But if your on fringe, lets be frank, belief is a tool to create reality. And even if womanz are evilz, only the right belief systems, initiated by the right men, will bring them back on track.


The problem of women sexual freedoms is a complex one. Its also, I think, misrepresented in the fedora red pill community(as well as the do whateverthefuck sjw).

Because of the nature of the polarities of male and female, there could be an interesting thing happening.

An interesting thing happens if males, for some reason, lose the ability to cope with the chaos of the feminine.

Chaos starts overwhelming the relationship. OBVIOUSLY, many reasons.

But, when it comes to polarity, the inbility of a man to transmute the more chaotic polarity means a crumble of the relationship.

This is why, I actually think that these redpilled dudes are on a very wrong track. Chaos is in their castle, they lost the ability to dictate order in their realm(or never had it)

Because of this, women do not listen to them. On societal scale, this could lead to what is happening right now.

The point of the masculine principle is establishing order in the feminine matrix.

Sadly, its not as simple as tiranical domination(the red pilled pathology) or the weakling attempt(sjw male allies, hoping to get some poon)

It requires a man, with, basically, a healthy king archetype structure in him.

Obviously, again, there ARE problems with women.

But for fucks sake, at least at fringe, lets be frank. We affect our sphere of influence. Men that are frustrated about the state of this have problems themselves, its foolish to state it any other way.

It might even be a sociatal thing, but its still up to individuals to restore order either in their own, or the mass kingdom.


Yes, a lot of this angst is simply the ruthless selection process. Its produced angst because its a very biological thing. We are built to notice it, and be aware of it. Its natural, and we all have to face that we are not the biggest winner at everything.

Yes, the over masculinization of women is a serious topic. However, fundamentally, this is just another selection process. Men who get overly dramatic about masculine woman, kinda don't fit in the top of the selection process.

Also, I don't think that feminism will last. There are a few shouting heads, but real life women are the way they are. They talk feminism, but when the right man comes along, she will gladly let him exert certain control over her.


Gynocentric for going "am, dudes, there is like 3.5 bilion of them, getting all butthurt and very specific about who they are… isnt that kinda…I dont know, not reasonable? Not logical?Emotional? Impulsive? Contrary to a good amount of peoples experience? No? All 3.5 of them? Okay…


I'll leave this thread and this board now for a while and this shall be my last post so far.

>Implying we hate the female and the feminine

No we accept and love the divine feminine, the female animals, elementals and female gods. No one said that feminity is bad. We accept it in nature and even in ourselves because the negative is just as important and needed as the positive, male. We are ONLY talking here about HUMAN women who somehow turned out really, really bad. Thr human woman isn't even in touch with real feminine anymore. All you manginas really need to stop defending women and look at them very closely and with an open mind.

Your assumption that we hate the female and feminine is hereby disproven, for we do not hate it. We love it and we embrace it. In earth, in water, in nature, in music, in animals, in ourselves. Your argument is invalid becaude the human female is not literally the female. We dislike only the human woman who does more damage than good.


May we all be healed my brothers




Good look mommycon-kun. We look forward to your return.


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Oh boy, you still got your waifu fever on.

Your beliefs are so biased that you probably need the help of a professional. (or you are less than 25 years old, or you never had a woman, or more importantly a relationship. Or if you did, you still cant process that your perfect little anime waifu, with a 2d personality, is not like a real woman, with a complex persona like you)

Whatever man, you sure sound a great example of a masculine man, you sure have qualities of wanting to get your hands dirty and fix things, inspire people, inspire at least 1 woman to be different. Thank god, that even though the feminine human being is so corupt, that we have brave men like you, who see how corrupt thoze biczhes are. That sure sounds like a lot of responsiblity taking, blaming all of it on women. Its men like you, that will push the world forward, by rejecting the harsh situations in life, and because of this, not actually growing in any significant way.

Yes, thank god that these men noticed how shit it is, and made groups, memes, and movements about complaining how shit it is. That's the modern masculine way.

You are no better then the BLM, with their pointless activity, or modern feminism, with the oversensitivity about trivial issues.

Your a generation of identity politics victims, spending their time discussing how this identity is totally better than that one.

You should leave and rethink this. This is pathological, whether you like to hear it or not.

And the reason why I am so blunt with you, is this. If you engage the path with attachments like these, you better be careful, because your balance is skewed, and this will resonate in all that you do, it already does. You'll have a real fun time shadow working on this.



There you go again with your strawmen, I do not have "mommy issues", how come you are so unable to talk about this without resorting to personal attacks like some sort of bluepilled feminist?

If this

>what, you don't worship women like i do? that probably means u arent fuckin'em as much as me! you probably have a small dick, muh dick is HUGE, nigguh

isn't a literal hedonist I don't know what is


Has it ever struck you that perhaps the female human is not the source of feminine energy, but a reflection of it? If female humans are such shit, what reason do I have to believe higher forms of femininity is drastically different?

There were no feminist cunts around 200 years ago, yet somehow all 1st world women are cunts today, and if you bring a 3rd world woman to the 1st world, she too will be a cunt after a short while.

Women have always been like this, it's just that in the past, there was no welfare state to sponsor their cunt behavior.



sorry i'm not a glib, delusional fucking loser with an unmerited sense of superiority who spends his time ranting cringey nonsense to people who don't actually care anyway. you got me there, bro, so looks like you'll have to pardon my not particularly intelligent remarks.


"Women used to be better now they shiet reeee"

Lmoa. Everybody has become shittier. Men have changed much more drastically than women. Thd modern man is pathetic. The modern man is a weak, prideful, ignorant, cowardly fool. Women are just a reflection of men. If women are shit it's because men are even shittier.

I mean have you idiots seriously taken a good look at the average "man" and REALLY understood what they are like (judging by your retarded opinions you're just another cattle like them).

You bitches won't take any responsibility. If you want an ideal woman you have to become much better than whatever you expect from a woman. You'll cowards just want to bitch. Sad!



>Fringe is populated by all manners of cucks and manginas

Yeah we know, you're here.



