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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Elements aren't so elementary. Unique constitutions, projection, formulaic manipulations; and besides that, you can incorporate new elements. Anything you can reduce down into an elementary force, conceptually, is an element. Technomancers can work by raw elemental machinery; elemental sound; elemental footwear; we can go elemental on anything.

I'll start by vouching for the authenticity of BaZi: http://bazi-calculator.com/

Finding your weak elements and improving those is essential to creating a complete 5 element intra-flow. Otherwise you get blockages, pains, disease, so on and so forth.

Imbuing your food, water, and air with an element you lack is an easy and essential practice. Meditating on an element, to mentally connect to the SKILL required to manipulate said element, is also essential.

When that is done, forcefully attempting to generate an element will strengthen your raw power in said element.

Personally, I am working on Earth and Metal, as I'm 1/5th of what I should have of Earth, and 0 Metal, by virtue of my date and time of birth. Working on these, even flip flopping to other elements due to doubt on which element I should cultivate, I get the same good results focusing on Earth and Metal, and the same bad results focusing on the others.


Add up your parents element charts to yours and divide by 3 to get the accurate elemental composition of your self.

There's also a thing called "Shadow Chart"s, which is a chart with pillars that have the Control element of the same type (yin/yang), and a rival animal:


To note how different your elemental composition can be, my parents both have pillars that are my "shadow". They probably have all of them between the two of 'em but I don't know the birth time of my father (so that's 3/4 at least. A real fuckin' wrench in the gears).

But the best way to test your "missing element" is to cultivate 1 element through water, food and air 'blessing', along with mental willing and cultivation of said 1 element for 4 - 7 days. If after this period of time you feel worse, then 4 - 7 days of said element does not agree with your constitution. This doesn't mean you are high or low in it necessarily, your body just doesn't handle it very well in the general dynamic of things. Some people can't eat very much or they get sick for instance, others can't go without food or they get dizzy and irritable. If you can't handle the element, go through the others until you find one that your body and mind agrees with. At that point cultivate it until sick, then go onto the next one.

Trial and error works well.


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I'm formally studying Chinese medicine… 5 element theory is fundamental to our diagnostics and treatment, but we don't typically bother with figuring out patients' types much. Clinically we focus on tongue and pulse diagnosis and functional analysis to work out the imbalances patients carry, then treat accordingly with herbs and acupuncture to restore health.

Needing to work out constitutional elements is only really useful in rare cases where you're trying to get to the root of psychoemotional disorders… but it can also be useful when trying to better understand yourself. This kind of self understanding, alongside practices such as Qigong and Neigong, starts being more important if you want to cultivate vitality beyond mere healthiness.

Having said all of that I haven't got a clue how to interpret these BaZi results.

Anyway, here's a nice document with descriptions of the 5 types and their associated personalities and constitutions.




I find it pretty accurate. I am a Water person but filled with Wood and Fire for instance. The pdf you posted confirms it based on description. When I'm isolated I am much more water, but when I'm out and about I slowly become extremely yang; energized, motivated, action-oriented, high initiative, "Let's start a band." "Let's become warrior extremists and own the fucking country." "Hey let's arm wrestle." "Want to spar?"


"Let's jam and enter a trance and transcend material reality and journey to higher realms together. Turn the recorder on."

Next time…


So what does this BaZi chart tell me?



How your constitution was likely formed over time due to an intense energetic impression at birth.

Likely unconsciously affects everything you do.

The elements you have the least, you are likely most conscious of, since they are more foreign to your awareness.

Also linked to health and such.

I'm not too knowledgeable about all this. I'm still figuring my own shit out and haven't had too much exposure with my friends charts to make connections.

I think focusing on your weakest element is best since you will have the greatest opportunity to consciously learn the element; in a more objective fashion; thus being a greater "elementalist", and then having a greater capacity to work with the other more unconscious elements by using the recently developed element as a "consciousness proxy", like a probe into the night of your natal elements.

If I try to develop my strong elements, I risk injury. I got a sore throat and felt like shit when developing my already high amount of fire for instance (plus an extremely high wood). Over-stimulated and dehydrated.

Generating my Metal element I feel like I ate a vegetable for the first time in my life. Feels good.



Medical Qi Gong document. TCM, 5 element theory. Have at it.



Nice, thanks.



11.42% Wood

11.42% Metal

22.86% Fire

31.43% Water

22.86% Earth

How do I balance this?



Which is your day master? Seems rather balanced.



The yin/yang of each would be useful as well. There is a thing called "10 Gods" and each have an association with a certain quality. The same "gender" of the day master, in the controlling element, is called the "7 Killings" for instance. So a Yin Fire type would be "killed" by Yin Water. This 'God' is the warrior aspect, the action principle, and the only one that could possibly kill the day master and replace it. It acts for action's-sake. It's quite useful once tempered.

Each God also has an associated element. So 7 Killings is associated with Yang Metal. Yang Metal is basically Martian, all decisive action, do or die. It's useless raw metal ore at first though, and has to be forged by its Direct Officer, Yin Fire.

>Friend (Day Master)

>Rob Wealth (Opposite gender of same element)

>Eating God

>Hurting Officer

>Indirect Wealth

>Direct Wealth

>7 Killing

>Direct Officer

>Indirect Resource

>Direct Resource

I listed them in order.



(Though there are real mechanisms and dynamics that the Chinese understand, some things at the surface are a result of or occasionally contradictory to hidden knowledge that you are unaware of, so try to experience these things as much as you can to fill the gaps in your knowledge)


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I am new to this Chinese element theory

how do I interpret this?

