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The truth about reality is that it is 100% Figurative, and subject to thought process.

Whatever you know, in all its circumfrence, is the only point of reference for your entire existance.

All the other people you see in your life, are only seen for a split moment in time, not for their totality. Individual conciousness is the prime all, Be all, subject and object at all, and it is Omnipotent.

A man who thinks of death all day will be depressed, poisoned by the world he has "created" (intelectuals, athiests, edgelords, etc.)

On the other hand, a man who does not give his trust so abruptly, is wise indeed. He is not tampered with, or subversed, and his knowledge of the world, will continue to grow into infinitude, until the day he dies and the DMT takes him in the nic of time into new ventures of the Holy Thought Process.

In Summary: we could all be imaginary

>random obscure comment: Is the Phrase, "DO NOT OBEY" a paradox?


Great post bro, All is mind.

>In Summary: we could all be imaginary

Careful with that zero sum my fellow CHIMster


I think "DO NOT OBEY" alone can be read paradoxically, but made more specific is more certainly one way or the other. "DO NOT OBEY THIS MESSAGE" is undeniably a paradox, but "DO NOT OBEY THE US CODE OF LAW" is just a rebellious statement.


"What seems to be, is, to those to whom it seems to be, and is productive of the most dreadful consequences to those to whom it seems to be, even of torments, despair, eternal death."

- William Blake



>A man who thinks of death all day will be depressed, poisoned by the world he has "created" (intelectuals, athiests, edgelords, etc.)

Yet a man who avoids the problem of death, rather than slogging through the angst and fear and overcoming it, is vulnerable and under-prepared for when death manifests to him in the world.

The man who's completed this transition, or is well underway with it, may reflect on death and its mysteries all day without worry, and be wiser and stronger for it.

>>In Summary: we could all be imaginary

'Could' is pretty weak. Your 'self', after all, is unavoidably subject to change, whether considered as a totality or divided as you please. We are each certainly nothing more than Being abstracted to the point of being labelled 'person', 'self', 'child', 'parent', etc, for the convenience of society and the security of ego.

The only thing about yourself (or myself, in my case) that is consistent across all available reference points is consciousness. It seems to recede and emerge, translate across time and space, or even fracture under the right conditions, but this is mainly a bias of the individual mind, for which consciousness is and shall remain a mystery (for many of us, anyway).

A beautiful and boundless mystery. Cough cough.

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