Back so soon?



you got the wrong guy, I never said I'd quit fringe


nice personal insult you got there, it's a shame it doesn't qualify as an argument or carries any meaning other than signifying that you have none.


>If you want an ideal woman

an "ideal" woman won't exist as long as the commies are in charge, only if the welfare state is abolished can they be inspired to become "ideal" women, of course, it'll just be an act, since all women are cunts, they just hide it. No matter how high your social standing is, in this society women don't need men for any real purpose. the purpose of the man (providing and protecting) is now carried out by the state, the difference is that a man expects something in return, while the state does it for free. In the meantime, there are no consequences for a woman to express her true self (total vapid cunt whore)

You are correct though, the only reason this is happening is because socialists enable it. Socialism being a well known tool of (((them)))

Also, before you go ahead and strawman

>jews are the reason I can't get laid

I just wanna let you know I am not a hedonist who desires random sexual encounters, nor do I partake in the normalfag status game. Neither should you by the way.



>it's not my fault nothing is my fault reeeee



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>women are better than men

>if stronk wimminz do something bad, it os weak mans fault

This is why women are mentally and genetically incapable of being governing leaders. They think with their bleeding hearts and are unable to take responsibility for their actions.

However, women make for good spiritual comforters and are able to make a home better than a man can.

Each gender has its role, know your place.

>pic related

Women are basically niggers, but with higher IQs


/pol/ is the most cancerous religion ever created




yes i whip out ad hominem exclusively for dyspepsia-inducing scrubs like yourself. thinking yourself worthy of an intelligent reply taking more than the 20-30 seconds it took me to write this should only serve to confirm your toxic – and worse yet – unimaginative delusions.



Buh muh joos



Jesus Christ this thread makes child Buddha cry.

Go on with your life mate, leave this board already. There's nothing for you here.


>I have taken le reddit pill

>now I realize that nothing is actually my fault because niggers and jews

>it's not my fault I'm unhappy, it's THEM

>anyone who disagrees is a kike



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Oh, it's this kike again.

Nothing to see here, just another subversive shylock trying to middy the pure magical waters of our ancestors. For what? To create a completely eclectic, archetypal "faith" that can easily be controlled.

BTW, accusing people who question the (((narrative))) of being /pol/tards is

>1. Not really and insult


>2. Absolutely baseless

You're just trying to get every board to hate /pol/ like the kikes did on halfchan, all so you and your ilk can turn the conspiracy away from yourselves and onto a perfectly reasonable (as far as this site goes) board.

Yes, I just named you, Jew. Now shoo shoo.

Now go back to halfchan where you belong.


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You don't understand the dynamic and why some people on fringe are not agreeing with your views on women.

Its not because of SJW shit, rational people avoid that nonsense.

Its about conscious men influencing women in a positive way. If you want any kind of healthy change for women, you have to change as a man, on a personal scale.(hate for women is pure pain body, impulse stuff. Its a weakness, as simple as that)

When enough men with healthy attitudes come up, women follow.

Your opinion about the problems of women can even be right. That still does not change the fact that powerful individuals are the only way of changing that. AND that for those individuals, their woman who wants to make babies for you, stay at home and cook and care for children, are a total reality. Its practical.

Its not about sex, and not about status. If you cant create a bond with another human being, or definitely, if you have anger and angst control you about them, it does not show your power, only impotence. You are free to be celibate, there is literally nothing wrong with that, but taking 3.5 billion people and getting very emotional about them is a sign of something unresolved, its clear projecting. And its not about politics, or conspiracy theories as well. Those could be right or wrong. But in esoteric terms, your energy system(or your psychology if your a mundane) has clear strains and blockages.

The point of fringe is going below the mundane level, and working on the personal system and clearing that out, making it smooth and powerful.

Beliefs are tools, and you should be careful when playing with knives.



Dude, you're like a parody of /pol/. Jesus fucking Christ.



>yes i whip out ad hominem exclusively for dyspepsia-inducing scrubs like yourself

Understandable, because you couldn't form a cohesive argument if you tried, nice job acting exactly like a blue haired SJW.


>Its about conscious men influencing women in a positive way.

The way to influence them is certainly not by partaking in the modern dating game, you can't win (((their))) game, and you shouldn't subject yourself to it and turn yourself into a pawn, instead of fighting degeneracy directly, destroy the (((policies))) that enable degeneracy, do not treat the symptoms rather than the disease. You may have a point though, (((they))) won't allow their plans to be influenced in anything but token ways.

Forget about "influencing" anyone, you should know that imposing your own ideals on other people without motivation is impossible, implanting ideals into them and hoping it grows into something more is all you can do. It won't, though, because socialism offers women much more freedom and power than nationalism, none of them will change their ways unless socialism is demolished. If you disagree, please explain how you "positively influence" women, because I'd really like to know.

These nationalist chicks you see aren't really nationalists by the way, they're just trying to prevent the pendulum from swinging too hard at them.

Please, do not assume I am emotionally effected by this issue, I came to this conclusion through knowledge and observation, not out of spite due to some untold hurt in my life.



>7 billion people on earth

>well over half a billion grown men on the internet

>there are 12 million jews


You do realize you have an extremist ultra fringe world view based on dogma and ignorance right?

Yes, the holocaust didn't happen. Jews did 9/11. Jews did ISIS. Around a third of the shadow government, deep state, and various secret socities are jewish with literally almost everyone else being white. So fucking what. Why do the actions of a group of people give you the excuse as an individual to follow and promote an ineffective, cowardly, and self-destructive ideology. Even if you fools band up together and kill all the big bad schlomos YOU will not change. Your words have shown YOU to be a follower and a tool, an ignorant servant of dogma who preaches his own false enlightenment in a preverse display of need. You want power over others because you have none over yourself. You are weak and a fool.



The elites themselves typically have more important things to do than going online to argue with people, Fortunately for them, their subjects do that for them.

If I had to choose, I'd rather be a fool with no strategy than a flesh puppet which (((they))) can use as they please



Weak fool. Shoo shoo weakling.


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I am with a positive intention, but I do not see how we could communicate together.

