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File: baca766541277dc⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 638x544, 319:272, kamikazes_rue_des_archives.jpg)


Ok fringe. Let's make an experiment. I'm done being a complete failure and I want power. Plain and simple. So I'm willing to prove any and all esoteric procedures to attain it. Think of it as a kamikaze run before checking myself out in a hero act. I'm tired of being a complete failure. Did I say it already?

So, post here the procedures you want to test and I'll test them myself and post the results.

Ok? Go


First don't commit suicide. Second grab a very very powerful green laser light. Magnify it by either taking out the PCB board and putting one able to handle higher voltages in or with a magnifying glass of some kind. Shine it into the sky. Tell me if you can see it refract off of the air very high into the sky. Use a telescope to see that high and take pictures of the area in the sky high up where you can see it.

Take pictures and post here before your are (((suicided))) by (((them))) for trying though.

Third don't commit suicide faggot get >>>/fit/ instead. Go bang a adult human female or get drunk instead. Just don't commit suicide.


You claim to be at /fringe/'s service when you are really asking /fringe/ to be at your service. Go find procedures yourself, we have a huge library here. You're not special for experimenting, we all experiment.



Are you trying to see the firmament



>encouraging fornication and alcohol



Try out radical honesty, but don't pussy out. Basically always tell the truth. If someone asks you "how are you?" you have to tell them exactly how you feel (e.g. horny, lonely, depressed, suicidal, bland, bitter) whatever you actually feel. That's just an example. Also you have to speak your mind. If you're talking to someone and you find yourself thinking "damn, this person is annoying" you have to speak your mind and tell them you find them annoying, or if it's a woman and you find her attractive you have to let her know. Come back and share results. These are your orders, Guinnea Pig.



From now on you're not allowed to say no.

And you're also not allowed to think negative thoughts, if they appear you are to replace them with the opposite emotion.

Come back with an update before you off yourself.


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From now on you must train every day.

For your body: Active/Passive Qi Fitness.

>60 second reps, 30 each way.

>Alternate minimum and maximum contraction between each exercise and each workout; utterly relaxed push ups today, utterly contracted push ups tomorrow; min push ups, max squats, min sit ups, etc


>run 20 min 5/7 days, adding 10 minutes every week until you reach 2 hours.

>Workout 5/7 days

>min/max contraction shadow kick boxing (two consecutive rounds), 60 second movements as well, 10 min, adding 2 minutes every week until you reach 30 minutes.

>mix/max 'movement' similarly; yoga, gymnastics; expand your 'ways of motion'

>Full body calisthenics and DB accessories in a similar fashion

>Vertical push/pull, Horizonal push/pull, and the other vertical push/pull (arms by the side; L-sit for pull, pseudo planche push ups for push, for instance)

>Major compound lifts (barbell) if available

>Rest as needed until you can go through most of the workout without a rest (after 12 weeks probably)


>Go through the Occult Seed religiously, practicing and focusing on each thing to overkill.

>Record all notes in a notebook or similar

>Master each.


>Read 1 hour each day, including fiction 'classics'

>Learn 1 STEM subject/skill

>Write 1 hour every day


>Focus on cultivating virtues and righteousness

>Try to make righteous whatever you do

After making much progress in one of these, decide your "Big Project" and work towards achieving said project. Could be writing a book, achieving a certain occult power/proficiency (e.g. "Reliable mental suggestion"), goal body, getting a degree/job in programming, etc.

Choose righteous or inspiring goals if you can help it.



>**the other horizontal and vertical push/pull

>+ stretch every day before and after working out

>+ 1 hour of meditation every day

>**Learn 1 STEM subject/skill 1 hour a day

>+1 hour of occult practice each day

>+1 hour towards a project each day

>+Wake at sun up, sleep 8 hours a night

>+Don't switch routines unless you've spent at least a diligent 2 weeks doing it. Minor adjustments, not major ones however. Calibrate. That advice is good for most everything.



Question. Do you get magic chads?



What is the Occult Seed?



The sticky here has a link to the library, it's in there. A decent collection of books arranged in a proper order for learning.


Everyone here is in psychosis. Look at the cringey things they write. None of these people reread what they type because if they did they would cringe themselves. They will reply to this all defensive because they have low self esteem and magic is fucking retarded.



ur mum is psychosis



Im in your head cringetard. Get a job.



"get" ? Do you mean, am I friends with magical chads?

I am friends with many types of people. I knew an ultra-chad in high school and we hung out in a similar group (one of the few I was in), I was good friends with his friends, so I guess I knew a standard ultra-chad. I didn't dislike him or anything, but I didn't know him too well.

As for magical chads, I know magical chads-in-training. I can see chad potential, and magical potential, and try to prepare people for both, along with other types. I enjoy preparing people for their future whatever it is, I see potential in others. I don't turn others into 1 dimensional persons though, I just try to boost their positive traits.

I'm trying to motivate a friend of mine to read from the Occult Seed and Solomon's Temple (I sent the links not this infested site) and as well workout with a bit of friendly competition. We're trying to add an inch to our necks and forearms within 2 weeks right now.

To answer your question directly: I 'get' magic chads, yes. I sometimes turn into one, if I'm away from the computer and chan long enough. It's a superior existence, in the sense of confidence, authority, leadership, self-esteem, wisdom, understanding and courage. Chad is a gay term though. Fuck chans. You just mean "Head above the water" in the social oceans, and that isn't something to strawman and burn.



Not OP but my life is kind of shit right now and I might just try this out. thankx breh

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