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I am a neophyte and while reading Kybalion I had this questions:

How can you be sure that the mind precedes the material world? That it is not affected by time or by space? What I am seeing now is an interpretation of the material world or a creation of my mind?

One valid argument I see is that time is an illusion, so the mind is eternal. Since the past is just your memory, time is not real.

Thx for reading.


There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.

Some minds precede the material more than others. For example, if the Demiurge exists, his mind precedes our entire physical world completely. Also, while perception and belief create reality, you must remember there are trillions of minds shaping reality together.

>interpretation of the material world vs creation of a mind

All truths are but half-truths.

All opposites can be reconciled.

Both can be true simultaneously. You're going to have to get used to paradoxes around here.

Polite sage because of rule 2.



Consciousness and matter are like the counter-balancing forces of electricity and magnetism, and the universe is a giant electro-magnetic wave of these two forces.



Who cares? Seriously




Fedora knows what's up. Metaphysics has literally no value, who cares.



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How can you be sure of anything?



Thanks for the link


Well, If logic is correct, then we can know about the nature of reality, but not reality itself.

But if logic is incorrect, then we can know nothing.

Anyways, belief is a tool.



"Hey I wuz lyke reeding lord of the ringz and lyke i wanna be lyke gandalf." - Cringey Faggot Douche



Your welcome

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