Dude, I am not getting in your frame of "the basis of our argument is that 3.5 million women are already whores, and everything is already fucked". Its biased, and even if there is truth to it, you frame in in such a way that the only way for me to continue talking to you, is to first of all, go, "oh yea, its all totally fucked, and the jews, and the women are whores, BUT, what about…."


I get all of these issues. I see the socialistic tendencies. I see the degeneration.

But you are paranoid, your mental state is near psychotic. You see evil every where you look.

And I told you how you can influence women. But I know you wont understand it, because you don't appreciate the subtleties in life, you don't see life as it is, mothafucking many shades of grey, not black and white.

You think in black and white, in binaries, so what is the anti-mass media persona? You, your the anti-thing.

You think, just because the masses are stupid, that means that a completely alternative view is 100% right. That's not how it functions.

The biggest problem is that you are a stereotypical puppet. Just like in the movie matrix, there are the slaves, and then there is the rebels, fundamentally, both controlled. Do you have any idea how easy it is to control emotional, reactive individuals like you? This is the point that you keep missing.

So is the same with your mind. You think its either accepting the mass narrative, or completely fucking everything up.

Hm, I think I keep talking to you because I feel a certain loss of potential, when I see people like that.

Your flaw is that you assume information and intellect to be of prime importance. Its a complex issue, but its not.

If there really is THEY, they have two ways to neutralize everyone. One is by doing what you describe that they are doing. Another is to make the ones who are not in to that, hate the other, hate everyone as much as possible. Whores, wortheless, they should be our slaves, their so stupid, bla bla bla. An illusion of power, when in reality - impotence of life.

If you cant create a relationship with a woman, you literally have no say in the drama that is being played out. If you cant manage your inner dynamics, to create a pleasant atmosphere ( FOR YOU) , you don't know shit about our society. If you cant create a healthy bond, you have no idea how to create a massive worldwide healthy male to female dynamic.

NOTE. Its not that you can't. You can say whether you want. Its just that your words are not tempered in the real world(even thought I know that you think exactly the opposite)

Any positive movement requires men with the capability of creating certain habitable dynamics, a cell of man-woman relationship, the family, is the microcosm to the macrocosm of the world.

If you cant transmute one woman, you have no idea how to change our society.

Your intellect got the better of you,and now your operating system is being controlled by memes of various kinds, and of various reality to them.

Get in to meditation, yoga, energy body clearing asap, stop visiting pol for a while, everything, because I can feel the stickiness coming off from you, I know its not the best place to be. People react to you the way they react not because of your opinions, as much as your pollution of the mind. You don't have thoughts, thoughts have you.

You will probably dismiss this, but I felt that it needs to be said.

I wont engage in your pol paranoia, because we are on fringe, a place for knowledge and higher states of reason.



You are wasting you time. He's done for. Let him be.



Good post, but wasted - unfortunately.



>you are paranoid, your mental state is near psychotic. You see evil every where you look

all assumptions.

>If you cant transmute one woman, you have no idea how to change our society.

This sentence proves that you don't comprehend the true nature of women, they do not have any ideas of their own, they are akin to mirrors, they reflect the opinions, wants, needs and personalities of men, typically men they want to fuck, if you manage to change one, that will only last as long as you're fucking her, it's men who need to be changed, not women, women will change along with men.

Thus, you can't possibly hope to fix the male-female dynamic when the majority of men are feminists, this problem will literally fix itself once socialism is banished.


Honestly, the man ruled world as we know it today is unkind and selfish, driven by greed and permeated with little regard for human life or quality of.

Feminism nowadays is a fucking joke.

But women, in their true actual nature….. not gender manipulated into thinking their inferior and instead embrace their emotion driven consciousness, stem their actions from an emotional AND logical point of view and are viewed and treated as the vessels of life they truly should be, then they will blossom and bestow upon the world the light of a thousand mothers smiles, showing love and kindness. It's why the president needs a First Lady. Ying and yang. The humanitarian to buff out those sticky situations. The helping hand of a caring woman.

Love, home, respect, and life is what a woman should represent. Our society molds us to be seen as sexual objects with no conscious thought or intelligent ideas.

We are dosed with horomones, inundated with chemicals disrupting natural hormone balances that cause mood swings, weight gain, manic episodes… we are breeding it into our society. Once we break free from the bonds of limiting everyone's connection with their feminine side, and seeing the emotional toll the way we live is taking on us, will we change our ways and end this cruel facade we all call life.



Do you really not see how you've closed your mind into a worldview more dogmatic and based on belief than any religion? I hope that you have that inner voice, that whisper that says that what you are saying is nonsense. That your mind has become a slavs but the core of your being is still free and eventually you will escape the bondage you have allowed yourself to recieve. Because if not you are not a man, you are just a smart animal.



I bit my fist at that smart animal retort. It'll fly right over his head but I appreciate that.



The feminine aspect is always shaped by the masculine. Most women now have an imbalance having too much yin to an extreme. This is why most women are almost perfect reflections of the average male individual of this day. Weak, greedy, cowardly, vain, hedonistic, angry, ignorant. It's always easier to foist the blame on something. Christians cling to their idea of original sin, it's Satan's fault. Materialists cling to the idea that it's evolution's fault. /pol/acKKK's cling to the idea that it's society's and above all THE JEWS fault.



stop licking your own ass you worthless cunt, you ARE sexual objects with no conscious thought or intelligent ideas, that's why your entire gender has contributed jack shit to the development of mankind, and never will, either.

Communism would have no foothold in the west hadn't it been for you getting baited into voting for the welfare state, literally like a fish biting down on a hook with bait on it, except in this case, the fish is replaced with a woman, the bait is welfare and the hook is communism



Yet a few more posts that convey no information, if you're so smart, why don't you propose your path for getting society out of this swamp? Are you gonna fash one girl and then be satisfied? Or are you perhaps an apathetic brownpill awaiting the fall like I am



Oh the loosh, yes! Keep it coming my little mundane! Keep it coming! Hahaha… oh god you're amusing.

You go on and on about communism, but you don't seem to know about it. For instance nowadays snowflake feminism would not be tolerated in a communist society. I'm no communist but you are clueless, as in actually stupid.