Much obliged, I am really curious about this



Yi = Small plants

Jia = Tree

Bing = Sun

Ding = Fire

Ji = Dirt

Wu = Rock/Mountain

Xin = Jewelry/Precious Metal

Geng = Steel/Weapon/Tool

Gui = Mist/Cloud/Rain/Streams/Small Waters

Ren = Ocean/Large Waters

Alright well, it seems that you have a very strong Self element (DM; Parallel as in Parallel processing and thinking, as in, how much of your unconscious your conscious mind has access to).

Look up your element Jia. My friend is also a Yang Wood type, and I'm working on my yang wood element; synchronicity! Yang Wood types compose much of the richest, most influential and known leadership positions.

Jia = Rob Wealth (universally).

Rob Wealth is like networking, making connections, and doing what it takes to get the job/objective done. A Yi with Rob Wealth is rather good. Small plants already flock together and network for survival, so this is very positive. Yi = Direct Officer.

Eating God is your pleasure seeking, intellectually pleasure seeking, consumption God. Bing is represented by the Sun, and is the only one that produces 2 elements, both Earth and Wood. Since you have none of it, I suggest getting more sunshine both literally and metaphorically in your life. You might not gain much pleasure from indulging in things, but Bing is THE Eating God, so you could still gain some of that satisfaction from being around others with Bing in their composition.

Hurting Officer is your "shouting god", it wants to be heard and seen, is ambitious, a rebel, a change maker; he will sacrifice to "make big changes and be known". Fire consumes Wood, and you have plenty of Wood, so it should be somewhat strong.

Ding is the "candle in the dark", dispelling fears and doubts and negativity in dark situation, guiding others. It's also quite the opportunist. Coupled with your extreme networking skills, you have some good opportunities if you focus on your Ding element. It's also in your Month pillar, which represents your best Career path and age 17 - 35. Couple this with the Rabbit, and you have a career based on Ding and Yi. This is very positive. Social Networking + Guidance = The making for many successful career paths. You should focus on using your networks as spring boards for your career.

Ding is also a metaphysical element, along with Gui (Yin Water). You could have a metaphysical career if you wished, teaching whatever esoteric subject you wish. Ding = Indirect Wealth.

Your Direct Wealth is Ji. You don't have much here, it's rather weak. It looks like you'll have to rely on your opportunistic ways. Wealth doesn't mean money though, it represents what you're willing to work hard to get. So if you want to be a great wizard, your wealth elements would be rather important in determining if you have the grit to stick with it. Ji provides resources and nutrients to everyone, a teamplayer, a one for all sort of person. It's good to have in your Hour pillar (personal pillar) but it seems it will only be relevant in your close relationships with people. Even then, that's a positive thing. This should help you maintain your connections and make sure there is no resentments. Ji = Friends.

Wu as Indirect Wealth. There's a decent amount of Wu in this chart. This likely means that you'll create opportunities for yourself by earning others and your own trust. If you can maintain your integrity and consistency, you should have no problems reaching your goals. You'll still have to work at it since it isn't a huge element in your chart however. Ding/Wu is what you should be focusing on. If you have nothing for a plant to grow on, it just won't grow, or, for Yi, will strangle your Jia by climbing up and wrapping around it to reach the Sun. Wu = Direct Resource.



Your Direct Officer is Xin. This one is meticulous and well-crafted. Since Direct Officer gives commands to you, ensuring proper behavior and conduct, following the rules and such, you should have no problem navigating the world. 10% is balanced, and the Heaven Stem Xin has a root in Dog, so it's grounded. Being skillful in your interaction with the rules of civilization is rather important. It'll carve your wood into a work of art if you let it. Your Earth might cover your Xin up and obfuscate its purpose however, as it requires to be shining like a piece of jewelry. Appropriate for metaphysics, as a few axiomatic principles can really glisten under the light when you polish them. Xin = Hurting Officer.

You have no Geng, Qi Sha, so your warrior and "do or die" aspect is lacking. This might be for the best. Geng actually represents Qi Sha (7 Killings) so you could still get a "contact bloodlust" from others, but nothing much.

Direct Resource as Gui. Again, practically nothing. Gui represents Indirect Resource. You should still try to focus on this one though. If you do, will temporarily get "mud" on Xin and mess up your precision, image and skill. There's a problem however. A strong wood element and weak water element can lead to strange and twisted circumstances. I believe it's called "Uncivilized punishment". May lead to taboos and scandal, or worse. If you're feeling "twisted", focusing on the Metal (which supports/produces water and cuts down Wood) and Water would be my advice.

Indirect Resource as Ren. Nada. Ren = Direct Wealth. The ocean can wash things up on the beach, and has rich natural resources.



I'm an amateur to be clear. Look up each of your pillars online. "Jia Chen" for instance.

Year pillar represents social contracts, age 1 - 16, ancestors, and extended family. Month pillar represents career, age 17 - 35, parents/immediate family and something else I think. Day pillar is your Self and that age where you redefine yourself as who and what you are rather than what the world says and pressures you to be. The Hour pillar is close relationships. I forget some of it though so research these things yourself for more info.




Yeah you have a fucked day master. Makes progress difficult. "rely on your friends for support" is the best advice kevin chan could give. Yi is your Rob Wealth and in the earth/hidden stem of the month pillar so that seems to be exactly what you need to do.


Rely on your networking and interpersonal/people skills; or rather, develop them.


Thank you, I really do appreciate this, great starting points - I will research further myself. Many thanks!



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