To be honest I find it hard to believe you are real at this point, as you are basically a meme, but if you are for real you should go back to your normie site and stay there. You are basically a worm here that has accumulated enough intelligence to be able to talk, but a lowly creature nonetheless.

Go on, show us more "redpilled" tricks, dog.



And why child should the fate of the world lie heavy on my shoulders. Why should I care about the collective at all.



Hey why don't you tell us the story of how you lost your virginity? I'm sure that's an interesting one ;-D



>muh dik



You shouldn't, the situation is almost irreversible at this point, any action against (((them))) will just be a small inconvenience (such as trump being elected, /pol/ put in so much effort only to prolong the fall for a few years)


Snowflake feminists, identity politics and all that are just byproducts of the process to achieve communism in the west, the masses recognize that the shrieking desperate harpies with 6 or 8 colors in their hair are crazy, but they subscribe to more moderate versions of their beliefs, for example, almost everyone today believes in gay marriage, that was not the case just 10 years ago, a clear spiral downwards was made without the need for those people.

The snowflakes would not be tolerated in a communist society in the past, true, but you know where they would also not be tolerated? Anywhere, during that decade.



Wait, wait. So, you ARE a virgin? No way! I'm not talking about going out every night looking to get laid, but at least you have fallen in love at least once, right?

And judging by your expertise in the matter, you must've been in tons of complicated relationships with all kinds of crazy women.

Tell us what about those sentimental relationships in your past, please. I want to know more about the man bringing us such wisdom.

So that you don't feel singled out, I'll go first.

What was your first sentimental relationship? Mine was with a very insecure girl in high school. We manipulated each other emotionally all the time, but she made me oh so hard (you know, teenage hormones and all that). We kind of grew into an old-aged couple, which wasn't very healthy at that age, and we couldn't handle our emotional issues well, so we ended up blowing up the relationship.

That one taught me that women weren't as unattainable as I made them to be, and that we all tend to project our own issues onto others, to the extent they feel out of our hands and overwhelm us (this took years for me to fully grasp though).

Please, now it's your turn. Tell us about one of the life experiences that brought you to the knowledge and realizations you're sharing with us. I'd like be very happy if you spared me the terrible lessons about women you have learned in your relationships with them.

If you want to feel more comfortable I promise I will tell you about a relationship of mine for every one of yours you tell.



Trump is an op designed by the powers that be to dismantle the power structures of the empire and move them from the US to Asia, possibly China, after globalism failed to take hold in the early 2010s.

/pol/ did jack shit, btw. Please spare us the childish, uneducated normie nonsense. Go back to your board.


I am on the path to figuring out how the fuck to fix our listless and misguided society so focused on "coming up" and living against the planet. Most of your esoteric concerns are of no matter, just folly opinions because you aren't strong enough to kill yourself or strong enough to better yourself so you come here to spout "normie" bullshit and keep the indignant male pride running rampant. You are the problem sir. Thinking that just because you have balls dangling between your fat chafing thighs means your opinion matters. You earn the respect you think you are given because of your gender. I earn respect because I have knowledge about subjects I am speaking and do not seek to diminish those that disagree with me, unless they are a cuck like you, and only respond to detrimental and rude arguments. But I digress.

Feminism is a fucking joke, and I will continue to repeat that. Equality is what everyone should be searching for and that true meaning.

I think we need to bring back fighting to solve issues. If more idiots like these cucks ITT got punched in the throat like they deserve instead of mouthbreathing and taking up precious air they don't need, we'd have a better society. I'd gladly start handing out right hooks if it was agreed it would better our society.



it is ad hominem to discount his argument if he is a virgin…

Regardless, the truth lies somewhere in between: women are mirrors of the men in their life, but it just so happens that men pretty much don't exist anymore in (Western) society, due to the feminisation agenda that comes along with the politics that are pushed by Hebrews - the archetypal female mind.

While he is wrong to despair and blame the women, he isn't wrong on the situation and how dire it is today.



you are clearly on a more sophisticated level of idiocy.






>Feminism is a fucking joke, and I will continue to repeat that. Equality is what everyone should be searching for and that true meaning.

I'm sure you're aware that "feminism" is not a single viewpoint but in fact refers to a diverse set of different ideologies, some of which advocate precisely for equality. I'm sure you're also aware that "equality" is of the same nature, and how you define equality depends on your political/moral ideology. Both concepts are "spooks" in Stirner's terminology. In more /fringe/ terminology, since this isn't /pol/, these concepts are exoteric, concerned with mundane and worldly states of affairs. In my opinion, a more enlightened occultist would reject labels as impediments to spiritual progress. I think history backs me up, though men and women have never been equal, the closest they have come to equality has been in esoteric cultures, whereas exoteric cultures (like those founded on modern Abrahamic religions) tend more toward hierarchy and authoritarianism when it comes to gender.



Actually, in this case being a virgin would mean he lacks essential experience regarding the matter he's pontificating on.

For once it's not ad hominem. It's just a matter of knowing what you are talking about. If he's a kissless virgin (spoiler alert: he very much is), his views on this matter are that of a teenager, and if he isn't a teenager anymore (he's a middle aged virgin), his views on this will probably be of a resented teenager who idealizes women and hasn't had the opportunity to learn the first thing about human relationships.

So, what is his experience on the matter he claims to know so much about? Are we talking to an adult at all? The question as to his virginity is very much relevant here.


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Wow dude, you're actually an insufferable douche. Isn't it objectifying women to say that you can only know them if you've put your dick in their vagina? Seems kinda shallow.

For the record, I have 7 kills. But I had to comment after seeing how retarded you are.



I was talking about relationship experience, not just sex, don't be shallow.

Then again

>refers to getting laid as "kills"




I though everyone called them kills. You rape a bitch then you kill her and leave her in a ditch, that's what everyone does.


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>It seems like no matter how much I work on myself and meditate, I hate women more and more every day and it absolutely disgusts me how over glorified and overrrated they are. But at the same time I hate men too because they are a pathetic dissapointment, weak, cucked and degenerate.

you hate people, not genders; case closed sherlock



Say it to my face not online and see what happens schylock



he hates the eternal Demiurge manifesting itself in the human spirit



>Equality is what everyone should be searching for and that true meaning

"Equality" and egalitarians are just proxy feminists just like socialists are just proxy commies, not just men and women, but people on an individual level, are not equal, therefore, "equality" can not exist


>(((the powers that be))) are playing 12 dimensional chess, dominating the board so hard that every action you can possibly make against them leads to their victory in the end

Woah, it's almost like that's exactly what I said.


>if you haven't uselessly discharged your loosh into a vagina it's impossible to know anything about women and you are unqualified to talk about them because I said so


Spoiler alert: You're pretty much a virgin unless you have created children with your jizz, otherwise you could as well be fucking a dakimakura from a natural standpoint.

If you depend on other people, men or women, to advance your knowledge, then your feet have certainly slipped off the path, true wisdom can only come from within yourself, for someone who uses the purple pill flag you do seem to focus a lot on earth-stuff.


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>tfw no qt aryan waifu to complete the star of david with



Have you ever had a personal close relationship with a woman? Yes or no? The question is very simple, so stop avoiding it. Have you ever been in love? I already assume you have never had sex. Have you ever kissed a woman, even? Have you ever had any sentimental experience or are you talking from the perspective of the resented teenager who has always been rejected by women? Answer the question, you cowardly faggot.



You're only asking me this stupid, irrelevant question because you believe the answer will allow you to "one up" or "roast" me, you're already buying into the hedonistic polyamorous social stigma against male virginity (made perfectly evident by how you associate virginity with adolescence) so I don't have any doubt in my mind you'd abandon rational thought for some cheap personal attack so you can feel as thought you've "won" the argument.

If you want to play the normalfag status game to see who can be the biggest polygamist then please take that to /soc/, some of us are trying to renounce lust.




You both talk like bitches :DDDDDDD




You are not renouncing lust. You are just trying to justify to yourself the fact that you haven't developed emotionally like a normal living being.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but you skipped an essential step (many, in fact, and renouncing lust is probably metaphysically useless to you anyway at this point).

You don't know how to relate to other people normally and you know it. So before renouncing what you wouldn't be able to have even if you wanted to, try to acknowledge you have an issue and you will be closer to fixing it.

I hope you find happiness. Goodbye.


no u


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Surprise, surprise. More hurt people as a result of a faux dichotomy designed to hurt people. Somewhere along the lines someone must take a step back and realize that making others hurt doesn't remove your pain. Somewhere along the lines one must look at themselves and search for their own splinters first. Innocence only exists in courtrooms and law.

Is this how folk want to spend their time? Giving away focus and energy to folk? Giving them power over your memories by thrusting the mantle of blame on their shoulders? Have you no soul of your own or are you just kind to the male angler fish?

If you are truly set on your path of resentment then, by all means, continue siphoning power to those whom are not responsible for your pain. Be on your merry way, criticize all but yourself and continue this detestable machine elsewhere.

If you're willing to be more than drop this tired mechanism and live your life to the fullest. Life begets life, absences are hardly forever unless you will it into fruition.


>have you ever embraced a post-puberty female energy vampire

>calls it love





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I've had pre and post puberty sex (no pedo. I was a child too).


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>All these women-haters in this thread

>hey you worthless WOMAN make me a sandwich BITCH

>pls fuck me im lonely

>fine you CUNT, im a wizard anyway and I dont need you

>im better than you anyway

>women are clearly worthless

The insecurities and the egos shown in this thread are palpable.

You claim to condemn women as the inferior natured gender. You claim that women are too emotional and bleeding heart. You claim that women are mere reflections of man. Yet in saying that they are parroting the motives and ambitions of man, you outright condemn them when they reflect just that! You project your faults from within onto that of woman.

Is it not our obligation to ensure that we accept, appreciate and work with the nature and role of women complimentary to ours, being the yang in the universe?

Your egos and your pride have blinded you. You carry negative emotion and hatred within yourselves and when women are obviously repelled by this, you condemn them for it rather than realizing that the negativity you bear within is the problem.

Let go of wrath. Let go of anger. Let go of hatred. Surrender and accept that in order to restore balance to the universe, one must improve oneself to have women fulfill their complimentary role in the world. We cannot call out the faults in women if we ourselves are responsible for the thoughts they reflect from us as men.



How did you have sex pre puberty if my definition pre puberty means you can't get an erection




>I let myself be controlled by my worthless and degenerate human sentimentality so that means I'm superior to you

That's a nice way to derail



Really? I did not know that, but I started masturbating and playing sexually with my female neighbor when I was 6.

I've seen my baby cousins get erections in the shower as well. And back in school, being about 7 or 8 I asked a female friend what it felt like to get aroused as a girl and she described to me female sexual arousal (girls develop earlier, so perhaps that case doesn't count).

I think your info is inaccurate mate. Perhaps it's not normal, but I've certainly seen these things, so I dunno.




>You claim to condemn women as the inferior natured gender. You claim that women are too emotional and bleeding heart. You claim that women are mere reflections of man. Yet in saying that they are parroting the motives and ambitions of man, you outright condemn them when they reflect just that! You project your faults from within onto that of woman.

What do you mean by that line: "when they reflect just that"? Reflecting what? I think my reading comprehension is too low to grasp that part.

>You carry negative emotion and hatred within yourselves and when women are obviously repelled by this, you condemn them for it rather than realizing that the negativity you bear within is the problem.

There's a huge hole in your explanation here: the intense sexual attraction women are known to experience towards "Dark Triad" men. These men have clearly been, throughout history, intensely negative men with a lot of wrath and anger and hatred and yet, they were always successful with women. They were preferred by women. You can't use their status as indicative of some sort of coercion the woman might've been under either since such men whilst in prison will receive love letters.


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>What do you mean by that line

As in, because women are reflections of men, like how the moon's light is solely from that of the sun, whatever a women acts like, does or says, is a result of the state of man. Terrible men reflect terribly on women, which reflects terribly on their actions and beliefs, being the yin in the universe.

>There's a huge hole in your explanation here

You're misinterpreting my point. Yes, they were negative, but not in the sense I am explaining. They did not have intense MGTOW hatred for women. They might have been pissed off at stuff they did, but any man knows that woman are great simply because they are. They did not sit in taverns or bars and complain all day about why women are terrible and are the downfall of society when in reality no woman would actually want to be with them, which is why they complain about them so much in the first place; their egos and insecurities.

>No woman wants to be with me, but there is nothing wrong with me/I know I am great! That must mean there is something wrong with women, not me.

Then they get stuck in a lying loop which gets even bigger.

>WOW, look at all these problems women cause; they must be the root cause of evils in our society! Now we must forcefully oppress them!

Think of how newage feminists hate men simply because they don't get dick. Everything in the world has an opposite. Feminists = MGTOW. The root cause is insecurity and ego.

That is the negativity I mean. Negativity towards the opposite gender specifically.

Now, the negativity they carried for other things is an entirely different topic, but I wont get into that because is not what we're discussing.



You even admit yourself that women have no desires of their own and could just be automata as far as we're concerned, yet you defend women's honor valiantly

>woman are great simply because they are

And you won't give us an explanation why? Are you a woman yourself? Why do you think these copycats are so worthy of our respect? And then you even want me to believe the feminine principle (which they represent much more strongly than men) is not merely a tool to which you apply your masculine principle? It makes prefect sense to believe that, the feminine does not act, it merely gestates what the masculine puts into it, that's reproduction, that's the generation of ideas, as below so above.

>Feminists are the opposite of MGTOW

You don't know what MGTOW is, refer to this poem >>103538

Feminists actively seek to gain more power for themselves at the expense of men, their true purpose is to disrupt the male - female equilibrium and cause society to be as dysfunctional as possible, black america is feminism's end game. MGTOW only want to isolate themselves from the effects of feminism, which it's called Men Going Their Own Way, not Men Going To Confront Gynocrats, the closest thing to an antithesis to feminism would be the men's rights movement, but even that is a stretch.

>y-you're only saying this because you probably can't get laid!

Not an argument, I'm losing my patience with mundanes like you trying to hook sex into everything, almost like you're part of some kind of degenerate sex cult… OH WAIT



>As in, because women are reflections of men, like how the moon's light is solely from that of the sun, whatever a women acts like, does or says, is a result of the state of man. Terrible men reflect terribly on women, which reflects terribly on their actions and beliefs, being the yin in the universe.

Is your opinion that it's hypocritical for men to simultaneously assert women to be reflections of men but then to also go on and criticise women for their faults? Is that the point? Not implying it's bad, just clarifying.

>They did not sit in taverns or bars and complain all day about why women are terrible and are the downfall of society when in reality no woman would actually want to be with them, which is why they complain about them so much in the first place; their egos and insecurities.

That's a fair point. You're not stating that women are faultless here. You're just bringing attention to the excessive complaining from the MGTOWs. They spend all day complaining, never striving to produce anything worthwhile.

>Now we must forcefully oppress them!

I just want to comment here that I'm in favour of relocating them to their proper position in the hierarchy for the sake of restoring the proper order of things.

But see, here's the thing: do you really think a MGTOW would be browsing /fringe/? Does this person you describe, the one who literally doesn't even try to do anything worthwhile with their life because "women ruined society", be a person that browses /fringe/ and could be found in this thread? Can that person be found here? It seems like you're using this strawman to dismiss very real criticisms.



>i'm losing my patience


Fuck off to your safe space, virgin.



Yeah, I'm a virgin, and I don't value a bitch's vagina, now go empty all your magicka into some ho, after all, sex is the most important thing in all of existence, and you don't have time to waste on finer things like philosophy and that kind of crap


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>And you won't give us an explanation why?

Everything is great because it is. It simply is our imperfect minds which perceive it to be as such. You act is if women are the source of every problem in the world, especially the ones that directly apply to you, hmm…

>Are you a woman yourself?


>Why do you think these copycats are so worthy of our respect?

Because you wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for a woman. Same as much as you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for a man. You are focusing too much of your yang energy, causing an imbalance and disharmony.

>You don't know what MGTOW is

At your core, it is because you are frustrated with the problems you have with women, same applies vice versa. Whatever you try to rationalize it as by their actions or campaigns, there is still a core problem. Hatred for the opposite gender. It is your ego doing what it does best, preserving itself. It is not your fault. I was once this way too.

>It makes prefect sense to believe that, the feminine does not act, it merely gestates what the masculine puts into it, that's reproduction, that's the generation of ideas, as below so above.

>Women reflect that of man

>Therefore when men are bad, women are bad, and when men are good, women are good

>But women right now suck even though theres nothing wrong with men mkay

>Not an argument, I'm losing my patience with mundanes like you trying to hook sex into everything

Its not an argument, you're just making it obvious that you hate women because they don't find you attractive. Again, its not a bad thing. We all have insecurities and our ego does its best to protect itself at all costs.


>Yeah, I'm a virgin

Case in point.


>Is that the point?


>restoring the proper order of things.

Double bingo.

>Does this person you describe, the one who literally doesn't even try to do anything worthwhile with their life because "women ruined society", be a person that browses /fringe/ and could be found in this thread?

Its quite possible, and it seems that >>104291 is a open and shut case example of it. But regardless, the same issues plague both of them. Insecurities and misguided anger which they direct at the opposite gender. So we turn to different things

>how do i get a sex slave since women are worthless and thats all theyre good for -mgtow

>how do i get a sex slave with le magick -person on /fringe/

but the root causes are negative emotions. If both of these folks realize that women are people and do not want to be with men who hate them or consider them worthless, and accept the differences that both genders have as they compliment each other, that will lead them to success with the opposite gender, ridding them of their anger and wrath. The first step is getting rid of your ego, because your ego is the one preserving these terrible misconceptions and the idea that man "Doeth no wrong".



I never fucking said there is nothing wrong with men, I stated clearly that this is the fault of (((them))), not women, not men.

>you hate women because they don't find you attractive

When people resort to name calling, that means they lost the argument, you're really making yourself look very disgraceful with your stupid meme pictures and strawmanning, I don't "hate" women, would you hate a polar bear if it killed all your friends in the same way you'd hate a human for the same thing? Women can not be expected to be responsible for their actions, which means they need to have their freedom restricted, you can't blame women for voting socialist when you give them the right to vote, in the same way you can't blame a polar bear for massacring everyone at the zoo if you let it out of the enclosure.

>you are frustrated with the problems you have with women

I don't have problems with women, how can I have problems with women if I don't associate with them? And I'm not insecure either, I actually have reason to believe you yourself is insecure because you keep projecting all these undesirable aspects onto me. My proof: this entire post is you attacking me on things I never said.

>women are people and do not want to be with men who hate them or consider them worthless

Then why do fucking serial murderers get love letters in jail? It's like you don't even understand that all relationships in nature must be mutually beneficial in order to function, if you can provide a woman with the best chance of survival for her and her children, she'll stay with you no matter how big an asshole you are (unless of course she has the option of crying to uncle sam and getting him to steal your resources from you and give them to her instead)

This is what an alpha is, beta males see the alpha being a dick to women and conflate that with the reason why he gets all the female attention he gets, while in reality, his status and resources are the cause, and he's just being an asshole because that doesn't negatively impact his goals.

>The first step is getting rid of your ego

It doesn't matter how nice of a guy you are, if you have no objective goods (status, protection, resources) to offer a woman, she won't stay with you, and she WILL leave you when a superior man comes along, if I'm reading you right you probably think sex and relationships are terribly complicated, while it's really just simple economics and power structure.



just stop



>relationships are very simple trust me guys I'm a virgin I know everything about having a relationship

I mean… I actually feel bad for mocking you for being a virgin, but you are just being stupid.



Why else do you think people (and animals) band together? Is it because they "love" each other? You gotta stop believing in that crap, love doesn't exist, love is an illusion created when you're getting a good deal in a mutually beneficial relationship, people who formerly "loved" you will turn their backs on you once you stop being an asset to them. And famously, people who stepped on you the day before will suddenly and without warning "love" you when you become a millionaire.

But please, prove me wrong, explain to me why I'm so stupid, and skip the "unless your penis has gone inside a vagina before you will be unable to even begin to comprehend what love is or how relationships work". I wanna add that you're proving your own perversion when you speak as if all relationships can only be sexual in nature just like (((Sigmund Freud)))'s lifework concluded.

Do you think I suffer because I'm a virgin? Do you feel bad as if you're somehow hurting me for pointing that out? I think it's quite the opposite here, your apparent obsession with sex is much like a parasite draining your focus, remember, your vices are your masters and you are the master of your virtues.


What a deep and elaborate argument, you just disproved everything I said, I secede from this debate with you sir, your intellect is clearly superior to mine for being able to craft such a sharp and cohesive argument.


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Sex aside, judging by the things you say, you have probably never felt love. You obviously don't know what it is to love and to be loved. All you have are rational constructs you built around your insecurities (and quite cliche at that).

You think love is the needy obsession you felt for a thousand stacies in high school, or the kind of interested sexual favours you have seen those stacies give to their chads.

Did you ever feel loved by your parents? Your grandparents? Have you ever loved anyone? Do you even have real friends? And yes, have you ever been in love with a girl who has loved you back? You can dance around the issue rationalizing away all you want, the fact is that most people here, including me, have been where you are, have said the things you have said, and have crawled our way out of it. You know only half of the story. Literally, we know the same things as you do, plus a lot more. And yet you cling to a perceived intellectual superiority. Did you even read this far? I doubt it. Go ahead and throw some "wisdom" my way.

I don't even know what you are doing in this board. You are not going to get anywhere with that attitude. Then again, I hope you are as young as you talk.

Unless you surrender all those barriers, you will continue to be miserable the rest of your life.



Women aren't capable of love, they merely reflect love that is directed at them for as long as it's convenient for them and with big daddy government offering state-sanctioned divorces these amoral creatures don't have to maintain the ruse for very long. If you want to deceive yourself by believing otherwise that's your call, but don't try to con others with your disinformation



Source of this knowledge, please?

You are claiming something. Care to back it up with something?



Also I don't understand how a love of a grandmother towards his granddaughter has anything to do with convenience or state-sanctioned divorces. Not to mention the love of a granddaughter for her grandma.

Are you going to tell me next children are not capable of love?




Stop trying to make me defend myself and answer the question I posed you; what is love, if not a byproduct of a mutually positive relationship?

I refuse to accept the existence of some unquantified "love" energy that exists independently from everything the hermetic principles can explain



I will answer your question after you answer mine. They are very easy yes/no questions:

>Did you ever feel loved by your parents? Your grandparents? Have you ever loved anyone? Do you even have real friends? And yes, have you ever been in love with a girl who has loved you back?



Do you even meditate, nigger? Get out of here.



not him but I think your right with his problem being he never felt loved. It's a word that thrown around alot but I feel most people dont understand the gravity of it.

Did you ever feel loved by your parents? your grandparents?

yes and no both sides of the family are heavily polarized. complete opposite of each other. I feel loved by one and the other is just a fuck up who doesn't really help the situation.

Never got to talk to my grand dads so I'm missing some pisses of the puzzle.

>Do you even have real friends?

I do and I'm glad that I have them in my life

>Have you ever loved anyone?

nope I try but it just feels fake

>have you ever been in love with a girl who has loved you back

nope, and at this point I cant imagine a girl that I would love. So while the reality creation thread is informative and helpful it doesn't do me much good. I did that once and it was before I knew about magic and it ended badly.


>I refuse to accept the existence of some unquantified "love" energy that exists independently from everything the hermetic principles can explain

I can but I don't think it's independent. it's just that the most people who preach about it have either done psychedelics or when they have it was in a moment that was obscure or kind of pointless to everyone else. I cant feel Mudita for people who just took some substance and then everything just made sense. For guys who spent years of meditation I can but it just feels like when I'm doing it I'm just sitting there waiting to die.



You tell me I don't have a clue what love is, yet you want me to tell you if I've ever felt it? No, you tell me what love is, and if your definition makes sense, I'll play psychologist with you.


Calling someone a racial slur and asking them to leave, such an intellectual thing to say



Alright, you win all the arguments. Now go live your life and stop wasting your time and ours. Or at least sage your posts if you are going to reply to this /pol/-tier thread.



Kys niggerfaggot



Dude, most people are pissed at you because >>103782 and like a dozen of other posts have literally dumbed down what you have to know. No thinking required by you.

What most interesting and quality posters know and have experienced first hand, you have it right in front of your screen, and it's not even one guy trying to explain it to you, it's like 4 or 5 people doing the same. Bitch, do you think that great people of all ages and centuries hated women? You think Hermes Trismegistus hated women like you do? You think he was ignorant about decay and degeneration of society? People far greater and smarter than you have more interesting things to say about femininity, you add nothing to the discussion.

You really fucking think you are the first idiot in this board to be a woman hater? Jesus christ, probably everyone has been on that phase at least once on their lifetimes. Everyone here has had the same "Oh, women are whores and I'm superior" mentality, and you know what? They've all grown out of it.

It's exactly that, a phase, just like the emo kid had it's phase, or the radical feminist had it's phase, or the music is my life teen had it's phase. I'm telling you this straight: You will fucking grow out of that childish hatred, whether you like it now or not, because the united will of this board wants you to fuck off and stop bumping this shit ass thread (please delete it mods).

Your ego is way too big to notice your mistakes, but at some point you will, and when that happens, please do come back, but until then, stop replying at all.

You are a NEOPHYTE trying to teach people about female energy for fucks sakes, and when you are told what to do to progress, you reply back saying that they are wrong because of tautologies, just think about how ridiculous and infuriating that is for the rest.

I've wasted enough time and loosh on you.



>>>103782 and like a dozen of other posts have literally dumbed down what you have to know.

I do not take factually incorrect information from strangers as gospel, neither should you.

>You think Hermes Trismegistus hated women like you do?

I don't. But I do think he had more worthy things to think about than how he would coerce women to allow his wizard staff access to vagina

>People far greater and smarter than you have more interesting things to say about femininity, you add nothing to the discussion.

Do you fail to see how ironic it is you say this?

>fuck off and stop bumping this shit ass thread (please delete it mods).


>and when you are told what to do to progress, you reply back saying that they are wrong because of tautologies, just think about how ridiculous and infuriating that is for the rest

You're angry because you're wrong.


Latin oussy tastes like sweat and tacos.



"Your ego is clouding your thinking!" "You are a neophyte! My ego declared that my rank is hire so that means you can't speak."

You fucking suck. Get out of my fucking universe.


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>I don't have problems with women, how can I have problems with women if I don't associate with them?

>Now here's why everything I know about women is right

Like poetry.


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>Bitch, do you think that great people of all ages and centuries hated women? You think Hermes Trismegistus hated women like you do? You think he was ignorant about decay and degeneration of society? People far greater and smarter than you have more interesting things to say about femininity, you add nothing to the discussion.

>You really fucking think you are the first idiot in this board to be a woman hater? Jesus christ, probably everyone has been on that phase at least once on their lifetimes. Everyone here has had the same "Oh, women are whores and I'm superior" mentality, and you know what? They've all grown out of it.

>It's exactly that, a phase, just like the emo kid had it's phase, or the radical feminist had it's phase, or the music is my life teen had it's phase. I'm telling you this straight: You will fucking grow out of that childish hatred, whether you like it now or not, because the united will of this board wants you to fuck off and stop bumping this shit ass thread (please delete it mods).

>Your ego is way too big to notice your mistakes, but at some point you will, and when that happens, please do come back, but until then, stop replying at all.

God fuckin' damn dude you hit the nail right on the head. Well said. I would've said something nicer but I guess he needs something blunt.



You don't need to let the snake bite you to learn how it behaves.



Wow dude. I mean this legitimately and sincerely. The world would be better off without you. Kill Your Self


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I'll bite.

Who is more likely to have valuable knowledge of snakes? The boy who goes to the zoo every few months to see the reptile section and stare at the snakes, or the snake handler who literally interacts with them on a daily basis, getting to know their individual personalities but also their commonalities, along with behavioral traits and communications?

Dude, everyone here telling you why you're wrong are people who actually do interact with women and have actual, grounded in real life

and reality experience after dealing with so many of them, yet WE'RE wrong? You're correct? The person who admittedly refuses to interact with women? You don't even have the balls to talk to them without getting over your own misconceptions about them which are already based on misconceptions themselves.

But please, tell me how I'm wrong and how you can testify based on experience about how horrible women are.


Women are the root of all evils

Death to all women

Gay sex for all

So saith I, G-d



>You don't even have the balls to talk to them

Baseless assumption.

>Who is more likely to have valuable knowledge of snakes?

The snake handler, luckily, the snake handler is willing to teach everything he knows to the boy behind the glass screen so he can have valuable knowledge without getting bitten by snakes.

How much is there even to know about women? Every time I talk to them they only say utterly retarded bullshit, they aren't interested in anything other than gossip about chad and stacey, can you provide even a single factoid about women? Tell me something you know I don't know, if you're as knowledgeable as you imply then you should have no problem doing this.


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I think you're confused. Nobody here gives a shit about your opinions on women. What they are trying to communicate to you about is obvious to anyone with awareness. Your posts leak angst and frustration. What happened in your life to twist you into such an angry petty little guy?



>Nobody here gives a shit about your opinions on women

Why do you keep talking to me then dumbass?


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Because you seem lonely and angry. You're obviously desperate for human interaction or you wouldn't bother to continue with this whole silly argument.



No, it's no coincidence that the instant you can't keep whiteknighting women you make this all about me and what project onto me.


wow i thought leftypol was sad.

>huehue ur vergin who cant ged laid, im way mor vanced den u i put dik in teh grill

>we hermes nao open sjakrah



/leftypol/ is our le greatest ally


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when are all you woman hating dickheads gonna realise how much happier youd be if you were just gay. lmao



Get in the oven schlomo

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